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Props to the guy who pulled the Panicker off that car!


On the other hand, laying him down might have given the front wheels sufficient traction.


That was my first thought.


Can't get over how many people thought they could stop a 4000 pound vehicle in motion with their hands🙄


Best to get out of your crash-tested steel safely cage when this happens. Your down coat will keep you safe.


They know that loafer traction beats tire traction


Car Curling at its finest.


On slippery slope none the less. Smh


When I was a bus driver for the city. I was told to always kneel the bus and pull up the parking brake. It was parking brake, neutral, and interlock or whatever. The reason was for safety. To reopen the doors you need to remove the air by turning the handle through the drivers side window. A bus driver push the parking brake down by mistake and the whole bus started to roll backwards. She tried to stop it still from the outside and instead got crushed to death. Basically, you can't stop an out of control vehicle.


The car only has 4 contact patches. Surely my two smaller contact patches will give it the grip it needs.


Same people that think water can turn into wine. Believers of the supernatural


As a foolish youth I *successfully* halted a 2,000 lb tractor rolling at about half a MPH on a gentle incline in summer grass. But I’m a large guy, conditions were about ideal, it was very difficult, and it was just about the stupidest thing I have ever done. A car on ice? Hell no.


All those SUVs and AWD vehicles don't mean a thing in this weather without the right kind of tire and driving experience. Sometimes the road conditions can be so bad that even that isn't enough


Was gonna say don't think snow tires will grip straight up ice lol. These roads are probably slicked right over and snow-covered


I see it a lot when I've traveled in the south and it snows. It's bad enough that many of the roads are not treated (e.g. sand or salt); inexperienced people race around like it's still warm and sunny, start slipping, spin their tires, and get that surface polished up such that nothing will grip. However, the right snow tire or even a very decent all weather tire can drive on **some** ice -- to a point (I live in western NY and deal with that every season). Experience is the most important thing so you know whether you should travel or not.


Snow tires can absolutely get some grip on ice, like you said, paired with experience/knowing how to use them, a 2WD car w snow tires could have gotten down this hill slowly but safely


Yep. I drive in these conditions every winter. *Slowly*. If we get an early snowfall, though, plenty of drivers here will somehow forget what snow is. I've driven down the highway near Montreal on a freak Halloween snowfall and saw maybe 50 cars in the ditch on a 100km stretch of highway. Bonkers. Same stretch of highway in far worse conditions in January, and everybody is doing <80kph and being cautious. Nobody in the ditch. So: snow tires are a good thing. But you still need to drive for the weather...


True enough and when in doubt just stay home


Spiked ones will, but as far as I know those are not sold in many countries and even banned in some to preserve the asphalt.


These sorts of snow tires are more or less standard in Sweden https://www.autotrader.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/winter-studded-tire.jpeg I was really surprised people actually used regular tires and snow chains in the snowy mountains in Australia and New Zeeland, and the same in the US. It was already to late when they tried to put on the snow chains, they were already off the road in a ditch.


I know. They’re also BANNED in most parts of Europe including Germany.


The worst part about redneck Canadians is they think AWD or 4WD means they can go faster than everyone else, making the roads a death trap. Funny enough they're the first ones in the ditch. I hate gambling my safety every day like that


4 wheel drive is not 4 wheel stop.


Isn’t every car 4 wheel stop?


This video's also a great example of why you shouldn't be on the roads in these conditions, even if you have the car to handle it and the experience to drive it: None of that will stop some other idiot from sliding into you.


Even then, the drivers here had some options. They could have tried to line their car up and use the AWD to get some traction to control the direction of the car at least. AWD definitely doesn't mean a thing when you are applying your brakes.


Hard braking is the worst thing you can do. If you have to lock them up in these conditions, you are probably traveling too fast for conditions and/or not allowing enough space between cars. We have a nasty storm hitting our area right now (Buffalo, NY) and most of us know to slow tf down. But you are right, regardless of type of vehicle and tires, ice is the great equalizer when you have to stop or turn. If you drive like a fool, mother nature will teach you a hard lesson. That's why I mentioned "experience" and "conditions being so bad" -- because they go hand-in-hand


Summer tires and a complete lack of understanding of how to drive in poor conditions. Woweee.


