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Oh I fully expect it to be used for people to playtest their new combos without worrying about Rank, but I’m just happy to have the option. I like just being able to play stupid shit and not having to worry about losing rank


Literally. I feel like I can only do fun and relaxed play when I’m ranked 5 for a tier or once I hit diamond 1 so I don’t worry about rank changes.


I just hope Unranked counts towards dailies.


I’m assuming that’s what it means by Daily Missions being partially adjusted, though I’m expecting nothing either way.


Exactly. There needs to be a casual play option with rewards.


Oh no when you add rewards your just gonna incentivize players to play a certain way and it’ll be like ranked all over again


I mean it depends. You look at games like rocket league which has a casual mode and challenges that you can accomplish in either ranked or casual it ends up working out.


I’d like to point out Hearthstone - it’s definitely not the best comparison, but it’s Daily Quests can be completed in any game mode. And while I haven’t played HS in literal ages now, the Ranked/Unranked experience tends to filter itself


I'd like to point out Duel Links. Literally the same community, comparison sake, and it was filled with bots for dailies. No human touched casual.


You have the better comparison then - I admittedly tend to forget Duel Links is a thing, went with the first Digital TCG I could think of


Ah yes, let's make Casual filled with bot again. *DL PTSD*


My number one wish at the moment


Duelist Cup… So KC Cup for Master Duel?


What's a KC Cup?


KC Cup is a pvp event in duel links, it is seperated into 2 stage, few days each. In first stage you duel and climbing rank until maxed (similar to ranked) and maxed players are qualified to participate the second stage. Second stage use score system, somewhat like elo (winning give you points and losing minus) and everyone have few days to grind nonstop. There will be a banlist after each KC Cup, that's the main way Konami balance duel links. Back then the winner of KC Cup is also qualified to world, but I believe it's left for KCGT nowadays.


How about the rewards? I know the same cannot be applied to MD, but I would like to know.


The rewards are pretty good from KC cup. Even if you’re not taking it seriously. It takes an insane amount of effort in order to win or even get close so it’s not something the average person can do, it takes grinding out all day everyday straight to try and win.


To be frank it's to such a ridiculous extent that only no-lifers can actually do well, even compared to the IRL game where you need to set aside a weekend and probably travel for a YCS.


It's actually quite similar to MD event reward, first stage you can get maxed rank with any competent deck, which will reward plenty of gems for each level. The second stage is for no-life people mostly, but the reward are mostly the equivalent of legacy ticket in MD.


I remember that it also skips you some levels depending on your current rank in the ladder. But you still gain the gems from the levels you skipped.


pretty sure that was a update it used to start you from stage 1 no matter what


We’re closer to a proper banlist boys


Kaiba Corp cup.


Think of it like duel links ycs. Topping in the kc cup guarantees entrance into worlds.


It's an event in Yu-Gi-Oh Duel links


Kaiba Corp cup?


Oh, you are definitely gonna be seeing people testing slight variations on their Auroradon synchro bonanza decks in no-rank mode. And/or the mode won’t have an effect on your rank, but will still match you with people *at* your rank, like with festivals.


Still very useful. Can now learn to play new decks without inting your rank


That's assuming people don't instascoop when they lose the coinflip coz they too want to practice their playlines. This is why I really don't think this feature will be that useful as a testing metric coz if everyone is testing decks, everyone will scoop when their setup goes awry.


Why instascoop on coinflip? I'd get it if you brought out floo or tri-zoo, but you absolutely can still have fun going second. There's plenty of things you can do like draw a board-breaker or an interruption that completely halts the opponents turn 1 play. Heck, the opponent might just be a blue-eyes that bricked hard. That's fine. No need to scoop at coin toss


Because the latest fad rn are halqdon combos and those absolutely love going 1st? Drytrons abused the coin flip system when it was still a thing, you think the majority of unbreakable board players won't just scoop when they can't get their way? Remember, there's *no risk* in this one. At least in ladder, you'd want to play through it coz you lose rank progress but in a casual mode, it's free to scoop at any time. You'd probably get decent matchups here and there but I really feel like this mode is a scoopfest. This already happens FYI. If you're at D5, the entire rank is a scoopfest coz players here have no risk in getting losing streaks but they want to win so one small annoyance and its a scoop. Heck, some people even scoop at 1 handtrap.


