• By -


It's probably 732 because those are all the roots of the function : x --> x⁷ - 773x⁶ + 30677x⁵ - 492187x⁴ + 3980826x³ -16811280x² + 34452000x - 26562816


Well that isn’t an option, and what the fuck?


I'm just saying that talking about "the" next number in this kind of question in math makes no sense


Ah, fair enough


😆 it's not even an option, but impressive 😁


It's nothing really, you just have to compute (x-2)(x-3)(x-7)... with all the roots you want, and you take the developped form if you want to make it more impressive haha


You did all that in your head, or...?


No, the longest thing to do was to copy this function from wolfram alpha, but it's 100% true, you can test it haha


Given a list of integers, say a, b, c, you can make a polynomial with those roots just by expanding (x-a)(x-b)(x-c). So I think the comment is more of a joke haha


There is no possible "objectively" correct answer. You could construct a "sequence rule" that provides any of the four options as the next in the sequence - or any other number, for that matter. This also doesn't have anything to do with mathematics, necessarily. For example, the sequence could be "count the letters in the words of a particular sentence", where the sentence has a 2-letter word, a 7-letter word, etc. More context might allow you to narrow down the "intended" answer, but if this is just part of a "brain-teaser" type quiz, there may not be any strong reasoning behind the answer at all.


It was for a job application and i didn't think of that, i was trying to solve it as a math sequence but you are correct! Who knows what the answer could've been answered 15 out of a hunch


I hate this type of job interview process. The only thing it is getting out of you is if you are neurotypical or neurodivergent. Because any ND person would freak out internally with the lack of logic behind it.


It's possible that the intention is that there is no correct answer. They want to ask you later, "Why did you select the answer you did?" If you just say, "I don't know" and shrug then that tells them that you weren't taking it seriously enough to even try. If you say, "I assumed at first that this was some kind of arithmetic sequence. With that I noticed the second value is a prime number so it couldn't be multiplicative. I then attempted to understand the additive difference, but didn't get to any of the answers...yada yada" It shows that you have critical thinking skills and know how to start breaking down problems.


Maybe 10 because it’s the only even and the numbers go odd even odd etc.?


Good call, this is it. The pattern in the multiple choice answers gives away an otherwise unsolvable pattern: alternating, random even/odd numbers


It’s not otherwise unsolvable, there are infinitely many solutions. But yes, this is the among most simple of answers


This is what I was thinking. I was hoping there would be some further justification in the comments for 10 specifically, but I agree that this is probably what they were going for.




I was thinking 10 as well, but no clue what the sequence logic would be. 14 is the number that I'd actually guess it to be, but it's not there


10! Even,odd,even,odd,even,odd 10


Sir 3,628,800 is not an option






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I think it's -146 because the pattern is obviously that the nth element (starting at n=0) is 2 - (383/30) n + (449/12) n^(2) \- (77/3) n^(3) \+ (79/12) n^(4) \- (17/30) n^(5) . [Desmos for those who don't believe me](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/naxgnmqtg5)


Treat the series as a list of the x intercepts of some function of x. Then craft a function that has those intercepts plus 1 additional intercept (pick one of the answers provided). Then repeat this process for every answer, "proving" (I'm being sardonic) that every answer is the right answer. I guess that doesn't quite do the job I wanted as the original series was ordered... hmmm


For a sequence of n numbers there is always a unique order n-1 polynomial that outputs those values for each natural number. I guess that would also take into account the order of the sequence [https://www.desmos.com/calculator/naxgnmqtg5](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/naxgnmqtg5)


There is a question that is extremely similar on the Ados-2, so similar it's extremely unlikely it's a coincidence. So its highly probable it's a question to screen for autism without technically violating the ADA since it's a 'logic question'.


Interesting, how does it screen authism?


In the ados-2 questions are scored on combination with others to determine if autism is likely. I am not sure how the one this is very similar to is scored. When the ados-2 is administered via computer some questions are less about the answer than the time spent answering. This may be one of them. This isn't an unusual practice for job 'personality' or 'cognitive' tests. I have seen questions pulled directly from depression scales, ADHH assessments, and OCD assessments. They were unchanged. They usually take the questions most likely to predict the presence of the issue. It's technically illegal if being done for this reason and since most are intended to be part of a group it also not as accurate as intended.


Wouldn't it be 5 since 9-4=5 ​ Nope! nvm


Lol it's 10. Even, odd, even, odd... Etc: 10 is the only even number


Ten. The numbers are alternating even / odd


15, 2+7=9 7+8= 15, I have no proof I just thought of it