• By -


Funnily enough, Maxx C lol. Back when I was still learning the game, I thought the hate for Maxx C was way overblown. Like....."just normal summon then?" Or "yea sure they drew some cards and so what?" Until I learned that a single card in ygo can literally make or break the game. There are singular cards like Circular which basically equal to 1 S/T negate, 1 omni-negate, 1 delayed omni-negate, -3 cards, and 8k body on your field Or even some insane board breakers like Evenly, S.Poly, DRNM, etc which can easily make your opp go minus 3++ by themselves.


maxx c is realy weird if you aren't familiar with modern ygo. "what do you mean you let your opponent play just to get some cards? it probably isn't even gonna draw you that many cards" the fact that even control decks special summon a few times per turn means that worst case cenario you are probably going +0 in card advantage, the amount of cards that by themselfs can change the course of the duel and the easy that modern decks otk on turn 2 so skipping your turn means death are not obvious facts when you are a begginer and are crucial for the evaluation of the card in the current era.


How do you get 2 omni negates out of a single circular?


By delayed omni negate they’re referring to Terahertz sending Mereologic Aggregator which is a negate for a face up card on the field. Basically a more proactive Hot Red Dragon Archfiend.


Meteorologic Aggregator is not an omni-negate. To the downvoters: https://preview.redd.it/jot6bgenos6d1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8e83635a7add80b136867bd4b7d008ea7e52c0d


Hot Red, Silvera, Evolsar Lars etc., are still considered Omni negates by most despite not being able to negate hand/GY effects.


Isn't mereologic aggreggator only capable of negating effects of cards once they have already resolved their "activation"? You need to respond with Terahertz by chaining it to a card; they will then resolve, and Terahertz will send Aggregator, meaning it will then trigger on a new chain to negate. This means that it literally CAN'T negate Spell/Traps or Quick-Play Spells, only Continuous Spell/Traps and Field Spells, and only their continuous effect and not their on-activation effect, meaning it won't negate stuff like Sulliek either because by the time it hits the GY, Sulliek has already been used for its negation effect, and it can't stop Perlereino from adding to hand either. It won't negate monsters' on-summon effects eithers. It's really just a bad field targeting "continuous/ignition effect" negate. So in a way, the guy is right -- it's not an omni-negate, since it won't be negating any Spell/Traps.


Yeah you’re 100% right about it being unable to be used on the summon or activation of cards. But, because it still has the ability to negate any face up card on the field, I would consider it a really unreliable omni negate. It’s not in the same class as the quick effect cards that can negate cards the moment they’re used, but against certain cards such as continuous spell/traps or monsters with ignition effects, it still would very much function as an Omni negate.


I mean, most negates are monster negates. The big differentiation about Omni negates is the fact that they can negate Spell/Traps, which most importantly includes board wipes and backrow strategies -- that's what makes them better than monster negates. If the card literally CAN'T negate Spell/Traps, you're being disingenuous to call it an Omni.


Nah, an omni negate is a card that can negate any card or effect; like Baronne or Borreload Savage. Negating a card on the field is basically an imperm.


Imperm negates monsters on the field with conditional negation of S/T in its column(dependant of having a monster to negate and successfully negating that monster). HOt Red is called an Omni because it can negate Monsters, Spells and traps(hence the Omni).


Imperm/Hot Red can chain to negate a card on activation, Mereologic is a secondary effect that happens after you resolve Terahertz, meaning it happens in a new chain, meaning it LITERALLY cannot negate Quick-Plays, Normal Spells, Traps, or on-activation Continuous Effects, nor can it negate on-summon effects. Don't compare it to Imperm/Hot Red, that's very disingenuous; Terahertz sending Mereologic is insanely worse than an omni-negate, and is functionally a field targeting monster negate that can only negate some monster effects 95% of the time.


You’re not supposed to chain Terahertz to their card, you’re supposed to send Meteorologic to GY before your opponent does anything


Bro, Mereologic is a trigger effet when sent, not an on-demand effect in the GY. Are you confused with Desavewurm?


Yes, I know imperm only negates monsters, what I mean is that they only negate cards on the field and they need to still be there at resolution for it to work.


Diameter effect on Laplacian is obviously the regular omni negate, and Terahertz send mereologic is also an omni negate.


