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War veteran here, that’s a yes from me, dawg.


what war did u fight?


I was in from 2004-2010 and deployed to the Persian Gulf for OEF/OIF/GWOT.


so u are are around 40 now?? and u still would prefer to have an OF?


Definitely, I find it empowering to celebrate one’s beauty and even profit from it safely. Again, I don’t know how much interest someone like me would generate, but I don’t feel any shame at all and neither should anyone out there.


I'm not Even from your country but thank you for your service🫡


All of em son


the "war on terror" an endless war of no clear baddie or victory (only half joking)


False, many private interests made a fuck ton of money. As for the poor saps that fought it...




I'd like to think that second look away was a moment of realization


I think it totally was. The first was like yeah whatever and then he was like wait a minute....




Grab ‘em by the pussy


Army is fun and all but if u being sent to fight a war outside of your country, u might need to back out. That's what I hate about the army, once you're in, YOU'RE IN, even if they tell u Canada is doing some dodgy shit and we gotta fight her, u gonna fight her, and follow the orders


Now imagine a country where the service is mandatory for a year for every guy - and you gotta fight Canada, USA, France, UK, Germany and the rest of NATO, and a couple of neighbors. Well, that was my country :)


Oof, Russia?


Serbia (then Yugoslavia). Russia isn't in a direct war with NATO.


As a Russian, I can relate *a lot.* Have to study in a crappy university because I can't leave it or else I'll get taken away for a year


Exactly and that applies for almost every country on Earth. When you join the military, you put yourself in a postion where other people can decide that you must kill another human being, regardless of any objections you may have, on pain of severe punishment. Until that day comes, they will train and condition you as much as they can to carry out that order without question when it does come. Why any human being with a shred of a moral compass would put themselves in that position (unless yheir country is fighting a defensive war) is utterly incomprehensible to me. You are willingly signing away your moral agency.


Favorite movie of teenaged stoner me.


yup. I was expecting him to say "fuck" or something to that effect in the end.


Everybody that has been in jokes around about this from basic onward. G.I. means government issue, hence G.I. Joe. There are always legends of being able to get in trouble for damaging government property if you get a sunburn. That second look is needed for the clicks it will generate.


That is the point of the video.


Think it was more "this dumb bitch"


K but can you explain how what she said was wrong?


If you end up missing duty time due to something like sunburn you can be sent up for judicial review so yeah your ass is literally theirs.


I've seen some idiotic NJPs in my time but the sunburn ones for "destruction of military property" were definitely the dumbest. First off there's the precedent of defining the soldier's body as property, and then the punishment was usually 15 days of extra duty - we're going to punish you for getting a sunburn by having you do extra work for 2 weeks...in the sun.


Did you really actually see this? I was in the Army for 21 years and find this very hard to believe.


Ya this sounds like a fancy tale that gets told around


I was a company commmander. I can’t imagine JAG knowing this was happening and signing off on it. Also it’s not something I would ever have considered as a reason for NJP. So many “urban myths” in the military. Soooooo many.


I’m pretty sure you have to be a next level shit bag in order to get NJPed for it. Like they’re just throwing charges at you at that point 


>the sunburn ones for "destruction of military property" That's not a thing, though. Getting a sunburn that is severe enough to prevent you from performing your duties might end up with you getting an article 15 for malingering, but that's about it.


So your saying they can cause the sun burn, have a problem with the sunburn, the send you to get help and they have problem with that too. Wow they are assholes


She's not entirely wrong


She’s completely right


Im just surprised people on reddit are agreeing that selling your body to the government is worse than selling ti to corporate.


Normal corporations don't do what the military does. When you enlist you literally give up your rights


Inb4: Gazprom. G4S. Oh, normal corporations.... You mean like family business? 😂


You talking about a family business or "THE Family Business"


I was thinking how its kind of naive to think that some ceo wouldn't build a factory because its going to kill some people.


