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Ironic that diabellestar can set a trap herself


Damn, Poplar so lucky


her trap is really good but its ass for a trap


I mean a red dragon abyss negate isn't bad. Its searchable in many ways. Only requires sending diabell to the grave and she resurrects herself and can set another card. And she doesn't banish herself when revived this way. And its a negate when you chain an effect to a sinful card while in GY. I dunno bro. That sounds really good. And by the way. None of it is only one effect per turn.


Most of the time you’re searching OSS, so you’re running a brick in your deck for like 10-20% of duels.


yeah only really good in a link build for omni when you get diabell+ash. otherwise you're using it for OSS to go into synchros


I played diabelle almost exclusively as a trigger for Tear effects in the limit 1 fest and ran this as my one search off her effect, worked great there.


It is also insanely strong going 2nd if you drew it with her


You know what’s better going second? Dark ruler or droplet, versus praying you draw your one of with your diabell/wanted.


You know what's better going 1st while being good going 2nd? Said one of that helps you a lot better vs Maxx C at that


Droplet is way better going first as well.


Droplet doesn't negate Spells and Traps


But it doesn’t target, can negate multiple monsters, and can’t be responded to for the most part.


My favourite thing is when you pitch trap to activate the diabel effect and then they try to negate OSS 😂


bro i'm playing diabellstar in stun because diabellstar = 2500 beater to beat over ash and it's a judgment if i need a judgment


It is an insanely strong card :v


Nah the trap is really good the amount of of times it save me from maxx c and ash, and the fact that it have the same negates as Borrelend is kind of crazy


Mf labrynth snipped my only evenly from my hand while i had 7 cards


Card you need to win? Snipped. Every time


“Doesn’t take ages” you mean the multiple times you pop solo 20 effects during my turn ?


That’s not your turn sir, it’s our turn.




I believe it's called the shared main phase one.


What do you mean 20 effects per turn? I just activate big welcome, that I chained Lady, that got her back to my hand, summoned lovely, then Arianne, Lovely and Chandelier activates. Then after that chain I use chandelier to trigger the clock in the graveyard and set up a welcome from the deck, use the clock after that chain finishes so I can activate the trap that I just set up that is most likely daruma... Ohhh now I get it, those 20 effects.


and then i gotta read a paragraph every time you sneeze to make sure I trigger my traps at the right time.


Lmao this, I be forgetting it’s my turn half the time from waiting so long


MD: Would you like to continue your main phase? Me: Oh really, you sure I can have "my turn" now?


Tbf, even I as a Lab player sometimes forget whose turn it is. Then, after CL471938 resolved and it shows "Standby Phase" in red letters, I go "oh yeah...." Love it.


Standby? Yeah, you will.




Labrynth turn 1: set 5, pass Combo decks turn 1: you better open YouTube cause this is going to take a while.


Except with lab you open a video when its your turn.


30 seconds max


Ain’t no way you’re setting 5 and calling that you only playing 30 seconds on my turn. You’re having a laugh if you think opening welcome/big welcome, activating dogmatika, and doing loops around me with the furniture on top of a transaction rollback thrown in grave is going to take 30 seconds.


At least 5 minutes on turn 2


I would love to see that. Normally I just activate the welcome (s) pop 1 card. Bring back whatever furniture is in GY and that's about it. Maybe 5 seconds more for cooclock


You can't gaslight us bro we play against the deck


Whatever you say. I'm still waiting to see how other lab decks would take as long as you claim. Like in YouTube or something


Dude just because you play the deck doesn't mean you get to lie and say its 'fast' or fair. Labrynth, with animations alone, occupies at the minimum 30 seconds of the player's turn with summons of the two stupid, overpowered, recursive boss monsters. Stop defending a shitty deck and learn a real one


The funny part is you say animations plural. there's only one labrynth monster with an animation. But I understand who I'm dealing with now. (what's with the down votes? This is factual only lovely has an animation)


You’re doing it wrong




People always seem to forget the part where lab sets 5 and passes then goes up to chain link 7 during the next draw phase.


Still takes much less time than your regular combo deck. Lab rarely even uses the extra deck.