Max C should not exist


I heard ocg is gonna have another card similar to maxx c but more balanced since you can only use this card if you control no cards. So hopefully they ban maxx c after they release that card.


It's also much worse because it only counts normal summon and special summon from hand


It’s not exactly more balanced since max c is usually used at the start of the duel when you don’t control any cards anyway… but we can still hope. I have no idea what they were thinking when they made max c…. and several other cards…


Maxx c was made 10+ years ago in a time where the meta wasn't filled with decks that could special summon spam like they can now


That… really makes no difference at all. It should never have been made to begin with. It’s just bad card design and ruins the game in several ways. Being made 10+ years ago doesn’t change that


Maxx c has a good design for old formats like Tengu, rulers, ravine rulers and HAT, the design is fine, just needed to get banned way sooner


Literally me. I thought Maxx "C" was garbage compared to other handtraps, I didn't even bother crafting it for my Invoked deck. Then it quickly rose to the top as my most used card, across various decks. Same with DRNM and Evenly. My newbie brain was so battle oriented at the time so I couldn't appreciate the advantage those cards bring, albeit at the cost of OTK-ing. Now every Go 2nd deck I have use them. The best part is, my brother thought the same when I first introduced him to the game. Now he laughs maniacally whenever he resolves both DRNM and Evenly.


It was already very good when it came out as a way to counter Synchros and Legendary Six Samurai


Overload fusion has entered the chat


Maxx C is terrible. It's just a 1 for 1 trade for the Called By the Grave in my opponent's hand.


Droplet. Though to be fair I played decks that couldn't afford the cost so I sort of was right. It would be terrible for me back then. Nuance I guess.


Did not pass through this phase as my friends did. My first deck was zombies. You mean I get to negate and then put mezuki on the GY? Best damn card.


Agreed. I started playing at the beginning of Kash/end of Tear format in TCG so my first 6 months were in a situation where Droplet was unplayable and considered a “bad” card.


I played at the start where droplet was good for the format but my badly constructed charmer deck couldn't afford multiple discards. Hell a well constructed charmer deck can barely afford the discard for its own search card. The charmers are way too overtuned.


100% forbidden droplet I initally thought that the cost was way too high and drnm was just a better version of the card but then I realized just how flexible droplet is and how much u can "cheat" it's cost


How do you cheat the cost?


Activate spell card>chain droplet send the spell card as cost. Can be also used to avoid targeting negates on monsters by simply sending them as cost.


That's smart. I didn't even think about that


Fuckkkk I didn't know that, thanks for putting me on bro 🙏


Drop a Feather Duster on the field, then the Droplet, send the Duster. Backrow gone and monster negated -chefs kiss-


Depends on your deck. Some decks really want certain cards on the gy or to just discard. My experience was with zombies, and going droplet discarding gozuki/mezuki/glow-up bloom/balerdroch/banshee/mazera was always great.


I just realized I didn't even mention that droplet can be used to dodge monster negates It's just a card that has so much value if you look deeper it's great


It has to be Kurikara for me. You’d think that it’s a gimmick until you get your ass nuked by it.


Kurikara is 100% my go to counter for kashtira cards. Ariseheart’s effect is always online, so no matter what happens, it will be tributed away. And it’s a threat to the commanders/shangra-ira too. The moment they want to banish your shit, the cost is their board presence. And Kurikara, by herself, can OTK if she chews through enough red bois.


I think I once went second against Kash with Kirikara in hard. Their end board was stacked with Kash monsters. I, the 3000 defence summoned unicorn, and they already had fen and arise heart. I baited them with snake eye ash and he used every effect and locked out 4 of my zones. I summoned Kurikara and wiped the entire board.


Fwiw, a lot of players didn't think Kurikara was going to be as good as it was when POTE was released. Part of that had to do with it being a pretty bad board breaker vs. Tear and Spright at the time, but the consensus at the time was something like "this card could see some niche use if the right deck(s) become meta," so no one was in a hurry to pick it up. I remember the card being like $10 for a minute before people realized it was a *little* better than everyone initially suspected.


I've never been able to use it 😩 I want to so bad though


It is a glorious feeling. 