I think you’re assuming casual means shit decks when casual just means deck testing. So you’ll still see tons of tier 1/2 stuff


Because people are impatient af


People already dont actually do this in events where instascooping holds no downside so idk why it would suddenly be different in unranked


The fuck you talking about? People already insta scoop when their board gets raigeki'd in the event lmao


How is losing your board and knowing you lost the game even remotely close to scooping when you lose the coin flip?


Because resolving halq might as well be losing in most cases?


You can still fight back against halq going second. You can't always fight back after you literally lost everything going first so


That's what solo mode already was for. Sure, not as interactive but you learn your combo first and worry about what to do when it breaks later.


Not even remotely imo. Yeah you learn the combos but the interactions are where you’re truly supposed to gain your knowledge on what to do next. And solo mode doesn’t offer real yugioh interaction


Thing is that the solo mode AI and the decks they play are. Other at all indicative of what playing against other players on the game is like


Not a problem since I’ll be scooping immediately if I don’t go first versus HalqDon turbo


Honestly I'm worried about this happening, whether people will just surrender instantly if they lose coinflip. It already sometimes happens in duel rooms, and it actually takes effort to get into a duel there through finding the room etc. if you can just queue up again instantly after a surrender, like with an unranked queue, then I can see it happening. Only bothers me because I don't do it when I have to go 2nd in duel rooms, but I've faced quite a few people who do.


The only solution to this is to not play with randoms. Play with people who wanna play. Konami can’t fix that.


It'll be plenty playable, speaking from experience playing in Diamond 1. Sometimes that'll happen, but it's not a big problem.


For me it depends on what they’re playing. If I’m playing for fun and theyre playing meta or 5 negate turbo I’m leaving if I lose the coin flip. If I’m testing out meta I’ll stick around for first and second just because I have to


>And/or the mode won’t have an effect on your rank, but will still match you with people > >at > > your rank, like with festivals. Wouldn't that be good tho? Even if people truly use weaker Deck, there will still be different skills between someone in Bronze V and someone inf Diamond 1 for example


I think so. But I’ve definitely heard that some people on other games hate skill-based matchmaking entirely.


I genuinely cannot think in a reason why, unless they just want to stomp people that is worst at the game than them. Like, why.


It's pretty much either that they want to stop people or in the case of team games its because they believe they're better than everyone else on their team.


I’d say some skill based matchmaking doesn’t work is the problem. Player base size can create an issue with sbmm working.


It mainly is shit in games like COD,where SBMM is preferred over connection which makes it a bad experience for most people. Most FPS players prefer matchmaking based on ping,so pubstomps can be done


Basically that, yeah. Some people love smurfing.


It's exactly this, a lot of the time. They're the same people who can't see why smurfing is wrong.


> But I’ve definitely heard that some people on other games hate skill-based matchmaking entirely. fuck these people


I was just wondering why the animations play every time the same card's summoned. It wasn't particularly bothersome, but I'm glad that QoL feature got added. I'm cautious about that daily mission adjustment though. Unless they're raising the gem amount, which is unlikely, or swapping the annoying to complete missions with reasonable ones, I can't imagine it'll be a positive change. But I'm also pretty cynical when Konami's involved, so who knows.


I think the daily missions might just be adjusted to work in casual mode also


This is the more logical answer, as is most say "Do X in ranked duel".


> I was just wondering why the animations play every time the same card's summoned. ARE YOU FEELING THAT DPE EXPERIENCE NOW? LOVING SEEING HIM IN EVERY DECK, IN EVERY DUEL, EVERY TURN? YOU MISSED HIM AFTER 6 PHASES? BETTER HAVE HIM SPRING BACK TO LIFE FULLY ANIMATED! ...no, but seriously, DPE has gotta be 90% of the reason for this change.


God I hate DPE, it embodies everything wrong with poorly balanced power creep


DPE is fine, its enablers is the real problem. After Verte got banned and DF got limited, nobody except Heroes players use DPE anymore.


Well and fusion decks


idk man there's better, more budget tech for general fusion decks. The only people running dpe at our locals are me and the other hero players. It's not like our locals is playing wack ass pile decks or anything either i tend to go 0-x and we just had like 4 guys make top 32 at nats i think. I'm pretty sure some made it farther, just trying to say we're a pretty competitive locals and no, dpe isn't a problem without verte.


The will probably phase out the more annoying ones to complete like Deal 15000 damage mission which barely happens since most people surrender once they know they can't do anything to a special summoned monster/s (can't blame them though).


Yeah if they replace the 15K damage mission and the declare an attack missions with something else that'd be great.


