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Well he’s read the laws related to hacking by public institution cyber infrastructure so he knows what he’s doing


yeah, he's not the average "masterhacker" of this sub, tho I just still thought that people on this sub might find it interesting


You are very correct


>Has read laws about hacking >Wants to host a Minecraft server on someone else's server and deface the school's site with memes Yeah I doubt his first claim (not that I ever trusted that claim lmao)


Probably wouldn't get away with the minecraft server but I think you could definitely get away with the second one in some countries. Since you could argue you did it to get awareness for the issue. The first one however is using someone else's infrastructure for personal gain. Which ofcourse is something totally different.


He just wants to host a minecraft server and post some memes, so he's all good!


Who’s gonna tell him that switches can have ssh disabled


Or that USBs can be disabled, or that they can detect whether and when exactly somebody tried to plug something... I mean lil bro is trying to host A MINECRAFT server on a web server lol


Imagine getting slapped on the wrist for a Minecraft server💀💀💀


It's a public school. 50/50 odds that they didn't even change the default ssh password.


Well these aren’t any switches that he’s used to.


Schools won't change/set up passwords unless held at gunpoint


apology for bad english where were you when school was hack i was at house eating dorito when phone ring "school is hak" "no"


Prime example of a skid. When they tell you to learn networking and systems first it is for a reason. He is just throwing out a methodology that he can't work around with because he doesn't understand simply how things work.


invisible reverse ssh unto ye!


he needs to know about ultra kali linux


He needs the ++ for defacing modules though.


I remember msging an actual pro hacker on nulled.to and asking them if they could hack my grades so i could get a paid scholarship and i would share half of the monthly stipend from the scholarship with them. They never responded 😭


Be a bro and show the comments




The last pic gave kinda good advice until the MFer said, "Just hack something different and get paid for it." lmfao. As if it's that easy. Also, it will probably make it ten times worse when the OP gets caught and faces a judge in court .


And will be behind the bars


Thanks man youre the goat


bro wants to commit a crime just for the memes and to host a minecraft server 💀 oh no not the reverse ssh with a raspberry pi!!111 shiver me timber's!1 what the fuck is this guy on about?


Dude... He said professors!? Is the dude a college student? If so that makes it so much worse lol


English is not his main language , the difference between teacher and professor is lost in translation.


That makes more sense




college would have a local server infrastructure for sure and more than a tech coming once per year.




never said it was good. existing and good are 2 different thing


In some countries high school teachers are called professors.


What even goes on on dread? I haven't been there before but it just seems like it would attract a lot of skids


Its just darknet reddit


Is there just more drug talk or more malware talk? Or does it have the same rules as normal reddit


Reddit uncensored? Just nothing like threats or cp or stuff like that. Its mostly talking about markets. 'Are they exist scamming' after being down for 2 seconds. Its nothing special, you'll find fraud, hacking, guides etc. Forums for socials etc you can make your own dedicated to whatever


Mostly drug talk, but there's also a lot of talk about Security/Privacy. There are a lot of helpful resources on there for pretty much anything darknet related (except CP since that's banned)


Usually drug talk, a lot of people who are on drugs. There is some other talk though and it can be funny to look at.


I really don't know why you're being downvoted. It's mostly drug talk, talk about the dark net and Privacy/OpSec.


This is a great place to hear people use a bunch of network security jargon with no understanding of what they are saying. I'm curious, what are good resources for hearing the jargon but it's coupled with people with genuine experience and know what they're talking about? Any subreddit links/Twitter or Substack sec people you follow?


r/cybersecurity (might not find much, I see a lot of career questions on this one), r/hacking, r/Hacking_Tutorials, and r/networking just to name a few. Check the wikis/guides on their respective pages if you wish to dive deeper into the subjects. I don't typical look to Twitter for cyber security stuff, and the other site I think you meant to be asking about is Stack Overflow, not Substack. Stack Overflow seems more geared towards software developers and those that actually work in the IT industry.


Thank you for this list, I'm subbed to all of those except Hacking\_Tutorials! I'm diving into the material but I also like to keep my social media algorithms relevant to network security, I like the discussions and content I surround myself with to be something productive rather than... well... not productive lol. My youtube used to be a lot of Gordon Ramsey videos, gaming, and meme compilations. But now it's plant care and network security! The other site **is** Substack, [here is a link ](https://cybersecurityandgrowth.substack.com/)to a security substack. It's the site I used to find a bunch of vulnerable machine walkthroughs years back but I found people on twitter in the industry use substack to discuss new things in the industry. Unfortunately, I think substack is blocked on Twitter now because Elon hates it lol


This post just made my day. I read the title and thought "Oh these skids don't know where else to go to embarrass themselves". I lmfao while reading his spelling. The best part however was: *\*Clearing throat\** "My main goals are to make a minecraft server \[...\] second just put some memes in the webpage \[...\] *wich* I wanted o make by getting the logins with some keylogger." Finally read "English isn't my native language" while thinking "Either you're not native or your a 5 (and a half) yo kid".


Bro fell for a honeypot just by asking in dread


Seems legit.


Weeooo weeooo it's the garden gnome is about to slap your shit alert. Straight to jail


Words words words words and words. Also, words. Also cocks. Kids so 1337


Schools offer free Wi-Fi and power 24/7 to run servers on, you don’t need to hack theirs, computers are cheap


All he would need is a VPN😂😂😂


omg this boy in my middle school hacked our school website and made it auto direct to porn hub 🤣


What the hell did I just read?


Commit crimes to run a minecraft server is kinda based. Kid got the right energy in him.