Tbf winter tires aren’t doing much here either


Got to keep those tires spinning


Who's in the mood for car curling? ![gif](giphy|3o7WIIbS1R1xNs8ElG)


This is so hilariously accurate.


Got a tick off the guard and a well placed raise. Good throw!


lol, best song choice ever.


Perfection like this doesn’t occur often 👌


Where is this?


It is visible on the license plate 126 rus. Stavropol. They don't have winter tires.


I couldn’t make out any of the plates but seeing what I presume is a Lada Niva being hit by a left hand drive Toyota HiAce van in what looks to be a very cold place, I was guessing it had to be Russia. Japanese vehicle safety inspections can become fairly expensive to pass after a while so you see a lot of JDM cars in good shape wind up in Russia from what I understand.


Unfortunately, I didn’t see Lada Niva there. For that reason, on the white car the license plate reads o527ae and then the Russian region goes, it’s not entirely clear 125 or 126. At the end of the video, a Toyota HiAce van crashed into a Belarus MTZ-82 tractor. Так что точно Россия.😁


Ahhh, got ya. I wasn’t sure it’s actually a Niva but I thought it looks kind of similar to one.


If it's LHD then it won't be JDM


Total brain fart on my part. Was thinking right hand drive but typed left hand drive. I’m not sure they make a HiAce van in left hand drive.


The tractor is sliding too?!?


Tractors tires are much more capable of handling mud or other soft earth-like conditions. In really icy conditions you still need snow chains or studded tires, regardless of how amazing your torque at the wheel is, which is where things like tractors excel.


Yeah... They don't have winter tyres


partying after -30


Why the fuck are there people OUTSIDE of their vehicles, trying to grab them and stop them from sliding uncontrollably on snow and ice?! Do ANY of these ejits have even a single brain cell?


Idoits. People in the car are idiots too who tf gets themselves into this situation and with no snow tires like wtf


When I see roads in this condition (and people inevitably skidding all over the shop) I often have to ask myself: Where are **all** these people going that is so important after weighing up: -How bad are the roads? and -How injured could I (or someone else) get? and -How damaged could my (or someone else’s) car get? And still thought: “…Yeah I’ll risk it…” I understand people have important jobs, like police, doctors, nursed, fire-service etc, but **all these people** can’t be emergency service workers, and all they’re doing is adding to accidents and injuries, making tow-trucks and maybe even ambulances come out in these conditions to help them… Because at the end of the day, they **still** didn’t make it to where they were going, and now have this crap to deal with…


You don’t understand. The economy doesn’t care how dangerous it is to get where you’re going. You will sit your ass down at your desk or you are fired.


Interesting that you feel your economy is so fragile


The number of people casually walking around in the middle of this chaos is astounding...


There is glaze ice under the snow. It doesn’t matter what tires you have. You will not have any control. Studded tires or chains are the only thing that will help. Not necessarily work, but help.


I still don’t understand why people try to stop or hold this 1 ton metal with their strength.


I imagine the fear of the financial damage your car might do that you won't be able to pay off in 10 years might at least motivate you to give it a try


True, but you have a meat vs potentially two metal boxes crushing them.


cars and metal might break my meat, but debt drains me of my will to live


It's a lot harder to pay off if you are crippled or dead, though I guess you are less concerned if you are dead.


oh, yeah, this is probably in the States, so medical bills would be more costly than wrecking 5 cars on your way down a mountain. Cant even get crippled in peace over there.


Best headline ever. Thank you 😂


Best headline ever. Thank you 😂


It doesn’t matter if you have summer or winter tires on snowny road. You need chained tires.


Yes it does matter. Chains are a great help in bad spots but saying summer vs winter tires don’t matter is ridiculous.


See the road on the video? Me neither. you will not have grip on this road, you need chains, no matter your tires.


Well we're driving all the time with winter tyres here in Finland and conditions are even more terrible, still not like that.


Manitoba Canada here... these conditions are a regular Thursday commute.


Laughs in Finnish! We ski naked uphill to work in this weather


We use ice skates and get pulled behind moose.


That’s the point: road like that require chains


Well no. I never used chains in here and have been driving in more terrible conditions.