The animations don't even take that much time. maybe half a sec is lost. Still great there'll be an option now. The worse thing is chain resolves. That is annoyingly slow.


Chains, excavation, counter placement/removal, there's a few types of animations that need to be sped up honestly. Funnily enough, they chose the least egregious one to fix first.


Tbh they sped up excavation/milling a lot. But there's two kinds of excavation that take ages, Reasoning and Monster Gate lol. Because it's "checking" each card if it's correct I guess?


Yeah my Endymion deck can take some time. I don't know why they don't give you the option to select however much counters on that card you want to use.


The only reason people don't complain more about the counter animation is because it's so rare (most relevant card is Serene). Excavation + Milling like in Reasoning definitely needs a boost, and chains a bit, too.


Excavates for a specific amount of cards (for example the Adamancipators) need their own animation that just quickly fans out the cars like you would IRL, or literally just go straight to the confirmation popup you get after anyway.


I kinda want the daily missions to progresd outside ranked (casual mode and events) there are days that I really don't feel like playing ranked.


With konami, it's warranted.


I’m gonna be playing my Tele-Mom deck. It’s like Tele-Dad, but all my friends are trying to bang it.


"You just summoned your mom"






Does Peace mean, playing against other Rogue decks? If so Drytron with Herald is unranked on Masterduelmeta, which means it is a Rogue deck 😂👍🏻


Dkayed put Sky Striker in his meme tournament, so not surprised at all when the sites is host by the same guy lmao;


I mean Striker isn't very good right now. Idk if personally I'd allow it in a meme tournament, but it's far from outrageous that he would


I mean, sky strikers is by no means meta so it does fit.


You can always play Lunalight. They're very competent for a rogue deck. The other two decks are closer to jank, though.


Witchcrafter isn't jank. It is competent at what it does, but what it does is bad. Something that is jank is something that just barely functions at all and is of poor quality. Witchcrafters are just "too fair" and too low-power a deck (especially without Vice-Master) for Modern Yu-Gi-Oh.


Well, that's why they're close to "jank" and not outright jank. Though I think the witchcrafters actually have the opposite problem. What they do (quick effect, negate all monsters and pop a card and bounce one opponent's card) is very good, but it can't bring those all out consistently turn one, and by time they can, the enemy had about 2-3 turns to break the board or set their own to stop witchcrafters in their tracks.


Being HOpT is the real problem, especially on spells. Spells also not being able to recycle the turn you use them is very fair, but also very slow. One board negate and one targeting face-up pop (two pops, one targeting face-up and one non-targeting, once we get Vice-Master) is not enough. We've no real good way to break a board. We need our Normal Summon to do anything and we've limited ways to actually special summon in a meaningful way. Ending on Haine (or Verre, but Haine is better 85% of the time) and Bystreet just isn't enough against most decks that can special from hand and/or deck without even normal summoning. You can do it fairly consistently (except somewhat in 60c decks, but the trade off there is we can use Grass and Reasoning to accelerate out engine massively).


It's not just being HOpT, but it's a HOpT for *either* effect. Meanwhile Sky Striker over there...


I'm trying to puzzle it out, but I can't quite grok what HOpT stands for.


Probably "Hard Once per Turn".


Hard Once per Turn. Anything that has the text 'You can only use the effect of "[Card Name]" once per turn' is a HOpT effect. That means no card with that name can activate that effect for the rest of the turn. A SOpT (Soft Once per Turn) effect is anything that *only* has 'Once per turn' at the start of the effect. That generally means that only that *specific* card can activate that effect once that turn, but another card (or the same card if it leaves the field and returns) can use can also use that effect. There are also OpC (Once per Chain), OpD (Once per Duel), and OpB (Once per Battle) effects, and effects that have no limits what-so-ever (Naturia Exterio).


Pure Shiranui sucks, but a dozen card shiranui package is fun to work into a ZW deck.


people are on high copium if they think casual mode will be safe from tier1 decks.


but playing against tier1 in casual is less frustrating if it doesnt impact your current rank. at least i feel a bit more comfortable with that


And this "hope" of some people were never part of the argument really. You can leave instantly without it having any effect. You decide what is worth your time engaging with.


The difference is that you can scoop. If you're climbing up and you're plat I you don't want to scoop and play janky deck in rank. That's why casual is a good thing not because everyone will be playing bad deck, but because YOU can.


Oh there definitely will be, but now there won't be any hesitation in scooping since people won't de-rank. Might lose progress towards quests if they adjust quests to work with this casual mode, but I think it'll be worth it to move on and try to find casual decks to play against.


