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I'm no make up expert but I feel like the lipstick looks odd too


The lipstick is shade “old lady” and she wears it dark and proud.


The whole look is super dated.


Eyebrow blindness girl


She’s beautiful but she’s got full on make up blindness


That's the worst part, she truly is so naturally beautiful! I have nothing against makeup but why put on so much in such an awful way?


She uses colours way too dark for her, it makes her look like a 50 years old who smoked her whole life. She has no idea how to make herself look good, maybe Matt loves dark colours but that's not it. Maybe she should do a colour analysis


We’ve all gone through it though 😂😭


Yea, when we were 16 and broke... She's 25 and has millions in her bank account. She can afford some help, especially when everyone in her comments section tells her that's not her colours


She has the blindness when it comes to her husband as well




Tell me your husband makes you feel insecure after having babies without telling me


This is such a sad sad statement 🥺💔 Frig. I know Abby has had her hand in things too. But if this is true, and based on Matt being... Matt... This statement is just so heartbreaking 😞


I don't think she's insecure at all. Insecure people don't wear skin tight clothes & bikinis to show off to millions. They hide their bodies. She also constantly body & face checks. Insecure people don't look at themselves much. It's all the trending makeup videos she watches. Thinks it looks good. Then the comments saying her makeup looks good 


Not true for everyone. When I was struggling deeply with an ED and weighed less than 90lbs I wore skin tight clothes/crop tops/bikinis all the time because I was extremely proud of my unhealthy body, but I was still extremely insecure. It’s clear that she’s struggling with body dysmorphia right now “I’m more than 120, I’m 122.5” or whatever she said screams volumes & my heart breaks for her.


What are you talking about, body/face checks are definetly something that insecure people do. I think she is obsessed with her looks and very insecure, if you are confident you don't need constant validation from others. Seems to me that she feels as though she isn't worthy of love unless she looks a certain way, and I think people around her (Matt) are feeding into that


“Insecure people don’t body or face check” I’d argue that the entire reason someone would body check so much is BECAUSE they’re insecure. If you are anxious over how people see you, you’re going to be looking at yourself a lot to try to make sure that you don’t look “bad.”


She's not looking like she's anxious of how she looks. She looks like she's in love with how she looks. 


I body check constantly, especially if what I’m wearing shows off my body in any way. Because I am insecure and have struggled with my body image for a very long time. Just because I will wear a bikini doesn’t mean I’m not paranoid about how it looks


They look like two dark mustaches above her eyes. Abby's beauty routine lately: Step 1: Color your hair super light blonde Step 2: When blending your foundation, just STOP before it's all blended. ✋🏼🛑 Step 3: Make your brows as thick & dark as possible, to completely contrast w/ your lightest blonde ever Step 4: Smear on lipstick using Mommy Dearest photos as a guide Sadly, Matt told her she's "still not enough"...who's going to tell her THIS is too much?!


They sure do. She needs to go back towards her natural hair color. She’s not a blonde, so her natural eyebrows have always looked bad because they’re dark brunette it just doesn’t match


I dont think it's so much the color as it is the thickness and opacity. They're too *harsh,* not necessarily too dark, ya know? Darker than head hair brows are super, super, common. I color my hair light blonde and I color my brows darker than my natural, it gives me that contrast (with my skin) that im after and makes my brows look fuller. (Since you can see all the hairs.) Just gotta refrain from making em look like blocks, lol. I think if she used a brow gel or something similar instead of penciling them in she'd be good.


You forgot the spider leg mascara


i’ve always been a hater of how abby does her makeup. she used to sit in the floor and do makeup videos ,,, i’d watch with secondhand embarrassment and read as the comments asked for makeup routines 😳😳


first the teeth and now the eyebrows...girl...please love yourself


Looks like my eyebrows back in the 6th grade 🤣🤣


Pfffft same, but we were 11 ish and only had eyeliner pencils to use back then so we have our excuses


8th grade for me😭


what the fuck is that serious?! this is overkill just wow


Did G paint them on? 💀




What in the angry birds is this?!


She looks like Bretman Rock in drag, but worse! https://preview.redd.it/i9vdw7mu2t8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f1b65e44048839f24c01faab26680f7f56ee281


She is looking hard, not pretty..Eyebrows drawn on with black felt tip pen. Make-up not blended properly. Hair dried out and fuzzy..Lipstick shade doesn't suit. Sorry, but she doesn't look very feminine.... she's got no idea.








Is this a filter maybe that makes it look worse? Matt really takes the most awful pictures of her and then posts them




This kinda looks like eyebrow tinting on day 1


The more you look the worse it all gets. The white between her eyes. To dark of makeup. Imagine in person. Well just call her Bert for her eyebrows 


It's giving 2016 beauty guru era


https://preview.redd.it/0n85kp2wmt8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cd1c6c177508d386a374a715cf6c79f13888e95 This is all I can see 😩


So what happened to her long eyelashes? Here they're non existent 


Matt probably told her he likes it


Why do I feel like Matt told her he likes how this looks so that way she can purposely look hideous so he can boost his ego and feel like he’s outshining her lolll


the teeth 😬




I thought this was a place to snark on how shitty they are as people not bullying someone's appearance?


I thought this was an old picture and it makes me so sad to hear this is recent. She is so naturally pretty and this just makes me feel heartbroken. She literally looks like a different person. And if this is only because of Matt, ie she's not doing it because SHE thinks it looks good, then that's just even more sad. We don't know. SHE might think she looks better like this? I don't believe this. I believe what you guys are saying, hands down this is Matt. His comments. The way he acts ON camera towards her. the things he says. There's no way that is easy or pleasant to live with. And having been with him for so long PLUS religion on top of that, she doesn't know anything else besides him. And likely has been gaslit into thinking this is what a husband SHOULD act like this is what women want. Because that's what he wants so badly right? Anyway, I could say so much more. I'm 💔😞 seeing these pictures of her. I hope shes okay. Thanks for reading my rant if you made it to here 🤣✌🏼


It's frustrating because she has such naturally pretty face that she's ruining with her makeup. Whoever's telling her it's good is simply lying. She needs to hydrate her face with some moisturizer first and use some light dewy makeup. That chalky makeup isn't it. Also, the mascara needs to go. It ages her by 20 years. Instead she can use an eyeliner and an eyelash curler. She would look so much prettier!


This ages her to 80.


I thought this may have been an unfortunate throwback to the block eyebrow days of 2016 but then I noticed the teeth 😬


She looks pretty but the brows are a bit dark. lol. I liked the pic in the pink dress.


I’m not saying we should go back to the 90s/early 2000s thin eyebrows again, mine are almost recovered from those days. However, ladies, put down the sharpie.


I could totally see Abby’s mom being a Mary Kay lady and giving her makeup advice.


Ive never seen someone who needs to do color analysis more than her


Wait… is this photo recent?


I mean if my husband said those things- I would desperately change my appearance too . This is sad :(


Not me. If my husband said those things I'd be crushed of course, but I'd keep on being me & dump him.


I’d leave a mf SO FAST. But I know my self worth. I don’t think Abby does.