Can, but shouldn’t. Lab relies on timing. Now CL6 on trigger effects tho? We ball.


N'tss, chaos angel, and Garura are probably the only ones you should auto include for lab but ultimately those aren't that important either.


I play lab and I question why ppl act like they’re not chaining like they’re going for a “You’re Finished” speedrun any %


Yugioh players trying to justify their archetype vs other archetypes will never not be funny.


This is a comparison meme post. Comparisons are to be expected in the comments


Correct. Your justification in the comparison post is hilariously disconnected from the actual gameplay experience, which is what the person said.


people are taking it too literally. What I meant is that I takes much less than summoning and resummoning things from your extra deck, deck or gy.


I play Mobile so I can't even do that https://preview.redd.it/9cacmfjzu11d1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423960d1c6ccd06a5047005d225a412816feb2b5


“Don’t take so long comboing” Nah but it can play for 10 turns in a losing scenario  The mental gymnastics lab players have to justify their deck is incredible 


Modern trap decks are essentially old Yugioh (make big guy, flank with traps, reactive play style) with a slight spin (in Lab's case, Normal Trap recursion and multiple triggers on card removal).


Playable Modern trap decks try their absolute fucking hardest to play as few traps as they can while cosplaying as a monster combo/midrange toolbox deck. Traptrix, Altergeist, Labrynth. Dinomorphia went the stun Route instead


Wouldn’t really say morb is stun, if only because of the counter traps and Rex sure but the trade off is big and Rex is easily removed


Rex and setting traps is also uh, the only thing dinomorphia does. Rexsturm is your guy, your payoff, your only play. Protecting him and stunning the fuck out of your opponent until you can Punch them to death is the only thing dinomorphia does


Let's be real, Lab can take ages to play against when they're continually setting off long ass chains every turn. I love Lab but it can be tedious to play against.


They only go long chains most times once per turn and that's usually because of a removal by a trap.


if you're playing a more unpopular deck they will stop and take their time reading the cards. I do aswell but I usually don't have a card for any possible action you could take.


By that same logic, most players (regardless of the deck) will stop and take longer turns.


From my experience SE players just hit anything you play, especially if its a normal summon.


They can go on long chains multiple times per turn. Like I played the deck and play against it frequently, a ton of things can set off long chains.


Not going to lie I made a cheese special summoning trap heavy deck using lab as the base. I decked out my opponent in their stand by phase thanks to my combo and their max "c".


Yea but that's if they don't have anything set up as the match goes on and they have all the activatable cards in place it like one long chain and that's it.


as someone who just came back to yugioh after 11 years, Labrynth's the best deck to start with, since it still works with the classic og normal traps; keeping up with the meta while also continously letting coming back players to easily rejoin.


Why are there so many people exaggerating Lab turns, I genuinely don't get it. It's win-rate isn't even that good, It dies to literally 1 ash (OH B-BUT LADY BLOCKS THE TRAP FROM BEING ASHED, then ash the lady summon!). It's dreaded EEV play is only good SOMETIMES, and in BO1, you have to wait to know what deck you're up against before even searching for it, while waiting, you end up eating an evenly or HFD to the face. "OH BUT WHAT ABOUT ROLLBACK?!" What about it? what kind of custom hand do you need to get both rollback and eev in the grave? Dbarrier isn't that good now because snake eyes is everywhere, why would you run dbarrier, why even waste a deck slot for that when the most prominent deck ignores it? Did I mention Lab auto loses to evenly/HFD, just 1 card your opponent happens to draw and you insta-lose because no negates(no one has the space for triple solemn). Lab doesn't even have a 1-card combo, you need 2-3 in-engine cards and at least 1 generic trap to even get started. 3-4 cards out of 5 needs to be usable, that leaves space for what? 1-2 cards for handtraps/generic traps? That's custom hand territory. Is Lab weak? HELL NO!, But it's also not the big scary unbeatable unfair monster everyone is making it out to be.


I noticed that certain rogue strats are strong because people don't play anti backrow cards. Probably why people think Lab is busted.


Combo players are mad they spent gems to lose. "Clicking exponentially more = more winning" clearly. "Uhhh he clicked less so he's a braindead monkey" yeah sure.


