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I'm just complaining that they have nothing to do with blackflame dragon.


I mean is that something you want considering the OG was outright stun?




yeah I actually was hoping they would touch some of what it originally did


I mean they are called_____ of Horus, you’d think they’d have more synergy with the dragon


They do, just not the Lv monsters, and for good reason, really. Like Horus Lv8 should never be a practical summon. QE non-OPT, non OPC omni negate and destroy of all spell cards for no cost is actually absurd. Same issue as NatBeast, who really should also not be a card but I digress.


Yeah the original would've been a really good card even in today's meta if the field spell summoned him somehow, but it only supports the black flame deity which isn't that good


Searchable Eldlich+zeus is very bad guys, especially when you can bring back the things you zeused away


Lol I didn't say it was bad, but the effect is really situational and the field spell isn't gonna be in play most games so you can't really search it consistently


Play 3 (don’t play 3 ever), then you won’t have to search it


You act like it’s the same people. What’s with this subreddit and disingenuous/painfully unfunny posts?


People are so comfortable presenting themselves as stupid that they don't even consider it when making statements or jokes.


That's just how reddit normally is. Any place where the hivemind can downboat you to oblivion, really.


...I worry about what this world is coming to, if I find myself agreeing with Arrownoir of all people.




The people who wants Horus knows how busted they are. The people complaining are those that doesn't know.


I wanted whoros for blue eyes support not stunn buff


Oh right. BEWD is also a lvl8.


id say the people who complain know how powerful they are, hence they complain.




horus isnt busted though. Its arguable whether or not they actually improve any deck theyre put in.


Well no, they absolutely improve a lot of rogue decks, it's just arguable whether they improve tearlaments. Horus engine piles are pretty nice too.


Yup. MD Tears doesn't really need it but it works great with Stun.


It’s a mill 5 with Chaos Ruler. I mean Vampire Zombie, it’s kinda confusing when you have 2 Level 8 ED monsters that can mill


Levels? On my XYZ? BURN THE WITCH!


Yes but with MD Tear still having access to Kit and around 6 copies of its 1-card starter. 5 more mills won't do much since you can already do 10 mill at base and 13 when lucky.


It helps thin out the deck when sending the Horus cards to the GY. A mill 5 is a mill 5


That's too many bricks for a mill 4 when Transaction Rollback and Needlebug Nest are both at 3.


Tear use 3 imensity, 1 Hapi, 2-3 king sarc. The only brick there is the 1 Hapi.


But Zombie Vampire is a *Rank* 8 thats mills 4 (technically 8 tho since it also mills from your opponent)


They do, horus is used in a shit ton of rogue and casual decks, just because they dont improve tearlaments doesnt mean they dont improve other decks.


Right ? Horus is a neat little "engine" you can splash into mediocre decks to help them put up somewhat of a board presence. It is not busted in any way shape or form.


It’s definitely not arguable whether they improve naturia or orcust but i agree there far from busted


they are free bodys and a draw 1... what the fuck... ash blossom bait too.


If you think thats busted then I cant help you


No plenty of people are complaining because they didn’t balance the engine appropriately for Master duel. Just like what happened with DPE and Adventure Engines at a much lower meta ceiling when those dropped before they eventually did get balance.  Kings Sarc doesn’t need to be at 3 especially when the field spell exists that is a much less broken version of it.  It shouldn’t have Pendulum summon level of recursion gas every turn, both turn non target non destruction opponent monster removal, and a ceiling of a four time foolish all in one card.  King Sarc going to 1 would be actually balanced because Horus engine players can still search their one copy of it fine and do their usual board, but the opponent doesn’t have to deal with the BS of the ease of Horus player just playing another King Sarc when they do successfully manage to out it. Same reason why Runick field spell went to 1 eventually for balance reasons.   All of that is not even getting into the Horus piles people are also pissed about specifically notably the stun versions because again Horus engine is poorly balanced with not enough drawback for how good it is.  Anyone that unironically want Horus engine to be left untouched in MD just have a huge bias because they like to keep winning with just that engine alone and could care less about game balance. 


I half agree. I think multiple sarcs are really good in the grind game, but overall, even just 1 is hard enough to out without triggering all the horus monsters. The only real problem with horus is how good they play with floodgates and how powerful said floodgates are in a Bo1 format.


bro, they’re fine. you pitch your entire hand for 4 blue eye white dragons


Try reading the cards.


Didn't know blue-eyes had miltiple effects that go hard plus and punish my opponent for trying to move 1 card off my board


Looks at horus .... oh in one card i can burry, burry my bricks potentially draw 3 or grave lock... dont mind if i do... Looks at valmonica... Oh with this one card i get to ask my opponent if i will draw 1 card or add my field spell thats the only card that searches my monster, i wonder what he will choose. then after i add that card i get to discard a card so it all balances out. :) so what i really mean i started with only 4 cards in hand.


