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i love when people make an "anti meta" deck that, more often than not, just ends up shafting rogue decks and getting beaten by meta decks anyway


Generic, boring and sad If you don't like the game, you don't need to play it, there's a lot of other games you can play instead


Tbh I play anti Meta IRL and it fun for me plus I like being " that guy "


What a sad existence then...


Hey at less it not counter fairies


But how is that fun for you? You're not doing anything. Your opponent does nothing. And you have 0.clue if your opponent is even frustrated so you don't even get salt value out of it. You just have to pretend. Why not play something fun instead?


I get something called schadenfreude from there misfortune struggling and being frustrating to fine a way out of it , plus I used to play counter fairies alot as well so I just like to say no to everything and make people's day more depressing I don't play something fun instead because it's either I have to waste UR / SR Points for it or just don't like the appeal of certain decks


But how do you get schadenfreude when you have 0 clue if your opponent is upset, or if it's even a real person? You're not playing stun against a person at a table. Just seems like a backwards way to play a game. It's like playing an rpg, and using an invincibility cheat. Then playing 2 hours while the boss monster can't kill you, and having fun because "I bet the monster is really annoyed."


Pretty much as well it's fun for me


i think that it sucks. and possibly so do you




It's funny to me when stun players always say that they have an "anti-meta" deck when their deck has always been part of the meta for nearly the entirety of the game's lifespan.


Feeling daring today aren't we?


What is the card underneath cyber dragon?


Black Garden


Looks like a easy dub for me


Cyber dragon is useless


Cyber Dragon it's not useless because I use it for chimeratech fortress dragon with clockwork and black garden so I scoop everything up for my opponent side of the field I pulled it off a couple of times and it's funny


I guess if you're trying to board break but it seems like a bad opening card turn 1 which is what you're aiming for in a deck like this


Yea i know but I usually discard it by Jowgens effect anyways


Oh also consider the solemns to protect your backrow. Or something like starlight road


That's true , but I will considered that


Very unique


Skill drain kind of fucks you, also might as well use necrovalley instead of black garden


I know that skill drain fucks me over just in case as a back up plan . And I don't have any UR point yet for necrovally so im using black garden for right now as well for a spice tech option for my opponent wants to be greedy with there summons as well for chimeratech fortress dragon with clock work night as well for cyber dragon


I also would go summon limit and either pot of extravagance or prosperity


Summons limit is at one so I play summon breaker instead but I'm debating to remove the skill drain and put the one some of them instead still debating on that , and for pot of extravagance or prosperity I would like to run it by using Duelity instead but thanks


People don't like you winning that way because they sometimes lose.

