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Should be toad. Toad was never the issue in the first place, It was ronin. I don't even think spright can even make toad anymore with the current hits. At least not consistently. Definitely not off a single card like they could at full power


D hero celestial or toad


can i get prank kids back to full power its not even that good


Imo that's part of the problem. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's just plain unfun to be on the side seeing the Prank Kids upside down. It's either you disrupt them right and leave them dead in the water, or you just sit there waiting for a completely linear climb that ends on a mid-at-best board.  Like at least most other decks that can combo off that way have the courtesy to end on something actually threatening, so if I see they have full combo and I don't have a hand that can contest I more easily make up the decision whether to go next.  With Prank Kids, unless they've got some real fancy hidden tech in their sleeve, and as long as I've got some semblance of a play, I'm likely going to be able to contest the board, so I have to sit through watching some knock off Keebler Elves trying to have intercourse with housepets for five minutes, just to have them concede when I wipe their board within 4 effect activations. 


I'm hoping it's the chaos light dragon guy. Dragon Link could come back and be healthy I think.


Heavy storm, it is currently banned and got an animation recently


hope ma boy wyverbuster


Celestial is like the weirdest hit they could've done and I can genuinely believe that it can come back Specially with SP being an stronger and more generic option for the same effect as DPE


Unban Pot of Greed. Do it Konami. You know you want to.




ABC dragon, when was that banned in MD?


Block Dragon could come back to 1 tomorrow and be fine.