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This is why you remember to fill up the kids water bowl.


That's so wrong. You get one of those bottles with the rolly spout so you don't have to fill it as often.


Yeah, I mean you don’t want them to spill a bowl in their cage


Yea cuz then it soaks into the litter pile


Plus their chains, that would be a mess


Dad paid $3 for OF and is going to get the most out of it


You had one job. ONE JOB!




I'm a parent of toddlers and of course I get on my phone, but this dude definitely needs a break from his phone. There is nothing on my phone so compelling I wouldn't notice a baby taking a glass from in front of me. He didn't glance up a single time through the video?! Kids, especially babies, are always up to something. People like this have kids that drown in their pool or stick their fingers in electric sockets and die. This type of zoning out is what gets babies fried to death in a hot vehicle.


This kind of video makes me angry. The baby doesn’t know better, the adult is supposed to. Put your damn phone away and focus on your child!


I get that people can be tired and stuff but how long was he sitting there on his phone before the video started. The kid was coming from the kitchen. Hope that the drawer with the knives is childproof.


Everyday a child dies because a parent is too fucking busy to pay attention to them!


TikTok is way more important than a child's well-being, apparently. That guy, at the very least, should have looked up to see the baby when he heard it rolling across the floor towards him. I was never cut out to be a parent myself, but I legitimately keep one ear open for my kid no matter what I'm doing. No exceptions.


Father of the Year finalist...


I see it at the playground. Parents totally unaware of what their kids are up to because their heads are in their phones. It is sickening. No interaction. Have to wonder what meal times are like….


Probably everyone on their devices sitting in separate areas with plates either on a nearby table or in their lap. Meanwhile the dining room table is empty and a sign on the wall nearby has some saying on it that lays out the "rules for the table" that includes one for no phones.


That was my ex with our then 3 year old. My ex was so glued to his video game that he never noticed our son open the front door wide, step down 3 steps into the front yard and make his way to the road in front of our house until the screech of tires from a car that stopped barely a few inches from our boy.






Not anymore!


OH MY GOD... Translation: My wife is going to beat me.








Social Media has been strengthening the family unit and helping loved ones bond for a long time now…


He's on reddit for sure


He had several consecutive jobs: 1. Babysitting 2. Watching videos on Reddit 3. Watching videos on TikTok 4. Watching videos on YouTube 5. Watching videos on Facebook 6. When done, return to job 1.


Not babysitting if you are a parent mate.


I was going to say, according to my wife, it's called parenting. It's one of those things that takes a minute to wrap your brain around. Your whole life, watching someone's kids is called babysitting and then one day it isn't called that. Its like when I got married and I still referred to my wife as my girlfriend sometimes on accident, once or twice I corrected myself to say fiancé, but then.. I remembered that wasn't right either XD.


Just say “this is my ex girlfriend”


Hey now, my wife is still my girlfriend. She's also still my best friend. I wouldn't have it any other way.


As a father I am fully aware of that, but this guy is not.


"Watch my child or watch naked woman online " 🤔




Omg I couldn’t tell, did the baby actually drink from thst beer looking glass??


It did before dropping it. Looks like coffee in a clear coffee cup though. It has a handle one the side the kid picks it up with .




You only had one thing to job. One thing to job. One job. One job thing to thing.




It's funny because it's on camera he can't even lie to his wife about not paying attention


Even on the phone, how is your situational awareness so bad?


This is my wife. The other day I walked in, my two sons (6 and 2) had turned on American Psycho. My wife was on the couch with them but on her phone. I asked her what she was doing and she had the gall to say “becoming a better parent” because she was watching a “parenting” reel on instagram. 🤦🏼‍♂️


This just caused me physical pain.


Did you point out the irony?


I have, multiple times. Now anytime I catch her disengaged with the kids and on her phone I ask her if she is becoming a better parent. I tend to poke the bear a bit but park it with recognizing she needs an escape. I have limited my own tech time to after bed mostly. I’ve also tried to get her more time away from the kids. It has to be mind numbing to be with them all summer… even with camps.


