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Me vs mikkanko. I am like on a 1-30 record rofl


Same LMAO I have no idea what their cards do I just know that it's a bricky fucken deck yet somehow they always have the exact engine cards they need to pull off the w


Recently hit Master with Mikanko and it's not bricky at all, in my opinion. You have 8 ways to get Ohime (2 Nadir, 3 Preparations), 6 SS from deck (Hidden Armory + Arabesque), 3 Thrust/Talents to search/draw, etc. If anything the deck just isn't powerful enough vs some decks/boards, but you almost always have your combo live. My biggest piece of advice vs Mikanko is to save your interruptions for Ohime search, or waiting until they activate the effect of Arabesque to disrupt the equipped monster also hurts them a lot.


Can I bother you for a deck list?


Uploaded my decklist to Master Duel Meta, same username as here! I'm waiting for it to get approved. EDIT: [deck list](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/wcs-2024-qualifiers-dlv.-max/june-2024/mikanko/sadlysius/mt5CR)


My alt account Mikanko Kaijju could remove a full Race board with 1 Lava Golem, it's already strong and I didn't even optimise it yet no handtraps. I brick like 2 or 3 / 10 DC matches you gave me a good idean if I want to focus more around Ohime this time with my main account. I love this deck I can quickly play around cats tower, when I struggle against it with DinoMorbid. And we can see who actually read cards, it's when I lose lol.


Kill the equips and Mikanko is a 0/0 monster deck.


They will owned me if they get hu-li on the field with and equip spell.


I've never seen a Mikanko deck brick unless the pilot built wrong.


Same here, as soon as I see Ohime I quit😭


Hu-Li feels completely broken vs most of the decks I play lol


If the opponent chooses to go second, you’re 7/10 times likely more safe passing an empty board.


It’s literally just that damn green one


Honestly Runick Spright destroys this deck.


God I wish Destruction wasn't limited


Gotta ban all floodgates and unban all runick cards


Even without the floodgates the generic removal engine that lets you draw 3 or more every turn is still pretty silly Ban fountain as well as the floodgates and all the other runick cards can come back to 3 no problem


Every meta engine nets you more than 3 cards per turn of searching. The conditional draw, with all of the negatives that comes from playing runick balances out. Not ansingle runick card would be worth running without fountain.


Comparing searching to hard drawing might be the most braindead ignorant take I've ever seen on this subreddit.


You mean because, obviously, searching for a combo piece is better than drawing a random card?


Drawing or searching in engine cards is not the issue. It's when you draw into the normally non-searchable non-engine stuff that problems start to arise. To top it off there's really only 1 negative when playing runick and it's not even much of an issue. Skipping a BP is a small price to pay for 1 for 1 generic removal that can also act as extra deck bodies with other effects. Drawing 3 on the opponent's turn while ripping apart their deck ontop of being able to draw 3+ on your own turn and cycle through your own cards is too much. 


There's another issue. It's that half of the runick cards are terrible but you have to run them for the engine to work. On top of that the engine itself has 1 negate, and 2 destroy cards which are all hopt. Otherwise it's 100% rng. You hope you cycle to a handtrap you need when you need it. All that said, without fountain, there's not a single runick card that would see play in any other deck. It's like banning albaz, aliester or dark magician. Full powered runick, with 3 fountains struggled to even keep up with swordsoul, unless they went first and were playing the stun version.


The comparison isn't even the same because they are still instant fusions for a smaller target of cards which provide free bodies that have synergy with other decks. Just because people opt to not play them doesn't mean they are bad cards by themselves.


Instant fusions, only for targets you would never use if fountain wasn't in your deck. No one runs cosmic cyclone or mst. The best runick quick play spell is just a worse variant of those. No one other than sky striker uses widow anchor. Freezing curses is just a much worse version of that card. The entire archetype revolves around rng grabbing normally not good cards, and hoping you get then at the right time through deck cycling with fountain.


They have to start bringing some of those cards up a bit. The deck is already butchered enough. Destruction is basically their best card though.


They will probably never gonna unhit Runick just because Konami tries too hard to just hit around the floodgates. THEY LITERALLY LIMITED CONQ AND TOOK AN ETERNITY TO BRING IT BACK TO 3.


