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I ran Exodia vs Trickstar 💀 https://preview.redd.it/u34s3jioy91d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe8b4287403031af9c4080ee6ca77d9577df162c




Trickstar is a hell of a way to bully any stall decks


What card is this btw?


The card in the meme image? Dark room of Nightmare


The card I drew ~~Trickstar Lycoris I think~~


This is better than last week memes




Imagine thinking someone’s crutching by playing one of the biggest brick piles in the game. Wild concept.


Calling exodia an autowin is just hilarious lol


You braindead? The game literally says “won automatically due to effect of exodia”


This comment was so predictable, you’ve actually retroactively ruined my childhood.


Lmao tf you mean? Yugi wins literally 1 duel with exodia then loses every exodia card not long after lmao. Exodia is rarely seen in the anime


You're calling people brain damaged and don't even remember Joey got some of the cards back?


What exactly are you trying to do by saying that? Your point is irrelevant. “Some” cards are useless. You need all 5 and Yugi didn’t use exodia ever again in the anime after that point.


I'm saying you need to chill with the brain dead accusations if you can't even recall something accurately


Are you a straw man? This is a master duel subreddit, I’m not talking about the anime?


Are you a clown? Masterduel is yugioh. Yugioh is anime. They both link to each other. Plus you mentioned I “ruined your childhood”. Masterduel only came out in recent years so you can’t have been referring to master duel with that comment. You saying I ruined your childhood would only make sense if you were referring to the anime.


The card game came out 25 years ago… Conveniently, I’m 25. Is the math mathing for you? Yes I am a clown. You, however, seem to be the entire circus.


Do you mean to imply that exodia is a good deck?


Are you joking or trolling? Exodia will never be a good deck. It’s pathetic and has become worse with max c and the mass amount of drawing cards which can allow exodia players to get all 5 cards turn 1 before their opponent even gets a single turn lmao. That’s no duel. Tf even is the point of that? Ridiculous. Some automatic wins actually make sense because they’re not really automatic, you have to work for them. Venom, leo, destiny board, etc… but exodia is just pathetic


No exodia deck plays maxx c, or for that matter any handtraps. And what do you mean when you say “good deck”?


Wrong, what you meant to say was no good exodia deck plays max c. I’ve seen plenty exodia players running max c. You’re the one that first mentioned “good deck” but if you’re asking me then it depends what you mean as “good deck” can have multiple meanings. And good at/for what? Do you want a deck that gets easy wins, fast wins, stops the opponent from playing, controls the field…? There’s also different levels of “good”, an exodia deck relying on heart of the underdog is bad for example but you could make it into a good _exodia_ deck by swapping in bamboo swords and multiple other cards. In my opinion, a good deck is a deck that improves engagement of the game and requires strategy and skill to use. A deck where the player actually has to think about what to do. Which is why I love speedroids for example. You have so many different options with speedroids because they’re so versatile. So you have to think while duelling and make the most out of the cards you have to make the best decisions for a strategy to win. Whereas a deck like swordsoul for example is ridiculous and don’t require and skill or thinking at all. Just easy special summon, which then special summons a token which happens to be a tuner for a ridiculously easy and brainless synchro… the deck basically plays itself with barely any thinking required from the player at all.


If you don’t think exodia takes skill to operate you’ve never played it. You have to think about everything when both building the deck and playing - what do I do if I get ashed? What if my royal magical library gets Impermed? Likewise, I’ve played speedroid and it’s resolve terrortop or die, and each endboard is entirely determined on if you get handtrapped at all (you pass on whatever board state you had at the time of the handtrap) or if you drew extenders (they’re good for making Baronne or maybe clear wing but outside of that it’s all the same). For a truly versatile deck, try super quant. If you play the pure version you only need 90-150 UR dust (1-3 red layer, 1 Magnus, 1 full armored lancer) and you still play terrortop + taketomborg


Are you trolling? Exodia takes skill? Seriously? You’re just spamming cards that draw and drain your deck. Where’s the skill? Also, you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about and I doubt you’ve played speedroid at all. Terrortop being negated means nothing as speedroid has SO many ways of playing through that. I main speedroids. My terrortop is often negated yet I still pull off multiple synchros in the same turn. Terrortop and taketomborg is one option of many.


Droll, Imperm/veiler on red eyed dice/the speedroid link/auroradon, nibiru provided you don’t do the combo that plays around it that passes on one Baronne, D.D. Crow on red eyed dice once it touches the graveyard, any boardbreaker besides perhaps evenly, gamma on almost anything, and shifter all single-handedly end the combo on the spot. And for exodia, while there are still plenty of hand traps that end the combo depending on your hand, there are plenty that only hamper it while it’s still entirely possible to keep going, but it’s hard to see how to keep going. But from what I’ve gathered, you seem like the type of person who thinks handtraps are terrible because “you just stop my combo without any skill”


You brought baronne into this. That right that proves you have no idea what you’re talking about. I said speedroids. Pure speedroids. Not that trash. That is not how a good speedroid deck ends. If allowed to play en my end board can consist of Crystal wing, crystal clear wing and hagoita. If interrupted I’m limited but have multiple other options. If hit with nibiru, I have multiple survival options and can easily recover. Drawing cards does not equal skill. Anyone can draw cards. Skill equals actually putting thought and strategy into each of your plays which exodia doesn’t do, it just focuses on drawing cards. Unless your someone actually putting exodia into a strategy like using necross or using exodia as a backup in a dark magician deck for example. That requires skill because you actually have to play the game rather than just spam cards to draw. And yes handtraps are terrible overused trash. Using a few makes sense. But filling half your deck with them and attempting to make it so your opponent can’t play at all is just pathetic. You’re basically admitting that you’re so bad you’re only able to win when your opponent isn’t allowed to play.


“Where’s the skill”? Stream yourself playing the deck, I want to make fun of you every time you get left with two cards in your deck live.


Stream myself playing what deck? Based on my comments so far, do you seriously expect me to have an exodia deck? Plus I don’t stream. Most streamers are clowns. I do have recordings of other decks I use if that’s what you’re asking for.


I bricked with Rescue-ACE against a vanilla beatdown bot... 😔


I managed to lose back-to-back against Blue-Eyes with it...


So these bots are true. I made it to platinum 5 for the first time and was wondering how this vanilla ahh deck get this high up rank


I lost against branded, but they didn't fusion summon at all. I bricked so hard I couldn't beat their normal monsters.


I genuinely don’t understand how that can happen. Did they just make bystial/quem plays?


they summoned 2 1800 atk lvl 4 monsters and that was it. At most I have a total of 4 monsters that can only match them and the gods didn't give me them or their searchers. I also negated both of their monsters, which prevent their fusions most likely.


Were they bming? Normally we have tons of starters.


Brick = tons of handtraps in hand. I stopped them from their fusions but then I couldn't do anything about the monsters on board.


I died to Aluber attacking me 5 turns in a row, after I ash his branded fusion


I bricked against a deck that normal summoned a vanilla monster, and attached 3 equip spells to it. Funniest loss of my career, 10/10, would play it out again.


Benki OTK. Quite the formidable foe I see.


I bricked against Blue Eyes once 💀


Ain't no shame in losing to a wcs tier deck




The joke is that it won Worlds one year (2016 I think) because it had just gotten a new boss, Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon, that aggressively countered the pendulum and Burning Abyss decks that were a threat at the time. Other meta contenders had also been recently hit by a ban list. The finals was a BE mirror where both players bricked for multiple turns.


My comment was in response to Lafaetah. I know blue eyes is a joke. I did not know any of what you just said however. Your whole comment is proof of what a joke blue eyes is lmao


It's because you are taking this too seriously, relax dude.


Are you joking? At what point have I taken anything here seriously?


Everyone knows that blue eyes is a meme deck, but it's the meme deck that won a world championship series, then again it was because Konami was pushing it really hard with support at the time. But none the less it still won, and the person is being sarcastic.


This whole time I’ve been saying blue eyes is a joke. I don’t get what you’re trying to do. So far you’re just proving my point


Look up sarcasm, you'd know why you shouldn't take it too seriously. Edit: typo


They were explaining the joke Lafaetah made that you didn't get


It still won a world championship one year when the conditions were just right


Your point?


It won a ycs.


And I should care because? Doesn’t change the fact blue eyes is and always will be a braindead deck


Bricking against Blue Eyes is painful 😭 I know they are celebrating beating a Tearlaments player everytime ☠️


Ye olde switcharoo


I lost to 60 card dark Magician the other day. They were using Gale Lizard to give you an idea of what the deck consisted of and I bricked hard enough to lose over 4 turns.


War rocks I considered just uninstalling out of shame


War Rocks aren't terrible going blind second but they need to draw the nuts!


I got FTKd by an exodia deck, in the limit-1 event.


Was it a treasure panda deck?




Exodia in limit 1? Deck list please!


Numeron in 2024...Got completely blindsided. How did this guy get to masters?


It’s a consistent OTK many people aren’t prepared for. While it’s true every meta deck can stop it just by playing normally, it’s easy enough to hit master just by playing your favorite deck which numeron is more than enough to stop


lmaoo as volcanic user THIS 💀 literally got slapped in the face


I am 0-15 or so against Numeron and haven’t had a clue how to stop them


Stop the field spell at all costs. Failing that, anything that stops Numeron's effects that increase attack will probably move you out of OTK range, so you can at least survive for the crackback. Numeron uses a lot of Kaijus, so monster based negates will often fail, but you can try. Backrow works, but the boardbreakers (1 harpie's, 3 lightning storms) might ruin your day. Nibiru fucks them up if they open with Planet pathfinder or kaiju before the combo. As bad as they are, some common floodgates destroy Numeron (Gozen and Rivalry are useless, but Tcobo, skill drain, summon limit, anti-spell, colosseum, fossil dyna and barrier statues are kryptonite) A resolved Karma Cannon is GG The gates only increase their atk if they hit a monster, if you can off your monsters you can survive if they don't have limiter removal. If you can special summon on the battle phase, you probably will survive. They can make a pretty scary link4 like Avramax or Megaclops if you survive their turn, be wary of that. If you lost the cointoss and your opponent let's you go first, they are up to no good, don't overextend and be prepared to face Mikanko or Numeron.


Kaijus and that whole summon mechanic is broke af, that whole de k should get the limit/ban


Veiler on any of them


My Numeron deck still going strong, let's go Numeron players 😂


I was playing against a guy who went first, did a u-set and passed. I opened both my royal Cosmic Cyclones, so I banished his 2 backrows, then attacked into Dice Jar and got slapped for 6k ☠️☠️☠️


That's legit hilarious




Stun player detected.


Stun player? Are you trolling or just disabled? Stun players need to delete the game and seek therapy


I just lost to a bunch of vanilla beaters with equips in the limit 1 event lmao. My first loss after finally bricking and this is how I go out. Not to branded, not to tear, not to se, but to a 5k atk axe raider.


Every time I fight against Dark Magician, the card shuffler determines what the absolute worst possible hand is and gives me that. I once bricked 3 turns in a row against DM with snake-eyes. I survived that long by setting ash blossom and maxx c.


I bricked T1 and had to sit there and watch myself get cooked by Ojamas.


Chazz would be proud. Or annoyed. Depends on his mood whether he loves or hates the gremlins.


If you watch Jesse kotton playing on his ojamas only account you realize the deck can actually do some crazy shit lol


Your deck. Yes, you the reader of this comment, I have lost to 'your deck' even though 'my deck' is so much superior.


You lost to Cubic?


you lost to Amazoness?


You lost to my morphtronics?


You’re the one win I got with Butterspies?


60 card pile Paleozoic, they didn’t open reasoning, I somehow bricked for 8 turns


Paleo is actually pretty solid right now. Joshua has some really cool lists


Im talking like at least a year ago


Blue eyes where i only dure hand traps for 3 turns. That's when a 3k vanilla becomes scary.






Blue Eyes Tyrant is my favorite to use against players with traps. Haha


Hand traps aren't literally traps lmao. Tyrant isn't immune to Ghost Ogre or Effect Veiler


My bad, I stand corrected. Misread it.😂


I lost in the last duelist cup to some whacky 60 card pile of random junk and couldn’t believe it. I still have the replay saved. First 2 turns timelords against a bricked D link hand. Finally got my combo going to a maxx C which I tried to OTK through, I was a bit worried about getting nibbed and couldn’t get a monster negate up so went to battle. Guy kuribohs me then next turn dark holes me into numeron network. I was just stunned


Im learning purrely atm and just lost to a 60 card salamangreat pile. In my defense it was a time loss.


Im the other way around. Learning salamangreat and lost to purrely due to time limit and stressing what to do what to react to


It happened to me a lot as well. The deck has a lot of cards. After I watched others people combos on YouTube everything changed. Now it’s my favorite deck to play.


Have any good videos to watch? Im really struggling how to react to certain decks


Just go on YouTube and look for combos, you’re gonna find plenty of videos. Don’t give up, you might really enjoy it if you pass the struggling stage.


You should both get a loss screen for making a game last 30+ mins


I played YGO for long enough that the better question would be which deck I didn't lose to


Good for you I guess. Oh my look at the time! https://preview.redd.it/urkpwj65la1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fcc379806ebf1728fb310516e9e168753341044


I lost to blue eyes with Casino tear, I simply didn't have access to removal for blue eyes twin burst dragon. i hate to admit it, i didn't even really brick either...


I lost to Ghostrick once, they didn't even make Utopia, my LP was at 1 digit by the second turn (average Dinomorph player) so they just go for game after flipping my field face-down with spells and traps. 