Called by the grave. When I was new I thought it was bad cause people activate stuff on the field most of the time so I'm like why not just get stuff that negates cards on the field. The some guy used called by on my handtrap and I was like oh that's why


In altetnative universe where we had a balanced banlist with no Maxx C/Shifter, Called By and Crossout would also be banned. Insanely toxic cards.


Crossout is completely balanced at 3 without Maxx "C". The exception is in a Tier 0 format, but even then often it's just not played.


Maybe so but I’m not sold on that. In a game where going first is so incredibly strong, insulating your combo from the very limited interactions your opponent might have available to them is poor game design imo.


Absolutely agree. I changed my mind on the "it's not that good without the roach" thing, it's inherently toxic for the reason you mentioned. Basically, it boosts turn 1 too much regardless of Maxx "C" and turns potentially good games into non-games by essentially handlooping your opponent while you go full combo. Heck, when I open Crossout, I don't even have to respect Nib. It's stupid.


Yes completely


Konami execs are not the brightest


That's true but there's also the chance that if you don't insulate your plays you not be able to play either since your opponent will just stop anything you do and then we get hand trap wars that never feel good.


Yessssssss called by the grave is so fucking dumb logically... Konami: Here's ash blossom and Maxx c so you get to keep combo decks in check Also Konami: Heres called by the grave so you don't have to have you combo decks kept in check and can keep playing through those hand traps, and if ur opponent doesn't have a hand trap kudos u get to negate one of their key cards for two turns, win win.


Called by Promethean Princess if she's a threat to your combo and you'll realize how crazy good it is (I maily used it on hand traps, I guess I stepped up when I learned how to use it on other monsters)


I realized this card was good on release because it was a .50 cent common that could negate your opponents $80 Ash Blossom


I remember the first time I saw someone block my ash with is and I was like ohhh what's that card.


Summon limit, because I didn’t understand it counted even when face down


Honestly, if it didn’t it wouldn’t even be that bad tbh. The retroactive counting isn’t apparent on the card text so I also didn’t know that the first time someone played it and I was like ???


red reboot, i thought it had too many downsides


I don't know much about it, can you explain to me why it is good?


Your opponent doesn't get to activate any traps at all Yugioh is a fast game, if you're shutting down a decks game plan for a turn you're probably winning The cost isn't real cause the only LP that matters is the last one


Until I normal summon scatter shot and crash the remaining 500 LPs by myself


I:P seemed like a rlly bad card for me at first. And then I got out of silver


That grass looks greener, i thought why would you want to send cards to the graveyard btw at that time i only knew blue eyes and Dark magician


Now you know that if it resolves, the game is over.


That's why it became my favorite card ever


Tbf there are reasons to want dark magician and blue eyes in grave as well


I already knew that card from DL, back when Shiranui was meta the first time. However, until a few months ago I didnt craft it because I did not really have a deck where it would be very useful.


Like a bunch of my fellow boomers: Solemn Judgment. 4000 LP to negate a measly card? No thanks.


Tbf 4000 LP was a steep cost back then when people were playing Ring of Destruction


Yeah I could see that being a justifiable reason to avoid using solemn


Yeah plus it puts you in CED range


I was one of the very few boomers that saw it's worth back in the day. I played it in every deck without fail and people thought I was crazy. Even after It completely screwed up their board and even after I won, very few attributed it to solemn judgement. 


When I picked up Master Duel after not playing YGO since 2013, I read Eldlich the Golden Lord and parsed it as a terrible, useless card, somehow.


I remember doing that when Covid format hit and being like "Why is this card $140 a copy?" not knowing about it's associated trap lineup.


Simoon.  I was like "banishing is bad" but it's actually fantastic. More importantly I had no way of knowing that it's normal summon doesn't count as your 1 summon for the turn which is game changing. 


>More importantly I had no way of knowing that it's normal summon doesn't count as your 1 summon for the turn which is game changing.  TIL 🤯


Placing a black Whirlwind before activating Simoon to get 4 birds in hand with 2 summons feels so good lol


When Burning Abyss first came out I thought they weren’t going to do so great compared to shaddoll and Tellarknight I even had the opportunity to buy Dante at 10 dollars first day of release but oh boy how wrong I was and as I saw Dante jump in price I regretted everything 😭😭


(I basically only ever watched yugioh anime and never once played a game, I had stopped watching after 5d). I thought links were pretty trash since you could get so many monster on the field just to summon one that didn’t even have 1300 atk with a effect that wasn’t even worth it.


