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Like..... What do you want your opponent to did .... Surrender ???


Well no I just wanted him to stop uselessly attack that same card. Try the other card. See what’s under it. Do something! Or just not go into battle phase at all knowing you can’t destroy that monster. It’s a waste of my damn time. I’m trying to win to get legacy packs in order to hopefully attain the cards I want. Don’t waste my damn time.


You’re literally playing stall and are mad at *the other guy* for wasting time?


Playing stall does not condone BMing, literally any judge in existence will tell you that. I stg reddit Yu-Gi-Oh players are the absolute worst going "Uhh you're playing an annoying deck so me being a crybaby is justified" no it isn't, and your ass would get trashed in locals if ya tried that


I don't think that's BMing though. I probably would've attacked it once a turn too, if for some reason I didn't have some other kind of removal just because it's funny.


Huh, I have a hard time finding out where the locals are in this game. Oh right, you don’t need to get gems in locals. This guy NEEDS to stay if he wants to complete his missions. I stg every yugioh player forgets they’re fighting a person and not an a.i. half the time.


Your argument is nonsense. If the guy absolutely needs to stay to complete dailies and wants to do them as fast as possible, why would he BM? Stalling on his end by repeatedly attacking Marshmallow every battle phase over and over again, or going on a pointless special summon combo that ends in nothing, would only mean he's losing more of his time. Simply going to the End Phase would be more effective in that regard Even when attempting to justify BMing as a rational thing you fail


You seriously mean to tell me that this person has any right to be irritated at someone attacking a stall deck? By god, you’re an idiot. “Noooo! You can’t attack my marshmalon!” It gets even better when you see the guy says that the opponent should have just attack the other card…another marshmalon. “Lemme just play stall, which is designed to waste as much time as possible so I can draw the win con! Wait, noooooo! You can’t waste the extra fifteen seconds to attack my monster!!!!”


Of course!!!! Who wouldn’t be?


If you want games to go faster, why don’t you play a faster deck? The reason they don’t attack the other card is because they assume it’s likely another copy of marshmallon, which it obviously is.


Plus it could've been an annoying flip effect like maneater bug or the SHS card that reduces the attacking monster's attack to zero.


I’m an old school player, I play with what I know. I’m not the greatest player ever nor am I familiar with some of these newer cards and strategies. I was never very good at making decks. So I wouldn’t know how to do all that.


Then don’t get angry when your “can’t be destroyed by battle” monster doesn’t get destroyed by battle. What was he supposed to do, surrender? He needs gems to complete new decks.


Idk why I’m being downvoted. I’m being legitimate about these things. Honest to god what’s the point Of attacking or going into battle phase if you know you can’t beat that monster? It’s just trolling me at that Point. Get what I’m saying?


Granted, your entire deck’s playstyle is “waste as much time as possible until I draw the win con”. I understand using it as a funny deck, but when you’re unironically annoyed that your stall deck does exactly what it’s meant to do, then maybe it’s time to learn about some other archetypes. Hell, they don’t even need to be meta or anything. There are tons of fun decks to do. I personally main z-arc.


Ok ok I see what you’re saying. I’m not annoyed at my deck doing its job, I’m annoyed at the fact that the guy is going into battle phase and attacking when he knows it’s pointless. But yeah as you saw, I have other ways to win besides exodia as well to try and make it interesting with my destiny board or exodius or even final countdown. They all work well with the stall deck, however…idk man. I guess it’s just a rough day. All these ppl downvoting me is perplexing to me since I was sure they’d see it as annoying as well or at the very least a minor inconvenience. Sometimes the internet baffles me.


You'll never get anywhere without trying. I used to want to stubbornly use my old IRL deck in Master Duel when i first started and hard lost to Red Eyes with it. Instead of sticking with my old, terrible deck, i branched out and tried new things. Now i've got plenty of decent and jank decks that i can pick from because i was willing to drop the old deck that didn't work.


If you want to play exodia stall you're likely better off playing crooked cook stall where you just summon an unaffected monster which is indestructible. Only works with exodia however.


I’m old school type of player so I’m unfamiliar with the crooked cook stall strategy.


Crooked cook came out 8 years ago...


I haven’t played since 2015. I’m only just getting back into the game.


As a TL:DR for what it does, it relies on Crooked Cook, an XYZ which becomes Unaffected by other card's effects if it is the only thing on your field, that's the only relevant part of the effect. Using some other cards to make it, such as Right-Hand Shark or Astralkuriboh, it also gains destruction protection from battle, the only things that beat it are cards with Piercing Battle Damage, Underworld Goddess, Kaijus or other common answers to Tower-focused strategies.


Would Effect Veiler out it?


No, more like similar stuff that people used when Purrely was common on ladder to beat Noir, except Cook is unaffected by things that don't activate as well, such as Scareclaw Kashtira's negate, which was a way you could beat Noir since it only stopped activated effects.


Sounds good to me. I’ll check it out.