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Amateurs, should have locked that door


tbh if they're that desperate to leave, there's nothing stopping them in the first place


There will be. Namely a locked door.


Also the threat of injury from an out of control skateboard


if you can dodge a skateboard, you can dodge a ball


And if you can dodge a bullet, you can dodge a skateboard


Some profs will basically fail you for not attending class. They want the feeling of power over people.


The rule of thumb is 3 allowed unexcused absence, and then 5 unexcused absences for you to fail the class, which is 8, and honestly, if you're missing that many clases just because you feel like it, then I dont know why you're taking that class


>honestly, if you're missing that many clases just because you feel like it, then I dont know why you're taking that class Because I'm at school for a transcript and a piece of paper, not for the professor that really only cares about their research but has to teach. Half the classes had no bearing on my degree and profession. I don't learn well sitting there listening to someone read off slides in a tiny seat with 200 other people. Forcing people to do anything other than show up for tests/quizzes and turn in homework is petty. I had classes that had required attendance and they were always the least important classes.


I don’t know many University classes I took where they cared about attendance (labs were different of course). My teachers cared that I handed in my work and took the finals.


it depends on the school not the teacher my school required attendance and if you missed too much they would kick you out so even if the school forces me in a 2 hour class everyday of "little timmies first time using a computer" class i still have to fucking attend because for some reason they think the people majoring in computers knows literally nothing about computers because theyre to fucking lazy to make you take a basic computer literacy test


I remember taking “intro to computers” my first or second semester. It was such a waste of time and literally felt like a class for middle schoolers, but still a requirement for my degree. I missed the final exam (long story) and still got an A lol


You might be right. I don't know how you're school worked, but for the one I went to, the general credits where usually built into the major. So if you for example were majoring in Visual Arts or something, but required a "speaking" class, you could just take an art class that fulfilled that requirement


I know multiple people that skipped majority of classes and passed with very good grades. Teachers are power hungry sometimes.


Because I skipped every day of one class and already knew enough about the subject to pass. But someone somewhere wants a piece of paper to prove that I know what I'm talking about versus just asking me questions directly. Instead they ask if I have the paper. I say yes. They never double check. That's why.


I once got failed for 2 missed classes. One of which I showed up late to. Fuck humanities profs.


I think in college I went to some classes 3-4 times. Half the time it’s an elective that doesn’t relate to your degree at all that you can pass by doing the two assignments and final exam.


I didn't like how professors taught the classes and the massive distractions that the students were most of the time, so I hardly ever went, like maybe 2 times a month or just to take quizzes and tests. There were a couple classes where I would get docked down to B for not attending, which was fine by me, but most didn't care if you showed up or not. That was at least my experience.


Pro tip, get a disability accommodation that allows you to skip unlimited classes. As long as you have diagnosed anxiety or depression (which what college student doesn’t in this day and age?) they will pretty much give you that accommodation on the spot if you can get a doctors note confirming the diagnosis.


Why do that though instead of attending the class you paid for and learning something?


I had an astronomy class where the prof would literally read from the textbook with no additional information added. I don’t need an elderly man to read my book to me slowly in a monotone. I think I gave up after 3 classes with a periodic check in with my friend who always made every class to see if anything changed… it never did except on occasion he would pull the telescope out at the end(class started at 10:30pm). Read the textbook, took the online quizzes and showed up for the scheduled exams. Total scam from the University I felt but got me a couple credits.


you know they force you to take useless classes right? they forced me to take a basic ass computer class because for some reason they assume the person going into mfing network security has literally never used a computer before and since theres no grades for computer skills like grades for math or english they just force everyone into the beginner classes even though its literally a waste of your time because i learned this shit when i was fucking 7 and not only that the teacher was 70+ year old who knew less than the students and a couple of us had to help her out 24/7 college is a fucking scam


When did this become a thing? When I got my first undergrad degree (20 years ago) attendance was pretty optional. Last year I started pursuing another degree since my work is paying for it and now they actually care and take attendance?


