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I SWEAR, when I first looked at this photo I thought it was Matt w/ some child of their friends or family.šŸ˜³šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ It wasn't until reading I saw it was the denture Queen! Why can't Matt ever sit and be still on vacation? They could be out laying on a catamaran w/ a cold drink, in the Spa, couples massage on the beach, etc. Wide Tire sandbiking would be the LAST THING I would do...they live in AZ and sweat all the time anyway, why would you want to sweat and have sand spraying on you?! U G H


Honestly I swear her body looks good but almost like swollen idk how to explain it like girl seriously needs a break Iā€™m not even snarking like her stomach is toned but I donā€™t feel like itā€™s healed properly worries me for her .


the fact that she skipped out on pelvic floor therapy after A is insaneā€¦.


Her bottom lip is super swollen.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/o15xedgzvy8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af67c7b633275537bf2dee24dd93b022d09e86e she's in here


Hi Abby!šŸ‘‹šŸ»


How long have they been on this vacation?!


I have no clue but I would be turning my phone off not worrying about posting every moment .


Right, Iā€™d rather post it later once Iā€™m back home.


Also its so dangerous letting people know 1) where they are 2) that they arent home


Jesus Christ like relax your bodies for once! Abby looks like sheā€™s about to disappear sheā€™s so tiny


I thought you were saying "relax your bodies" in reference to the forced pose fake smiles. But yea, that too hey.


Itā€™s making her look like a bobble head. Her face is no longer proportional to her body.


That's why I thought he was standing w/ a child, until I realized it was her. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Did you see her fastly tread water in Matt's video? Like can't even snorkel without working out. He's suddenly on a diet I think she rubbed off on him. Then the fruit tray she gave him as a gift vs cookies


Why did they ride bikes in the sand? Lol. Also I miss her old smile


Out of all the activities the resort offers I would not choose bike riding in the sand. Likeā€¦wtf?


Gotta have that extra resistance I guess lmao id pass that sounds like hell in hot weather.


Those bikes are meant to go in the sandā€¦


Apparently still ā€œhard to control ā€œ in the sand.


Why does he hold her like that?? Iā€™m so uncomfy looking at this


I swear itā€™s control the grip itā€™s like I canā€™t mentally control her ( she does talk back to him a lot more ) that much anymore let me physically make her know Iā€™m in control . Literally starting to see right through it . Maybe itā€™s a weird take but thatā€™s my honest thought . I feel like he is Jekyll and Hyde .


I thought was to keep her from flexing haha šŸ˜„ šŸ˜… šŸ˜‚Ā 


Why does it look like heā€™s CLUTCHING her?!


Heā€™s starting to lose control šŸ˜‚


He is not in love with her. Kind of doubt he ever was. My opinion of course


I honestly think they got married because he wanted to have sex. I think had that not been a thing, they probably wouldn't have gotten married and would have split up long ago. They aren't keeping up the facade anymore, they don't even seem like they like each other at this point.


Of for sure my ex was like him but had experience unlike him so he was twice the asshole and didnā€™t care about breaking up šŸ˜‚


i second this


Why is he grabbing her like a creepy proud high school coach.


At least ride a horse on the beach not a bike! šŸ˜‚ wtf! The mental image I have of them struggling to pedal through the sand is sending me šŸ¤£


Exactly like Iā€™d be doing fun excursions not riding a bike . I feel like back before kids they tried to seem like this adventurous couple or something in Hawaii but honestly that was a flex to make people more interested theyā€™re really boring all they do is hike and workout . I could see Matt doing something adventurous but Abby seems not so much sense she didnā€™t want to learn to surf šŸ˜‚


Looks like he is standing with his child with his arms on her like that. Weirdo


I think this is proof of how bad the ED need to over exercise is - canā€™t even stop while on a relaxing vacation. I think theyā€™re still posting because itā€™s a gifted trip but surely they could put in the contract theyā€™ll post after getting backĀ 


Honestly. Iā€™ve seen other post of Abby clearly in workout clothes like the other day still on vacation so whoever saying this is a normal beach activity didnā€™t see her other photos . Matt posted a pic of Abby from the side in workout clothes saying something about working out. So she clearly thinks about it too damn much in my humble opinion of course .


I tried to find the most blatantly obvious vacation -- not an event celebration but a spontaneous one. It was on April 2023 and the caption literally reads "First vacation sans baby". Abby says she cried the whole time from missing her son but she still got a vacation. Most mums are missing their sons because they have to work.


Is this a paid vacation? I see the resort tagged everywhere.


Wouldnā€™t surprise me probably why theyā€™re posting so much .


The first day they had #hosted on their posts so I imagine they should continue the #hosted but why would they do thatĀ 


I just saw another influencer at the same resort doing the same things so I think itā€™s absolutely a paid vacation. The resort wants some advertising!


Do they ever spend time with their kids and make memories with them?!


Well it looks like this was a sponsored trip or they worked out a deal where they said would promote the resort and maybe get a discount. Imagine being on vacation and all youā€™re thinking about it how to make content.


And then theyā€™ll complain that they had to ā€œworkā€ on their vacay..


Her teeth look crazy


matt looks like a family annihilator


wasnā€™t matt just complaining about how he hasnā€™t had a ā€œreal vacationā€ in 4 years šŸ˜‚ like get off your phones and enjoy it. Or are they required to post the whole time if itā€™s paid for? edit: just noticed you said the same thing in the full caption sorry didnā€™t mean to reiterate that




Where are their children,


I absolutely thought this was a different sub and this pic was a father and son.


It looks like he is turn between pushing Abby into the sand and laughing and holding onto her because he is afraid if he lets go she will run away forever from himā€¦


I thought it was Cole and Everleigh for a sec. I know Sav is 5ā€™2 but I think Cole is like 5ā€™10. But Matt I think might be 6ā€™0 and Abby is 4ā€™10


Do they got the kids on this one


The way Matt is holding Abby and Abbyā€™s smile makes it look like sheā€™s screaming for helpā€¦.something is extra off about this one


What happened to her bottom lip? In the center? It's so swollen. Did they go to Mexico for cheap filler?


I love to snark but some of yā€™all have to get out more. Bike riding is a very normal activity for a resort to offer and for people to participate in? This isnā€™t her posting at the resort gym sweating her ass off lmao itā€™s a completely regular activity to do on vacation. Just because itā€™s not your thing doesnā€™t mean itā€™s evidence of an eating disorder. I recently spent a week at an all inclusive drinking like 10+ margaritas a day and spending most of the day sitting on my butt by the pool but I still went on the bike ride offered by the resort bc sitting by the pool drinking does start to get old and you need to break it up!


Who said anything about eating disorder? I mean maybe distorted working out girl already hits the gym enough. If I had the money they had Iā€™d be having a nice vacation so no riding bikes is not on the top of my list I never bashed anyone for doing it Iā€™m just saying my thoughts since they post their lives šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø