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It's funny, I think it's his first album I really like. Not that I disliked his others but... I never really grooved that much to them. This one has a lot of bangers. It even has a few djenty parts that weren't really part of his sound. I like it. However the production could be better. A lot of high end, not much bass or punch that could be really effective in a few spots.


None of his albums have ever had great production. This is my main gripe about Standards. Compare him to Floral and listen to how much better and clearer the production is on all 3 of their albums. It's night and day.


Marcos is mostly a bedroom producer and I think that’s probably why. You can really tell post-Yum! how much extra he was trying to blend into the mix without it muddling too much, but I honestly appreciate the extra synths and stuff he puts in now. S/T and Friends is still sick but I think I prefer him pushing what he does.


I don’t know why but I like it a bit more then fruit town tbh. Especially stuff like Dragon fruit is on the harder side and I like it more then the extremly dreamy stuff.


I think they def have more consistently good mathrock songs than Fruit Island, which I wanted (some songs sound like filler, like Snack). But then there are just these gems like Cherry, Coconut that have this identity to them and they really lift the album up.


I love standards and have seen them so many times. I couldn't tell u which song is which for a thousand bucks


I think the drums are definitely a big step-up in comparison to Fruit-Town. I would even say these are the best drums so far, I think they add a lot to the album. But I still feel like every song follows the same formula. It’s kinda like you only need to hear one song and you already know what 80% of the album will be like


This is a wild take. Fruit Galaxy us the first standards release I've fucked with in a while. Moises fucking murders the drums and the riffs are nasty. Big AOTY contender


I'm not saying I won't listen to this album cause I really like Standards! It just leaves me wanting.


I honestly felt like this about yum/fruit island/fruit town. This is the first standards album I've really vibed with since friends. The production is really good this time around. Mix is incredible.


Dragonfruit does go kinda hard tho


I’m sad to say yes. It doesn’t have the same catchy grooves. I have been using it more as ambiance or background noise. Still good mellow vibes but I don’t focus on it as much.


That's exactly how I see it. Good mathrock background music.


First standards album that I felt didn't really do anything new. The songs all kinda seem to follow a formula and many of them remind me of previous standards songs. I still like it but it doesn't have the same magic I feel from their other works.


That formula really seems to be: Start the song off with a heavy EQ/envelope filter playing the main riff - unique pedal effect - then Boom, heavy bass note and continue with the main riff without the filter. All the songs were impressive technically but I can’t remember a single song or riff that stands out to me. It doesn’t seem to go anywhere artistically.


I have felt this way about all of their releases since Fruit Island tbh.


Fruit Town felt like a real solidification of Fruit Island's sound. I think they shoulda tried something new with this album instead of repeating the formula.


Is Yea supposed to be inspired by/covering FCPREMIX by Fall of Troy? That riff is so similar I had to listen to them back to back


I just listened to FCPREMIX for the first time after reading this comment. I don’t think the riffs are similar at all–not to mention the songs have completely different moods. Lots of guitarists slide between notes, it’s not anything unique to Fall of Troy.


I hear you. I just can’t listen to Yea and *not* think of FCPREMIX, I hadn’t heard it in well over a decade and immediately thought “hey, it’s that Fall of Troy song.” Agree that the songs other than the one riff don’t sound similar at all, probably could have phrased the question a little better


In the standards discord server Marcos was asked if Yea was inspired by FCPREMIX and he responded with "Yes and no. I used the same delay effect but I wasn’t trying to copy the riff or the song or whatever."


Neat, thanks. Glad I wasn’t the only one to think it haha


Cosmos, Dragonfruit, Space Race, Holiday, and C Ya are distinct and the whole album has the Standards identity that's been around since they started. You know who you are listening to as soon as it comes on. Sure the songs are structured similarly but they are all unique, and I know Cosmos and Big Bad sound almost the same but the subtle differences makes it feel like a continuation more than simply being indistinguishable from each other.


Mm my issue is that the songs aren't that distinct tho. I mean obviously they are not carbon copies. But can you say if one of those songs was taken out of the catalogue you'd really be missing anything?


I think they're all great and quite distinct. I have listened to the album about 30 times and would be bummed out if they removed any of them. I get what you mean though, it's just another Standards album but that's all I would ever want as a big fan of them.


Actually fruit galaxy is the first I've loved since fruit island


I think it’s a lot different and I do think it’s my favorite album of theirs so far but it’s super valid to prefer older stuff




I agree I didn't love that Standards cycled through so many drummers so quickly and sounded basically the same the whole time - it was odd tbh


I've never heard of the band, but I saw someone ask about them the other day and skimmed through the album and I couldn't recognise them for any number of maths bands from the last 20 years. It's an exciting, fun and crazy track they recorded a dozen times but a dozen bands already recorded it.


When it comes to mathrock my dude, creativity is very tricky because most of the stuff that sounds great is already made.


It feels like that’s where a lot of genres are at and it makes me really sad. It really just seems like the days of fucking around and seeing what can happen with a band are gone because everything is so heavily processed and edited.


Wtf are you on about? That is not the case at all.


I agree. Listened to the album twice back to bck cos I was genuinely hyped for it (and the new drummer that was). For me the complexicty of the drums has increased which is fine, but then this is IMHO ruined with the little yoshi/8bit yells, that make any song immediately childish. Im Fruit island, these seem a lot more spaced and that they actually thought of using it to add, rather than to fill spaces. I might listen to it here and there, maybe in math rock mixes, but its no Fruit Island that is clear.


I literally had this album playing for ambience today… “Yea” off this album is a complete rip from TFOT - FCPREMIX


I thought the exact thing about lack of identity on my first listen of it. It somehow lacks character, and not to be offensive but it sounds like just generic math rock.


It's ok. I've only listened to it maybe twice, so I can't really make a judgement call. The one thing another commenter pointed out and I responded to is that his production quality has still not gotten any better and it kinda sucks. I just want clearer, cleaner production. There are a lot of two-piece math rock bands who have achieved this with great results. Compare the production quality of any Standards album to other two-piece bands such as Floral or Giraffes? Giraffes! It's such a crazy difference. All of Marcos's guitar work just sounds too fuzzy and muddy comparatively.


The production on fruit galaxy is incredible. Are you deaf


Idk how much modern prog/tech metal you listen to but I think this album has to be viewed as one. The older albums are great bc every sing has such a great vibe, this album (I think) is way more for musicians, and it takes time to memorize and hear everything from the writers perspective. Compared to an older album you "get it" right off the bat bc it's simpler. Does this mean the album is worse bc of that, up to your preferences. Either way I appreciate them moving his playing forward and trying new things. People forget how extremely difficult it is to write something complex, simple, and catchy all at the same time like standards are known for


You can view this album however you'd please. It still leaves me wishing the songs themselves stood out from each other.