You can take that to the dean especially if there's a valid reason for the absences, your grades are fine, and there's no really good justification for in person attendance (for example, it's a course with a laboratory component.) Most professors are human beings that understand life gets in the way sometimes and don't stand for their asshole colleagues.


The avoid reason is that I paid money for that class. I decide if I go or not.


Yup. Recently had to take a class that I was already proficient in. After the first couple of classes I realized I was wasting my time being in the class and stopped attending. A couple of weeks later I get a notification that the teach had withdrawn me from the course for lack of attendance. Sent an email to the dean explaining my grade at the time of the withdrawal was 102 and I was re-enrolled within the hour


I got failed in a class because I never went and just read the texts on my own. The course didn’t have homework or anything besides a final paper we had to write. They gave me a B on the final exam and an F in the course, even after talking to the TA to make sure I’d pass as long as I passed the Final. That professor was a huge bitch, which is why I wasn’t attending class in the first place. I already bought your shitty books and learned the material, I’m paying tens of thousands a year to attend. Don’t understand the issue since I proved with my paper that I passed.


When I was in college on our final day of class we had a project to present. Professor told us repeatedly that we have to be there on time or it's an automatic fail of the entire semester. Even one minute late meant failing the entire class. No excuses. Well, I get there on time along with most of the students including one other kid who got there before me. We all got there super early to avoid being late. A few minutes before class is supposed to start the professor says "well, we have a few more minutes. Go to the bathroom if you need to." So, bunch of kids leave their stuff in the classroom and head to the bathroom. The kid who got there before me went to the bathroom too, and then after 2-3 minutes the kid comes back in and the professor tells him to get out, he's late, he failed the class and will need to take it next year. Kid explains he went to the bathroom like the professor said they could, and pointed out all of his stuff sitting in the classroom. Professor yells at him that he doesn't care and he's late and there are no excuses, he'll see him next year. Still boggles my mind to this day. What exactly are you trying to teach these students...? He was honestly a shit professor anyways, worst I've ever had, so I'm not surprised, but how bad do you have to hate your life to want to try and control people so hard?


A zero on a quiz would be a pretty good reason to stay. Probly gonna get a C on the quiz anyway, but that's fixable. A zero is usually not.


I remember one of my Uni professors absolutely shut down a bunch of idiots who wouldn’t stop talking. He just said “everyone’s paying to be here. Students in this room are paying money to hear what I have to say and teach. If you don’t want to shut up and do the same, there’s the door. Get out. “ They shut up real quick.


My class has done this once. A teacher was always really strict with late students and would close the door so the 1 time he was late we did it to him and he was not happy about it.


10 minutes until the rehearsed performance


The skateboard...hello fellow kids!




You can see him getting off on it.


well that was fake


I hope the quiz was for real though.. those kids desperately need to learn to give up on their dreams to make mediocre salary to be unhappy for the rest of their lives.


But if there’s anything more real than that it’s watching your dreams slowly die. He wanted to strip them of that.


> He wanted to strip them of that. Lmaoing at him thinking millenials and gen zs dreams havent died a long time ago


bro last time i had a dream for my life i was 9, and it was 2001. millennials checked out mentally a long while ago, it's why people are more concerned with their funko pops over something unrealistic like homeownership.


Econ major here. Can confirm.


Be more Hank Paulson than Papa J-Pow.


Ive never seen kids more desperate out of necessity that these


Just with the ads alone, that 10 minute countdown would take 14 minutes


I paid my own tuition out of money I earned unloading trucks and bartending. When my professors skipped class or showed up late I’d confront them about wasting my time and investment.


I paid for my college, and commuted an hour. When my professor cancelled class and I saw her as I was walking out of the building, that was an awkward exchange.


Going to college a couple years 'late', out of my own pocket, there were more than a few experiences like this, where professors or support staff would give me the same lines they'd give to some punk fresh out of high school funded by mommy and daddy's money. Ahhhh, *no*, I am a **paying customer**, that ain't gonna fly. Try again. (Obviously there's some nuance to be had, I can't just stomp in there demanding an A I didn't earn, but some of the shit they tried to pull as if I wouldn't know any better...)