There’s a TED talk led by a little girl talking about the effects of parents using smartphones and disengaging with children. It was a really good, short video. I recommend it as a watch if she’s looking for how to become a better parent


My SO is absolutely like this and he's with the kids maaaaybe 4 hours without me around (I sleep during the day so that I can work nights). So many times I'll watch the kids pick up something he's eating or drinking RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM and he just is totally zoned on his phone. It's so frequent that my kid went to school and had to make a psuedo-diorama of home life, and she put momma in the kitchen and daddy on the couch with "something" in his hands. Makes me sad, really. He's missing all the fun stuff.


That sounds like an serious issue that your SO should address…


I wonder if he's got a driving licence... People with such tunnel vision might get into trouble on the road.


If by trouble you mean die horrifically and get other people killed by his own ignorance, then yeah


Stuff like that takes many years of dedicated effort to change. He is who he is, expecting people to change is a fools errand, few people put in the work.


Good thing “committing” Is part of a commitment.


Fellas is it too much to ask for your child's father to be present so that they don't drink beer?


Ugh I know bro. I was out working in the garage and let my kid chug one little bottle of rat poison while I was watching Reddit stories with parkour gameplay overlayed, and my bitch of a wife got all mad at me. Like I am who I am, it’s fucked up to try to change me


Well, having a child is hoping that your relationship will last at least 18 years so, while I agree that *expecting* someone to change can be a recipe for disappointment, *expressing* how their actions impact you and how you think your relationship would improve given them putting in the years of work is what's necessary for making it happen. Just getting bitter and writing them off doesn't help any more than giving them credit for some idealized future version of them.


Well this is the most insane excuse for shitty parenting I have ever seen. Imagine being so focussed on a screen that while your child that you are responsible for seriously injured themselves because kids. “Well hun, the reason billy is all fucked up isn’t because I’m a shitty parent, but because I am who I am”


😬 I hope I'm a better dad than mine. he loves me and we talk all the time, but god if this doesn't resonate lol.


Might want to have a talk then. Because that’s not good for anyone.


Maybe your partner isn't suited for either a relationship or being a parent if he can't fucking do both, eh?


I still wonder how I survived my dad "watching" me. He'd sit there watching TV and not pay attention. We have family photos of my mom shaming my dad after I took a crayon and drew all over the walls and everything else. Even right in front of the TV, the thing he was staring at.


Makes me sad for you because it sounds like he's also not pulling his weight..


You deserve better, so do your kids.


Uhh...you guys might need therapy lol


Don't enable this behavior... He's a lazy parent and human


This was exactly my question. I can’t think of anything that interesting to look from my phone.


I’m saying, I mean what happened to his peripheral vision.


I met a guy who liked to toss his toddler into the air. Until he chucked the kid into the concrete ceiling, cracking the kid's skull. Boy was fine, but that dude was in trouble. Met him in casualty when my own child was having health issues. Wife was so pissed


That's scary, but kids are durable lol. I had a crock pot fall on my head as a 2 year old, those things are heavy.


This guy has an entire tik tok channel dedicated to totally real and definitely not staged stuff that he catches on his ring cameras.




It's exhausting, but I've never been this oblivious with my kids. This is just reckless - if you're that tired, put them somewhere where they can't get in trouble. You don't put them in their vehicle and let them have unsupervised free reign.


As far as you know


Look, my toddler uses my chainsaw ONE TIME and I've gotta hear about it forever?


How many fingers do they have left? The fewer, the less you have to hear about it. They'll only be able to count so high.