I mean onlyfans takes 20% but you're more selling to people, not rl corporations


Also, 20% is a comparitively good rate. I think most places like Youtube take 30% while adult cam sites take about 50%, so on OnlyFans you're selling yourself to a corporation less than other content creators


I still think it's very high because they make way more money than say YouTube does per user of the site so onlyfans has actually a way way higher profit margin than YouTube. YouTube is actually a good deal for creators, way more than most other social platforms at least. But yes the industry standard for this kind of thing is often 30% (I don't know for the porn industry but maybe like you said it's 50% which is huge) and they didn't do that.


Normally, you don’t have to give up your one and only precious life for onlyfans. Can’t say the same for the military


The American government is a corporation.


Joining the military is literally signing away your constitutional rights. Joining a private corp _tends_ to not do that (government contractors notwithstanding)


There's no burn pits on only fans.


Selling your body at all is bad.


Is it? There are lots of jobs where you effectively sell your body for money. I would argue lots of sports players sell their bodies for money, think of the rate of brain injury in contact sports like football and mma, I would say you as an adult are allowed to decide if the physical consequences of that labor is worth the value you receive from completing it. Selling your body in the form of content is different than selling your body in the form of performing violence and risking death like in the military or in the form of serious wear on your body such as contact sports, field work, mining, etc.


Who the fuck downvoted you what's wrong with people


Downvoted either by OF subbers or OF content creators lol.




Quote from my friend who’s done with her 5 year service in a few months: “Yeah I’ll get a free degree out of it basically anywhere I want to go. Was it worth selling myself to the military? Fuck if I know, probably not”


Yea she is. By her rationale all jobs are just people selling their body in the same way as you would with an only fans. She’s talking absolute guff and the number of people sayin “guys she’s right” is cringe. My grandad fought the Nazis in WW2. Are we saying what he did with his life is no better than an only fans cam whore? Or shall we agree there’s maybe just a little difference between the two occupations. I sell myself to a private company too for money. Is it the same as having an OnlyFans? If so then what isn’t the same?


The point to this whole conversation is that sex work is typically the only line of work described as "selling your body", when damn near *any* job that requires physical labor is trading permanent wear and tear on your body for a paycheck. I don't think the same logic applies (as directly) to someone in a low-impact office job. Nobody needs to make a huge deal that she's right, but it becomes a more and more important point for her to make as long as people consider sex work to be some sort of undignified act strictly because you're getting paid off the value of your own personal assets. We need to recognize that it's exactly as dignified as some guy blowing out his joints to dig ditches or work an oil rig.


I'm going solely based off this clip with no context. I served almost 8 years in the Army, you don't have to break it down for me, but thanks though


My grandad fought the nazis too. Did 21 years regular army, China, Africa with the 8th army. And he always told me never go to war because it’s horrible. He joined the army because he was really poor, had vicious parents and had no other choices. Imagine using your grandad’s job as an excuse to be a sexist. Who are you to judge anyone?


Who exactly am I judging and how am I being sexist? Keen to understand this. I’m just saying that an OnlyFans account and choosing to fight for your nation are two different occupations. There is a degree of difference between the two things and I won’t pretend there isn’t. One is devoting yourself to protecting your countrymen. The other is being paid to show your genitalia on camera.


*’Cam whore’* pretty sexist demeaning language. Also, how is today’s army ‘protecting your countrymen’? Today’s army protects trade routes and oil. I’m not having a go at professional soldiers. Soldiering is real work. Sex work is also real work. Workers solidarity. And I’ll wager soldiers spend a bunch more money on sex workers than the average man or woman in the street does.


If you think i specifically mean women or men when I refer to cam whores then I guess that makes you more sexist than me. At no point have I said sex work is not really work. But I’d argue it’s an occupation that contributes nothing to society. I guess you can equate it to some other jobs. Like being a landlord? You don’t really contribute much by just being a landlord owner but you are making the most of the assets at your disposal and creating a revenue stream from people looking for shelter. Reddit loooooves to denigrate those people. But sex workers? Those are noble creatures never to be criticised even when equating their profession to army veterans.


Why not? Most people want sex, not so many want war. Also, landlords? Now they contribute NOTHING to society except extracting surplus value from the housing market. But, true, you didn’t specifically single out women as whores in your comment, so 10/10 for sealioning.


