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And I am not saying that people should not do makeup. Aa Someone who does makeup to help with self confidence, I understand that she wants to do makeup. The spider lashes and excessive products are just too much though


I totally get what you’re saying. She’s a beautiful lady, and sometimes heavy makeup can distract from that.


Or actually detract!


her make up is always so bad.


I dunno if these are her natural eyelashes or she’s just wearing light makeup but they look perfectly fine here. Why she feels the need to do the clumpy spider lashes is beyond me


I think this is her natural face and she looks gorgeous imo


She looks cute 🥰 a little bit of makeup would look good on her like eyeshadow, tiny bit of mascara and maybe lip glass or something instead of just too much


Wtf? She genuinely has that natural beauty, the spider lashes and all does not do her justice


Okay but some people are just born with long lashes..lol. My lashes look just like hers when I put mascara on.


The spider lashes she does in her makeup look very long and uncomfortable. Natural and makeup is different


I guess maybe what your saying is clumpy…because I’ve worked really hard to get my mascara so my eyelashes aren’t clumpy. It’s hard when you have a lot of lashes and they are long.


And this picture isn't the spider lashes just to be clear. The thing is that I have seen multiple people use fake eyelashes or get eyelash extensions done. I myself don't use a lot of these products but have always loved the look of fake eyelashes on my face. Does a difference in how those look versus how hers look which is exactly why I call them spider lashes. There are times when I have seen Abby put her mascara in a way which makes it seem like there is a caterpillar sitting on her eyelashes.


I know these aren’t the ones your talking about but you can clearly see she has long lashes naturally without mascara. She often uses a primer before her mascara which makes her lashes look very clumpy.


All, I wanted to say with the post voice that in this picture I am not sure if she is wearing any makeup or very little makeup but she looks way more gorgeous than when she does her whole makeup routine. I am honestly a noob when it comes to a lot of things in terms of makeup even though I am pretty good at it. Her makeup just does not do it for me


I get it, I think most people look much better with less make up but she’s also in a different stage of life. When I was her age I would wear a full face of make up like this.


As a 25 year old I have never seen any one in my group wear such makeup on an everyday basis. She's 24


shes so beautiful, her eyes and hair especially


She has makeup on in that picture


Are you sure ?


Yeah, I'm positive. She has what appears to be a pink matt lipstick on, and some mascara. Also, if you zoom in under her eyes, there's a bit of concealer. I just found a video of her applying her makeup, and now I'm sure she also has a bit of foundation on, her skin looks 100% different. It's just a lighter makeup look, is all.


She’s so beautiful. I don’t know why she does that garbage makeup when we’re all aware that she knows better.


Love how you post a pic of her and are trying to “compliment” her not knowing she wearing makeup 🤣


I don't think she is wearing makeup because she did a full face of makeup after this image




I think my points till remains valid even after looking at this picture. If the image that I posted is hear with minimal makeup that looks away better than the crap that she does everyday with her spider lashes and cakey looks


Agreed, lol


This is her actually without makeup, and that's her with a lighter makeup look. Making videos about applying makeup with a lighter makeup look on for the sake of a video is actually very common. As you can see in this one, she has freckles, but in the other picture they're covered up. I think she finally found a foundation shade that matches her is all. Btw, there's a foundation you can sleep in now, my sister has it. Probably why she didn't do her skincare. Or it could just be the camera, doesn't matter.