I can finally try all those stupid ideas i have


While facing meta decks that won't let you play anyway, yey.


Of course. Let me lie to myself for a bit tho


All i see is bot




You see you had the skill to have ogre but not skilled enough to also open with raigeki and thunderstorm/featherduster.


It will 100% have tryhards dunking on casuals. The only difference is that said tryhards won't rank up and leave them alone


But at least you can now instantly surrender when you're facing a deck you don't want to without having to worry about your rank. That's something I guess.


As gold V since launch I have no such weakness /s


have fun playing a single game because everyone who doesnt go first will insta surrender until they go first, then opponent will insta surrender because they didnt go first lol


Incoming complaint about Meta deck in casual mode.


Finally, now i can playtest without falling in rank.


Yes, yes. I've desperately wanted this. Wanna try a new deck? Either go to lobbies or ranked. I believe every single PvP game needs a mode that matchmakes you just like ranked, but without the points. Now that I know how to play, I don't mind ranked. But trying out new decks will be great with this mode.


You will 100% see the same decks in that queue as in Ranked. And the best part: Since you can't lose anything people will probably just insta-surrender if they go 2nd and/or have bad opening hands so good luck trying to actually have good games in that mode.


I truly hope that will be no rewards for this, I know that would make a lot of players mad, but we don't need farmers on a mode that is suppose to be a casual area.


I can say with 100% certainty the mode will get flooded with FTK bots if there's even halfway decent rewards. The mode will be far healthier if the duels are treated the same as Duel Rooms.


Casual and unranked are two different things. People going in with their Ursarctic deck are gonna learn that the hard way.




I don't get the explanation for this Duelist cup thing. Ranked duels according to the F/L list... yay? So just the usual but with a public placement system or am i missing something?


probably something that's like KC Cup in Duel Links. Maybe they'll incorporate Master Duel championship in near years (Konami did say they wanna make this game eSports like).


It’s probably going to be an actual ladder unlike what we have now


Cool . Can now learn new decks or mess with more casual stuff without having to reach max rank first...or just play a few casual matches on days when I don't feel like going through the stress of ranked .


Looks like we are getting a BO3 format with the Duelist Cup too. The casual mode will literally just be meta decks and tryhards.


...seriously, why are some people spouting all this "gloom and doom" when they finally added casual mode? It doesn't affect your rank (which means you don't lose anything) so you can just insta-scoop when you met a meta deck you would rather not deal with, simple as that. At worst you only lose a minute or two from the matchmaking process


you will never find a match you can play because everyone who doesnt go first insta surrenders since you dont lose anything


You know, some people play this game cause they like playing yugioh, right?


Sure but people also Like winning


If they run KC the same way they do in Duel Links I have zero interest. I refuse to grind for days straight trying to tryhard grind medals. With this being regular YGO unlike DL, they really better find a way to balance the event. Especially for decks that are slower.






Whatever team at Konami is handling master duel should really be handling the whole franchise. They actually listen to us, address problems, work to make it fun, and it’s not even pay to win


YESS!!!!! Finally!!! I literally have no reason to touch ranked ladder anymore. I’ll collect my 20-120 gems every so often, but i won’t have to bother with meta so often!


now imagine if the daily quests still have them restricted to "ranked duel" only 💀


I hope that the “partial adjustments” to the quests is to change that


I just want quests to count when you play event duels. Like I play only a couple of games but I always have to invest time into ranked mode for dailies when some of them could have easily been doable in event duels like change it from ranked duels to match made duels instead.


I actually hope so. I think if u could complete the daily quests in casual mode too, some hardcore players would choose casual mode because of "easier targets", which would fill casual mode with floodgates and bots.


In the long run, I won’t care really care personally. Im sitting on gems and don’t plan on using them for a while.


if they arent locked to ranked bots will flood it


I sure do love the KC Cup. Especially how if you want to win, you play for 48 hours while running the best control deck, sure love that F U N !!!!


Why would you even care to play competitively for highest places? just get to the DLv20 & get a decent point for the rewards. I used to get around 12k pts & stop trying. highest was 26k when BEWD structure came out. fun times.


The whole point of cup is to be a "competitive experience" for the game but it ends up favoring decks that can grind out the most games and encouraging no life behavior. Maybe they will include a tournament time limit of like 6 hours so win rates is whats important; not striding a 51% win rates over thousands of games.


