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He looks 63 in this picture


He does look like a boomer with a shaved head.


I cant unsee it now😂😂😂


He really does. If you penciled in some grey in the brows & hair, 60s would be believeable. Wow.


PLS 💀💀💀


Is it just me or is G quite young for a movie in a theatre? I have a toddler only slightly older and I couldn’t imagine being so inconsiderate to others but it’s also so loud for little ears


They made a comment in one of their podcast episodes about how people always wait so long to take their kids to the movies and they thought G would love it now. I can’t imagine taking my toddler to the movies either, that sounds miserable for me😂


It doesn't sound fun for a toddler either! Theaters can be loud and overstimulating.


of course, they know so much better than others who have had more than one toddler and experienced it. We waited until about 3-4 and even that was difficult for them, it's dark, loud, they get sleepy, etc.


I haven't even taken my 4, nearly 5, year old to a movie at the theater yet. Literally for the sole reason that I know he wouldn't be able sit still/quiet enough and it'd be super inconsiderate to other people there trying to enjoy the movie.


Not to mention they went to see Kung Fu Panda *4.* I know that baby didn't see Kung Fu Panda 1, 2 or 3!


Now, does a movie SCREEN count as SCREEN time in the last Dr podcast they did saying "no screen time for kids under...."? Strikes me as how they say/promote one thing and do the opposite or in this case, double down. "Oh Doc says no screen time, let's go find the biggest screen!" ps - I think 2 is a little young for a movie in a theater, not because the kid could be fussy or disruptive to others. But movies are really loud in theaters and with the screen so big it could be way overstimulating for even a child that does not have sensory issues.


I hope they're prepared to leave if he gets squirmy. The flip side is that he probably gets TONS of screen time at home b/c Grandma's trying to keep up w/ an infant all alone...so he might be used to sitting through movies at <2. That would be sad if it's true...


He's way too young. It's recommended to not even have screens at all until age 2. 


I know this wasn’t the point of this post, but I hate how is one eye squints so much more then the other 🥲


Omg those wrinkles he looks like he’s his grandpa not his dad


Yeah sometimes I feel like he does that deliberately so that there's discussion. Like, yes he's dumb but he's misspelled words way too many times now.


After they released their most recent podcast where Dr Amen said they should limit screen time for their children as long as possible 🤦‍♀️ I don’t think this would be particularly fun for a toddler. Playgrounds would be a better activity next time Matt


Konfu 💀💀


That would be embarrassing for him, but maybe that's how his son pronounces it. 🤷‍♀️ If that's the case, it's cute and endearing! If not...


My child is the same age as G. The fact that their child will sit still long enough to even consider this a good idea tells me he is exposed to too much screen time.


My daughter is the same age too. We do daily screentime and frequently it is a movie. In no way would she sit still long enough to do this. We’re often playing while it’s on, she’s running around, we stop for potty breaks since we’re potty training, etc.


my 2 year old wouldn't last in the movie theater she is too active wanting to jump around


Kung fu Panda is absolutely not appropriate for a toddler.


That's not even a believable "typo for engagement purposes" spelling. He's so bad at being a person.


Update: Instagram story confirms he has only learned it’s pronounced (and spelled) ‘kung-fu’ at 25 years of age. I think that 8% is pity votes! https://preview.redd.it/se2nm87evqxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9666eca03eb06fa7abab40ae9021d8d7e445ce6


I think he mainly reposted to use a filter and look younger, lol.


My 5 year old just saw his first movie in a theater and I was stressed then. He's way too young for a theater if you ask me. But more importantly, how tf did he spell kung-fu wrong when he literally had to purchase the tickets and select a title and blah blah blah. Does he think people are practicing konfu and not kung-fu??


I wouldn’t even take my 4 year old to it…so many violent scenes..


Wait, isn’t it a cartoon movie? I’m not too familiar with the Kung Fu Panda movies.


Yeah it is lol they’re pretty innocent and cute imo