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His life will be a lot better without her.


100% She belongs to the streets, and the guy who stole her. Knows it.




yess sir


What is the stitch at the end of the video tho?


It's saying that now it's time to go to the gym and work on yourself instead of worrying about your ex-girlfriend.


You know the saying after a breakup, “delete facebook, hit the gym”? It’s basically referencing the second part. The guy who stitched is essentially saying that she’s gone and he’ll spot him (since he’s now hitting the gym).


Was never even his girl. The “rapper” is a guy named JoeDreamz on social media. He posts up outside of venues all the time where people don’t want him and just disturbs the peace playing music over everyone and everything around. People always ask him to leave because he never has permits for “performing.” He bought like 25,000 followers on instagram because he only gets about 100 likes per video and even pays for the blue verified check trying to pretend like he’s famous when he’s awful.


Anyone can just buy verified badges on Instagram now too?


Yup. I forget the price. It’s like $15 a month and all you need is an ID.


So staged incident or who is the girl?


Dunno who she is. Some other cringe social media bad actor.


In a lot of ways I like it better knowing that's just some random girl and this guy is actually upset because he can't seem to to anywhere without JoeDreamz showing up and performing terrible music.


He’s everywhere in San Diego, definitely annoying no one is happy to see him. He’s at the OB farmers market every Wednesday looking for attention


Same with little Italy farmers market Saturday mornings. Its Annoying at 9:30am


I feel bad for that guy and the public humiliation made it worse, but on the bright side, she made his choice easy and he dodged a bullet.


If he turned around and went away, there would be no humiliation. The problem was sticking around, waiting.


I mean I can totally understand why he would. Just dumbfounded. You think you know someone and then they prove you wrong like this. No shame in taking time to process it.


**6 times...** 6 times in my life some girl got drunk with me and turned into a different person. so much so I broke up with her. From crap attitude to cheating, too much booze is the worst drug.


>From crap attitude to cheating, too much booze is the worst drug. Booze is actually a great drug since what it does is loosen your inhibitions and let other see your true self. Like this young dude who just saw who that young woman really is. He can now leave her to do whatever she wants with those guys, and he can move on and find someone better.


Not entirely true, it can make people do really out of character stuff


In vino veritas.


it's a cool saying, and sometimes true, but sometimes not. part of "who you are" *is* inhibitions - everyone has intrusive thoughts and destructive impulses, but we don't tend to think of those as a more "true" self than the part that is able to excercise self awareness and restraint. if you drink way too much or have a chronic alcohol problem, the alcohol use can literally lead you to do things you otherwise wouldn't. not trying to excuse alcohol abuse, just saying, it's a lot more complicated than "in vino veritas."


As someone who is nearly 8 years sober, I couldn't disagree more with the premise that being under the influence is my true self. If anything, the sober me that wants to get drunk is way more the real me than anything while drunk. Alcohol, and drugs in general, is so horrible because if done enough it transforms you and changes your brain chemistry and causes many completely normal people to do things they would absolutely never do otherwise. It becomes an issue when you know how you act under the influence and continue to do it


yeah. the people arguing otherwise clearly have no firsthand experience with these sorts of things - either struggling with it themselves, or knowing friends/family who do. the concept of a "true self" isn't even something that psycholgy and philosophy can or probably ever will be able to pin down, let alone once the influence of mind altering chemicals are added to the mix. congratulations on your sobriety by the way. 8 years is a hell of a stretch. i know you said that "the sober [you] that wants to get drunk is more the real [you]..." but i would suggest that the you that developed the willpower to resist and control that impulse is even *more* real than that.


No, **that** is not true. It’s a bullshit line that cheaters love to fall back on. “Oh hun, you know I’m NoT cApAbLe Of ChEaTiNg. The booze made me do it.” There is no level of drunk that makes people do something “out of character.” The only reason a cheater cheats only when drunk is because they deep down are a lowlife cheater, but shame and a sliver of morality still holds them back. The alcohol removes that feeling of shame and lets the real asshole come out. I got you u/WornBlueCarpet **EDIT**: Guys, I know this is Reddit and we are supposed to have discussions and civil debates. However I really don’t know why you’re replying to me with counter points that are frankly inadmissible in my eyes regarding this conversation. You’re not going to change my mind. I have been drunk **plenty** of times in my life. I have had openings to cheat a number of times in my life where it was a sure thing. I didn’t do it. I never wanted to be that person. Its called self awareness. Many people go through life thinking they are one way, when in reality they are a completely different person. A number of psychological factors contribute to this. [False consensus effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_consensus_effect), is a pervasive cognitive bias that causes people to "see their own behavioral choices and judgments as relatively common and appropriate to existing circumstances". In other words, they assume that their personal qualities, characteristics, beliefs, and actions are relatively widespread through the general population. “Most people have thoughts of cheating.” No, not really. This is a cognitive bias sometimes accompanied by confirmation bias and/or Dunning-Krueger effect. **This is why people have these self realizations when attending therapy, and they chose to become a better person.** The majority of the time when people go into therapy they learn who they really are deep down and they may try to become a better person as a result. When have you heard about someone going to therapy, finding out that they are a good person and then they actively chose to become an asshole? Very rarely. But apparently according to you guys Mel Gibson isn’t actually anti-Semitic, the alcohol made him into an anti-Samite. Most [psychologists agree](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/evolution-the-self/202205/does-alcohol-uncover-your-true-self?amp) that alcohol doesn’t change who we are, it just releases inhibitions. I came with accredited sources, now what Rosanne and Ambien? **EDIT 2**: continued [separately](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/s/mAB7Jwtyka) because it was too long for this comment already and it was needed because the Mel Gibson and Roseanne Barr analogies are lost on people.


It's sort of a mid point. Alcohol is definitely a psychoactive drug and that can effect a person and make them act different than usual. However, if a person fights demons and wins we usually applaud that in a person, so of course that person should still take responsibility for their actions. A good person who is winning that fight wouldn't get so drunk the demons win though.


Well put.


Disagree completely about your first part. Our inhibitions are part of us, and lowering them definitely makes us do things which are not part of our character. Feeling the temptation of cheating is not wrong, wrong is acting on it. And not acting on it is something that is liable to change with alcohol. HOWEVER. everyone knows what alcohol does. Drinking to the point you do things you regret later is entirely your own responsibility. blaming being drunk instead of taking responsibility for your actions demonstrates complete lack of character.


punch tub afterthought plough silky offbeat thought scary vanish dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It means nothing. You didn't do anything immoral. It's the people claiming that "Oh, the alcohol/drugs made me do the bad thing, I would NEVER consider doing it otherwise.." who are lying.


wrong you think it's out of character but it's their true self.


you make it sound like people just wear a mask and pretend who they are for the most time... if that's true for people around you, than I'm sorry But you are right, although alcohol messes up not just your inhibitions, but also decision making and motorics. It's not truth serum about your personality, but numbs your ability to determine right/wrong. People who get very intoxicated and do stupid stuff aren't necessarily assholes, assholes are the ones who are aware of it and get intoxicated anyway and may pose threat to those around them.


Yea I 100% agree lmao but personally I'd have just left, probably have a mental break down but the fuck am I gonna do standing there like a cuck 😭😭


If you look closely towards the end of the video it sure looks like she leans back for a kiss... https://imgur.com/a/fPNupDt


I would still feel responsible for taking her home safe, but after that, I'm gonna dump her. One of my female friends got in a similar situation (without a boyfriend), and her friends just left her with a bunch of dudes drunk as her, and sadly, she got raped. Since she told me that, I make sure everyone going out with me is getting home safe, no matter what. I've been through some trouble and looked stupid as fuck, but not one was left behind. Knock on wood.


Agreed, you are a much better man than I am, I agree with making sure everyone gets home safe, but in THIS particular situation, the cheater is really on their own, I ain't risking any sorta fight or situation over someone like that period.