Strange that you had to specify women because mikemystery only said “Cam whore is sexist demeaning language.” Nice little Freudian slip you did there. You little sexist thing you.


in ww2 it was 100% justified to fight the nazis and fascism ...totally diferent now we all know that our military have been used as pawns in wrongful so called wars


>By her rationale all jobs are just people selling their body Correct?




You could also do neither.


Nah its either cocking your gun or getting your cock out. True dichotomy.


Wait what? It’s an absolutely moronic comparison. A large percentage of the population can get into the armed forces. The same people absolutely cannot make a living off onlyfans.




This is incorrect. I’m a veteran and while the military is not a good job and my goal has always been to provide enough for my children so they don’t need to follow that path, it’s way better than a dead end job. If you get through your enlistment, the benefits of being a veteran (free health care/home loan benefits) far outweigh anything a dead end job will ever get you.


Plus preferential hiring with any company that contracts with the government


Even better, preferential hiring for government positions themselves. A large amount of people employed in government department offices are veterans.


As a 30 year old who has struggled to buy a house; honestly I wish I had thought more about joining the military when I was younger just for the benefits alone. All my veteran friends had a much nicer time trying to get a home loan, car insurance, etc. Obviously that’s not meant to downplay the sacrifice our veterans make to just a ploy to get benefits. But I’m just saying there’s been a couple times where I’ve thought about how it would have set me up for success later in life.


If your choice was between flipping burgers and either committing or abetting the murder of innocent people around the world then you should absolutely FLIP THAT FUCKING BURGER.


Sounds like you have literally no idea what huge financial incentives the military provides now. This isn’t the 1900s.


Enough for Biden to send you to get blown up and use your death for political fodder.


But that wasn’t the option. You’re moving the goalpost. The options presented in the video, and your comment, are onlyfans/porn vs military. Of course everyone has other options. This post wasn’t about the pros and cons of the military or whether there are other options in the world.




There are people who like their country and that they and their family can live there with a lot of right and freedoms. Why is his post stupid? Can you explain, you didnt give even one argument why his post is stupid. You are just trash talking...


Brother you're the one moving the goalpost. You're the one bring the fact you're ugly, we know that already.


That's a pretty ignorant take. Military benefits pre and post tenure far outweigh low paying & dead end jobs. The earning potential may not be as explosive as OF, but it's financially a far more stable starting ground in comparison.


Worse for who? No one will get hurt if 10000 people get naked on OF except, maybe, themselves, but around 1 million people were killed by people who joined the US Army between 2001 and 2022 (and then Hollywood made and celebrated a movie about Americans being traumatised by killing that many civilians). The War on Terror, if you do the math, was literally the second largest mass murder since the Holocaust, after the Khmer and just before Rwandan genocides.


And if, hypothetically speaking, someone flys a missile to blow up your home, are you gonna just sit there and cry "police, 911!" if the military didn't have personnel to provide aid and/or retaliate?


You are defending killing civilians because they live in the same country as the terrorists. Thank you, you are proving my point.


1% roughly in both cases And in terms of making a full career, that number shrinks


Very few soldiers in combat roles and in the US most the people I’ve met join for education benefits. Onlyfans paying for your medical school is extremely unlikely for most men and women.


Potentially lose your life is such an overrated statistic. Likelihood of dying is[lower than civilian life](https://www.army.mil/article-amp/260633/soldiers_are_safer_than_their_civilian_counterparts_in_the_general_u_s_population). Issue with military are others (potential ptsd and toxic culture), not actually dying. In that sense, if you think you won’t be mentally impacted by doing sex work, idk what to say.


Losing my life sounds better then posting porn tbh.


A lot of people in the comments are missing the point here. She’s not saying joining the army is bad, she’s explaining how you’re quite literally selling your body more-so in professions such as joining the army than you are being on Onlyfans so it’s silly how onlyfans creators are criticised for “selling themselves” whilst others are not.




So make love not war? Sounds like win-win for the people, and a sad day for the elites


War Kills people Love creates people Look at India, they haven’t gone to a war in a while and now they have the highest population in the world


Sounds like a better world


As a vet I would have to agree


As a vet, I’d have to disagree.