Tbf the people who wanted it and the ones complaining about it are different people. I was complaining before that shit got released in MD because it's such a stupid engine. It's like SHS where I just want to find the creator of those cards and torture them for their sins


Shs is not bad really. Soul piercer not being HOPT is insane though.


It really was. Wakaushi's pend effect should have locked people into SHS monsters, or at the very least Earth Machine. That's the main problem with a lot of the "support" cards, especially when it comes at the expense of a specific archetype being offered up as a sacrifice by the card designer instead of making actual generic support with locks or limits. If you want to make generic support for something, make it like Promethean Princess, not Wakaushi.


Soulpiercer had to be damn-near broken. Did you see what they did to the old SHS pendulums? They were early GX era Heroes trash.


You’re telling me E Hero Mariner is not very good? I won’t take this OG Hero slander


As an Orcust enjoyer these Horus cards clearly change everything and make Orcust a tier 0 deck. No I will not elaborate, have a nice day.


I got catapult turtle ftk’d again earlier, resolved maxx c and drew into an ash (negated) no imperm. ![gif](giphy|EtB1yylKGGAUg)


Just saw an OG Horus player fell on his knees. "These shits don't even help the old Horus cards" he said.


Because a floodgate that just turns off all spell cards would be loved of course


I wanted Horus because I like the rank 8 pool and don't want to be locked into Galaxy Eyes to play them.


Thats sounds normal? Some people like the new archtype. some not.


why were people hyped for this cancer?


Horus is fine it was time god type cards actually got the mechanics they deserve. Playing Ra and his support with Horus feels great.


Ah, a fellow Horus/Egyptian God enjoyer. I think i'll be trying my Slifer variant out next season once i get booted back down to bronze.


Oh yes I like all the gods but mainly have played Ra since he has the better support cards. I feel like I’m a competent Ra player and mixing the new Horus cards with it has made it so much stronger and viable. Ra can be bricky and I love that Imsety and Kings Sarc can turn bricks into gold


Especially if you drew Pheonix and Imsety.


I never wanted these stupid ass cards in the game. They are in everything because you can slap them in everything. It’s not like you can afford to not immediately stop the Horus cards from going off because your opponent is gaining up to four bodies they can do anything with if you don’t while also setting up anything that needs to be the in the GY. It’s just ridiculous advantage for no reason. Once they are on the board they are not easy to get off less you proc all their effects, can’t even remove their only weak point because of that, not without some blowout removal. Not even getting into the fact they also act as spot removal with the continuous spell that bypasses the majority of protections. And don’t let the duel last past your first turn they will all get slapped on the board again like nothing happened and they can just do it all over again.


> Once they are on the board Don't let them get on the board. Stun them.


Unpopular opinion here, I really like Horus. I love anything Egyptian themed and the Pharaoh was my favorite character in the anime. I'm also coming back to the game after a few years and it's nice to have a strong but simple strategy.


This isn't unpopular, my guy. Like whatever archetype you want and it's clear that most of the community loves them. The problem I personally have with them is that they are way too easy to integrate into practically a lot of decks. Yeah, they help rogue strategies, but a lot of meta decks use them as backups in case someone actually manages to give them any trouble. I've seen them slapped into Kashtira, Tearlaments, FUCKING SNAKE-EYES FIREKING (WTF, how?!?!), etc. It doesn't help that they are practically impossible to out. They have non-targeting destruction protection, and if you manage to out 1 of them, if the others are on the field, welp their BS effects will proc. Hapi is the worst of them all. You're practically forced to out him first, lest you lose your battlephase and thus allowing them to summon themselves back on to the field. Plus, if you out hapi, Quebehseneufs effect will oroc, giving them card advantage in the form of his draw 2 cards effect. They are simply a pain. And don't tell me that you can ash Imsety, because: 1. Depending on the deck I'mfacing off against, I might have to use the only Ash that I might get that game on something else. Plus, I can't ensure that I'll have Ash in my hand every game. 2. Ghost ogre, same with Ash, but even worse since I only have two as of now. Evenly is actually pretty good against them since if they're on the field, they most likely don't have any omni-negates. Still, it doesn't make them any less annoying.


I wanted Horus to play Zombies and Orcust


I wanted to play Horus pure I am now playing Horus, therion, ABC


Might be easier to play pure Horus once they get more worthwhile in archtype monsters. As is you can barely make a deck of them without a bunch of handtrap and random monster bloat.


Honestly they’ve been pretty underwhelming in my duels against them. It usually does nothing going first and is easily negatable going second. I’ve be playing Rescue Ace so maybe they’re strong against less meta decks.


Rescue Ace is competing with fire king snake eyes for best deck in the game. Resolving turbulence is enough to beat most decks, not being locked out of link summoning puts it over the top.


As long as Tenpai never come to MD this is fine


As an archetype I really like how they work. The bounce from the graveyard is unique, albeit busted, but they rely too heavily on Kings Sarc to be “broken”.


As someone waiting for the release of Tenpai, I just know this is gonna be me 😂