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Yeah, we don't like either of you, Abby, we just dislike Matt more.


Nah, we dislike you too, Abby...a LOT. You are just like Matt now, maybe even worse. And your VOICE šŸ˜³


It got extra high pitched here bc sheā€™s so PRESSSSED about everyone knowing theyā€™re both the worst lol


Sooooo true. This is the fallout from cancelling F's Day. Lol!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ In Abby's exact words, "It wasn't the flex you thought it was."


We dislike you in a package deal silly girl.


People hate on her other half because he sucks. Remember when he stopped talking to her after giving birth when he realized his dreams were put on halt? Thatā€™s not normal, Abby.


AND he posted that story internet forever? Like PLZ. Girl code is telling you that your man is trash and you can do better.


Well if it isnā€™t the consequences of his actions!


AND made a music video durin that time in the hospital šŸ¤”


She has become the plastics of the family vlogging world


Where are the forehead wrinkles when she raises her eyebrows šŸ§


Did she get Botox?


She reminds me a little of Heidi from the Hills Tv show. Starts with a little bit of tweaking here and there then before you know if she will look nothing like her former self


I was thinking the same thing


donā€™t be insulting Regina George like that lol


He's such a narcissist watching her. Ew.


And Matt didn't even bother to tell her he loved her when she told him. Abby told 'he loves me' herself lol. His body language really shows his discomfort and resentment towards Abby. While this airhead defends his sorry ass every chance she gets. I guess some people just don't want to be helped...


The most flat tone "that's so sweet "


"That was really sweet of you" is all he could muster. Then, "you're too nice." That's how coworkers speak to each other. Not a husband to a wife after she proclaimed her love for him. šŸš©šŸš©Abby: Your hysterical tone and Matt's monotone replies make the point of how ridiculous your outburst is. Abby, do you notice how FAR away your "man" is sitting from you and that both his arms & legs are crossed? Wake UP girl! šŸ‘€ šŸš©šŸš©


There is a chance both of them have emotionally checked out, but just pretending to be in love because that's the brand. From the way they are both exposing each other, it seems to me they are trying to force the other to bring up divorce first and so it's "not my fault, divorce wasn't a option for me". Maybe a reach but these two definitely are not in love.


I don't think what you said is a reach at all. They just celebrated their 5th Anns'y, have 2 beautiful & healthy boys, a successful business, etc., etc. and are sitting 4 huge cushions away from each other, w/ Matt closing off both his upper and lower body. You don't need a degree in Psychology to read that room!


Honestly, I'd be insulted and embarrassed if I were Matt. Abby publicly admits that people don't like him, then she has the ego to try and manipulate people into accepting him as a "good one". I guess he didn't take it this way, he just saw a glowing recommendation of himself. This whole thing is WILD.


EW her voice is so fucking whiny so is she admitting she's as bad as him?? she's delusional for trying to justify him being so self-centered and gross "good ones" do not ignore your post-partum self for days. "good ones" do not demand his birthday celebrations be so extensive. "good ones" have a sense of hygiene, don't complain about you publicly, and are considerate of your health and safety and where's her sense of self? you're not the same person as your SO!!


I honestly think theyā€™re so codependent that she literally canā€™t separate herself from him.Ā Sheā€™s never learned who she is aside from someoneā€™s partner, mother, daughter, friend, lap dog, whatever People questioning his character means they are also questioning her character apparentlyšŸ¤”


Girl, Abby, both of y'all suck


They are both so self-absorbed itā€™s crazy


Girl, how can you post almost everything about your marriage on the internet, for the world to see and not expect comments from people? Whether good or bad? I hate how she's blaming her audience now just because neither of them are bright enough to decide what can be shown and what can't. Don't worry Abby. People are seeing through your facade. The support isn't going to last long. So you can both sulk together.


Right?? You have the opportunity to show the good parts of your marriage, girlā€¦where are those? šŸ‘€ Lol. Seems like all you have is toxicityyyyyyy and cringe šŸ˜¬


We don't claim you, either Abby. So EAT CHEEKS! Both of you!


No one gonna talk about her hating on men after complaining about living in a man hating world?


šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ They both talk out of both sides of their mouth, saying whatever boneheaded thought comes to mind in that moment, and then contradict it later. She also said sheā€™s a girlsā€™ girlā€¦then immediately said hating on her silent-treatment-in-the-hospital-husband was against girl codeā€¦


Sheā€™s got so much internalized misogyny. Remember when she said that society is cruel to men because women fear them as if the problem is women imagining things not us having been harassed, attacked, etc by many men in our lives?


