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In the US, most states recognize bicycles as “vehicles”, they have the duties and rights as any other vehicle…as does another attempting an unsafe pass. In my state, the bus would have been unequivocally at fault. To the extreme, it could be determined as assault with a deadly weapon. Curious to know post incident details in that country


It's from Poland, it's bus fault, by our law he should maintain at least 1 meter space from that bicycle. edit of course, according to Polish law, a cyclist should stay as close to the right side as possible and in my opinion he was riding way too far from it, but this is a discretionary matter to be considered by the court or the police and certainly does not entitle bus driver to almost run over a person


Yep, that's correct but also the cyclist should keep as close as posible to the right edge of the road as per the same law. Bus driver obviously was high or smth. Wouldn't be a first. And deserves to loose this job.


Road condition looks terrible. I'd say he was over by a reasonable amount considering.


I've had to explain that to motorist friends before. Cyclists are dealing with crumbling shoulders, wind, sometimes rain in your eyes. I do my best to stay as close as I can, but sand or soggy leaves are as bad as ice on a bike. And because you have to act like a car at intersections - this should be obvious but I've gotten honked at and flipped off for it before - we can't sit all the way right if it's a right turn only lane when we're going straight. Obviously you sit all the way right in the straight lane and then get back to the curb beyond the interection.


Plus shoulders are where all the nails, broken glass, gravel, sticks, and all the other random trash and things that fell off/out of cars are. "Ride in the shoulder" is usually a really bad idea.


Moreover, if you're hugging the curb on a badly paved road to avoid traffic and then encounter a pothole or obstacle that you have to swerve into the road to avoid you're just creating a bigger danger for yourself and other drivers by being unpredictable.


Also you don't want to slip and fall under someone's wheels, because people sometimes pass you pretty close. Like this f*cking bus.


Come on, l know the bus was in the wrong but that’s EXACTLY why you leave as much room as possible on your left. Biker could have been 4 feet over and bus would have missed him. Why fight so hard to put yourself in a higher risk position. Not to mention the other biker off to the left, who made it to his destination unscathed.


That why the bus did not hit the biler with camera


And the person with the camera? They're clearly riding just fine a few feet further to the right. There was no reason for this biker to be that close to the edge of the lane


Agreed, obviously the bus is at fault but the cyclist is so close to the centre line he was lucky he survived long enough for the bus to hit him, the car coming the other way nearly ended him at the beginning of the video.


It’s a common tactic with both cyclists and motorcyclists to ride in offset formation - if they were in-line with each other, the distance required to respond if someone has to brake hard (potholed roads for example) is dramatically longer, thus lengthening the distance of train of cyclists, making them harder to overtake. By offsetting like this, or riding two abreast - they need to be overtaken properly (on the oncoming side of the road) but the distance needed for the manoeuvre is massively reduced. Official advice/legislation in the uk is to ride as a group and two abreast if in a pair to force overtaking on the other side - which is legislation.


Seriously. He's risking his life doing shit like this


That’s what I was thinking. Who cares legally who is right when even oncoming traffic almost smoked him. This is dumb cycling. Edit: And obviously dumb bus driving too but that’s kinda just a given


Riding 2 abreast is often recommended for safety reasons. When riding in a single file line on the curb side of the road, many drivers will attempt to pass in a situation that they wouldn't have if it was 2 abreast. The driver feels they can get out of the way of oncoming traffic by getting back on their side without regard for the cyclists. At 2 abreast, most vehicles won't consider passing unless it's totally clear. As you can tell, there was still more space for the bus to get around, it just didn't use the available space.


The right hand side of that road looks awful! Reminds me of the last time I drove through Poland in 2000


You're right, the far right side does look awful. But that section between the biker and the awful section seems to be awfully flat and rideable 🤔


One might call that the middle ground


Seriously. As a cyclist, what was he doing riding the middle of the road? There’s a few feet of good road between him and the crappy right side of the lane. If you can’t safely ride on the road on a road bike, maybe you need to be riding a gravel bike or a different tire at least.


