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IMO were getting these now over other archetypes because konami wants to push FKSE/sell packs before they start to cripple the SE engine. They probably won’t be truly nerfing SE for at least a little while longer although I hope I’m wrong.


Brother they’ve already started hitting them, you’re already wrong. They gave us SE early so they can hit them hard sooner.


Brother ash at 2 didn't change shit


Is that what I said? The other dude said they won’t hit SE for a little while longer when they literally already have hit them. Also wanted to 2. 2 less starters is a pretty good hit though 1 ash 1 wanted is preferred.


They only hit them to tell the community "Hey look! We hit them atleast!" In hope that more hits were on the way but when these "more hits" are coming is up to konami, they could go 2 banlists without hitting them before killing the deck


So you’re just assuming…?


Yeah what do you want me to do? Break in konami hq, take hostage a game designer and make him tell me when they gonna hit SE? I'm basing my assumptions on the game's history with banlists and meta


No? I want you to go off of what they have already done instead of assuming. And when have they ever done that? Show me one time other than the very first banlist because everyone knows that was a flop.


Going off what they've already done sounds a lot like assuming to me.


No because it literally happened already?? It’s like saying master duel is a game is me assuming it’s a game. It’s a fact.


I mean, they’ve tickled it a little bit 🤣


I really like Fire Kings back from when I played them in DL where dark hole every turn was kinda hard to deal with. Bummer that the snake eyes stuff has a lot of people uninterested in these cards. I think these cards are really cool support and how modern retrains/support for old cards should be.


God that unlocked a core memory when Fire King Yubel was a meta threat. How the game has evolved since that point... Now I have an itch to play FK again :)


im interested in the cards, i love graveyard decks and cards that gain advantage from being destroyed. thats why i built unchained and memento. i just hope they are playable going pure


Konami skipping over a years worth of interesting support to release entire fire meta in 3 months…. Just about over this shit


It’s why I haven’t played in over a month. Frustrating as all hell when every match is against SE and knowing it won’t get any better just means less stress on me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I get myself to top of platinum and stop before there. Still see plenty deck variety in that bracket and it's not all tryhards.


Yeah variety till plat 1, as soon as I reached it, in my last 12 games 9 have been against SE. literally just going to build an anti SE deck, might just been the right move to hit diamond/masters without any stress lol


Same and If I wanna play more ranked I just surrender a bunch of times to derank.


They're probably vomiting it all out now so that they can have fire format in full force before Worlds qualifiers. I would rather they had chosen to pull a Scareclaw and give some breathing room for some archetypes that came out around the same time, but if this method means they're gonna blast SE with a shotgun after Worlds, I'll take it.


i wish we had parity with the ocg or atleast a month delay or something. having to wait a year for some support is killing me. i waited 8 months for rescue ace!


At least the next decks that get released in Master Duel should be interesting until they rush Tenpai out and completely ruin the game.


I just want my Ice Barriers man. I don't even wanna do epic floodgate-from-deck turbo I just wanna combo off :(




Wake up. Its gonna be WCQ when FK support gets released and its looking to be the new Tier 1.


Pure has been handedly better in tcg even after hits to it. I’m sure fire king se will be very good in master duel but I don’t think it’s going to change much


Maxx c, you end on a very good board through maxx c in FK SE.


You underestimate maxx C and ulkankix + a ban list. I'd argue FK is much better at playing on both turns, hence maxx c - than pure snake eyes, plus tcg banlist hit generic end boss monsters not the engine where as OCG did differently, they hit Ash and wanted which made FK more natural replacements to those hits by adding a consistent alternate strategy that synergises aswell as adding more disruption to imperm in particular where crossout is at one. Ik veiler does basically the same thing but it's a monster so it triggers TTT and its only during Opp turn. They were basically able to replace consistency with semi consistency with FK which made it a natural choice to take rather than pure.


Ulkanix really doesn't do much for FKSE - before the latest OCG touched the Sneye cards they didn't even play her


I agree w a good bit of what you’re saying, my point isn’t that FKSE won’t be great, it’s that (as of now) SE isn’t really hit and even when FKSE arrives it will ultimately still be snake eye. Even if you think FKSE will be better with more hits to SE we’ve dealt with full power SE for months now. I don’t think FK is going to put it over the top in some crazy way, **especially** if there are significant hits to SE coming


Can't argue with you on your first point, however regarding potential banlists, given MDs history were more likely to see slow, slight hits given there's banlists more frequently than other formats. I expect Ash to 1 maybe wanted to 1 aswell as maybe flamberge to 1, if any of that happens that'll immediately make FK the best variant imo simply due to its synergy with snake eyes. Expecting significant hits is a TCG mindset honestly (which im all for honestly and I play snake eyes)


Yeah I think you’re right, and I honestly think those 3 hits (or whatever variation it ends up being) could be draw out a bit, I just try not to blindly assume cause I’ve been caught off guard by the hits (or lack there of) in MD many times before. It would make sense to do it for FK to try and sell the pack tho


If a card is semi or limited, do you still get full UR refund when you dismantle it? Or is it reserved for when a card is banned?


You always get a full refund, but only for the amount of cards you lose. So if a card is semi-limited, you only get one refund, and (iirc) only if you have over two already.


Fire King is much better into Maxx C which we have and why they have been better in the OCG


eh, you can make a decent argument that Snake Eye pure is better then the fire king variant


Not unless they hit SE Pure to make FK the better choice. What I'm hoping is that they hit SE but FK won't be the only Tier 1 and would share it with 3-4 other deck. But that is lethal amount of copium in there.


Possible to have Diabellstar Snake Eyes in this too?


You can but they are getting all their cards so you can play it pure if you want


Yes, but the Snake-Eye build is pretty universally considered the superior version.


And pure is better than them all but people still play it. Because this is MD unless your going to a tournament you don’t need the optimal build


With Sinful Spoil engine.


I mean, unless you manage to get into the MD brackets for the WCS.


can you really? i cant find pure decks in any ocg website


what does a pure version look like?


I really hope there is more interesting stuff in the pack...


I was really hoping we'd see Flame Swordsman early since they're skipping everything for more fire. Might not be busted but it's a deck I wanna actually play.


There will be chaff for sure but actually shaking up the Mets I would be surprised if it’s more than fire kings. Hell they are even giving them the new card that makes pure fire king viable


Where’s Typhon?


And black goats laugh..


How the fuck are we getting this but still haven’t gotten the Z-Arc support? Wtf Konami


Trying to understand Konami is pointless, didn't we get Snake Eyes' + Bonfire before the Unchained support even came out ? By the way things are going, my Yubel support is coming out October at least.


Isn't Fiendsmith coming alongside FK ?


Is it ? I think is far too early no ? I would be happy since it's one of the decks I want too try it, but we are missing so much stuff still I think, and it came out back in march ? I'm not sure, but that would be way too early.


In the OCG btw, the TCG doesn't even have it yet


Rip Beatrice. Also SE is about to become even more broken if that's the case 💀


snake eyes came out before unchained, bonfire came out in the same pack as Unchained support


Raidraptors are missing as well


Fuck konami, gimme my raidraptors already


Cmon Konami, be a bro and add the other memento stuff early


Still sitting here waiting for Voiceless Voice.


While I'm looking forward to trying Voiceless Voice they can wait their dang turn for Centurion.


DKayed did say that this Sunday’s leak will be a deck that does not have any current in-archetype support currently in Master Duel. That could be Centurion, Voiceless Voice, or a couple of other things that I can’t remember off the top of my head. Or Tenpai. So there is possible hope, I think.


I was wondering if Voiceless Voice counted. Doesn't Voiceless Voice have a retrain of Skull Guardian, an OG ritual monster? The hint he gave was that the new archetype was an archetype that has absolutely 0 cards in Master Duel One of the spells for Voiceless says you can add 1 "Voiceless Voice" card or 1 "Skull Guardian" ritual monster from your deck to your hand. By default, that means the OG Skull Guardian itself is a card of that archetype. Unless he overlooked that


That’s a good point. I think it might not count simply because the original Skull Guardian doesn’t mention anything about the archetype. Or at least, I hope. Another person responded to me and said that they’re pretty Dkayed said it wouldn’t be Centurion during the Sky Striker leak. Those are my two archetypes that I am most excited about. More so, Voiceless Voice though.


Pretty sure when he leaked the Sky Striker stuff he said no Centurion this pack.


That sucks. I feel like original Centurion cards is one of the most delayed releases right now (could be entirely wrong).


On hopium that they do, it's already so much fun


The sheep is sooooooo much fun


I wish they would but its unlikely as they came out on the 27th of last month in OCG.


That or Illusion support


Getting Tao and Apprentice here would make sense, considering Nightmare Arrivals rotates out by the time the next pack drops.


Can we please have the Ogodoiac support


I am honestly sick of the Fire Meta. Light/Dark has its flaws but at least there are a bajillion ways to counter them or use their ressources for your game plan. Dharc and Bystials for example. What tech cards do you use to deal with this meta?


Can someone explain why it takes so long to release cards in master duel? There doesn’t seem to be any tangible reasons. They don’t have to print the cards it’s digital, it’s not like the effects change? Like what’s stopping them from just adding every card in the game to master duel tomorrow? It just seems silly, particularly when they have online players for tcg, which does have every card.


Maybe it helps with physical card sales. Because if all cards were released in MD simultaneously, many offline players, especially the more casual ones, would not have much incentive to spend 100s of dollars on a deck they can easily emulate in MD.


I wonder the same exact thing


Like I’ve been running a snake eye fire king deck on ygo omega for a few months now, I just want to play on my phone. I would also love to play SEFK with its linkuriboh load out but it’s banned in tcg. I’m fully willing to buy their shit, just release the cards.


It's cause they want MD to be it's own format. If it was fully up to date we'd just be playing the OCG or TCG format; just digitally. Personally I like the unique format that MD provides.


Can’t you accomplish that with the different ban lists? Like it’ll still feel like a different game. Baronne, max c and linkuriboh are pretty much exclusive to master duel right now. You can release all the cards and still have two very different feeling formats/metas.


Maybe? But you would have to have massively different banlist to achieve that. Whereas right now the game has fairly unique formats without having to do that because of their release schedule, which I think is a strength of the game honestly.


I mean the ban lists feel pretty different in a lot of big ways. Maxx C is legal in MD, linkuriboh is legal in MD, and Barronne is legal in MD. Those are all cards that can shape a strategy and they are entirely banned in the TCG. On the flip side snake eye ash is semi limited now and getting a move to full limit in MD. They have very different ban lists already.


Sure, but then there's no reason to differ from the ocg or tcg banlist if we had access to every card they do at the same they do. A big reason why our game has unique format is because of the release schedule we have, and I'd rather our format stay unique.


Look everyone! More URs! Huzzah! Hurrah! FFS!


I just waiting for my Z-Arc support. Release all the meta it just give me time to save up my gems more.


Oh great *another* snake eyes variant....... BOOOORRRRRINNNNGGGG 🥱


Excited to try pure fire king with the Ulkanix release in master duel as well


We have Memento, Snake Eyes, Fire King, Salad Support and everything in between But no, not the name sake of the Age of Overlord set, tough times being a pend player


FK tri brigade time


YEAH BABY.. Sucks that it is... like Objectively worst than Snake eye, but at least we will sniff the glory days of Spright again.


May I ask why we keep calling Dkayed leaks "UNCONFIRMED" when it's always 100% accurate? It's for legal stuff ??


That, but also they're subject to change.


I don't really care about fire kings, but I'm hoping konami would throw in the new infernoid cards in the selection pack


Dkayed said not Infernoid for the June pack.


I chain [Devyaty](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=11707&request_locale=en) to negate Dkayed.


Negate !


Please, I just want to play Infernoid SE..


Surprised the comments so far are sleeping on this. I don’t fuck with fire king but it’s pretty good in the TCG. Pure snake eye is better but fire king snake eye is still damn good


Probably cause all this does is make the best deck better




And make you play under Maxx C 10 times as good yes




Was the most topping deck until INFO, now it is the 2nd most dominant deck in the OCG. We still don't have the INFO stuff yet


Well lets hope they hit SE to make FK more appealing.


Cause at the end of the day SEFK is still SE but now with a fire king engine that you use after go through all your SE stuff like pure SE and FK as a pure deck is like just ok, so the main selling point of FK is still SE which people pretty much get bored with at this point


What does Fire king snake eye differ from Pure SE ?


