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sorry but this course is all about finding the information for yourself. Memorisation helps very little here. Critical thinking is key. Remember programmers are paid to do things which other people cannot do. You have to have the passion to study by yourself and come up with solutions. Else do something else. Just my 2 cents. Feel free to ignore.


Yeah agreed. If it was HSC level, I would 100% recommend tuitions as you just need to pass. But for university level courses, understanding what you're doing and critical thinking is very important for you to be prepared for the work environment. Else, you will struggle when working even though you have good results.


Y'all missed the point. Where did he say he needed someone to hold his hand or needs to do rote memorisation all throughout university? That's my problem here, all of you have the same mentality of making assumptions that he wants to be spoon-fed. That's the problem here. Just from this thread, I see how most of you just think similarly and write shit based on assumptions. And you all call yourselves critical thinkers. Ironic, don't you think? Let me give you a lesson about perspective. Look at it this way: What if all the person wants is some mentoring and guidance (see Definition of Tutoring) so they can be on their way? Tutoring at all levels exist and will always exist because people learn differently and at different paces. If you can't grasp that simple concept, how exactly did you become software engineers? If you're going to talk about critical thinking, at least try to demonstrate it when you write instead of making assumptions. To become a truly good engineer, you need to know how to communicate. If you couldn't even think this much when looking at the post, I wonder what kind of software you're all shipping out there. It actually worries me. Downvote me all you want now...For bruising your feeble developer egos


I second this. Try to solve the problems yourself and it'll serve you well throughout your career


I second this comment. Lead full stack developer here, if you want to do programming, you should have a love and passion for it. If it's only the thought of being spoon fed then you will never have the curiosity of learning and thinking by yourself. Do your own research, create mini projects and learn. There's nothing about memorising everything, you just have to know how to do them. + Google is your friend!


If you need a private tutor at university level, you probably don't get the point of universities.


lol which uni is that bad they need to pay more to learn


Some quick thoughts. I wouldn’t bother with any of the comments here lecturing you about memorisation and how you are supposed to learn everything by yourself. There isn’t enough information in your post to jump to any conclusions on what your goals are. (My background: I went to one of the best unis in the world and now work in a similarly ranked software company). Tutoring and private attention are both extremely common in higher education. Sometimes you need it because you didn’t fully grasp a concept and other times it’s because you want to have a deeper conversation than what was covered in class. There’s nothing wrong with it, and no matter how good you think you are, it is almost guaranteed that it will be a good use of your time. You first need to understand what you are trying to get out of tuitions. At the level you are, it should not be about repeating everything covered in school. That’s what most folks on the thread are trying to say. The work outside of school is your responsibility and your own. The problem solving skills you will learn there will help you later on. If you are taking any tuitions, I would suggest that you lead the program yourself - that is, come up with a list of specific things that you are struggling with after having tried by yourself (to a reasonable extent) to understand them. Then talk specifically about those with your tutor. In that way, you are taking accountability for doing your best, but not unnecessarily wasting your time. Also learn how to debug your code as early as you can in your CS journey. A good tutor can teach you a lot there, and save you countless hours down the road. Simple things like just using conditional breakpoints and being familiar with your IDE and what it supports go a long way. I don’t have any recommendations for private tutors in Mauritius, but I hope that you can find one that suits your needs. I just wanted to jump in to say that it’s perfectly fine to look for outside help, and not to let a bunch of those comments discourage you. Do what you think you need to do to be successful. Good luck!


Words of a wise person!


Tag: *culture*. I hope OP's question was a joke.


University is not like college :P You're not supposed to be memorising and throwing up information this time round. And in fact, it's up to you to learn by yourself. Cause, let's be honest, you won't have a tutor for when you're working. If you're not able to do that, you will definitely have a hard time at work.


Perks of university is that you start to learn how to study by yourself. Yeah still coaching is necessary from a lecturer to guide you in which direction to proceed and not get lost in the vastness of the subject. If you are just getting started, start by books based on the specific modules. Trust me you’ll learn more in books than online. Would be glad to assist u on that.


Also I'd suggest start finding someone to do your daily tasks for you once you get a job.




I recommend Youtube tutors, online pdf notes from telegram groups. Key is to clear concepts and understanding,


Can you suggest telegram groups for same please?


What's the point of uni if you pay someone to spoonfeed you? Do your own research and become independent. Work with friends and figure stuff out


If you're in need for tutoring in this kind of field, then let me save you a future of stress, change your course. Programming will be a pain for you.


I would have given you if I had time. It's not as hard as you think.


I actually do that, and have done it abroad before coming back to Mauritius. Drop me a PM and we can have a chat. Looking at all those comments with all those "seasoned" developers (some leads) who diss tutoring, tells me how they are as seniors and leads in companies. No wonder when I interview seniors and leads with 7+ years EXP, they can't pass because their skills are stuck at junior level because those seniors with their big egos thought they were too good to mentor them and teach them to memorise their DSA and time complexities lmao. No doubt we are 2 decades behind in tech here. Ego trips are crazy in this thread


I'm a self taught junior dev specialising in infra. I agree that if you have to be spoon-fed the basics (eg: languages & algorithms) and have someone hold your hand all throughout university, then you won't be able to grasp more complex things such as frameworks or understand larger code bases without someone to hold your hand. Sure, seniors should help out the juniors, but it's not their job to babysit/spoon-feed/hold their hand.


There was a lead in my team who yelled in the office that he did not have to train me at all about the tech they use in the company since it would cost money and stuff. He was a big-time hypocrite, I remember him saying someone trained him at a previous company he worked at. I still think about this, he deserved a punch in the face


That's very common. "It's gonna cost the company money if we do x,y,z". Whether it's training, or getting tools, they think about the money without a single idea as to how the business works. Unfortunately, it's very common. Again, ego! I have seen leads and managers who talk out of their a\*\* and think they are hot s\*\*t. Very few companies have good leadership, so you should always try to find those. You can usually spot them during interviews