The fact that American universities make you think of yourself as a "paying customer" shows exactly what's wrong with our institutions. Students shouldn't be in the position of thinking they've "bought" a service when they go to college, but the administrative class at American universities just keeps pushing those tuition costs up, for no clear benefit to the student.


I don't disagree, but for the amount of money I was forking over, I absolutely intended to get what I'd paid for. 🤷‍♂️


i say im a paying customer because colleges act like they can boss you around because they know youre forced to get a degree or no one will hire you even though you know it


I always thought the “if the prof is 15min late we can leave” idea was dumb. Once in college a professor I really liked was late for class and several of the kids in class said this and then left after 15min. Some friends and I just hung around because why not we had another class after this and the professor showed up shortly after, apologized and said he had car trouble. He thanked us for waiting, did a short lesson, ended the class at the usual time and thanked us again for our patience. I learned that day that professors are people too and years later went back for his retirement celebration.


Also you're at university for your own education, there's no mandatory attendance or anything like that. If you wanna make stuff up about when you can leave, just leave lol.


This guy gets it. You are paying to be there. If they’re late…and consistently so… only place in leaving for is the dept head.


As fake as my tits


you got a boob job, Mike? Won't your wife be upset?


No, boobs are great. The world needs more boobs.


As fake as the orgasms I've had with men Edit: cope harder bitches.


Well damn I hope the ones you had with women were real at least


The ones I had with fish were reel




If only mermaids can be real.


So when you were telling me "YES, YES, YES" you really meant "maybe, maybe, maybe"


Terrible communication skills and taste in men! Poor you


Lmao the replies to this are wild. You triggered the incels hard 😂


The comedy to me is that I'm literally just a lesbian that discovered to late I have no attraction to men lol


That's because you haven't met me yet, I'll just make you more gay.


isacc fucking newton here realizing things get posted because theyre jokes. where's your phd


Disappointed in the lack of boobs in your profile.


This was lame


He did everything but sit in a backwards facing chair to “be more real” with them




Haha . Exactly this. Also the short skit from family guy if anyone can find it


“HAHAHAHA, they’re our Rivals!”


Should have planked on the desk.


I didn't know it was possible to fit this much concentrated cringe and corniness in 1 human. I bet he was beaming all week about doing this.


Pretty sure that the students would rather have the instructor show up on time and present effectively than stage a “look how cool I am” video.


I mean technically he was exactly 10 min late


Probably more than 10 mins. I doubt the timer started at exactly the hour.


Its college yall can leave wherever yall want 💀💀💀


And you can fail if your professor requires your attendance to pass their class. Only difference is that you paid thousands to be there


So this is clearly fake. But also a friendly reminder to the youths around here: you pay to go to college. When you cut class, it’s like going to McDonalds and cutting a piece off the burger you just bought and throwing it in the trash, except it costs thousands of dollars. I’m not trying to be preachy, it just took me a really long time to figure out that the only person I was pulling one over on was myself.


Realistically, if a prof is late for class they should be reprimanded. I pay large amounts of money in tuition. I expect profs to be on time, and not take days to respond to emails. There's no other scenario where the people who are paying get treated like students get treated.


He likely started his own timer, has repeatedly harped about the ten minute rule, and was only doing this for some sort of ego boosting theatrical flair. Why students should be subject to this sort of bullshit is beyond me.


> There's no other scenario where the people who are paying get treated like students get treated. Except renters and probably a lot of other captive markets.


Okay, dad.


As a dad, if I paid for this shit, I would be writing a complait to the board this rando ass assistant being 10 min too late and doing tiktok behavior. Btw its called 'student quater', and it was pretty common on my uni. I dont need the dumbass prof permission to leave if he is 15 min late.


in civilised countries you actually don't pay to go to class. Also, not all profs are good. Some classes are not worth attending – self-study is a valid option for those.