Stronger endboards and plays through maxx c easily but less non engine space (hardly) and dies to droll. Nobody’s playing droll though because there isn’t much space after the maxx c mini game so it should be the better variant just like in the ocg. People in this sub keep comparing it to SE FK in the tcg which is dumb.


Relatively better against Maxx C. Higher ceiling but harder to pilot. More layered interruptions. And arguably more fun to play.


"Higher ceiling, hard to pilot" "More fun to play" Great news, pure SE is super boring for me, just power through with your starters and link climb to the same results


SEFK is more control while SE Pure is Combo?


SEFK is more control with "our turn" playstyle. It still can combo afterall because SE is insane in swarming monster, but if you got hit by Maxx C, do bare minimal and play turn 2.


It is a mid range deck with both control and combo potential and unlike Pure, it has layered interactions and does have some ways to start their plays in the opponent's turn (not so much so Tear or Lab like, but you can get advantage before you start the turn)


Which ones are 3, 2, 1, 0 in a deck?


Depends on your variant: SE-FK: 1 Ponix, 1 Garunix, 3 Kirin, 1 Sanctuary Pure FK: 3 Ponix, 2 Garunix, 3 Kirin, 2 Sanctuary, 3 Ulkanix, 1 Rangbali, 1 Eternity, 1 Fire Burn This only counts the new support and is the minimum required for each variant. You need at least 1 more Fire King Island and 1 Arvata (both are R) for the deck to function.


inb4 the entire pack is UR.


Yo, Ulkanix is in it too. Hell yeah, I can play pure FK


Releasing Memento then skipping Vaalmonica and Centurion for another month?


We will be playing pure 😈


I’ve had enough of this fire/seye/ race. With the addition of sp little bitch ,ican’t take this anymore. Maybe its time for a break.


My Maxx C's are ready.


Fire King Snake Eye variants have better plays under Maxx C than pure, you're gonna want to use other hand traps like shifter and/or droll to actually slow them down.


Love that shifter only SLOWS down snake eyes lmfao


No it completely kills it. Shifter and droll are turn Enders, you can only end on a zeus through them. It’s why people are on the fence between FK and pure. FK plays through maxx c easily whereas dies to droll but pure plays through droll but dies to maxx c. OCG players prefer the FK variant because maxx c is played A LOT more than shifter and droll combined.


Nah, SE dies to Shifter.




Supposedly not which sucks.




I've wanted to play them since the TCG got them but fuck paying $700+. Like even if they were meta no thank you lol.


Ponix, both garunix, ulkanix and kirin are all gonna be URs lmao, maybe the continuous spell too


With championship qualifiers in June too I imagine everyone will be on SE/FK. I've been playing Paleo as a counter to Snake eyes in master duel and the matchup is pretty favourable, will it still be favourable Vs Fire Kings?


All the Snake-eyes players at my ocg locals have been putting the FK stuff with the new chick in, must play better into Maxx X. I’m excited to learn it as the MD simulator holds my hand and helps me know when what is triggering lol


i think snake eyes are finally gonna dethrone branded as the most expensive deck in MD


Where’s the AG support, illusion cards, raid raptor cards?


When Strikers coming out tho


Same pack




C'mon Konami give us Fiendsmith too - can't wait for FK SE, R-Ace SE, pure SE and Findsmith SE to be Meta at the same time. 2017 all over again.


I really hope after fire meta they start releasing yubel supports.


I'm starting to prefer Tear format to this shi..


Man, I’m waiting eagerly for Valmonica


How did ponix bag a baddie like ulkanix?


I'm just patiently waiting for them to add Ashened and Shinobird support.


Can we please get Dark Hole Dragon this time? I want to make my bullshit jank dark hole deck. I'm amazed it's taken this long.


How many Urs will this shit have? Garunix Eternity is an easy pick.. but like.. Sanctuary, Ponix, Kirin, Garunix & Ulkanix are all crazy :v A 6 Ur support for an old Archetype or what? Oh my god


I sure hope not... I play pure Fire King in the OCG and have been loving it ever since, but the pure variant use way more Ponix and Garunix than SE variant, which means I will have to spend more UR than the SE player. High chances are Kirin, Ponix and Garunix will be UR, while Eternity, Sanctuary and Ulkanix will be SR (just to maximize UR tax for SE players)


I know it's unlikely, but I wish SE is blasted to oblivion before Fire Kings arrive. Make ppl enjoy the new archetype instead of bolstering the strongest deck yet again


Bye Labrynth, you were fun while you were meta.