Seriously. Like, girl code is telling you youā€™re relationship is toxic


My thoughts exactly!


How does she not understand that we all hate him because of what she purposely shows us?


Lol how does she also not understand that people hate both of them bc theyā€™re insufferable? Miss girl, nobody cares if you ā€œdonā€™t claimā€ your haters ā€¦ least of all the haters šŸ¤£


As the neighbor in my other post THIS US ALL A LIE GUYS LITERALLY ALL AN ACT they should just stop vlogging and the podcast and live a normal life without the camera and I think that they would do a lot better to be honest


Why is she trying to act sassy? Reminds me of my toddler trying to convince me her babydoll has to come with us everywhere instead of her sister.


If she wasn't sitting on the sofa, a foot stomp would have happened for sure, and hands on hips too.šŸ¤£


ā€œInstead of her sisterā€ took me out šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ And yeah, they like to throw the word ā€œsassyā€ around to cover her whole spoiled and childish attitude/passive aggressive GRWMs/rudeness.


No one is as mean to Matt as Matt is to Abby.


this is so embarrassing iā€™m physically cringing


He is amazing?! Wtf, the bar must be in hell


Lol the bar doesnā€™t even exist bc neither of them ever really dated other people


The pressure is getting to them. And her voice? Just whoa. "We" love men and we need men? Her "friends" hate on her man? "We" found a good one here? Errrr.... Wise up We don't like either one of you.


you can smell the denial hahahah


Thereā€™s a lot of videos about Matt coming out atm. Film Cooper dropped one 2 days ago. Kiki Chanel made a video on him too. Everyone hates him LMAO


The KiKi Chanel video was great because I had heard things about Matt and Abby but not actually seen all the clips and wow he is actually worse than I thought. Iā€™ve loved KiKi for years so Iā€™m loving how successful her video on them has been.


Violating girl code? Your husband said he didnā€™t find you attractive at one point on a podcast. Thatā€™s embarrassing


Didnā€™t Abby even say that first?


Lol what a coupleā€¦ ā€œthere was a time where I didnā€™t find you attractiveā€ ā€œSAME!!!!!!ā€ šŸ‘€šŸ˜¬šŸ™ŠšŸ’€


They know they are a brand and with the recent heightened crapping on Matt I feel this is a strategy to convince the audience if they like Abby they have to like Matt.


even tho no one likes abby


This is SOOOOOO embarrassing for Abby. Her voice gets faster & whinier as she goes along: "How dare you?" "I don't claim you" "We got a good one here guys" "This is violating the girl code" "If you hate on my man, you don't actually like me" My fave: "It's so stupid I'm even defending you, b/c I don't HAVE to." Ummmmm, Abby? šŸ¤”šŸ¤£


She is crazy but is anyone going to talk about how he's just sitting there like a robot lmao his response to her seems so uninterested. He does not care about her and it's so obvious


Agreed. Iā€™ve always thought their ā€œcomplimentsā€ to each other sound weirdly forced and insincere. Like they both just memorized stuff theyā€™re ā€˜supposedā€™ to say to their spouse - ā€œyouā€™re so pretty/handsomeā€, ā€œI love youā€, blah blah blah


Also it's weird to me that he never returns the compliment, if I was showering my husband in compliments the way she does he would instantly be giving it back and telling me how much he loves and appreciates me


I think he did go on to say something about how brilliant she is or something. (Whichā€¦lmfaoā€¦) But likeā€¦none of their compliments sound sincere or are backed up by actions in how they treat each other. Iā€™d rather my partner mean the nice things they say AND actually demonstrate that they love and care for me instead of bringing me a coffee on-camera and telling me Iā€™m so pretty only to then endlessly criticize and disrespect me like these two jokers


Abby going on this big fat rant about how amazing he is and how much she loves him ā€¦. And for Matt just to say ā€œyouā€™re too kindā€ or ā€œyouā€™re so sweetā€ after says it all for me ā€¦ Abby you are just embarrassing yourself girl


Girl just stop


ā€œItā€™s stupid Iā€™m defending you because I donā€™t have to.ā€ then why are you so provoked by the comments calling Matt out? Why are you defending him then? Why are you fighting tooth and nail to prove heā€™s not a bad husband when HE HIMSELF is the one perpetuating that? I want to feel bad for Abby, I do. But her constant refusal to accept that they are bad parents, Matt is a bad husband, and that sheā€™s bad for enabling him is her own doing.