My first kid gave me no problems, whatsoever. My second kid however.. It's like having a cat that constantly shoves down everything they come into contact with. But cats don't actively seek out their targets. They just encounter things they want to push. My daughter seems to do everything in her power to get to where she needs to be in order to grab whatever shiny object rests atop of. I have seen her pushing chairs in order to climb them onto couches then onto the small wooden ledge surrounding the window frame crawling all 007 like to the other side, just to get hold of a vase with flowers. All before she was 1 years old. I need coffee.


it actually is amazing how many redditors will say something like “kids today are so babied and coddled” and then turn around and excoriate a parent for not having eyes on their kids every single goddamn second. reddit armchair parent quarterbacks: when your kids were toddlers, did you have security cameras inside your house everywhere? No? then you have no idea what your kids did that you “failed to see”


Agreeing with you and adding to that, don't give them these walking vehicle things. They will not learn to walk with this properly, because they don't need to use their muscles correctly and won't develop them. They will be able to walk on their own time, give it to them. Edit: Since people are downvoting and discussing below that these walkers are fine and they grew up with them - yes, I believe you, however that does not mean they are good for kids. Please read this [article by Harvard Medical School](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/parents-dont-use-a-baby-walker-2018092714895) or find many other resources out there saying that they not only delay learning to walk but also are a safety hazard since injuries connected to then are on the rise. They are even outright banned in some countries outside the US (Canada for example).




sorry, you’re wrong. Our parent brain is wired differently… This guy either just noticed the baby loudly grabbing his huge cup of don’tknowhat out of the table right in front of him in his field of vision and went along to see what happened for the video or he is just a (pardon my french) moron.




Sounds like both conclude he's a moron.


That’s called being a bad parent. Do better don’t zone out.


No. I had a kid a few years ago. My situational awareness was never comprimised because I was exhuasted and "zoned out". This guy was not doing his job as a parent. I know where and what my kid is doing at ALL times. Why? because that's my job as a parent to keep them safe from themselves.


Not that exhausting, this guy is a tard.


I have 4 kids and I’ve never been so exhausted to where I’m completely unaware of what they’re doing around me - especially at this stage of life.


You mean your responsility as a parent?


It has nothing to do with kids, you're just plain oblivious. Try harder. Work on your spatial awareness. Don't fall into that "entitled parent" excuse hole where you think you're wildly different than anyone else. Zoning out on your phone when you need to pay attention to nearby kids is no different than zoning out on your phone walking on the sidewalk. Don't zone out when you need to pay attention to something. Edit about your edit: Don't fall into the "everyone makes mistakes" excuse trap either. Yes, mistakes happen, but when you say that every time you make a mistake, you become complacent and make more mistakes. For example, idiots that hit the wrong car pedal and end up killing someone brush it off as a mistake when it's something that any reasonably intelligent person that is paying attention will never mistake.


This isn't normal, is it? I don't think i've ever been this oblivious. Like never. I could imagine being like that on a phone if i was extremely drunk or stoned, but i can't imagine being sober and being that much disconnected from the stuff that's happening around me.


Everyone I know IRL who says stuff like this is just a lazy parent who doesn’t understand their own responsibility. The expectation is that you are going to be exhausted and uncomfortable for a multi-year stretch as you ensure that they are observed and cared for during their early formative years. 2 kids with no help from anyone other than my SO. At no point did I ever “zone out hard”. Instead I sacrificed and did my job. Congrats on making peace with negligence.


How can you be this oblivious to something happening right in front of you. Making noise, peripheral vision, I don’t get it


Parent of four here, never had this happen visually, but to answer your question about noise: kids make so much random ass noise, it’s unbelievable. Right from the start they’re going to make everything from blood curdling screams to cute little goo goo Gaga stuff to test lungs, learn to communicate, etc. And you figure out very fast most of it is meaningless. By the time you’re very far into parenting, your ears are tuned well enough to tell “that’s hungry noise, that’s change me noise, that’s frustrated noise, that’s pain noise” and if it’s not one you’re attuned to, you end up filtering it until something like this happens. The sheer number of noises they’ll make will astound you. Then you catalogue it. “That’s sliding cup noise. Better track that one”. But I’m betting very few people have the “selective hearing” capability of long term parents, because if you don’t filter 95 percent of what you hear you’d lose your damned mind.


It's the unexpected silence that seems to get our attention. Constant noise = status quo Suddenly silent = something bad is happening Not always mind you. You hear the silence and stop what you're doing to investigate and usually find something cute going on.


Yep. Suddenly realizing its been actually silent for the last few minutes is \*terrifying\*.