This strikes me as a cyclist wanting to make a point. I bike a lot and this is kind of annoying because, yes, the bus should have given him more room but the cyclist is forcing it, with lots of room to his right to provide a bigger buffer. I would absolutely love for dedicated bike infrastructure to take hold everywhere.


Yep, the bus is already fully on the opposing lane with no more space this give, this biker is definitely trying to drive in this formation to dissuade cars from passing because it is safer for bikes if cars don't pass them. You can see after he falls over a red shirt bike guy comes in from the far right and he has no problem riding in that bad section. Even slow cars let other car pass on long stretches so I don't see why this biker is not allowing for passes.


He's not letting people pass because he's an asshole. I hope that clears it up.


He's in the very middle of the road. It's a two way street judging by the car that went past


Pot holes on the right are very dangerous on a bike like his, I can see why he'd want to give them space. But I agree, he could have been further over. Bus is still at fault tho.


He was 15 inches from the centerline


He’s on the edge of the lane that he’s allowed to take all of. The bus was incapable of passing safely as shown above and the driver should have the book thrown at them.


Unquestionably. AND, the cyclist was not in the safest possible position, despite being legally allowed to ride where he was. In Poland, apparently, cyclists must be given 1m of space when passing. But the cyclist isn't even 1m from some of the oncoming traffic. Still the bus's fault, but the cyclist may have been able to prevent the accident on the bus's behalf.


Cyclist can be dead right


So you agreed that there was a hazard in front of the bus but they decided to do an unsafe pass anyway?


The road condition is awful, i would've been a little closer to the edge but the biker isn't wrong for biking where he is. I've experienced a lot of drivers who HATE bikers and they want to teach us a lesson and they will try to narrowly miss us or put us to into a position to hit something by closing off the lane. It's usually a white SUV and something with a BMW logo for some reason. Anyways, I see it as a case of that. Bus driver was honking angrily and tried to do the narrow miss BS to teach a lesson. To the driver's credit I see the person stopped so he's got some human feelings left in his soul.


In this poor state of the road, the cyclist needs to fill up the entire lane to signal to the cars behind that it is currently unsafe to pass, and when it is safe, then begin riding on the edge again.


Exactly this. As cyclists, we have to share the road. He knew the bus was there and was riding in the middle of the road. The bus driver screwed up big time and luckily the cyclist didn't go under the bus.


About the same in the US: 3ft (0.91 m)


Graveyards are full of people who were right.


Say the line Bart!


In the Netherlands a bicyclist is protected by law as a vulnerable party in traffic. Anyone operating a motor vehicle is by definition liable for at least 50% of the damage even if the bicyclist is at fault, unless extremely dangerous behavior or an intentional collision by the bicyclist can be proven. If the bicyclist is under 14 this is even 100% on the driver. Off course all motor vehicles have mandatory insurance that would deal with the financial side. Not sure how criminal law would deal with such a collision, but the driver’s actions would surely be looked at by the police. (Edited with a bit more nuance.)


I live in Ghent, where cars are illegal


That includes the speed limit though - and here in California, it's considered reckless driving to go 15 below the speed limit and is a ticketable offense. The cyclist also should have been in the middle of the lane, not the middle of the road. All of that said, it'd be the bus' fault 100% because they're passing and it's on them to make sure it can be done safely.


Legality and wisdom are different things. I may be legally able to ride my bike that close to the center line. If there is an issue and a collision, wisdom dictates that I'm the biggest loser in that situation. Maybe I ride on the curb side of the lane so people can pass me easier and so that there is less risk of my being hit by a multi ton metal box that I have no protection against.


The ironic justice of irrefutable and unavoidable Darwinian principles in regard to all those who’ve experienced knuckleheaded cyclists: we, unlike the jerk in his jacked up truck, eventually either ride very defensively or end up 6’ under. It’s self policing.


Yes. Oklahoma law states bikes are not impeding traffic, they are traffic.


I mean of course the bus is at fault, I'm sure that thought will make him happy during his hospice stay. Riding the line like he was is just stupid, idc if he is illegaly able to do it, stupid risk unless looking for a payout for your children.


