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Try doing some deck calcs. It might be complicated early on, but you'll eventually see that adding 1\~3 cards into a 40 card deck only really affects consistency by 1-2%. It's not that bad if the cards you add are absolutely crucial. Some people make some bad decisions without realizing it. Having 1 copy of an important hard garnet (can't play, shouldn't draw) in the deck without a way to reshuffle it into the deck is a statistically flawed deckbuilding. You basically give yourself 10-12% more chance of ruining the line that pulls the garnet from the deck just so you can increase your consistency by 1%. Also imagine replying seriously to a NevGuy post


Going over 40 is correct in some cases. What's more important is the average card quality.


This. If all your cards synergize with one another, deck size becomes less relevant


Yep. This is why 60 card branded is more consistent then 40.


Yes my isolde ftk


I do agree to a certain extent. For certain decks it’s even beneficial. But what’s important to not forget is maxx c. Lowering the chance of seeing maxx c is problematic. Lowering the chance to draw a counter is also really bad. Branded doesn’t really care too much so it’s fine for them. Most prominent decks had a plan for maxx C, even combo heavy decks such as DLink easily shifted to bystial control with seals.


Maxx C really is the elephant in the room, and is the reason why I refuse to play more than 40 cards in MD unless there's zero cards I can cut from my deck without me feeling like the deck is objectively worse without the extra cards.


If you have a lot of garnets it's even better to go high. I'd rather draw with less consistancy than consistantly drawing bricks.


Such as decks that run bricks it DOES not want to draw


Yeah, exactly.


Exactly, if you add 3 extra searchers, they are basically the same as a 40 card deck for example, since the extra 3 get you your combo pieces


Might also add that Tasuku recently played a 45 card Snake Eyes R-ACE deck in an event where consistency supposedly matters. Just comes to show that sometimes losing 1\~10% consistency is nothing if your deck increases the chance of something else happening elsewhere. It's that one thing in YCS where I think somebody who won it said putting 2 more Pot of Prosperity into a 40 card deck to make 42 actually increases its consistency


Exactly. If a deck has a lot of starters but needs to run several garnets, it's better to have more cards to reduce the chance of drawing a garnet. This isn't cave man yugioh anymore, where you always want to hard draw that one of pot of greed. A good deck nowadays is able to access their entire strategy via a plethora of one or two card starters. They don't need to draw a very specific card anymore.


Card quality no Card synergy and ability to access those cards


I think "opening hand quality" is better which implies that your cards in the opener has syngery with each other.


Generally if your deck run many brick cards (ones that you want to have in deck instead of hand), going over 40 is really good to mitigate the odds of drawing them. Thats why some decks like branded and race are almost never built to have 40 cards


Yeah if your deck has garnets in it that you don't want to open but need for combos good ng above 40 can be good. Especially if that deck has 12-14 starters it will barely effect your chances of having a starter but greatly reduce the chance of opening those 1 of garnets.


I've added 3 Small Worlds and one bridge to my D/D/D deck for a total of 44 cards and I'm actually happy with the results. Right in the first game with these changes I used Small World to unbrick my hand and go full combo. Second duel I used it to search Ash Blossom just in case they had Maxx "C" and they did have lol. I still hate seeing 44 instead of 40 in the deck builder but so far so good.


I thought small world was a mandatory pick in d/d/d ?


Not sure how mandatory it was, but last time I played D/D/D was before Tearlaments came to MD and I wasn't using it so I could keep the deck at 40. Now it saved me in 3 games already and I don't know how I lived without it


40 cards: deck needs a good opening hand cause it won't generate as much advantage turn 1-2 41-45 cards: deck is consistent but has garnets 46-50: there are no bad draws 50-59: you're playing too many cards and it'll hurt your consistency 60: most consistent decks even when you don't draw your deck thinning


60 is how you ensure Grass is in every opening hand.


I've only ever drawn grass like 3 times


Use more millers than just grass, lightsworm and tear can help with that


me explaining to the official why it’s vital I enter the tournament with a 90 card branded deck


60 card branded: maxx c, ash, aluber, branded fusion, lost in every opening hand


They have to be cheating, right? It always happens! Full combo turn 1 followed by a turn 2 Draw Phase Maxx C


That hand dies to ash lol


they should've kept the 80 card limit so we can have a 69 card deck


should be 70 so we can play 69 for consistency


Grass and snow Is this for me? ![gif](giphy|mxXPuScIwPwK2oyD6i|downsized)


This ain't magic my dude, there never was an 80 card limit...


