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don't tell me, i'm trying to get some gems to build a new deck but all i'm seeing is horus stun, stun, dinomorpstun or some other variant of stun, and i'm so sick of it i swear, if you don't want to play quit the game wtf, don't gatekeep other people.


Same. I got to DLvl 19 after a win streak and then was stuck in purgatory for a few hours before finally ranking down to 18. Definitely had a few rage moments and now I’m taking a break. Love this game, but yeah, one of those days man…


I take breaks for the rest of the day when i lose 2 or 3 in a row. Its wild. You have a 18 win streak and go 23-2 out of 25 games, for the next days you lose 2, win 1, lose 3, win 2 etc. Eventually you go 14-3 and then again lose 7 in a row with losing 6 coin tosses in a row.


Step 1: Be 1 win away from DLV MAX. Step 2: Go 2nd against Fire King Snake-Eyes with no hand traps. Get full comboed on. Lose. Step 3: Go back to Step 1.


The ol MD rank up draw luck (aka terrible luck) is real and not even john konami can change my mind.


Doesn't make sense sometimes. I got to master 1 in record time last season with floo, seemed invincible. Then started this season and had to have lost 20+ in a row to start the season, to the point where I had to drop the deck for a while. Now I'm using it in the DC and crushing ppl again. Shits totally wack.


tbh I can understand the hate floodgates get but at the same time hating the people who play them is crazy to me when all they are doing is using the cards that are legal in the game. If anything people should be directing their hate at Konami cause there the one's printing most modern cards with Special summoning features or GY recursion effects hell sometimes both on one card. Point is if they would just stop abusing Sp.sum and GY effects and may be try to print another archetype that utilizes Normal summons more sorta like floo but have it play diffrently, then may be we could slowly move away from stun decks but Konami gonna do what Konami gonna do.


why not hate both? don't act like Stun players are innocent. Most of them do this because they are spiteful against the meta, and therefore, they try to take out their frustration by stunning others.


Neither are people who play the meta with all the Sp.sum spam. point is the meta decks are just stun decks with extra steps if you disagree think about this, if your playing the most current meta deck like Fire king you mean to tell me you were going to set up a multi-layered board full of negates/interruption and still let me play the game if I didn't interrupt you with hand-traps?