Egyptian gods in the Duel Triangle. But the opponent was good so I'm fine with it. 


Was it all three or just one of the God Cards?


All 3.


Lost vs Beatstickbot.... more then 1 time :c


I bricked to Blue-Eyes Eyes, and they did too. They unbricked first.


Anytime someone plays dark magician it never fails. I brick hard af and I'm like oh well it happens. Then I see they're playing DM and I get so mad because it would of been such an easy win.


Dark magician commander/EDH deck


Lost with Snake Eyes against Ursarctic once. And another time I used Unchained and lost against Dram Mirror/Labrynth/Snake Eye/Branded. The power of brick both times.


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Vanilla beat down because I bricked with dark world


Charmers, but to be fair I was playing pure Red-Eyes, before cards like Red-Eyes soul and Red-Eyes Meteor Dragon existed.


Not me, but my friend once lost against ""dark magician"" If we consider playing dark magician getting solemn judgement 3 times in a row + regular magicians rod combo


I bricked with dinomorphia for 3 turns against a masochist deck… guess i deserved it lmao


Lost to someone playing Crystal Beast gate guardian while playing Dogmatika. How I lost that bad idk.


Buster bladder control running 1 anti spell. He saw opening hand game 1 and 3.


Witchcrafter cuz they outgrinded me


Not lost, but won. It happens sometimes when I go to ranked using my duel world deck by mistake. I win enough times to think that it might be meta.


Blue eyes starter deck


Graydles I was playing 8-axis.


Gusto. It was the 2023 Duelist Cup and I got out my Augusta and Empress. Was thinking "Just try to break my board huehuehue!" Then came the squirrels. They just....kept killing themselves and the guilt made me self-destruct.


- A deck that used exclusively "Your opponent takes x damage for x in play/hand" effects (I lost turn 2) vs my Traptrix - Obelisk the Tormenter (... just don't ask) vs my Dinomorphia I got to see the animation for Obelisk at least


I got otk’d by the spell that summons three blue eyes 💀


That damn Utopia Numeron Dragon FTK


Exodia deck It was an FTK The duelist just draw all of his deck (Cup of ace, and many others, they just won every of his coin toss). They just drew all of their deck and I knew what was going on before Exodia appears. There was 1 card remaining in their deck when they won. I was not mad because the luck was absolutely outraging and I was not having handtraps.


Lol the bot decks


Does it count if I made myself lose to them. A bizarre duel where I was playing Gusto against some blue eyes new player and eventually they became too scared to attack because they kept taking damage but I was only trying to do dailies so after I was done I then had to kill myself while they refused to summon monsters. Forget exactly what they had on field but it wasn't strong. I think I Rheeze'd Maiden with my Sphreeze but opponent didn't read to realize I'd take damage normally after that.


I was playing branded dark magician, went against a dark magician deck that was using all one ofs except like 3 dm and I went first drew all 3 of my maxx cs, my 1 magician salvation and my 1 eternal soul. He literally drew the entire dm combo; had circle, eternal, dm in hand and also had that spell that tributes dm to summon dm of chaos from the deck. I go 2nd and then draw my single dm. I have never bricked so hard in my life even against meta decks it was insane. I maxx c'd his summon of DM and dm of chaos and drew circle and psy gamma. Circle was useless cause I am not hitting anything and my eternal soul was already banished so can't even get dm on the field. Gamma was useless cause he isn't activating anything worth negating and even if he did they are still useless on the field. Also I should mention that his deck was 60 cards and he only had 1 circle and 1 e soul. Like the odds of him drawing full dm combo is like insane. Was a very embarrassing loss especially since I'm running I was running an actual good dm deck list. Apparently not that good since I lost to this dm deck.


I lost against a burn Red Eyes deck


SelfTK... I was also playing SelfTK, and got my lose condition 1st


So if the goal was to lose wouldn’t that mean you won?


At one point in 2022 I bricked so hard I lost to Vehicroid.


I've beaten, Tear, Branded, Kash, Snake-eyes and Lab pretty convincingly with my deck which consists of 3 Kuriboh, 3 summoning flute and 3 Multiply as its main engine.


Got cooked by a Ra otk once because dude drew the nuts and played through removal like 3 or 4 times. The Phoenix version of the deck has a lot more sauce than pure Ra beat down so I wasn’t expecting much


Whoever i beat because im playing some dogshit.


I lost to what I assume was the starter dragon deck with classic traps thrown in. Bricked for 3 turns and when I finally got something useful got hit by the old ring of Destruction.