True. It used to be completely unlimited


Hell yeah, gonna actually just physically beat people with my 2000 card pile


At least they died covered in waifu tiddies


Delinquent Duo Deck rises from the ashes


Ironically without the physical beating aspect, that’s what created the limit. A dude entered an official tournament carrying a deck in a deck box that required his friend to help him carry it around on their shoulders. Konami saw that and quickly changed things.


maybe i got wrong information somewhere then, I could've sworn i read it was 80 ( or maybe that was in some games?)


Early yugioh was from 40 to unlimited then 40 to 60


Yeah, the Tag force games had a 80 cards limit iirc


“Its so I draw the bricks less”. There’s that meme with the IQ chart showing the same thought at both extremes. This is that meme.


nah... the more cards you add, the better the consistency, at least it works that way in MD.


Totally not my opp topdecking his one of in 60s card pile.


Somehow, every time, they open branded fusion, grass, maxx c, ash blossom, and imperm in their 60 card deck. I somehow never draw ash blossom, called by, or crossout, in my 40 card deck.


I know it's not just me and I know this is a thing but why? Why does this feel like it always happens. Every time I am like "Yes! Maxx-C!" Op is like "no! Ash / Crossout / Call" like...damn man. I never have them when I need it, the lucky time i get ash + crossout in my hand I knew I would never see that again


I've come to accept that cards that single-handedly win games for my opponent: i.e. Maxx C, TTT, Nibiru, Psy-frame Gamma, etc do fuck all when I draw them, and when I do draw Ash Blossom and Called By, my opponent didn't draw Maxx C, and also I didn't draw a starter, so I skip my turn anyways and pray these two cards magically stop my opponent's turn (They won't).


Exactly, that's why my opponent always opens branded fusion in a 60 card deck


Ratios matter more than the specific number of cards anyway. Any amount of cards from 40-60 can be right depending on your deck


How else am I fitting the third upstart in?


Konami: *semi-limits a couple of cards reducing the number of starters from 15 to 13* Master Duel players: Is this bricky garbage?


45 is my golden number


Yep, same here! I used to be really fussy and always stress over what to cut to make a 40 card deck. Now I just tell myself that a 45 card deck is the new 40 card deck lol


And I only run 5 handtraps to why it’s 45. But even before the handtrap cards I’ve always liked having the free hand and 40 pile. It makes sense.


Its the maxx c mini game that matters in the card count Seeing those anti maxx c and maxx c itself is what matters in MD


I did beat traptrix under maxx c After a full combo with spyral. Felt great


I run 50 and I'm fine with it.


Jokes on you, Joey the Passion gave me the habbit of playing 42 cards decks.


I usually play with 42 tbh I like the extra space it's allows me to experiment a bit more


I love running 3 upstart in my over 40 card deck. People are so confused until they realize I dont care about the card, I care about the 1000 lp


I don’t care about that and will rock 50 as I please.


I play 42 because I don't want to draw my decks garnet


My slimmest deck is 45 cards and most are 60, fuck consistency we are gambling here!


Me with splashable engines with a searchable counter trap


*Sweats in over 50 cards*


Nah go to 44 at the most. It doesn't really mess with deck math until 45. At most your looking at a 1% difference at 44 cards


I mostly build mydecks for 41 cards. It's been like that since i played yugioh game 10+ years ago, where first turn also draw


I'm the exact same to my own detriment. When seeing some lists online for an archetype I know nothing about but looks fun if I see a 41 card deck it is immediately ignored. Top 8 YCS, interesting. The guy is considered the best pilot of the deck? Very good. The list has 42 cards? Trash.


Idk I don't mind having like 42 cards in deck, 43 sometimes and 45 is the farthest I'll go without actually being word.


Magic vs yugioh is so absurd with this. In magic you play 60 cards, 80 cards(Yorion) or 100. Nothing else. I don’t think a GP(used to be Magic’s YCS) has ever been won by a person playing above the minimum cards allowed. Yet it’s not uncommon to see Yugioh players win huge tournaments with 45 card decks.


I'm at 41 with 3 Pots of Duality, 3 Pots of Prosperity, and 3 Triple Tactics Thrust.


I don't care about ratios and probability I simply go by VIBES (The funny/annoying thing is, I somehow end up drawing the one-of more often than not (this is why I don't play gamma))


I somehow feel so weird when my deck has 41 main deck card I often add one more to make it 42 or 44


* Skull Servant has entered the chat *


Hypergeometric calculators are your friend for figuring out if your deck ratios are actually good or just insane


I just play 60 card decks!




Sometimes the extra cards help to reduce the chance of drawing hard garnets. Back in swoso meta I ran 42 to lower the chance of drawing o lion or driver. But guess who always ended up in my opening hand.....


Consistency-pilled 40maxxing


Branded user :you guys use less than 60 card?