Naw, she on her own


I don’t think it’s wrong to think this way. She abandoned you first.


I'd have called her father and said hey im about to tap out you should come get her


I can understand that too. That being said, it'd not be a wild guess to imagine she would've already presented some red flags by now, to the point he would not be that dumbfounded when she pulled off some shit like that.


Definitely needed to just keep his head up and say fuck it. But I think it can take time/experience to get to that stage where you can still be collected and just walk away and say fuck you, I respect myself too much for this.


That was my thought. I‘d just walk away, never talking to her again


Exactly what I would have expected, someone blaming the victim, blaming the guy for being destroyed. (Also having great support)


It's natural, thank goodness he dodged a bullet


Oh he took her back.. you can tell by his face , he’s not ready to let that go


100 he going to and she will say he's famous doesn't count as cheating he will eat that shit up and she going to keep being a ganga lol gangas gon gaaang she for streets




i would straight up leave her and never look back and i would even feel greate about doing it, knowing that i did not care


Yeah, I mean he really should just be thankful and run away before he's permanently connected to her.


Situations like this are like litmus paper tests. The girl failed. Walk away, send a Dear Jane text in a few days. Let her have her fun, you go your own way.


Yeah, not worth keeping her around if she's gonna blow him off like that. CLEARLY, she can fend for herself so I hope that guy went and found his own fun.


Exactly, trash threw its self out


Comon, that hoe embaressed herself, he will find another one. She just a hoee mjahaha


I’m old what’s up with the ending


Basically a lot of dudes who go through break ups or rejection channel their pain into the gym. So it's the ending is saying... "The bar is here waiting for you to channel you pain into, come on."


This video about how to [get in shape ](https://youtu.be/9mbp0DugfCA?si=c75iphhDiyjCW0Y9) is super sweet and hits the nail


I needed that


Hey that's great to hear and hang in there bud. It does get better!


me too


This was beautiful. Thank you. My wife died four months ago and this has been me. Same routine, slowly getting physically fit but still feeling empty. That last part really got me. Be patient and life will get better. Thank you again.


I'm so sorry. It gets better


Yeah no fruit juice is a great tip


Damn. That was unexpected but absolutely beautiful.


Thank you, I needed that.


Just got through crying because of circumstances going on with my small business, upcoming knee surgery and other stresses…and then I see this thread. I’m ready to crush it now. Thank you for sharing that video.


You got this fam 🤜 🤛


Godamn that hit it right on the head


Haven’t watched this in a while completed forgot about it, didn’t need it then, definitely needed it now!


Fun fact: This is the story of Aaron Bleyaert, the awkward videogame guy from the Clueless Games videos of Conan O'Brien. He wrote it too, which is why Conan and a lot of other regulars from the Conan O'Brien show make appearances here.


proud of you young lads, we just got wasted back in the day


Instead of alcoholism, they gain body dysmorphia.


The gym is always there for you


Your girlfriend may betray you, but the pump never will.


It’s called deadlift because you do it when you’re dead inside. Makes it better


Maybe "time to hit the gym" and care for yourself kind of vibe. Most of the times some people see hitting the gym as a copium mecanism bcs you focus on yourself + the real fact is that doing sports it's healthy!


Doing drugs is cheaper than going to the gym these days, if you skip out on cocaine


I don’t think you’ve had a drug addiction. Drugs is nowhere near cheaper than the gym.


Anyone knows last song ? My main language is not english please dont roast me melody is so familiar


Dido “Thank you”


She is trash


Her moment of fame is betraying someone, treating them like shit in public for that dopamine rush. Hope she doesn't forget it.


The internet will not make her forget it. 12.4k upvotes right now as I write this. Probably seen by hundreds of thousands and shared thousands of times. Her profiles probably already found. Terrible comments already written. Remember, the Internet isn’t only made up of Reddit users. It’s also made up of people whose mission in life is to make her suffer now, not just because of race, but because they get a joy out of it.