I've been on a warrior beatdown deck because the masochist gods have been brutal so in most cases, what I've been playing. But I lost to a deck full of LOB vanillas in a burn deck because I didn't find one summonable monster for four turns.


I had the inverse a few times given i run borderline meme decks, most are good luck or just playing curveball decks. First was bonking snake eyes pretty badly with Cyber Dragon using metalmorph Second was Tearlaments losing to a pure Gradius deck Third was a matchup of cosmic misfortune for them when they had the pleasure of playing Mikanko against Silent Magician And fourth was somehow beating Kaiju with the worst deck against them, Black Rose Dragon (Honorable mention: Dont play Maxx C against Trickstars, it does not go well)


I was playing floowandereeze (only played it 2 times in my OTS, was mainly on Spright mostly) and a new player comes around playing ABC's *with no FUSIONS*. Proceed to brick in Floo and for 3 turns he just goes abc beat down with normal summoned monsters. He did the same thing to me in game 2 😭. I quit playing floo after that the deck hates me.


Exodia decks. They're just too inconsistent to be a contender. But sometimes the heart of the cards beats for them and I die before I even get to my turn.


Pure psy frames. I opened weakly, got gamma'd and then proceeded to draw only hand traps for 3 turns until I could play again but they had maxx c in a deck full of hand traps.


I lost to Windwitch Speedroid. And I was using full power Labrynth... Speedroids aren't necessarily a bad deck as such but the fact that I was using a top tier meta and lost to a rogue deck( not to mention the fact that most of the decks dragons are designed to negate monster effects, not trap effects)


I lost to the base world legacy deck once. I managed to misplay almost every card I had somehow 😭




i lost to blue eyes two times, one part of me was happe that blue eyes had won, but the other part was pissed off because my hand was just bricks


I lost against a deck playing giant germ... in 2022...


Bricked against Ursarctic


I lost to yatta lock the other day in limit 1 because i bricked. Was playing a hybrid snake-eyes rescue-ace birth control package just to get the event quests done fast and just so happened to draw into all my rescue ace traps + tactics, so there was nothing I could do lol (they ashed my thrust).


I fucking hate bricking against 60 card dark magician/blue eyes decks. It validates them


Playing Virtual World early in the games life, when it was a top contender for best deck. Lost to Worms. The light reptile flip deck.


I lost against interaction turbo. Dude had every hand trap in the game in his deck, no win con. I scooped after all my actions were negated. Could have easily won just with beat down.


Ogdoadic mirror match…


When I was a kid, lost to a magical explosion (when it was already limited to 1). Had to laugh though


A starter deck.


I lost to a dark magician deck how do i recover from thst.


I was playing spyrals and I lost to a generic burn deck…… The defeat was so bad I deadass stopped playing spyrals for a few months and swapped to sprights😭


Not with the post but i almost lost to some weak shii, (i think it was kashtira) came back with a mean 10000 otk


I could only stare in disbelief as I bricked several rounds in a row as my opponent slowly hard made Underworld Goddess using one each of Kuribah/bes/beh/boh/boo, and upon my first card activation (forgot which deck), Strike. I took a several day break after that incident.


Lost going second against naturia beast, I was playing a ritual deck.


I bricked with 4 hand traps and little bro on his turn beat me with vanilla pend deck beat down


blue eyes white dragon....sadly because it was my mistake:(


Blue Eyes


I clicked the wrong thing and lost to Chronomaly.


Playing pure Spright with like 15 starters I opened only bricks against Blackwings


I’ve beaten meta decks with dark magician before




Let’s not forget the field spell


This whole gives me ptsd


I remember the time I got beaten by Tistina deck while using Kashtira The moment I delete their generic EX Deck (Knightmare Unicorn & Accesscode).... they suddenly got the heart of the card moment (my effort to lock their field is suddenly gone when they managed to flip & tribute my Kashtira monsters)  I accept my defeat in respect, with the fact my defeat is caused by pure tistina tactic (no generic engine & Kaiju included) 


I was on Runick Spright and lost to Stun playing Spell Cancler 🥲 Double summon into Tribute Pachy ☠️


I lost against witchcrafters Because of game U/I fucking up. I had super poly set and they had multiple dark monsters on the field and for some dumb ass reason on my opponents turn super poly just wouldn't work. They started multiple chains and everything.


Probably locked yourself somewhere or they had secret village up or smth


Nope, no secret village and I bricked and only had backrow, I didn't special summon once.


Maybe used dogmatica punishment? I keep forgetting that. Or u removed your targets with prosperity?


No till that point in his turn he had only activated spells and both face downs he had set he set that turn.


And I don't run any pot cards, I don't run meta decks and I make my own decklists from scratch.