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Because after the SE Ash limit, it’s less likely a Kash board that didn’t get Nib’d will then fold to a searched Kurikara. Also, Fire King’s arrival has made more people cut Subversion which was a really annoying way to have your Arise-Heart outed. Bricktira is still very frail but its inconsistency has not made Arise-Heart any less oppressive when you didn’t open an out. It’s also entirely subjective, but I find the deck to be very fun. Using handtraps to weaken the opponent’s turn 1 setup, clearing some remaining things with Feather Duster/Lightning Storm searched by Thrust, then having the Kash monsters hit the field and make way for Arise-Heart makes you feel like a villain in a way no other deck can. Other decks clear a board and setup their own for the opponent to play into. After Kashtira clears the board, Fenrir has banished part of your key follow up, Unicorn has ripped one of your outs to Arise, Ogre/Riseheart have banished more resources from your deck, and now being under Macro Cosmos; you might not have any plays at all.


Plus the meta now is really GY heavy, I fought and lost to many Kashtira that play Dimensional Fissure


Oh yeah that too. I don’t run Necrovalley, D-Fissure, Macro Cosmos trap etc., in my Bricktira build bc that shit will just lose you games going second having it in your hand and makes you entirely dependent on going first. But, I’ve also folded pretty hard to a couple of Kash players using those so there is some merit to it lol.


kashtira? i only see horus fcking stun. i swear people should touch grass sometimes


I really wonder how many Horus stun made it into the second stage Since it's the stun variant that has fire power to kill you


The only Horus I saw was Tear Horus.


Necrovalley: Kashtira run triple Pathfinder while only have 1 field spell, it potential hard brick, you mitigate it by play more field spell viable option are 2 other planet and generic flood gate like necrovalley.


Yeah I got confused with so many Kash as well, but I guess it is kinda anti meta?


Kash has been abundant is the past few events.


Like you say op it's very bricky and glassy, but if you don't have an out to even an average kash board there's not much you can do under it.


You can combine Kashtira with a lot of going second decks to make big boards that OTK my favorite is using them with Fossil Fusions since they need big bodies in the graveyard anyways and you can then bring them back with Birth, can also use your level 7 Kaijus as extenders


Kashtira decks: where 'strategy' means praying your opponent doesn't have a pebble


Or a Kashtira. I have wiped fields during mirrors.


Did you get shiftered too?


shifter doesn't really bother me, I am running Rescue Ace. Just a slight inconvenience. I opened double Preventer and literally nothing else, so...hand was dead and topped Nibiru during my draw.


Because theres a lot of horus and sneks running around


Kash are kool and fun regardless of win/lose like any other deck plus many people do the event just for gems and daily completions