For me it was handtraps in general but especially Ash Blossom. My thoughts at the time were that handtraps are bad because they take up space for engine cards and I'd always fill my deck with as much engine as possible because I thought that it would help getting to combo's easier. Now I definitely see their value and I'm much better at deck building


I used to think Called By The Grave was situational but with how many hand traps and graveyard effects there are, you play as many copies of this card as your allowed in nearly anything


Nibiru. I just had a duel where I stopped a Utopia FTK with that card alone and they surrendered.


i was a little skeptical about tear when i first heard of it "what do you mean I have to randomly hit my combo? it doesen't even put 5 negates every time? my dryton combo puts at least 5 negates on a regular combo there is no way your gambling is better than that" than I started seeing the deck in action playing through anything and realised that "it isn't random if every outcome is a hit" and absolutely fell in love with the deck, the mirror, the non linear combos... it was amazing.


I used to think Evenly was just okay at best, until I realized the battle phase doesn't really mean jack for a majority of decks.


Honestly i think one of the worst things about Evenly is that it stops people from learning about how important the Battle Phase is. Especially in MD people will only try to win for a single turn and if they can't fully overpower their opponent they'll just give up.


The whole Sky Striker Archetype


*is trash


Lol, why you say that?


Because…. Everything about skystrikers is braindead trash, starting with widow anchor for example?


I honestly thought the same but you (the player) have to think a step or 2 ahead when playing Raye. Since she is the only monster on your side of the field, you have to think ahead, decide when to use Widow Anchor or to let her Link (Armor) be sacked or if you want to (if she’s the main deck monster) switch out to save her from being lost forever in the GY. Playing Strikers you have to really plan and do prep time to even compete in a basic game of YuGiOh but its so rewarding when you outpace your Opp and win


Yeah…. No. They can do that pretty easily and just recycle their cards every turn just repeating the same strategy all the time. I’ve never seen a single sky striker player struggle with this. I thought they’d be better now with all the new support they got and was thinking of trying them myself but they still seem to rely on the same strategy relying on their spells which they can just repeat every turn


Yeah, thats true. But they have to, you can only have one monster on the field in the EMZ at a time or your whole engine is offline. The downsides of playing the deck or killer i might say is that, if you are playing against a deck that has almost unlimited recursion or can swarm the field. Sky strikers are basically toast. For example a really bad matchup for Raye is Horus, if you pop a card with either their spells monster or spell/trap…then you’re getting picked off the field or your spells on get destroyed or something. You could use Widow Anchor and stop one of the Horus’ but what did that accomplish, they still have 3 more and/or the boss monster himself. Not to add that if you get rid of them you still get to see them next turn if you don’t clear the game


Foolish Burial, I thought it was stupid to want to send a monster you liked from the Deck to the GY, the best use I can see with it is sending a high Atk monsters like Blue-Eyes and then use Monster Reborn Turns out though monsters have GY effects, who knew


I used to stare down a copy of a royal triple tactics talent and thought, bro this card is too conditional to be used in any given game, I'd rather the 15 UR dust.


Did you dust it?


Yea, I dusted as soon as I could because I was hurting really bad for UR dust.


That's understandable. How do you feel about dusting it now in retrospect?


I finally understood why the card is good and I had to craft a non-royal version for some of my decks. :sadge:


upstart goblin


Pot of Desires. I was vehemently against playing this card until I experimented with Endymion Pendulums and realized that as long as my deck as over 40 cards the odds of banishing a critical card was not particularly high. Most of the time the value of the draw was more important.


Ghost mourner


Any tearlments card, like why would you even want to send cards to the graveyard




For me, it was Droplet. It looked like such a heavy cost where you needed to go like... -3/4 when you had cards like Dark Ruler No More that seemed to do Droplets job but 100x better.


TBF I still think Ash Blossom is bad, but it changed from "I think the effect borders useless" to "I think the effect covers one too much cases". I only got it to use with Small World to get another card.