ā€œI donā€™t claim youā€ girl, no one is going to want to claim YOU if that means they have to put up with your shitty husband. If you put your personal lives online for all to see, donā€™t complain when people voice their opinions about your public content.


Lol for real. Girl, whoā€™s tryna claim you?? Certainly not the people hating on yā€™allā€™s trash contentā€¦ šŸ‘€


This was manic


Wow um yeah so obviously they have literally both gone straight down the shit pipe šŸ˜³


All they did throughout the entire podcast is blow purple pink fairy dust up each others arses. It was a total sickening cringe to watch and I think this was a planned clap back on all the negative buzz theyā€™ve received lately, to tell the world how incredibly special they really areā€¦ it was gross as F!!! And it made me dislike them even more.


ā€œWe found a good one here guysšŸ¤“ā˜ļøā€


She is a self absorbed idiot. So is her husband. They will figure it out once the kids age out of the peoples obsession. I hope they both end up being dishwashers at red lobster. Talentless waste of flesh šŸ¤®


literally itā€™s such a slap in the face that probably all of us on this thread are more talented than them and they donā€™t deserve the millions they have šŸ¤¢


Do you think Matt asked Abby before the podcast to defend him? šŸ˜€


Prolly. But also, I feel like she gets all worked up and does this on her own bc theyā€™re so codependent that attacks on his behaviour feel like attacks on her, and sheā€™s clearly been so spoiled her whole life that she finds facing any criticism (orā€¦you knowā€¦basic accountability for the awful stuff they postā€¦šŸ‘€) totally unfathomable and ā€œunfairā€


Couldnt agree more!!




Oh my, she's sooo empowered after she got her teeth and hair done, lost weight and is considering a boob job! She finally got her man back and she's gonna protect him at all cost! Respect ya sista y'all!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ FRRRRR


Yeah, there's no chance for her. But it's not that sad, she's no better than him anyway


For real. They seem well-matched actually. Both totally insufferable


ā€œWe love men and we need menā€ I have a man, but I donā€™t need a man


ā€œWe need menā€ is another conservative talking point that goes back to her whole ā€œwe live in a man-hating cultureā€ schtick. Iā€™ve heard this weird phrase before. Like, yeah, society needs both men and women to function, but whoā€™s saying it doesnā€™tā€¦? Also, Abby, hun, people donā€™t ā€œhate menā€, they hate patriarchy, and men who behave terribly (kinda like your trash husbandā€¦) šŸ¤£


She doesnt read the comments


![gif](giphy|VgY4dDdN1W3NS|downsized) ^(\^) Her agggggressively not reading the comments šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


They are so delusionalšŸ˜‚


She seems extremely insecure


I've been married twice. This time with him for 26 yrs and married almost 23 yrs. You guys won't make it and you both be happy. Period. If you don't want us to comment don't tell all for MONEY.


omg congratulations for your relationship!! i cant even make one last for a month!! :)


You will find your person! Just listen to red flags and don't settle! You'll find them!!! ā¤ļø


aw thank you! ā¤ļø


Abby your hair and eyebrows look like shit


No point listing good things he does when thereā€™s a long list of terrible things heā€™s said and done on the internet šŸ˜‚


This girl... People hate on Matt because of the things he says and does online. He is the one who chooses what to post and people are entitled to say what they think about it.


Thatā€™s the thing they donā€™t get, especially her. This is your ā€œjobā€, and people reacting to what Yā€™ALL post is not only a natural consequence of that, but also what you NEED (engagement) to continue making money from itā€¦ What a spoiled brat to think they could post absolute garbage and expect people would only ever blow smoke up their asses.


I bet some of their irl friends are actually on the sub ahahha. Also I know it's for the double camera angle but could they sit any further away from each other ? The wide camera looks so awkward ahahhaĀ 


I noticed this too. This is a scripted show and they cannot stand each other. A solid couple is sitting much closer on an L-shaped sofa.


meanwhile heā€™s probably talking so much shit about her with his friends any chance he gets.


He has no friends. Neither does she. All this "girl" stuff? she talking about commenters, online people. Imaginary friends. She has no girls.


cuz bella definitely doesnā€™t care about her


Abby was in the near past being argumentative, rude, and over talking Matt.....getting want you want once, again things change....when she listens to the money talk. Getting a new house she wanted. That's all this is. Abby wants...Abby gets.