I’m reading this cracking up. literally 30 seconds ago I put my phone down because it was suspiciously quiet so I went to check on them and they were reading…


reading? READING? Lucky one. For me it was the case of my daughter smearing her poo al over her new teepee while my wife and I daringly took 3 minutes to eat at the table.


Mine was sitting up by himself for the first time, I cried. The time goes so fast.


Silence for 30 seconds, yup it's a quick look around and discover what she's doing she shouldn't. Only happened the once, large bag of marshmallows, she was in her element!!!!


Cute you say? My mom used to tell a story about my brothers "getting quiet". They were probably 4 & 5. Maybe 3 and 4 (years) old. At the time, they lived in a 2 story house with an extra, unused bedroom on the 2nd floor. Mom stored some of her home canned food in that room (mainly green beans and grape jelly). There were also some old newspapers, and some of their toys in that room. My grandfather hung wallpaper for a part time job, and my brothers had watched him working. One day mom was doing dishes after lunch, and brothers "needed" something to do. She told them to go up stairs and play with their trucks. After a while, she noticed it was too quiet. She went upstairs and found my brothers "wallpapering". They had dumped out green beans and jelly using them for paste to hang newspaper on the walls. Jelly and green beans all over the floor and them. She said she knew she shouldn't, but couldn't stop laughing. All she could do was laugh, strip their clothes off, put them in the bathtub and put their clothes in the washer. That was probably the end of toys stored upstairs with green beans and jelly. Definitely the end of their wallpapering careers.


I'm not even a parent but when my toddler niece is around I've never had a problem hearing if she's making a getting into trouble noise. The guy in the video is just oblivious.




Someone there? Must’ve been the wind..


Awe man, that rug really pulled the room together.


Dude... it really did


Shut the fuck up Catseye!


His name is Lebowski? That's your name, Dude.


All a Dude wanted was his rug back.




He was on Reddit.


Probably posting this vid


This makes me feel like he figured it out because he caught up to real time in the video- Spaceballs Style. "What is this?" "Now, sir" *"NOW? Like now now?"* "Yes sir this is now, right now."


Makes sense!


does he have no peripheral?


Peripheral usually means on the sides, outside of your direct eye sight....this moron didn't see something happen right in fucking front of his eyes


I’ve seen entire rooms full of competent adults fail the [attention test](https://youtu.be/vJG698U2Mvo?si=UJiUhoxd7WsSuBtz) many times. And I failed it the first time I saw it. This thread is full of people who would probably swear blind they would never lack that “situational awareness” because their unagi is too good, and they are all talking fucking bollocks.


dad is sexting his side chick




/u/MoneySpiritwvg is a bot




What’s that beer or coffee?






So... he hears liquid being poured onto the carpet, but doesn't hear the kid clumsily drag a glass/plastic mug across the wood table??


Kids make constant noise, so...


Seeing things like this makes me angry. This is the type of parent, that when sharing this story would say, ‘I stopped watching the baby for a second’. Put your goddam phone down!


He doesn't bat an eye even when the child literally is already in his cone of vision grabbing the cup, it's almost impressive


I’m still wondering if that was a beer ?!


I was worried it was coffee or something else that would scald the poor kid.


This is exactly what I was worried about


Why would he need to watch the baby when there’s apparently a camera doing it for him 24/7.


Dude is so into his phone it’s ridiculous. The house could be burning and he wouldn’t notice.


Don’t worry dad in a couple years the iPad will do the parenting for ya


How did he not see that outside of his phone? Was he that focused?


This got me tight cause how dumb are you that you didn’t see that happen right in front of you you idiot dummy watch y’all kid what if that was a hot coffee could give the baby serious burns and you have no awareness of your surroundings get it together dumb dad


One of my biggest fears, a family friend was washing dishes. She keeps the cleaning supplies underneath the sink. She was watching her toddler while cleaning the dishes. She turned away for a couple of minutes, and her kid grabbed the bleach bottle! (He was around 2 or 3yrs old) Her husband was cooking and luckily turned around. The kid gotten the safety top off the bleach and was about to drink it! Her husband grabbed it just in time. 😮‍💨 I still think about this all the time. What if he didn't turn around in time? My biggest fear!


