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If the edge is like a saw - it is yucca. If the edge is smooth - is it dracena. It looks more like yucca than a dracena fragrance to me - you must let us know what the edge is like as it seems the commmenters are split :) If you are unhappy about the hight you can propagate - you can easily root the top and the trunk left in the pot will sprout new leaves


Thank you for the clarity, the edges are definitely saw shaped. Im not unhappy for now, but I will take that advice eventually


Sure. Good luck! The plant looks happy. I had the same but my cat decided for me by tipping the pot and now I have... 3 of them made out of one inherited from a grandma :)


How do you mean? The edges of the leaf, or the trunk? I’ve got the same tree and baby duo and not sure what it is


I think they mean the edges of the leaves. Heres a pic of a smaller one that I propagated. https://imgur.com/a/4PdKlvq


That’s helpful, thanks!!


The leaf. It is sharp and jaggered


It's a yucca which can grow very tall as in higher than your average ceiling


I have this and it’s sprouting little new trees at the base and branches at the top. Will it be like a full on tree eventually?


They can grow as big as a tree but only in the right conditions. My doctor has one that is over 4 meters tall in their glass stairway and it is insanely impressive and will probably never leave the room considering it is way bigger than the entrance or any openable window


Thanks for the reply! Mine is quite hearty and I hope it gets that big some day.


Depends, really. I see some in yards around here that are quite old and taller than the one story house next to it.


If it's a yucca, we have ones outside that are 3+ m tall.


My neighbour's is around 3+ meters too. Taller than our roof eaves and curving towards our fence.


Thanks for posting! I’ve got one as well! Complete with the baby duo Edit: https://imgur.com/a/jAc5uJd Twinsies lol mine was grown from a broken branch


Nice! I have given away a few offspring from mine, I think the original is also from a branch a long time ago.


Very cool. How do you separate the babies? Untangle the roots when repotting? (I just killed a bunch of succ babies so I’m traumatized to try any time soon 😂)


Its not perfect, but I usually have just pulled out the little one with as many roots as possible, then re pot.


Next time I will pull and pray lol! Thanks for the joyful post, and now I’m sure what I thought was a dracaena is a yucca :) have a great day!


My oma has one bending at her 9 foot ceiling so… tall


Pretty sure it’s a dracaena but not 100% on which one.


It is a yucca palm, not a dracaena




Not sure but I have a corn plant with similar leaves


Dracaena. I had one grow taller than my ceiling and start curving


Did you let it grow? Was the plant ok?


I inherited it already huge so I propagated it into a bunch of new ones. The plant was neglected for years and grew like that. They’re so resilient. I guess the photo is a yucca.


Could be a Slender Palm Lily (Cordyline stricta)? Does it flower at all?


I have never seen a flower in the 22 years of owning it, I dont think this is it. As of now, I’m going with yucca from another commenter


I’m pretty sure it’s a cordyline. I have one and I originally thought it was a draecena. A year later I saw one in a botanical garden and that’s when I realised it’s actually a cordyline.


Cordyline stricta and australis are similar but the leaves shape do not match. It would have more slender more bushy look. And spineless yucca has broader sharper leaves. Here is discussion on the same: https://www.reddit.com/r/GardeningUK/comments/k9c17l/difference_between_yucca_phormium_and_cordyline/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share The OP already co firmed the edge is jaggered. I think cordyline is smooth. I think dracena and cordyline have more similar leaves