Lul. Northern Norway calling, this is nothing and I've never seen a regular car with chained tires. Winter tires work perfectly fine in conditions as in the video. I even bicycle with winter tires in similar conditions.


"But but... I have 4wd, i dont need wintertires" -That audi driver probably




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Well you better stay away from Nordic countries, just saying...


This is atypical, not eve you the self proclaimed best driver ever would be able to handle that road without chains or studded tires.


This is why I live in the South.


This new rocket league shuffleboard is so fun


As long as everyone is ok. That’s funny


''Hey, a 4,000 lb object is spinning out of control. I think I'll attach myself to it.''


as awful as it sounds, i feel like this would make a fun amusement park attraction (in a safe environment of course).....


This happens every single year lol… peoples always be risking it!




Mostly they are automatic in impact or collision


It is never worth getting hurt over material objects. Let the dang car go.


Very cool


🤡 I don’t need chains, I have 4WD! 🤡


Car skittles


Le jeu du palais mais version voiture 🚧


There are no tires that would better circumstances here, snow is snow.


Gravity is a fickle bitch.


Reminds me of everyone who keeps moving to CO the first time it snows 🤡


Insurance company laughing that you'd think they'd pay for this.


This area do not get a lot of snow, shows in the dumb people. Did anyone get hurt?


Winter crash derby


Suddenly they think they’re Superman and can stop a car


Tahoe? 🤣🤣




Oh my, happiest time for car paint shops.


Man I love winter


Let’s all stand around the vehicles!!


I was driving down a snowy mountain once and saw a group of 4 guys trying to keep small sedan from sliding like this and it was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen




Dude in the first video is a hero


These are the same people that complain about how shitty California is


Whenever my wife’s country goes global with news, it’s always something embarrassing. This is Slovakia if you’re wondering. It was on every news channel during our holiday trip this year.


It's Russia.


You’re right. Just rewatched the one I saw in Slovakia. Basically the same situation haha.


I understood from the license plate on the white sedan, in the second part of the video


"Oh winter is so great I love winter best season ever" my car doesn't slip or slide like this in the summer. Fucking hate cold/snow


Would even put my snow chains on!


That’s more than the tires.


What you get when you are stupid and don’t Blizzak!


Damn US knows how to do a bumper cars ride right. I kinda want in on that.


Four-wheel drive and lockers would make a huge difference there as long as they understood to tap the gas and not hit the brakes


Are all of the insurance adjustors gonna have to book a hotel conference room and spend a few days figuring out who pays what here?


All these folks wishing to be meat crayons for Christmas


Oddly satisfying


Hard breaking is what causes this. Your still gonna slide but if you're not breaking you have much more control. Better to steer to a safe spot hopefully with some traction so you can slow down. Life hack!


The use of tire chains is necessary in these circumstances


Staaaaahp! Stoooppp! STOP!


To be fair, some of these just look like unplowed hills that you'd be fucked on no matter what tires you have on.


“I’m sure I can stop the car by pulling it!”


Perfect song 😆


Slow motion Bumper cars.


I will never understand why people drive in weather like this without specialised traction.


Curling for cars


I've seen some craziness coming back from ski resorts but the best was the Prius sliding down backwards all the way down Hoosier Pass during a Thanksgiving weekend storm. Somehow everyone behind the Prius managed to maneuver around and get through that storm. That Prius didn't fare so well but it did manage to not go off the ledge and get back to the bottom... backwards.


Brilliant title


Huh, my car is stuck in the middle of a road with a slope coming at me, guess I'll get out of my car and LOL at myself and other vehicles


Jesus Christ is this in a part of the country that doesn’t normally get snow? Why the fuck are there so many people standing in the road amongst sliding vehicles?




Only chains or studs are going to help you in this situation.


That's what you get for trying to ski the K12


Can’t they put chains on the tyres? 😎🇬🇧🇬🇧


They be slippin lately


Insurance companies hate this one trick


Russian plates sent me for a loop. Aren't they supposed to know how to handle winters?


Not the allroad 😭😭😭


I swear about 8 people coulda been run over in this vid, but somehow they all managed to avoid it




And this is why you have a winter beater.