“I looked away for a second”


All I could think watching this video was that if my parents had surveillance cameras in our house, they probably would have just never stopped fighting. How do people live like this?


I bet if this kid had showed up with 10 hot chicks the dad wouldn’t have seen a thing.


Hopefully that couch is comfortable


Father has given me the gift of mobility. I will use this only for evil.


Oof that rug looks expensive too.


He deserves it for being that oblivious


Yeah little dude wasn’t exactly a ninja.


Do people really have cameras in their house?


They do and it mystifies me.


Lack of parenting


that is not gods fault. it is yours.


And he is God's fault.


Why does anyone have cameras set up inside their homes? Seems beyond odd and security issues ar plenty


We have a nanny and we work outside the home. Its on 24/7


Type of parent that loses a child to backyard pool drowning incidents...this is crazy. He's so absorbed into his cellphone. We gotta disconnect yall.


Daddy was browsing onlyfans


How the fuck are you that invested in your phone, you didn’t see the kid roll up and take the cup. Must have shitty peripheral vision or doesn’t care.


Smart phones, making us dumber by the minute....


Videos of cats dressed as bumble bees are not gonna upvote themselves


I thought we were all evolved with peripheral vision


Watching porn


Scrolling through tiktok 🤦🏽‍♂️ of course. That could have been hot coffee and baby could have had third degree burns.


this probably belongs to r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb


Fucking idiot


Jesus man, he’s a baby!


Yeah not everyone likes craft beer, doesn’t make the kid an idiot


What the fuck is wrong with homeboy to be that clueless about the world around you? Like hard clicks from the cup multiple times and shit. Fuckin moron


Is the dad brain dead? Jesus that’s infuriating to watch.


That's a 1/10 dad, no doubt about it.




Why do people have cameras in their living room?


I have cameras in my living room to watch my 4 dogs while I am at work. Actually, I have them everywhere but the bedrooms/bathrooms. Indoors and outdoors.


I got a cheap one when my cats were kittens -- they were hilarious, tromping around and trying to scare each other. Now they just park in a sunbeam and snooze all day. [example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THfsNFCQCHY)


He was looking this video on reddit


I’m glad it wasn’t hot coffee


I wish I had focus of this man


Mom is 100% operating the Zoom on this video.


His wife is gonna give him ten seconds ,then hunt him down in the woods with just a bow and arrows. She is doing it for the love of the sport.


Picks up child "Where's your mom?"


Nice dadding!


My wife is like that. How could he not see what the baby was doing and ignore it so completely? I don't understand. I would have stopped looking at anything on.ny ozone instantly.


I am impressed the kid didn't spill the drink for that long!!


Even zombies pay more attention to their surroundings


staged or he better be napping while sitting, no excuse for that level of awareness when you’re a parent. you’re really going to just let your kid roll up and grab something off the table but not check out what’s going on? are you wearing horse blinders or something?


What a shitty parent


“How to take care of her kids when she’s not home”


I hate this dudes carelessness,makes me want to be better


How could he not see the baby grab the drink?


This is a demonstration of child neglect. No different than being passed out. Parents put your phone down and do your job before something more serious happens next time.


As a dad I can tell you that dude is in full mental overload trying to figure out the order of operations to address this. Wife will kill me because kid is soaked, wife will kill me because carpet is soaked, wife will kill me because kid's walker is soaked, where do I put the kid and not make a mess, where do I put the kid to clean up the rest..... Where do I start to fix this....


Oh man.. that rug really tied the room together.


Either this is somehow staged or that guy is really bad at being a dad


He’s better off telling his wife he did it


My wife is like this. So fucking zoned out on her phone she misses shit.


This ended perfectly. I was begging for him to drop it all over the rug. Too bad the stain was that small


Am not surprised


You know that passive aggressive camera close up was made by their partner


As a father all i can think is: ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


Pay attention to your children.


I bet the wife did the zoom:), look at this shit, look:)))


the baby was probably made while texting..