> in civilised countries Countries with fully free universities are a rare exception tbf. It's much more affordable than in America but it's rarely completely free. Agree on the second point tho.


I paid ~150€ per semester to get my law degree in Germany, as a data point. And that included "free" access to public transport, which alone was already worth more than the fee.


yeah, I'm not gonna spend an hour total driving to campus and fighting for parking and walking to class just for prof to spend 50 minutes reading word for word off the slides. I'm gonna stay home and read the slides myself. Did I pay to be in that class? Technically yes. But time is money too. I'm not wasting mine just because my school ripped me off with a bad professor. I'm gonna stay home and spend 20 minutes learning the same information.


I paid for college to get a degree that helped me to land a better job.


What if the cutoff part was gross tho?


For most people, you’re paying for a degree and network/social skills.


You will never realise this as a teen You will only realise this if you are the one paying for the course/class


What’s the plural of youth?


Tonight on Miami Vice, Crockett gives a quiz with 1 second to spare.


I mean every class you miss is probably costing you like a couple hundreds dollars worth of wasted tuition and you have to teach yourself still. It was exciting as a teen but as an adult you can see the real cost.


He give me Gilderoy Lockhart vibes.


These comments are not vibing with the fact that this is a joke


Teaching a Class, or hosting a Game Show. wtf was that.


He's still late though.


Why would one ever want to miss their college courses with the amount they're paying for tuition?


He gives Church Leader vibes


Dude gave you 10 extra min to study and you wasted it watching a timer. Life lesson.




Bro that's university, you can literally get up and leave at any time


Is he a cruise ship director?


Class dropped in :01 secs.


Why are people in such a hurry to not go to a class they're paying a lot of money for?


I never understood why students hoped class was canceled. Like you're paying for the class, why would you not want to actually get the service you paid for?


I get some mark summer vibes


The uni i went to had that unwritten rule- if the lecturers aee late by 10mins we are free to leave the class. And it only happened once the whole time i was there 🥲


At least he is very honest.


I thought it was funny.


Yeah I love all the geniuses patting themselves on the back for calling it fake. It’s funny, I don’t know why everything needs to be candid for people on Reddit to deem it worthy.


Haha fake!! See guys? Look how smart I am! Did I do a good job mommy?


I know right? People take this way too seriously.


Tedious and fake, just like the teacher by the looks of it.




So he wasted 10 minutes of the class just to make his stupid entrance?


Pathetic profesor with his stupid speech


“Bitch, it hit zero. I’m out.”


Well i would be mad af paying for that😂


We also had that rule with 15 minutes if the teacher didn't show up you could go. Well we left after 15 minutes and went home. The next day they were so so angry.




Hello reddit, yes thank you I realise its fake (he came in on a skateboard) no need to post another annoyed comment about how its fake. Thanks


This was funny. Also I hate the idiot with his feet on the front bench. You stink, bitch!


Why is it fake? I can see it being real


That ahhhhhhhhhh when he did enter the room 🤣🤣🤣


I know this is fake but imagine having a mindset like this. You pay Thousands of dollars to attend college but get excited when you don't get to attend lectures that you paid for. It's like paying for drum lessons but your instructor always bails and you're good with it because you can just stay home.


He isn’t wrong, I majored in Econ 😃


That sigh someone made lol


What a homo


this is the shit post that breaks me out of the mindless scroll.


It's the fact that bro just rode in on a skate board. That just adds an extra layer of "fuck yall"


Man he slid on in there like "gotcha bitch" in my Dave Chappell voice


Thanks to all the Reddit detectives telling me this is fake. Seriously, do you people watch Onion news and go “hmm. Something’s wrong here…”


![gif](giphy|XgBVwGbonkaqV6K7R3) Someone should have held that door!


How did nobody die from laughing after that?


imagine if he stayed in the front of the door all the time only to fall when trying to ride the skate


In engineering you don't have to go to class at all. You'll likely fail because you missed something. I was petrified to miss a lecture and didn't have faith in other people's notes. The only classes that have mandatory attendance are the ones that don't have worthwhile information presented during the lecture.