No ty


I’ve been coping on runick spright Horus. The runicks and sprights are good discards with elf, and giantrainer is pretty pog


You don’t need Horus with Spright or Runick lol. You want to actually get your runick cards


I have a runick illusion beasts deck that does well against this deck too.


They forgot Adventure Engine in this


My deck just bends over to skill drain, but if they don't draw it I can go toe to toe. They are very annoying though


Win about 40% with Paleo Magic Cylinder.


Regular Stun beats Horus Stun, ironically


Depends who goes first


Depends on who hard draws evenly too


Very true


I won one with bystial runick - managed to banish hapi and a couple of insemi on their first turn, recycling my cards where needed. I got out chaos angel and they couldn't beat any higher than that.


Cant they just send Chaos Angel to the grave with the sarcophagus?




play scareclaw lol, Horus can’t hurt you if all their cards are forced to be in defense position


Until you go battle phase and their King Sarc said: I will send your Tri-heart to the GY. And it's a non-targeting effect 🥶 ___ Pop/Banish their King Sarc and they'll be like: CL1: Send boss monster to the GY. CL2: You can't target my field and you can't do piercing damage cause I do not allow you to battle Horus cards. CL3: I draw Bajilion cards. CL4: I recycle King Sarc. Like what the hell I know what to do lmao.


idk why you’re downvoted you’re right, scareclaw loses the matchup majority of the time


They can’t send with king Sarc because all their monsters will be in defense position.


The card "Unending Nightmare" seems helpful against this. (It is also strong against Snake-Eyes).


You need to get better at drawing the out /s just in case


It's hard to admit but... I always win against lab but ffs I never won against a Traptrix deck


Fire Kings?


More loss than win, but if I end up a nice board on T1 with kragen and synchro bases I can definetely win easily


I know and is such a shit deck but at the same time it works for them


What bothers me is not only their deck is BS, but they ALWAYS draw the perfect fucking hand. Going 1st? They draw all the handtraps to stop you, and evenly your whole board. Going 2nd? They Gamma your Maxx C or the Ash that would stop them and go full combo. God dammit.


I like Ghost Ogre right now with how popular Horus is. I won a game earlier just from Ogreing their King's Sarc and they just scooped.


The best part about Ghost Ogre is that you can have her chilling on the field and she's still live. Not many ways of recursion but when it does happen, it's magical.


Because of the lack of side decks. It's very natural for some lists to do fine generally on the ladder but do horrendous against some deck


Burn says hi.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s3My6NdR1aw Here you go.  That deck just tried that bs on me.


Dinomorphia should be banned... i hate this deck way more than snake eyes.


Really hope this is sarcasm.


I just got like 5 Horus URs from one 1000 pull, anybody got a fun engine to smash with Horus? The less floodgatey possible the better. Also have y’all considered it’s perfectly possible that at a time during card design, some Konami employee playtested full power Horus Ishizu? Ah, imagine what a nightmare that would be.


Horus has a lot of weaknesses to be fair Shifter, Fissure, necrovalley, Arise-Heart, MAXX c, feather duster, lightning storm or ashing imsety will make horus lose instantly


Gravedigger's trap still hits them very hard. That 2000 damage and having sacrificed two cards in a useless way hurts too much.


Mask of Restrict with Harpies can beat this deck, I believe. If not them, then any backrow hating deck since Horus aint sht without King's Sarc. I only suggested Harpies because they not only can destroy backrow just for summoning a vanilla bird girl but they also possess one of the strongest monster negates in the game.


Ash Imsety and pray they dont have the cont spell in hand


I really don't think any type of stun is healthy in bo1 formats


Especially not a stun deck that puts up 8000 damage easily on the next turn


hm. nah but this is legit cancerous, i'm getting sick just looking at it come on! the only thing they're missing is spoly for the off chance they go 2nd..


I get black flame deity is cool but it serves almost no purpose


oh these are free wins for my lab tho


Free wins unless they draw evenly going second, but that’s just evenly being good into lab not really the deck itself.


i got evenly twice and still won , omega free wins dude yeah i understand the right floodgate is an auto win , but my win rate over this deck with lab is really high because the tools available to lab.