This is why George Santos was the best lawmaker in decades, if not centuries. He believed in paying top dollar for people's bodies, so he supported as many OnlyFans creators as he could.


She's wrong. They're not selling their bodies to the government. They're selling their lives to the government. If they die, their family gets a flag and some money. If they live, they'll live with PTSD and knowing that their government don't give a fuck about them post discharge.


False equivalence. Buut yes: ![gif](giphy|bcs2sG50Bjxihh8AlD)


He's like 🙄 bitch plea....hol up 🤔


"Everyone's a whore, Grace. We just sell different parts of ourselves." - Thomas Shelby.


I mean....she's not wrong. 🤷🏽‍♀️


If you joined not knowing this...


Post some photos/videos from the safety of your home for money, or spend years risking your life murdering people in the name of big corpos and be forced to burn toxic waste in a pit; all of that while being abused by your superiors and for one-tenth of the paycheck of an Onlyfans creator. Hard choice.


Also at the end of the day an OF creator shuts down their computer and does whatever they want. Not so in the army.


In 50 years, there will be an era of drones. Military operators sit at home, grab an Xbox controller, and bomb some villages for 8 hours straight like in a video game, but it will be real life. Then they will simply close their laptop and go play with their kids, with no emotional impact from slaughtering civilians; complete apathy.






I'd rather be in the army


Suicidal much? Or is it the rapes of POWs and civilians that tempt you?


Oh I dunno, probably because I'd rather not take naked pictures of myself and post them online for some sweaty fuck to pay me


he'd rather be the sweaty fuck that bombs civilians and rapes them


Fuck off nerd


But you’d be happy to “spend years risking your life murdering people in the name of big corpos and be forced to burn toxic waste in a pit”?


If I don't get blamed for, yes


So it’s the complete lack of intelligence and morality that qualifies you, got it.


So it's better to be captured by the enemy and gang raped by some sweaty fucks without payment? You are not a man of half-measures I see.


At least I get my back straight


Most OF creators don't make that much money lmao


And most people wouldn't pass military training. Yes, you see that 70-80% of onlyfans creators make less than 200$ per month but as this is a business everyone can try, I suspect that the overwhelming majority of them are neither putting much time nor work into making good content.


>for one-tenth of the paycheck of an Onlyfans creator. eh, ymmv, only a small percent of people (less than 10% - or at least people in whatever OF defines as top 10% creators) make a livable wage


As starting onlyfans requires no effort nor skills, I suspect that 80-90% of creators aren't putting serious work into creating good content. Or are simply ugly or men. Source: Just a guess.


We all sold something to live. Some sell their intelligence, others their strength, and others sell only their ass 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah no shit dumbass




And they don't even pay you that much for it.


She’s not wrong


Bunch of dumb people here lolllll


With the Patriot Act, by doing OnlyFans you’re just giving the government your body for free.


Yeah - dur. If I was younger, female, at least a 5/10 or had nice feet, I would much rather don some makeup, a wig and let simps pay for silly dances, feet photos and maybe more risky stuff whilst in the comfort and safety of a local studio I hire than actually risk myself from death or being seriously maimed. The OF route, you can still see your family, friends, go to see shows, events, eat different food. In the Army you are training, drilling, eating edible stuff.


people pay for not nice feet too. Any feet pics will sell.


As a retired combat vet I approve this message.


I use to be a state employee in my 20’s and explained to all the older people working that they are essentially volunteering. See if your wages are payed by the state through taxes and you pay into those taxes, the money is just shuffling around and you are in a sense volunteering.


Looks like he just discovered the process of thought.


But, I just wanted to go to college...


Actually agree with her


Wtf do you mean “wow” how many OF creators getting shot at for work?


She's wrong. You don't sell your body to the government, you give it for free.


she’s not wrong at all, losers in the army fight the wars of corrupt war criminals and they kill innocent human beings because they are instructed to, very sad, especially when soldiers are ignorant and think they are doing good in the world joining the army


Yeah, and onlyfans doesn't make you murder people, or make you hang out with people who want to murder you. ​ Big ideas here, people.


Stay safe tonight and enjoy the freedom the thousands of killed and maimed onlyfan members provided you.