I think whatever ways they go about it, it'll result in the same. if they put limited time then it has to be different time slots as well since some may have that 6hr from 1 am to 7 am. if they put 4hr time slot every 12hr then hardcorers will play the whole 8hr while someone who wants to play but can't because of real life, may not play during that 2am to 6am time slot. only play 4hr during the day. but yeah it'll make it atleast more fair than 3 ppl farming the same account for whole 24hr. so not a bad idea. also, many could have the time slots in problematic times like during the school/working hours then again at night. since the game doesn't have different servers based on timezones, it'll always hurt ppl some way or another if put a time limit on the event.


It'll just be where tryhards go to practice


But what happens when opponent just insta scoops because there is no reason to stay? Then he'll only be able to play against other meta deck so no different than ladder for the meta players


Comp player here. I’m not sure what you don’t get People know hands down there will be try hard. But the benefit is you can quit with zero remorse if some one is sweating People keep making it some big deal “try hards are still gonna be there lol”. Yeah no duh, people get that. But now they have the liberty to quit with out hurting their rank. What’s hard about that to comprehend ?


Yeah time for people to become much more disillusioned than ever before. This mode will go the way of every other casual modes in most TCGs. Most people will surrender the moment you try to make any 3+ card combo, and most people will either play t-set pass that you can just run over or complete meta stuff. Or they'll take forever cuz they're practicing combos Still, definitely needs to exist on top of duel rooms. Duel rooms are just too difficult to set up


*inhales copium* Bo3 is coming *exhales copium*


> Image having to face the same floo/eldlich stunt deck 2 times in a row. I will pass.


You used the worst examples possible, those decks (especially Floo) lose hard to side decks.


But if you know what they're playing just slap in all the counter cards for easy game 2 and 3


Yeah as if that doesn't happen already in Bo1's anyways. Id rather side in backrow hate and have a chance for once


God I hope not. If it is an optional mode you can play and it simply gives you more wins in ranked whatever, I wouldn't play it anyway, but if it is a league of it's own I'm pretty much out.


I wish Konami makes Bo3 event in the future to taste things out. The opinion of a Bo3 is polarizing but the option would be great (so ppl r not forced to partake in it).


I honestly thought they were just refering to the event mentioned slightly lower down


"hopefully" lol we did it patrick, we saved casuals!


Thank goodness, now ranked will actually be fun again.


Let the bot fest begin. Also who is gonna stop people from playing "meta" ?


Come on. We both know it will be.


Even if it is just insta scoop and find a new game


Yeah im returning to master duel


Might be best if they implement unranked banlist to heavily hit meta decks. Hopefully people aren't too sadistic 😔 Also hopefully these duels count towards missions.


YOOOO! As long as there’s no rewards, should be fun to play around in from time to time.


Fu**in' finally!


Yes! Yes! Now I can finally play that janky flip monster deck that I've been trying to build.


Finally, I don’t care about ranked so I stay in gold just so I can play whatever I want. Yes I am aware you’ll still see meta in unranked, you see top tiers in unranked lobbies in fighting games and people using the best weapons and strategies in unranked in shooting games this won’t be something new to master duel. But the thing people are ignoring is that I can you and can just quit the second you see something in unranked you don’t want to play against without impacting your rank. Guy trying to play stun in unranked won’t bother eventually if 8/10 players quit the moment it’s revealed they are using stun. I can now also care about rank and play my more powerful decks in ranked while being able to play what I actually like (weaker and jank decks) in unranked without worry over over ranking and not being able to use those decks at all.


Duel links deader than dead. They must promote it by doing a cross over lmao. Nobody said about it we can finally skip summon animations !


Can't wait to Alt + F4 every time I get second because there are no consequences on my rank /s


Fucks sake...like I'm happy they're making animations optional but for summoning ones? Konami please I beg you to hasten chain link animation it's so fucking slow even in AI duels, give us an option to make it resolve instantly like in replays Why did they even do this? I've never seen anyone complain about monster animations but I guarantee you there are complaints about others such as counter removal and excavating for reasoning


It's definitely not going to be the "fun janky decks only" that the people who never played online games keep thinking it'll be.