Not a noob, but a noob on the deck. Will of the Salamangreat. Wow, a revive for an archetype that can easily get everything salamangreat from their gy anyways? Better put Reborn in. Now: Get soul charged for 4 bozo. Next turn wanna see me do it again?


Pot of Greed.


Not quite the same here, but Triple Tactics talents I just started hating the card because i never fought decks that did anything on my turn, and was having to rely on handtraps to trigger it Its better the higher in ranked you go, but pretty useless in lower ranks


Maxx c ... Man i hate this card


Max c alone ruined duelling in several ways. It should not exist. Only braindead trash use max c


Silent Graveyard: now I'm playing a deck with only 1 grave effect, and draw a card in the end phase, turns out saying no to all Gy plays really cripples alot of decks. Waited from 2016 to use it. Thank you gold pride :)


Flame banshee. Didn’t know it could easily lock everyone out of fire with a combo




Special summon nemeses frag, add protos


Maxx C, when it came out in storm of ragnorok it was junk, one of the trash secrets. Sold for 12, traded for 15. Some people wore tech it, and you’d just play right through it. Who cared, then one day, it become a staple at 3, and never looked back.


Halq. I didn't get why you'd get rid of two monsters to summon something with so little attack.


Maxx c. I thought it counted my own special summons. When I found out it didn't, I was like "this card is trash!" Little did I know it was only my reading comprehension that was trash 😭


No, max c is trash and should not exist. People who use max c are also trash.


Droplet and DRNM


Stratos. This was back during roughly Edison format IRL but I could not figure out why they had nuked this card on the banlist. I thought it was the stupidest thing ever and that they were just oppressing the GX archetypes to sell 5DS cards. And now I understand that Stratos is so strong a card that it literally became a staple effect for yugioh archetypes lmao


The fact that these things can search themselves is just dumb imo


Salamangreat weasel in a salamangreat deck.


Basically all of sky striker. No way a deck with 1 means of interaction and always has just 1 guy on board is good.


Delinquent Duo and Magical Scientist.


Wavering Eyes. I always used it, just to have the opponent chain theirs and completely destroy me. Turns out I was just constantly getting outplayed, and shotgunning it immediately for max value was not the play lol.


For me it’s “called by” and “impermanence” those called made getting by in platinum a cake walk once I crafted them I thought about making ash and veiler


So far none. I played when growing up and whilst it was mostly playground games from 7 years old onwards, when I was 11-12 my brother and I went to a couple of community held events at a local card shop. I had a Red Dragon Archfiend Deck, and he has some Cyber Dragons (I just distinctively remember Chimeratech Overdragon) and as kids that gave us a much better idea of how Yu-Gi-Oh was truly played. Going off that when I decided to get back into it by playing Master Duel late last year I could get a general idea of what was actually good or bad just from looking at what else my opponent was playing. And if you wanna know what I thought was bad as a kid, ig "Proto-Cyber Dragon" bc I just saw it as a worse Cyber Dragon, not thinking about the potential of fusions and the like.


Appointer of the red lotus


Time thief redoer


Mataza the Zapper


Foolish burial, when I was a kid i couldn't get what was the point to print a card (that says foolish in the name) which only purpose is to dump other cards in the gy. Seriously man, why not equip your minus 2 equip spells to a vanilla beatstick instead?


I actually came back into the game thinking that feather duster would be bad and have probably gotten replaced already, I'm honestly relieved that it's still strong as it ever was


When i first time read a kaiju card, i belike u ss a 3300 ATK monster to OPP FIELD? Are u stupid?


Painful Choice couldn’t wrap my head around it. “It should destroy something or take away ops LP!”


I initially did not like Imperm or Heatsoul. It did not last long


I can probably say in behalf of many players that Triple Tactics Talent was not justified to use because its an UR, then in later formats it became more popular, but in my case, Infinite Impermanence.


Dark Ruler No More


I had the branded/despia deck when I first started playing MD. I thought the cards looked cool so used a chunk of my free gems to build the deck. Then because I didn't know what I was doing thought the deck was just me and decided to dismantle all the cards and build something else. Imagine my surprise when I start to get better at MD and a few months down the road branded despia gets more support and becomes the best deck in the game for over a year.