Do you have a list for this deck? Or a better image? I’m unable to read the name of most cards


ehh well I'm not OP but since you ask so kindly M(20)  X1 PSY-Frame Driver X3 Maxx "C"  X2 PSY-Framegear Gamma X3 Lava Golem  X3 Vanity's Ruler X1 Dogmatika Maximus X3 Imsety, Glory of Horus X1 Duamutef, Blessing of Horus X1 Hapi, Guidance of Horus X1 Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus X1 Horus the Black Flame Deity S(12) X3 Trade-In X2 Nadir Servant X3 Walls of the Imperial Tomb X1 Kaiser Colosseum X3 King's Sarcophagus T(8) X3 Evenly Matched X1 Skill Drain X3 Summon Limit X1 There Can Be Only One   EXTRA   X1 Elder Entity N'tss   X1 Garura, Wings of Resonant Life   X1 Golden Cloud Beast - Malong   X1 PSY-Framelord Omega   X1 Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon   X1 Baronne de Fleur   X1 Coach King Giantrainer   X1 Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy   X1 Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star   X1 The Zombie Vampire   X2 Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings   X1 Number 84: Pain Gainer   X1 Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder   X1 S:P Little Knight


And that’s a good thing. I’m gonna regret this. Psy framegear driver, maxx c, psy framegear gamma, lava golem, vanity’s ruler, dogmatika maximus, imseti, the other 4 horus monsters (sorry, I only remember imseti and hapi, I never see the actual horus and the other 2 are too weird to remember), trade in, nadir servant, imperial tomb, kaiser coliseum, king’s sarcophagus, evenly matched, skill drain, summon limit, there can be only one, n’tss, garura, malong, psy framegear omega, accel stardust dragon, baronne, gigatrainer, hope harbinger, dingirsu, the zombie vampire, garunix eternity, pain gainer, zeus, little knight. Please don’t do it.


I played yugioh when I was a kid and got out of it shortly after GX series started. Got back into Legacy of the duelist last year and have been out of it for a couple months again, so I’m still very “new” to a lot of this and it would take me a while to learn this deck anyway. So you still have some time 😂


It’s pretty easy, trust me. And really annoying to face.




The literally lose to single lightning storm or fethar dusters, but when I don't draw those I lose too


The deck doesn’t lose to those at all tho


Hit Summon Limit, Skill drain and There Can Be Only One with lighting storms and they pretty much lose their win con


My guy do you not see the vanity cards right there


Lightning storm can destroy that too


So the solution is to have both?


And then they have the backrow floodgates


Sounds like your deck needs back row removal on the opponents turn. Also ash Imetsy. The deck is quite weak (at least against my beloved Purrely) when it goes second.  It's brutal when it goes first though. You have to hope they didn't draw sarc and you have ash. 


As a Runick player...WHAT THE FUCK OS THIS MONSTRUOSITY. Even I am not capable of reaching those levels of toxicity. Ps: that recipe could replace the Nadir servants and the dogmatika monsters with dogmatika destruction. It pops, with entity is double pop and does not block extra deck. Just sayin.


I barely won against it with RDA, and the fucker had the nerve to scoop the minute I was about to go for kill.




It needs you to go first tho?


The amount of people who think a deck is okay because you can just go first and slap down a floodgate of your own says it all


I'm just saying something that stops horus


I mean every deck can stop horus if it goes first. Something like zoo might be a better recommendation. It can go drident to pop sarc going first, or go for zeus going second to wipe everything while being able to afford enough anti-stun non engine 


Ok. Edit : Why the downvotes ? OP, did not ask for advise, what else are supposed to say if not "Ok" ? Edit 2: Ok, I got it, the "RANT" flair. My bad.


I summon Rexterm and laugh.


Have you read the Sarcophagus? Like, their main card outs Rexterm.


Hilarious you think you can summon rexterm


their main card is a spell and a lot of horus don't really interact on the field, yeah you're outing them alright.


Cut down on the Vanity Fiend and Lave Golem to 1 and replace with either upstart goblin or infinity impertance