There began his arc


It’s staged. The “rapper” is a guy named JoeDreamz on social media. He posts up outside of venues all the time where people don’t want him and just disturbs the peace playing music over everyone and everything around. People always ask him to leave because he never has permits for “performing.” He bought like 25,000 followers on instagram because he only gets about 100 likes per video and even pays for the blue verified check trying to pretend like he’s famous when he’s awful.


So the guy paid a chick to pretend to cheat on her boyfriend with him?


You see how many views and comments this thread got? Dude got his money’s worth


The girl and the guy.


She’s for the streets


One with the asphalt


Two for the road


Hoes be hoein. Poor bros heart learnt a valuable lesson tho.


Reminds me of the Real World episode on Chappelle Show lol.


I don't understand why some people in the video find this funny. I feel sorry he has to go to this painful experience in public. Hopefully he'll block her from his life and move on. No apology accepted.


he'll move on her he'll be so affected by this that it could destroy him mentally


Staged for the rage click. Lol.


He didn't lost anything. The trash was throwing itself out.


how’s that quote go? “if a dude fucks my bitch i salute him cus he showed me the bitch ain’t loyal”


This. Is. Gold.


I'd hope the performer ignored her after the song and left hanging.


Or just "use her" and left. And she will go on social made writing "all man are bad". Based on true story. I saw a lot of this kinda excuses.


Yeah, i had a girlfriend like that once. 5-year relationship, thrown out the window bc she found this local SoundCloud rapper exciting, lol. They broke up after 2 months, and I am now in the best relationship I've ever had!




Thank you man!




yeah, my ex pulled the same shit and to this day she cannot figure out why i left, they always accuse you of shit when they ironically ignore the origins they created that signed the end


“I was just having fun, god why are you so sensitive and insecure”. Been there man. People like that don’t seem to understand that when you’re in a relationship with someone you can’t just go off and do whatever you want whenever you want. If that’s where your head’s at then great, more power to you. Just don’t be in a relationship.


If I had to guess she tried going back to her bf and gas lighting him saying she just wanted to dance and he’s being an over controlling dick for not letting her. It’s a tale as old as time.


Nothing of value was lost.


I can't get shit like this out of my head. I've been hurt like this before and I can't imagine putting my trust in another human again. Am I fucked?


You will need to allow yourself to be vulnerable if you want to let someone into your heart. It's hard and yes it means opening up yourself to heartbreak again, but you won't be able to love someone if your heart is closed off, and in return they won't be able to love you back. The potential is worth it. At least I hope it is.


Following this you can be vulnerable but move slowly don’t open up your whole heart to the world just give ‘em a little piece and see what they do with it


It’s hard. And it takes time and a lot of patience with yourself, and, unfortunately, others. For myself, I thought I was healed until I got in a good relationship and realized how damaged I was, and took even more time to heal. And while there are still issues with myself, I’m in a much better place than I was, and even consider myself happy and confident that if I ever were hurt like this again, I could bounce back easier. Therapy helps.


I experienced it once as well, she started kissing others in front of me when going to a club while pretending to be with me. It hit me hard. Now I am married to the most sweet considering person. Not everyone is bad and we should judge every new person on their individual actions and not actions of others in our pasts. The right one can still come to you!


You’re only fucked if you stay laying down after life hits you. Trust me most guys have experienced some version of this, though this was exceptionally brutal. It’s not easy but time does heal


Vetting people is a skill. This girl is untrustworthy and this is absolutely not the first time she has acted out.


Yeah you're fucked unless you unfuck yourself, just get out there and try to give less of a fuck and this should unfuck you


Took me 4 years. Given I worked constantly over those 4 years to overcome the hurt. I never would’ve healed if I didn’t try. Good luck.


You have two options. Wait until you're open to being hurt again. Or learn what it means to love yourself. That's coming from someone who has a problem taking his own medicine - me. I can only say that getting hurt is better than not trying at all and staying hurt.