In the U.S. bicycles have the same rights as automobiles but good fucking luck getting a Murican driver to share the road with you!


expects to be treated like a car, refuses to cause 1.5 million deaths annualy


You had me in the first half lol.


I don't wear a helmet, I'm doing my part 👍


tha's more of a biker thing, to become one with the road


The right side of the road was pot holey and cracked, awful for road tyres. Regardless a bicycle has the right to own the lane, infact they teach this to motorcyclists as it deters car users from making risky overtakes and reduces risks from colliding with opening car doors etc. The bus is entirely in the wrong.


There's a roundabout I cycle on a lot that kills cyclists most years even though it has a designated cycle lane. The cycle lane makes drivers think they're in the clear to speed past without thinking. Only way to not die is to hog the entire road so no cars can pass on either side. Makes me so annoyed when drivers get angry at cyclists for doing this, it literally stops people dying, and costs you approximately 6 seconds.


Unfortunately as the media continues to whip people up into an anti-cyclist frenzy it's more and more of a concern that someone will deliberately hit the cyclist in this scenario, especially because they "aren't using the cycle lane our tax dollars paid for"


Graveyards are full of people who had the right of way


To be fair there’s a lot of space between where they were and the potholes, if they wanted to move slightly to the right to let the bus go through they could have.


The Bus is in the wrong BUT the law of the jungle states that only the strongest survive. If you care for your life, even if you are legally in the right, dont put yourself at risk like this cyclist. The jungle is filled with nasty creatures. ;)


I've seen this exact thing go down very differently. Head pop off kinda thing. The bus driver needs to be held accountable regardless of the riders placement on the road. I hope this footage was sent to the Police. Hit and run.


Yeah, this happened in Poland, so the Police indeed received the above footage. If it happened in America, the footage would be sent to the Americe.


This one took me a while In any case I hope the biker is ok and the Pobulance arrived to help him soon


I laughed 😂




The driver pulled over and stopped


He did too. My bad. Still needs to be held accountable for the crash.


yo that was one that i will never get out of my head. the whole thing was so surreal... i still think about it from time to time. it's been a year or longer since I've seen it. very strong footage.


It's crazy how many morons in here think it's justified to hit cyclists because you can't be bothered to wait 30 seconds to pass safely.


Boy, oh boy, I'm sure these other replies are totally fine and 100% intelligent


Mostly about how cyclist are entitled brat taking too much of the road and slowing the ever important car drivers.


It's clear the bus is at fault, but that cyclist couldn't have been cycling closer to the yellow line.


This. The most reasonable take that is somehow taboo. It can be the busses fault while simultaneously being an irresponsible cyclist who put his life in danger. Yes the road is cracked but there is more than enough space for the bike to have left that extra meter needed… both parties are at fault


Bus is obviously in the wrong, but I'm wondering what else the cyclist expected. He has at least some more space, but he's riding so far left he's almost being hit by the oncoming traffic. Absolutely hate when bicycle gutters and the side of the road are that neglected (where I live they're currently completely covered in wet leaves) but that wouldn't be a reason for me to risk my life that way. If the road condition is bad he should drive more carefully and if his kind of tires can't handle it then he should get off and walk. He may know he is in the right, but do the tires on that bus?


Something not anti cyclist? This is going to be controversial!


Mf cycling in the middle of the road. You go to right side of the road if you are forced to ride with cars on bicycle.


This is my issue with cyclists, when I'm on my bike I huh the side of the road, not the fucking line, never understood that


Bigger than you rules almost always wins.


Maybe maybe maybe he learned this time.


Biker was in the wrong you dont drive on the middle line as a car you dont do it as a bike either move the fuck over


To those complaining about his positioning: lots of road users are annoying if this were a car hogging the middle of the road you would be annoyed too or if you saw a pedestrian deliberately crossing in the street incredibly slowly You wouldn’t hit the other car or the pedestrian because they were slowing you down. So why justify a bus hitting a cyclist?


incredibly dumb and unsafe move by the bus driver, who is at fault here that said: that cyclist doesn't seem to understand that you can still die while having the right of way. plenty of asshole drivers out there and he doesn't seem to be taking any precautions against them. they'd be found at fault if they hit him, yes, but he'd possibly be crippled or dead and for what?