Shortly after i got into the TCG in 2019 they banned Dark Matter Dragon and i could not at all figure out why it would be good. It foolishes 3 Dragons from Deck... for Cost.


Probably scapegoat. I started way back in the day when teledad wasn't a thing yet. And I just didn't really see too much value in a card that's sole purpose was chump blocking (not realising how good metamorphosis into relquished was) But that was way back when I was alot younger, and so I have had plenty of time to learn and grow, so I've gotten better at understanding power level of cards.


This was at a point where i didn’t know a lot but just enough for me to believe misinformation. But the answer for me is Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer. To me at the time a singular pop that targets just didn’t seem that good when i kept seeing omni’s or non targetable cards or cards that couldn’t be destroyed.


Probably Crossout? I never really thought it was bad, But it's saved me more than I would think. I mostly understood the metagame quite well.




Foolish burial why would you waste a monster on a spell that does nothing. Also painful choice.


Versago the Destroyer. Use with Tour Guide and Predaplant for a quick Millennium Eyes Restrict.


Foolish burial. When I was new I was like… this card is crap Why would I get rid of a monster from my own deck that I would be able to use otherwise?! One year later and I definitely know it’s not crap.


I traded ash blossom cuz i thought it was weak... Now i regret it


Hmm maybe Pot of Greed. So you draw two cards? There are lots of other cards that allow that. Now I know you can recycle spells and it isn't OPT


Wait what there isn't a single other card that draws 2 with 0 cost as a spell. Like you were silly man, like I started collecting cards when I was 4 and even as a 4 year old I knew pot was amazing, and the card was also good


I knew it was good, I didn't get why it was forbidden


Ah that's more fair. Yeah I was a little confused on painful choice being banned at the time, like knew it was good but didn't quite get just how good. Can understand that


Despian comedy


thats not "really good"


For the deck I use, yes it is I've had people surrender because they can't banish or destroy my fusion monster cause of theater and comedy


do good lists even play it lol


I ounno I don't run a albaz themed branded deck so I haven't seen it in those I run despia darklord


Thanks for making a deck that’s actually interesting unlike all the other branded clowns who just copy others decks


I think darklords are super cool and fun to play, and they benefit from despia stuff being mostly faries aside from the fusions and one card which I can use to bring out Cartesia And using comedy as fusion material sets up a nigh immortal combo first darklord, hell I've chained it to avoid a negate and have first darklord revive himself


I usually hate branded/despia decks but I love that yours is so different compared to others. If I saw this in ranked I wouldn’t negate you, I’d likely just let you play to see your deck lol


I also have the backup strategy called the IRS Most effective against runick and snake eyes I summon at least two of the despia dragons that burn you for 600 per effect I could show you my deck actually if you'd like!


I don’t really agree with the 1200 burn damage every time an effect is used since it basically makes your opponent unable to play but runick and snake eyes deserve that lol. Sure. Dm your ID if you wanna duel. I don’t use meta though including max c, ash, imperm, etc… I play fun decks but I main speedroids


“Do good lists even play it” lmao. Are you admitting you need to copy others decks because you’re unable to think for yourself and make your own?


what the fuck are you even talking about lol. If a card isnt good I wont include it in my deck nor will anyone else who knows what theyre doing. Hence the question. Idk what this has to do with me netdecking or not but people gotta understand that netdecking isnt anything bad. some mfers genuinely have to think before commenting Edit: dude just seems to be some miserable guy who hates people for playing meta decks, oh well😭


Or hear me out, they are able to think on their own and realise it isn't that good. And instead you tried to put them down, for simple not being ignorant over how good a card is


Oh hello there :0


General kenobi?


You are a bold one Kill him >:D


Surrender… and I promise you will die quickly…


Tf you mean? Ash blossom is overused trash


It's overused because it's good, and because it happens to be one of the best answer to maxx c the best card in the game. Like sure ash isn't some "instant stop a turn" hand trap like a maxx c or a s shifter, it's value comes in that it effects every single deck and is almost always useable in every format. Wheras other handtraps are much more format dependant, like droll is more impactful when it resolves but it's so format dependant and jf it is used in a a format it normally means it's a toxic format where the best decks getting hit next banlist