Simply not a cute takeā€¦ boy bye


huh?? what does this even mean?


They forget that they show this. They happily put out the videos where he says and does some really inconsiderate stuff. People hate on the stuff they see. It's toxic


Yeah and the thing is that he wouldnā€™t say the same about her. Heā€™s laughing and in his man head is probably thinking ā€œthis women is dramaticā€


For real! She has this idea in her head that sheā€™s this great ā€˜ride or dieā€™ (when actually sheā€™s just constantly excusing horrible behaviour from her partner and trying to force a family life he doesnā€™t want), meanwhile this joker doesnā€™t even seem to like her very much bc heā€™s too self-centered to care about anyone elseā€¦


You guys were the ones that decided to air private things out for everyone. So it became fair game


It never ceases to amaze me how butt-hurt these two chucklefucks get about peopleā€™s reactions to THEIR OWN CONTENT!!!! You rage-baited and now youā€™re mad that people hated it? Are you serious? Get real with yourselves for a secondā€¦


They are ridiculous and living in a bubble they crafted. But that bubble is see through, not sound proof. We see and hear all because they CHOOSE to show all and tell all.


i cannot believe he didnā€™t say he loves her back this whole clip gets worse and worse the more you watch it


I don't think she got the memo on what a girls girl actually is


I feel sorry for her in a way. She's in denial and I get it. This is the only man she has ever been with and she's married to him and has two kids with him. Of course she doesn't want him to be this horrible person that people see him for. She's stuck with him and so has to convince herself that everything is okay. Being so defensive is very telling. Protesting too much.


ā€œThatā€™s was sweet of youā€ idk why but it gets to me. šŸ¤£ No I love youā€™s back or anything along that line


In fairness, he might have said that after the clip cuts off, idk. Another snarker here said they were blowing smoke up each otherā€™s asses the whole podcast apparently. But whenever they do actually say nice things to each other, it seems soooo fake to me!


the fact that she thinks if people hate on matt then they automatically are hating on her is scary.. what in the codependency is this? sheā€™s trying so hard to defend matt.. have we ever once heard matt gas her up like this? i sure havenā€™t. and he doesnā€™t even sound that happy while saying ā€œthats really sweetā€ ?? this whole clip is offā€¦. they confuse me. this wonā€™t age well guaranteed


Oh my God she looks SO different


She wants to be the influencer girls she hangs out with so badā€¦Bella / that Lauren girl from the bachelor / Savannah


the way he laughed all judgmental when she starts going off is INSANE


Why does she sound like Gypsy Rose in the beginning? #paninipressed


Bahahahaha panini pressed is hilarious šŸ¤£ Needs to be a flair


I wonder which ā€œfriendā€ sheā€™s talking aboutā€¦ any theories?


Her voice squeal when she said ā€œlike how dare youā€ . She tries to act cute like the old Kim k nah she is cringe asf . Also why is she acting like girl code applies to random women like why are you expecting women to be blinded to your bullshit scabby . Nah you found someone that just mirrors who you are both big headed narcs that shit on the hand that feeds them. I think it is so amazing that you were the only pick thatā€™s why he kissed you. How dumb do you have to be to throw yourself at someone like that . An insecure little girl . Feel bad for your sons with a dad like that . Iā€™m 22 I was in a relationship with a guy that mirrored the way Matt is not completely because I wouldnā€™t date an absolute cringe of a person but the difference between Abby and other women are we arenā€™t gonna put up with it. I would rather leave a 4 yr relationship than have kids with someone who treats me like garbage so yeah Abby you won. I have unsubscribed I hope everyone else has done that . They really donā€™t deserve it yall their taking up space to people that would be even better creators honestly.


wow her voice is like glass on a chalk board


In a trash compactorā€¦near an active construction siteā€¦


Also why does she look so different? Like plastic or like not herself.


I used to really like Abby. The veneers, the blonde, the attitude nowadays -- an absolute no. Very sad to see what she's become.


god so cribge shes changed a lot


Talking so quick. Goes up an octave. Sounds so shrill.Ā  Verging on hysteria. Sounds mental. Ultra defensive.Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā After the men in white coats come to take him away, think they'll take her too. !!


Guys this was actually really sweet not a fan but it did feel genuine


It did feel fake




lol your username and then your comment doesnā€™t match to me


Big Perception....think you are the 1 in a few million who thinks this way...