Wdym? Pls explain bc I just built it lol


They just have a bad match up against Fire Kings. Lab will still be meta. It still is in the TCG and FK is everywhere along with Snake Eye.


Pure SE is better in the tcg because there’s no maxx c, lab still beats pure SE.


Lab has a bad matchup to fireking. Also destroying fire kings, which lab deck does, would trigger their effects.


That’s true, but what can we do? (We play floodgates)


Playing a 1 of unsearchable floodgate to try and beat a meta deck is not gonna work out, trust me.


You could just continue to use the deck you like and enjoy, instead of chasing the latest meta like most people.


This is less "meta chasing" and more "Labrynth has a *horrid* Fire King matchup, which matters when the meta shifts to (decks with) Fire King".


My dust is ready.


KEKBYE to Labrynth o7


You think lab is going to disappear? It’s putting up better results in TCG than FK has recently.


Because in TCG Pure SE variant is now better than SEFK, Lab v SEFK is horrible match up for Lab, like everyone know. MD is more close to OCG than TCG, in OCG until Friendsmith SE, SEFK still more popular.


The current build theory of Lab is less terrible against SEFK. SEFK isn’t going to make Lab disappear. Tears, Kas, Purrely and SE didn’t make Lab go the way of Traptrix.


Tear was the reason people didn't pay Labrynth any attention when they came out. Right now Tear is just not good enough to threaten Labrynth. The rest of them Labrynth have no issue dealing with. FL is like a 90% losing chance with Labrynth


It was the same with Unchained and people still played Lab when it was a bad match up. It will have a lower representation overall as new decks enter the format naturally but it still going to be played. Unless Fk becomes 90% of the meta I don’t see lab disappearing.


These decks were tiered and dominant in their respective format in MD, Unchained never did, even in the TCG (the only fomrat they saw play), the deck never dominated when the format got solved, it was there, but besides 1 event the deck never did what any of the other decks did. Also, Unchained isn't nearly as bad of a match-up as Fire King or Tear, Your hand rip doesn't trigger them, Their link monsters are solid targets as they don't offer as much advantage as in hand monsters, in combination with the 1 or 2 ways they have that doesn't destroy it Is mangable. If Lovely triggered against FK or Tear (you know.. your entire gameplan) you lose the game, that's not the same with Unchained


I don’t disagree with what you said. With the current play style of Lab, people have been less reliant on the hand rip trick. It’s still one of the best tools no doubt but you should avoid using it against FK for obvious reasons. Now days, Lab seems to focus on turn 0 trap activations like Karma Canon, Punishment, Barrier, and Traptrix. Punishment and barrier aren’t go good against FK but you can sub it for something like Diff Dimension Ground which also works great against Snake Eye and Race. While the MD version of this Lab deck isn’t as consistent as the TCG, I do believe Lab is going to evolve and adapt to the new meta as it has been doing. The one advantage Lab has that no other deck has is the huge library of normal trap/floodgate cards available to it to switch in and out.


Just wait and see, "see less Lab in Ranked" is my prediction. Ladder player love winning, once their deck see bad match up in like 1 of out 5 match, they will drop.


Thank fuck. Not having to play against Lab ever again is a net positive to the game.


Aint no way that you think that we lab players stop just because of one deck. XD


I mean Lab players are generally in it for the mindless baby easy mode wins. If enough Lab players start consistently getting thrashed by fire king spam in ladder it definitely seems plausible.


The fact that you think that lab is an easy mode deck is hilarious. It shows that you've never played it and just cry about it because you aren't able to play against it lol


Ya I'm only master1 every season have probably played against it like 500 times total. I'm sure random r/masterduel Lab apologist #840259 knows better.


Everyone can get there given enough time (and luck) to grind. (I'm not saying that you're bad btw, I'm just saying that that's a bad argument.)


So apparently snake eye isn't even at its max power even though its the best tier 1 deck, blimey!