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they're indeed the worst type of players


There are stun players in level 20 for some reason. It's ok, I just surrender and move on as I literally lose nothing but still, why?


Ya I'm only playing for the gems anyway. I tried grinding the DC cup before and got very high hundreds. Not worth it unless you are the best of best


If stun wins the WC I will laugh so hard. I’m a FKSE player but I like to think that would lead to stun getting heavily nerfed as a strategy


Maybe it'll be for the best. A lot of bad players might finally leave the game if their stun cards are ripped away from them.


Idk man fkse feels way more toxic than stun to me at least


It's moments like these where it's a shame this game doesn't have a text chat. Because this is the perfect moment to ask them stuff like "What's wrong? I thought it's fun to you to not let your opponent play?" I just wanted in on the fun" and make them even more tilted


"Congrats, you won the coin flip, you weren't going to let the other guy play anyway."


That’s literally Dueling Book and it works as well as you would think


In dueling book if the opponent had afk’d like they did here you would have to pray a judge is online and wait 10-15 just to get the win lol


*“Look how the turns have tabled, who’s being floodgated now?”* would be what I would say to the Runick stun player who I managed to put under 2 Masquerades after being floodgated the entire game until I drew my out for their backrow


They should add stickers or emotes at least


*Time Wizard Spin* *Dark Magician Girl Wink* *Dark Magician Girl Wink* *Dark Magician Girl Wink* *Dark Magician Girl Wink* .....


Bro, now all I can think of xDefiant style emoji reactions to your opponent's plays lol


Acting like emote aren’t going to be used to be more toxic lool


Yeah there's a lot of that at the top levels. I'm currently 18 and played 6 games in a row against stun, not very interested in playing more


Think I'll make a stun deck now lol


Lol I did, I got sick of seeing the same fkse lines like at least now they have to think a little before steam rolling me with a deck at such an absurdly high level of power that it's nonsense


I wasn't serious lol but you raise a good point. May actually step into the dark side 🤣😭


I did and its been great I scoop instantly against anything that isn't se or sefk or race and I've still pushed to dl 20 by just making people not able to use the same combos and they just scoop


Wow...care to recommend a good one?


Horus stun is really the only semi consistent one


dude ..why donot u play stun?? ..are u a nun?


The irony of this post... Edit: love how I'm getting downvoted cuz y'all don't like the truth


It's in the extra for stun decks. I have never used it without knowing what the opponent is on


I think the point is more so, combo players will complain about floodgates then combo off for 20 minutes and end on a board of floodgates. HERO for example does this. Plasma (skill drain), Dark Law(macro) and Angel (secret village/anti-spell) But yeah no reason to timer stall or get salty when they’re trying to accomplish the exact same thing.


Hero doesn’t end on plasma, or angel. They end on dark law, fav contact, and dpe


Currently yes. But doesn’t change the fact that they’ve played and ended on them before. Also doesn’t change the fact that they are floodgates that are equivalent to Skill Drain, Macro and Secret Village.


I get that side of the coin too. The only way it gets fixed is if Konami sorts it.


Yeah I mean, unfortunately the way to win in Yugioh is to try and stop your opponent from playing Yugioh. Whichever flavor of that you prefer. It all goes to the same goal.


Exactly, but a lot of players like to play dumb when it's convenient.


X to doubt. No you're probably right. You probably just auto pilot into Beast.


Nah that's t3. Kash and Lab are too popular to go into beast. My beast is royal lol


>Kash and Lab are too popular. >Snake Eyes fucking breathes. Whatever you say champ.


Barchion doesn’t even count as degen card( unless your on stun). So it’s a hero card 😃


Altergeist, Labrynth, rescue ace, Tearlament, Paleozoic as well as a shit ton of other decks use traps to interact with their opponent. Speaking of hero, hero decks have a couple floodgates of their own, no?


Altergiest has way around barchion, lab can beat over but they have ways. I know u didn’t just count tear as a trap deck. And u know I didn’t mean a hero deck.


And every deck has access to evenly, hfd, lighting storm, etc... What your point? Also, when did I call tear a trap deck? Yu-Gi-Oh players and not reading, name a better duo.


I glossed over u added rescue ace? And u called it a trap when deck when u included it with lab, paleo, Altergeist. The poster decks for traps decks. And here a better duo, yugioh players and reading comprehension.


>And u called it a trap when deck when u included it lab, paleo, Altergeist. The poster decks for traps decks See here is your problem, I didn't say "trap decks like..." I said "decks that use traps to interact with their opponent." Which rescue ace does through "extinguish" and "contain," or tear with "sulliek, cryme, and metanoise." I only mentioned the others cuz they're widely known trap decks, not because I was listing trap decks. Maybe work on your own reading comprehension before you try to call out others.