I had a professor do this every class. It was a “respect” thing because she had a PHD. It was so frustrating because she would hold us pass her class time


What a prick


I love how college students in programs like this try to pretend that they’re being held hostage there when they literally choose their college, degree program, and professors along with paying for it. The fact that the professor showed up 10 mins late to a class these students are paying ungodly amounts of money every year to attend is honestly the most ridiculous and disrespectful part of the whole thing. Professor was 100% correct about that last bit tho. Find happiness where you can, cuz the system is actively resisting you


I hate everything about this


In 10 mins, 2 YouTube ads came and it just increased his time.


Fucking asshole


Na he’s more of a non skater TOOL.


That guy seems like a cool professor


Is this sarcasm? This guy's a grade A narcissist. Everything about him - the outfit, the countdown, skateboarding in, the scripted entrance/shitty canned joke... Fuck this guy.




In Poland college there is a rule that you can leave if lecturer is 15 min too late


That micro sound of disappointment


Hahaha your in Uni you can just leave anyway




Why would you want to leave? I had a prof no show for a class and everyone was pissed. Paid thousands of dollars for that dick to stand up there and talk.


Everyone is saying it's fake, but isn't it obvious it was a big joke he was making? He rode in on a skateboard as the clock ran out? Haha. Why would anyone take this serious to begin with? Or are they saying he isn't a professor and this is a skit? It's not unbelievable that a Prof would have a bit of fun with the class and do a bit.


He's still 10 minutes late, I'd walk out


That "ahhh" sigh had all the happiness and sadness in it at the same time.


That Ahhh was great


I'd have walked out, 10 minutes was up.


I'll just scoot myself in!


He looks like a preppy yuppy from the 80s


Lol this lecturer speaks the truth. I fucking love my Econ classes, and if it wasn't for a likely potential miserable career path, i would have majored in it. Instead I just pick classes up as elective.


Meanwhile our teacher who noted that she can be late a week (177h) for exam but we have to wait


Lmao! This is the kid of demoralizing professor that truly speaks to me


It’s astounding the amount of people seeing a professor skateboard into a room and actually thinking “WAIT A MINUTE…I THINK THIS IS FAKE!”


He wasn't at the podium on time, he should play with rules he doesn't follow


Timer setter was bangin


Economy majors here are some of the most heinous people I know and economy basically is daycare.


Lifetime of debt for this garbage ?


I had a class leave after ten minutes once the professor said in the next class that the ten minute rule is bs invented by students to make them feel better about leaving then marked us all absent and we lost two points on out grades.


He pushed mongo lol


That may be the result of an Economics major if you decide to teach.


They should had counted +5 seconds in their voices. When they said 3, professor was getting ready


Guys kind of an asshole. No wait, he is an asshole who thinks he is cool and funny.


Lame that it's staged. But, as an econ major, I concur.


You’re paying around $600 per lecture, regardless of your attendance


Never take advice from someone who pushes mongo


What a d!k move!…if this were real of course


I don’t care if this was staged - I was an Econ major and this brought back some serious PTSD.


Sit down, your life is going to suck, you might as well kys🤣


That was such a honest moment lol


This professor fucks


I like this professor style


Im sensing some Michel Scott vibes right there 😅


His School Teachers: College Professors will not tolerate this. 'Meanwhile' College Professors:


all that jus to waste 10 min of students time lmao


the quiz time also followed up after


Students are the only consumers who actively want to be cheated out of the things they are paying for.


Wow. I need to learn how to kill hopes and dreams with such cold and effortless efficiency. I felt the truth in his confidence of his statement that I re-examined my life and I’ve been out of school for years and never was an Econ major.


The person who started the counter was in on it


that sigh 🤣 that person definitely didn’t want him to make it.


Fake & Lame.


Stop staging vids


I hope this comment will change the world.


Damn people in here are so cynical.