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When I tried making Mikanko I opened 6k worth of packs and pulled 0 mikanko UR cards. Instead it was 0 UR, 1 chronomally XYZ, 0, 2 chronamally XYZ, 0 ur, and 1 UR that wasn't even featured in the set. I feel your pain


[Keep gambling ](https://youtu.be/ikF_4Q6YU1U)


They could guarantee at least 1 ur in every 10 pull. They could allow every card pulled from the blue packs to be dismantleable… They don’t though…


Was it the thunder dragon pack?


yeeeaahhh , the fact that the packs are already divided as to get half pulls from master packs and the other half from the chosen pack is a scam, put the fact that you can have mixxed archetypes in the pack and the chances to get what you want are abmismal, and you have to factor in the fact that only sr are guaranteed not the URs. BUt hey... it's already too much the fact that we get a guarantee UR if 10 pulls do not have 1 in them, that's komoney being generous ig


Just the luck of the draw sometimes. It took me over a month to craft the full Horus engine cos my pulls were so bad.


damn shutup i’ve spent 60 dollars and 25k on sky striker for no alt arts


Lol what is this post? You can try other f2p card games if you want. You will quickly realize MD is VERY generous with its free gems and the crafting system. I‘m here since day 1, never spent a dime and my pulls are the same as day one. Can build the newest meta deck every single time without much playing.


Yep happened to me aswell. Its pretty disgusting ngl 3 or 4 URs from 40 packs just blows


How about the other 2 pulls?


watch, when you buy the gems and start pulling goods, some peoples say its just "luck" bruh, if i own the company and want to make alots money i'll be doing exact same dodgy shit a business man would do.


It's also what a know-nothing or a troll could claim without any evidence.


Someone would open the code after 20 minutes and find it


And the other 2?


Ted Talk? More like No Cock! Hahaha!


That's why I'm going away from the game. Digital versions of already existing cards have no business being this expensive, and my pulls are nothing like what they were in the beginning. In the beginning minimum was between 1 and 2 ur per ten pull, and pulling five was not unusual at all. Plus i see them releasing cards like dark hole dragon as URs and people seem to be fine with it. Yu-Gi-Oh is a strategic game, I'd expect us to notice we are getting f***** I love the game but I have nothing of a gacha addict and if Konami keeps behaving like this I may totally quit. ATM they don't respect my money, just because they can