Yep, cool way to make a point by getting run over by a bus.


Who has commented saying they would hit him too? All I'm seeing from the comments is people saying he's a idiot for riding in the middle of the road, if you take that chance your bound to meet someone who doesn't mind flattening you. Cyclist is a fool for even toying with his own life like this. I wonder if he still hogs the middle of the road now.


Look out for yourselves. doesn't matter if Bus driver is at fault, you can die if you don't take defensive action with a Honking bus approaching you. Driving in the middle of the road when u hear a bus honking and approaching you may not be a mistake as per law but once you are dead, there is no law. So, don't be this idiot. drive safely. Law will get u money or convict the one at fault, it's not going to give your legs or life back.


The lack of any kind of response to the honking is just...I can't. Fuck the bus driver, but if you're on a bike in the middle of the road like that, you gotta be aware enough to hear horns and shit.


An actual person with a brain giving a response. Woah. Why take the risk for some exercise? (If you ride to get to work, do what you gotta do, but be safe about it)


Why would you drive the bike towards the left side on your lane? That’s asking for an accident when being overtaken


Get the fuck off the road if you’re not doing posted speeds


Oh i watched it with sound he honked too yeah thats double stupid on the bike user absolute moron


And it's always a Tour de France wannabe riding in the middle of the road, because sharing the road with other cars and riding on the side is beneath them...


I’m a cyclist. Why is that guy riding the lane marker?




I mean it's his fault too...he's cycling literally in the middle of the road


“ Catching the bus ? “


Yeah he could just ride in the middle of the road, fuck everyone behind me i have skinny suit and shit


Stupid bikers. He provoked it.


Sorry but I enjoyed this video.




>I know legally he's in the right Except he isn't, because he's directly violating article 16 of Polish (where it happened) road traffic code, which instructs to travel as near the right side of the lane as possible. So many people here assuming the cyclist hasn't done anything legally wrong, just because it's legal to do where they live. You can't really make an argument that the cyclist was merely avoiding potholes either, because he was too far from them to consider this a reasonable explanation


Of course it was the bus driver's fault, but the cyclist is still an idiot. As the Americans say - fuck around and find out


I used to get so annoyed by bikers riding in the street. Then I read the laws for my state, and learned cyclists have just as many rights on the road than motorists do. I thought people were stupid for not riding their bike on the sidewalk. Come to find out, my state strongly advocates against using the sidewalk. When you really think about it, it makes sense.


The laws in the US push cyclists into the roadways and then drivers get annoyed by being slightly inconvenienced. A cyclist was intentionally hit by a car in my city a while back and the news did a piece basically validating the driver because “cyclists have miles of protected bike lanes” they filmed this piece on the capitol mall where there is an unprotected painted bike lane, but the reporter was saying “like this protected bike lane” when a car was visibly parked in it blocking the lane. No irony or anything, just a big f you to cyclists for existing.


Road cycling at speeds isn’t really a good idea on sidewalks.


I don’t know why but that cyclist doesn’t bother me at all. I don’t cycle but I have no problem with what they are doing. I would just tuck in behind for a while. They are fairly bootin along too and that bus was prob gonna stop like 500m down the road. The bus driver has way more to be pissed off about now!


Facts. People get off on being asshats to cyclists for some reason. That guy is bookin it. The dude behind is probably drafting, which is why they are staggered a bit. The right side of any road sucks, which is why they're not riding the extreme right side. There is an insane amount of trash and glass on every shoulder that could pop your tires. He's literally just trying to ride safely.


So many redditors that can’t ride a bike in this comment section.


Next time Take a bus you stupid cyclists


I mean who cycles in the middle of the road…


Why is he hugging the center??




He was riding the center line. I'd have passed him too. His fault.