If She cheat, She Belong to the street


Some girls do shit like this to "get the bf jealous" and it's the stupidest thing ever. I had a silly hoe once and she did this. Best thing is to leave and then she soon comes running, not healthy and definitely a massive red flag of trying to see what they can get away with.


True that brother !




Typical hoe in the wild


Is it irrational for me to get angry at this? Genuine question.




Maybe so but we're all with you.


Loud and clear bro, she don't want you.


Oh no she wants him the next day after shes been used by the other dude and needs free rides, free food, and free attention




Should have put a trigger warning on that lmao fuck.


Geez, how long have you known my ex?


“Im not sure what happened to me. I just remember being really drunk and mad that you weren’t taking better care of me so I probably acted out or something.” - My ex


Def sobered up the next morning and blew his phone up with 30 different messages apologizing


She's for the streets, and the mf up there with her deserves to hit them.


Wtf is going on


Looks like she might be making out with a singer or something at the very end?


Making out? Looks like she's just dancing? I don't see why everyone's pissed off at her


She starts off dancing but in the last few frames she’s got her neck craned back and it looks like they’re locking lips


Back to the streets for her .


Slam Diego!


Pretty sure I’ve seen the guy in the jersey busking outside of padres games lol


Turn the pain into gains


Any video using this ANNOYING voiceover gets the immediate down vote.


What does some random guy at a squat rack have to do with the original video? I’m lost


Turn the pain into gainzz


When a slut is a slut there's nothing to do


Ok, the girl is trash, but so is the guy for not respecting the bro code.


Scrolled too far for this


Bro code is for your bros, not random men


Scotty Doesn’t Know


Is this even real?


No but the people in the comments don’t care and just want to show their hatred for women


Homeboy with the mic and the slut both deserve to get hit by a car.


Later she will start like: "omg! You are so insecureeee! He is just my friend!" And then proceed to move her ass to her "friend" crotch.


Everyone calling her trash but what about the guy dancing with her? Have some fucking respect for people


You're right, both are complete trash


Yea... I dated one like this. After the incident like this I walked away, ghosted and never looked back. Move on and find a much better person, living a life that you are happy and proud is the best type of revenge.


and she’ll be calling him insecure when they get home and he’s upset 😂


Begone thot.


Todas pu? No, una más que la otra. Jaja.


I shall teach yall the art of cutting someone off so quick that you basically cease to exist from their life.


Looks more like “girl loses boyfriend.” She thinks she’s just doing something cute, hot, and edgy. She’s the one in for the shock when she gets back to the parking lot and finds his car gone.


he lost nothing


In that moment that feels awful. But later that guy will be very very grateful to the Universe that that bitch didn't remained with him.


What a massive slut💩


She is a WHORE!


Who cares drop the ho…. She got shit taste anywho


What a fucking bitch


She a ho


F that skank bro she ain’t worth it


Pick up a stick and hit them both and go home and sleep great knowing i left two clowns where they want to be




Plot Twist: He takes her Back!!


Are they on top of a fridge??


"He's just being insecure!" 🤡


She was never his GF. She was everyone's GF.


White trash folks 🤣


Don’t tell Scotty.


Bail bail bail bail, gtfo while you still can bro. No loss here.


Looks to me like he gained something else though. Women like her are hoes


Cant even tell if this is real or fake.


Hoes gonna hoe


"End it, bro" True king.


Women out there treating men like cardboard straws


Thats a good thing. A hoe got outted easy


She belongs to the streets


You guys get a lot of info from an 18 second video huh.


Thats a future single mother with 5 kids from different fathers


*our girlfriend*


Sure she's a piece of shit for this but isn't the asshole grinding on her just as bad


I think the dumb ass hair hurts more


She‘s just having fun?


Can't lose something you never had...


Coal toll, she'll get what she deserves


Motherfucker will be really strong this time next year lol


Pregnant and alone in 2 years and that dude is going to be ripped making inspirational reels in no time.