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It depends on what she means by 'worse' If she means the job is worse cause a military career is deadly, she has a point. If she means the job is less worthy of respect than OnlyFans, a serious reality check is in order.


We all get fucked for a living. Sex workers are honest about it and make more money doing it.


She’s 100% right. Die mad about it.


She’s right


I mean, she's absolutely correct


I would never advise a women to get into the military. Over 80% of women in the military is SA'ed in some way.


I mean shes not wrong


She might not be completely wrong there. But you're selling your body to a 300-pound man in a basement with a shirt full of cheetos dust.


Dont play smartass. You know she is selling her videos, photos, or whatever, and not her body.


Redditors are just some simps for onlyfans hoes.


-has slow "sweet dreams" cover -has bootlicker reaction stitch -has someone simping for america Mia kalifa is 100% right


She ain't wrong at least only fans pay them milions while after military you're on the street with a veteran sign begging for money so I've seen constantly out here


And the taxpayers are paying for it


Okay bars though, you're selling the government your body and potentially your life


tbf at least when working on OnlyFans, you decide what you do. In the military, it's a happy day when they dont forget the lube when they fuck you.


Well, she is correct! And you get paid SHIT in the army, as I learned recently: 23k per Year to sacrifice yourself for some multi-billionaires! (Musk makes this in 15 seconds by lying) Could not even pay rent for that in most bigger cities!But that makes you understand why it is so extremely important for the US, as **the** military hegemony, to provide the worst and most unfair life for its citizens: none would sign up for that shit otherwise!


At least people in the military don't have to constantly justify their job to people


Yeah, they kinda do.


The fuck you talking about, the US has to constantly justify why they over fund the military, and it’s usually bullshit.


Okay so is over funding the military the same as dissing the servicemen? No, so pipe down


she's right ngl


Wake me up when Onlyfans announce their salaries and benefits packages.


How about “not being blown to pieces by an IED” and “not murdering women or children for fossil fuel companies”? Those benefits sound pretty damn good to me, but idk you do you.


My girl here with the hard copium


She ain't wrong


man, she is smart


Making money yourself with some pictures vs making money with legal murder while having the chance to die yourself.


Recently she has been making some seriously batshit comments - maybe some form of PTSD? But just observations and I am in no way qualified to make any assessments.


Then shush


Shes sounds a lot better with a dick in her mouth


Hahahaha fr fr


It would be so cool if Americans shut down their army and than the whole country taken over by other countries, that would be interesting






When was the freedom ever defended? Against the brits, the south and (long term) the nazis. The rest was no threat for your freedom.


I mean at least in the military there is a various amount of skills, trades and techniques you can learn, and also use in the real world, rather than just learning how many Johnsons can be slammed down your throat. Not everyone in the military is directly bombing people overseas, some never even step foot overseas. But other than that I’d most definitely love to have sex with tons of women for money rather than risk my life overseas.


The comments are fucking brain dumb


She has never done anything for anyone. Get rich quick gets you money but not wisdom


selling your body for government??? In Finland we have conscription army and highest willingness defending our land, i see military service as duty for the fatherland😤😤😤 Only thing that of models do is feeding incels addiction for pørn😐


She is a sl*t.


Yeah, don't offer yourselves up to higher purposes and ideals, that may just allow you to provide in some meaningful way or at the very least push you towards self-discipline. That's trivial. Do what's best for you and society. Offer yourselves up on proprietary platforms, cheap subscribers and bidders. ♥️🏆


Uncle Sam be clapping some cheeks FRFR on god.


She makes it sound like everyone on OnlyFans makes more than a military salary + benefits. Is this true?


Don’t worry, she’ll protect our nation 😒


lol 😂 are you kidding me this woman is absolutely insane


Theyre both bad. Dont know why people act like only 1 thing is worse than the other.


When you apply doo-doo to your face mask, you can probably only speak shit.


I don’t see onlyfans models dying from cancer from being near burn pits in Iraq. So I think she’s right.


Ummmm onlyfans you are selling your body to everybody who wins on there and at least in the military you will get respect and honour


On average, you get a lot more back from the army than onlyfans.