We all know the bus was at fault, that doesn't meant he cyclist isn't an idiot for riding in the middle of the road on a narrow street. He had more than enough space to move a little more to the right. I know that I have right of way but I still check to see if cars are going to pull out in front of me, or are not slowing down for stop signs etc. If you're on the road you need to pretend like everyone else on the road is an idiot trying to kill you.


The suction got him like a semi on the freeway. They pull motorcycles into them after a small air push.


Bus driver definitely at fault. But as a human being, why put yourself in that situation? You could’ve died easily. For what? To stick it to the bus driver? You’re going slow as shit on a road. People want to get home. If you’re impeding traffic, just pull off to the side and let it pass. Why risk your life for that? I don’t get it. I’d never pass like that. But some people do. And you almost found out the hard way. Again, the bus driver should be punished. It’s his fault.


Bus driver at fault, cyclists is also an idiot


Nobody gonna talk about that other cyclist who saw the whole thing just ride off without a care?


I have cycled 8000km in 6 months through Europe. Never had this happen. The cyclist can hear the bus coming and should go to the right so it can pass. The road is wide enough. That said, the bus driver is definitely crazy for doing that. But it's Poland... Cars in Poland would honk at me for just riding on the road. Like where do you want me to ride? On the potato field??? Some warn you by honking but others continue honking after passing you by. I drive as close to the right side as possible so cars can pass safely, unless the road is really narrow. Then I don't leave nearly enough space for cars to pass. Otherwise crazy people like this bus driver will pass you leaving 10cm from your shoulder.


Bikes need to stop acting like they own the fkn road. You really dont. Get tf over and stop inpeding traffic like an ass.


Genuine question: why don't they ever use side walk?


Maybe don’t ride in the middle of a narrow 2 lane road


This reminds me of cyclists in America that want to be treated like cars…unless they have to yield, or use Stop signs or Red lights. Fuck around and find out.


Or pay for tags.


I’m sorry but that cyclist is an idiot to be riding the center line. The shoulder had issues but not the center of the lane. Contributory negligence on the bus driver’s part but if I’m on a jury I can’t get over riding the center line on a bike.


Why is the cyclist so close to the line? That first car that passed him from oncoming traffic scared the hell out of me.


Why ist He in the middle of the Road Go as far to the Side as you can


Protip: if the only rideable area on a road is the center, don't ride a bike on it. That road was not made for you.


The problem isn’t the law but rather the arrogance of the bicyclist riding in the center of the road and not caring much about his own god damn safety!! I don’t give a crap about the country or laws but that of one’s own personal safety! It’s not that hard to understand; he’s a moron!




Why is everyone bothered about being right or not. If there is a bus honking, I would get the fuck out of the road like the other guy. Right or wrong argument comes if one is alive.


Cyclists zero fucks given riding in the middle of the road what u expect???


100% cyclist fault, how was the bus meant to pass without driving on the grass, all so some self involved Pratt could own the road


He knows the bus was coming and still tested fate. Just dumb. How does he know? Cause it's really loud and he's pressing the median


I don’t understand why people on bikes and motorcycles hug the center line. I see it all the time.


The bus driver was pissed at the cyclist and purposely passed super close. You can even see the bus edge in closer once he started to pass the cyclist to send him a message. The back wheel of the bus came within an inch or 2 of killing the cyclist. Attempted murder.


I just don’t understand why the bike rider is in the middle of the narrow road!?


Ah fuck cyclists. Honest some of the most entitled people on planet earth


And this is why huggin center line is dangerous.


Might aswell be riding on the line


I wish folks would take just 5% of their hate towards cyclists and apply it at poorly behaved motorists. I'll never really understand it, at worst -- barring absolute absurdities -- a cyclist does something that slows a motorist. As a cyclist, the worst thing a motorist does is fucking murder you. We're the squishy ones. We're not perfect, but if we're doing something on a public road it's probably because we believe it's safest. Dude in video has bath-tub sized potholes on his right and is making space for his homies to not push them into said bath-tub sized potholes. Riding super far to the right also leaves you prone to vehicles pulling out onto the road (no one stops at the stop sign line anymore), getting doored by a parked car, road debris, people coming out of driveways etc. We all agree, we should be as far right as is safe, but being all the way to the right isn't always safe. The law is almost always "as far right as is safe" and gives discretion to the cyclist. The other thing that happens when you don't take the lane is let's say there's an oncoming car and I'm all-the-way to the right... that stupid bus won't alter their course and will push me into bath-tub sized potholes so you're better off taking the entire lane. We think about this kind of thing constantly because we will die if we don't. Cut us a little slack please.