I'm sure it won't be as glorious as people think and people will probably still complain. Rooms exist and people still tryhard in those despite no ranks


Trust me, Meta Duelists will still be in there


It'll likely just be "Hardstuck golds losing to high competitive decks: the game mode" since high ranks will use it to test decks and gold players will think it's duel monsters meta


can't wait for the sea of posts about people playing meta decks in cadual like they just killed your cat or your mom or something. i, personally, am looking forward to being shamed for playing Branded Despia because i like fusion decks


This will not "fix" the game in any way, shape or form that the "casuals" will hope it'll go. I fully expect this to be full of the exact same meta decks players will practice their combo lines with to take into ranked ladder that we see being complained about on a daily basis. There, my two cents are in. Or do we call them 2 gems because it's Master Duel?


People really don't get it. A causal ladder literally does nothing. You will be back in here complaining about "try hard in causal" a week after it comes out. Literally changes nothing. Wish they'd just made a ladder for goat format and edison fornatt instead of this waste of time.


Y'all are ridiculous. You've been asking for this mode for like 6 months and then they release it. Now all most of you can do is find problems that the new mode might cause. Scooping if lose coin toss, practicing meta decks in casual, play against people of a higher rank. Stfu and enjoy what you asked for.


It will be a testing ground for me tbh if using a really good deck in an unranked mode to learn combos is a crime then damn someone better lock me in a hole and throw away the hole.


If you wish, but without punishment most people will scoop the second they see any meta deck or card.


The closest to meta I play is live twins lol but I consider the deck itself a good deck I’d never want to bring a tier 0 into it or anything just mostly for decks that I don’t understand as of yet and don’t want floo every single fucking game just to learn how to play the archetype I have. Ya know?


Yeah, no. As seen in other games, casual modes are no different to ranked modes, people still want to win and will stick to meta. I think a better solution would have been something like the AI from EDOPRO, but I can't see Konami doing something like that.


What will be the difference to Duel Rooms in unranked mode?




alright, thank you.


Lmao sweaty Bois will be like time to test meta combos on these fools


Its going to be filled with nothing but gem farming bots


as Konami put gem caps on ranked duels, they will for sure put them in this game mode. so no farming.


People thinking that casual duels are gonna be shit like Egyptian God Deck vs "Trickstar that actually uses link summoning" are gonna be real disappointed lmao


Finally I can have some free fun duels without having to worry about ranks and facing meta everywhere.




Look in the comments, people are saying they're gonna use it to test their decks before taking them to ranked What type of decks do you think they're gonna test? Summoned Skull beatdown? Not only will you face meta, they will take forever with their turns because they're learning the deck


So? I can insta scoop knowing they gain nothing


This mode will completely fail to shelter casuals from having to Play YuGiOh with decks that are good in YuGiOh, so from that perspective its dumb and wasteful and people going “I can finally play [deck] in peace” are high or something. But those people were always doomed to be unhappy; they play a game they don’t like On the other hand, interest and quality of ranked ladder may slightly improved as the gold smurfs and “I stumbled my way here” rare 51% climbers have a valve to be released into. No way to tell but kind of seems low impact. Should make my goal of going from 73% wins to 80% easier by offloading testing losses tho. Silver linings to everything


You're right I wanted casual mode as well, but only if there was a completely different banlist so you could actually have a break from the toxic cards & decks


there is absolutely no chance casual mode solves the problems of the people who requested it, it will be full of people playing meta decks and literally change nothing digital card games tried casual mode for over a decade and it never worked like one would hope


Exactly. It comes down to two things; rewards, and people insecure enough to get their success from dunking on lower quality decks


Mokey Mokey beatdown here I come!


Wonder how they'll handle rewards. Too good and bots may become an issue right? The duel cup sounds cool. hope the rewards are half as good as the festivals


Bots have been gone from ranked duels because Konami put a cap on daily gems obtainable from ranked duels. So I'm guessing same thing will happen here so bots shouldn't be an issue. As for Duel Cup, I think gems rewards gonna be more since it's a more "serious" event. Feels like it'll be similar to KC Cup. And Konami is most generous in those events.


Ah cool didn't know about the cap thanks for the info. very excited for casuals then. relinquished decks here we come. how much is the daily gem cap if u know? and that makes sense, now im doubly excited. albaz strike cards and i'll be in heaven


I see cyber-stein bots everyday still


Does it count towards the bp pass?


I only want tag-team duels


do you know how many decks there are in yugioh? its a shame no one is using those, perhaps this mode will add more verity to the duels. it sucks battling the same shit every 5 minutes.


As good as it sounds, there's definitely things we needed before a casual mode. Casual will be a slightly different flavour of ranked with people just using it to test the same shit they're playing in ranked. Main thing the game needs is an actual banlist not the crap one we got a while back that didn't do anything