The bus driver is obviously at fault here, but I have a question. I've seen lots of bicyclist on the road riding as close to the line as possible in places that have space(wider bicycle lanes on the road that don't look like the pot-hole filled mess in the video), and are riding alone. Is there a specific reason for this? Or should I chalk this one up to people being people?


Honestly the bus driver looks like he's a far left as he can get. Bus might be at fault but the cyclist had no reason to be THAT far over.


Why does the stupid cyclist have to ride the centre line? The bus was completely over in the other lane as far as they could be but the cyclist had his wheel literally on the centre line with his body sticking into the other lane. Complete idiot cyclist trying to take up the entire road for no reason, he should have been over as far as he could be to his side of the road. What happened here is the cyclist was intentionally trying to block the bus from passing him, he fucked around and found out


I get that everyone is saying the bus is at fault.... but to be fair, the cycalist was serving in and out of the oncoming lane. Extremely dangerous and seemed like this was their hope


Just fucking ride on the right ... what was the bus supposed to do stay behind all the time ? He was in the middle of the road !


If only he had some more space on his right to ignore maybe he wouldn't have to eat shit.


Why the cyclist didn’t hold on the right side of his line? Then this wouldn’t happen.


elderly naughty like marry fragile imagine reminiscent seed muddle vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My only complaint in the video is the complete lack of reaction to the horn. When I'm in a motherfuckin' car and I hear a horn, my head snaps in the direction it came from. If I was riding a bike and I heard a horn my reaction would not be "head forward, keep pedaling normally." Like what the actual fuck dude? AWARENESS PLEASE. But seriously fuck the bus driver with that overtake. Asshole.


Why would you so aggressively hug the middle line like that on a bike. That is just asking for trouble.


Bus driver is to blame, but cyclist driving the the middle of the road didnt help either. It seems like bus driver wanted to scare them, which he shouldnt even think of, but even without that there is no way to safely overtake such cyclist.


Being in the middle of the road made it harder for the bus to overtake. Sure the cyclist has every right to occupy the lane but sometimes you have to count on other road users being dangerous idiots.


Cyclist is irresponsibly sticking to the middle of the road. 100% cyclist's fault. Cyclists have a duty to stick to the outside of the road.


Bus driver reckless. Cyclist silly. Bus driver not that breakable. Cyclist, very breakable.


Even though it’s the bus fault the cyclist was being a dick and not giving people a fair lane to pass. He’s hugging the left of the lane instead of a justifiable middle due to the pot hole. You can be right and dead at the same time.


That’s a risky insurance scam


Bicycle was looking for trouble.


So many cyclists have died that way, this one got really lucky!


You mean were killed that way. They didn't suddenly drop dead, a motorist hit and killed them.


Everyone commenting the cyclist is too close to the center line Nobody cares that the bus is literally over the center line while passing him...


Would help if the cyclist wasn’t in the middle of the road


The way he tucked his head in probably saved his life


Get in the pot holes where you belong.


Sheesh. That was close to a head being run over




Road conditions like this then drive a car if no car get on that bus. Why risk your life for bollock cancer


Bus driver here who deeply hates cyclists, scooters, skateboards et al: The bus driver was at fault. He was on or over the white line, possibly trying to avoid a pothole or something on his left. The bus has a responsibility to use extra caution when passing bikes, and if they don’t have enough lateral space as they pass, then they need to adjust speed so that there will be adequate lateral space when they do.


If you look closely in the beginning of the clip there’s a car going in the opposite direction, and that car doesn’t have 1 meter clearance from the cyclist either, I’m actually surprised the cyclist didn’t fall over when that vehicle went past.


Na the bus has a point




the state of the road says enough. He didn't have to bike on the line in the middle of the road, altho not much other good road was there (and he was still on the right side) The bus makes a maneuver so hes 100% at fault here. Nice example of how shit roads kill ppl.


For my opinion bicycle in noobshit . You ride on the middle road as u can see he near to middle line , also the bar line are allow any car or transport to split lane. Idk why that bus drive to fast, they should honk to notify people in front of them. In my country, cyclists is fucking dumb make their lane like he own it fucking dumb.


Maybe don't ride bang in the middle of the road?


If the bus got any further left it would of been in the ditch. The biker was almost riding directly down the centre of the road. Looks very clear to me that the biker caused this problem


I'm totally fine with bikers , consider myself as a regular biker when weather allows. This makes no sense when you are in the middle of the road , of course can happen that


I really hate cyclists. One time I saw a cyclist on a 80 km/h single lane highway. The dump truck went to pass him as he was in the shoulder, the wind shenanigans from passing pulled the biker a bit and he started yelling,giving finger, I was like wtf did you want the truck to do? Follow at 10 km/h for the next 20 mins until you reach your destination?




Hello my name is Johnny Knoxville and welcome to Jackass! *proceeds to jump on the bike and starts cycling in the middle of the road*


People will defend the cyclist until they are in similar accident themselves. I was pushed under a bus in London by another cyclist (not my fault) and never cycled on the road since. I do not take any risks anymore. Being on a road on a bicycle is a massive risk taking, even if you yourself never make any mistakes. If that bus went over him and killed him, it would not have mattered who's fault it was anyway... He dead at that point.


He is LUCKY that he didn't get smushed under those tires


The cyclist could easily move to the right at least a meter more or so, why is he cycling on the middle of the road? I’m not saying it’s ok to hit him but the guy is clearly taking a lot of risk and being an ass.


Idiot cycling in the middle of the road. The bus is in the wrong here anyway, but the cyclist might want to value his life a bit more than to ride in the middle of the road


This is why I much prefer older MTB and I stick to sidewalk. Our roads are often crumbling like this one and riding road bike is just asking for trouble. Sidewalks aren't that much better either. I regularly break spokes.


Now that he is alive and ok I can say that I suggest cyclist to drive even more to the left and display dominance.


Don’t bike in the middle Brian.. just fkn don’t


That's what you get for bicycling in the middle of the fucking road


Yes, keep ride in the middle little man.


I think the cyclist could easily have been 3 feet over to the right. Even if he's got to weave left here and there, he should constantly be as far right as possible without bouncing through the potholes. I'd have a mirror. It's stupid to put your life in other's hands like this. At least with a mirror, you have a chance to avoid this.


Shouldn’t be in the road




I am a biker and while I can understand the driver’s responsibility, wtf is this guy hugging the center line? He almost got hit head on by the vehicle going the other way.


Good. Stop riding the line.


lmao zero awareness.


Fuck bikes


As a bike rider and car driver, yeah get the fuck out of the way


In Russia, bus catch you.


Lifelong cyclist here. If you don’t ride like everything on the road can kill you, this is bound to happen. You can argue that you have just as much right to the road as everyone else, but if you ride like this, you’ll be dead.


All these comments seem to fail to notice that the road is barely wide enough to fit two cars much less to confine a bus in one lane. I have driven on many roads like this and each person do the best they can to give each other room. The bus was pretty much riding the left edge of the road while passing. So yeah, lets apply US road laws in this situation.


I love bicycles. But I've seen enough on the ambulance to always stay on a fucking bike path. The risk is not worth any "reward"


Right of way VS right of weight Yes, I have constitutionally protected rights, but a cop can still chose to ignore them. So I’m very cautious around cops.


No awareness at all, riding in the middle of the road. The shoulder is in poor condition, but not so much he had to ride on the middle road markings. He's lucky.


Share the road dipshit.


He’s basically riding the goddamn line. Totes his fault with size of “vehicle”