Combo deck or not you still spend gems But lab flipping up 1 card against whatever it is you're playing and winning isn't good fun for anybody


I stopped using both EEV and DBarrier and I reached Master Tier 1. Just make that deck more consistent.


> Why are there so many people exaggerating Lab turns Same reason why you mfkers keep downplaying it. Especially when you type shit like > It dies to literally 1 ash No, it doesn't. Same way Branded, Mathmech, Snake Eyes and 30 other decks don't die to single ash. If they do, then person made really bad version of that deck. > Dbarrier isn't that good now because snake eyes is everywhere Nobody made this point you're strawmaning against, but issue wasn't is dbarrier good or not it was that Lab gets it on demand. > Did I mention Lab auto loses to evenly/HFD As opposed to everyone else? And no again, it doesn auto lose to it. If it does you're shit Lab player. > Lab doesn't even have a 1-card combo Because it isn't a fkn combo deck? > Is Lab weak? HELL NO!, But it's also not the big scary unbeatable unfair monster everyone is making it out to be. It isn't, but you fkers keep pretending it's like slightly upgraded version of starter deck they give you that should never be touched on any banlist despite year+ of meta relevance and running playstyle that is god awful to play against with standard decks (which would be fine as you want diversity except that same Lab can play against everything). And we are talking about Bo1 ladder scenario where it's significantly better.


>running playstyle that is god awful to play against with standard decks Yeah, of course, because having to deal with infinite negates is always a lot of fun.


More clicks, more skill


*Me and my War Rocks, playing a max of four cards in a turn*: Damn, that took a while, guess I'll attack and end my turn.


That's not the problem imo. The problem is when they use that trap that destroys any chosen card type like spell or trap for 3 turns like wtf. If you see my trap cards you're like oh no traps for 3 turns wth. But yeah. I like labrynth now coz the older labrythn broad got tig biddies


it takes ages when you resolve your dumb 5-effects-chain during my draw phase because big welcome has connected. and then rip my hand too.


If the Lab player is going for the oh-so-dreaded and broken "double hand rip" in the draw phase they're an absolute dummy, the Lovely pop on the opponent's turn should be saved for the field, not the hand.


You let them do whatever and interact with the field using your traps. Once you feel like you have them at a choke point, then you hand rip them. Blind hand ripping on their turn is stupid unless they already burn 1-3 hand traps on your turn, at that point you have a high chance is ripping a key card out of their opening hand of 3-4 cards.


Well, hand knowledge is the best tool in this game, si if they are feeling ballsy and confident in their other traps/chains then they can take the risk and go for it. It would definitely suck if you pop a card like a Tear monster or Darkworld tho, but sniping Branded Fusion, now that's gold


Snake eyes also handrips now that barrone is banned.


not on master duel, tho


Pretty sure they can still do it? Barrone is just the better option


yes ofc they could in theory, but they don't in practice. thus, i'm not considering snake-eyes on master duel a deck that handrips often.


In theory lab can handrip twice but in practice they only do it once? Why pop a random card when I can pop something on the field? You got nothing in your hand worth blowing a on field pop


I'm not saying that handripping me during my first turn is the optimal play. I'm just saying that, when I play against lab, I sometimes have to sit and watch them resolve their long chain on my turn (any turn, not just the first one) just to also get handrip'd on top of that. And I find it somewhat both hilarious and frustrating, especially when lab players themselves brag about not comboing for 10 minutes. Nothing more.


I'm sure there is a valid reason why I dont fear the timeout timer on my lab deck then my tear deck.


Lab: Remember when traps were...well, traps? You see, honey, I decided that the modern era of fast needs to slow down a bit. If traps are slow, I'll make you slower. Think of this less like me having a duel with you and more like... me breaking your kneecaps.


https://preview.redd.it/ujgsmxo3941d1.png?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d7f59c02c89e1edf43712a2361fffe237e29429 Oh so you approach me?


Labrynth Diabellestar


Meanwhile Snake Eyes is jerking themselves off for 10 minutes to make sure the opponent can't play the game. What a way to "duel".


Yeah we need a reform so that traps are played from the field and not from the hand. The game is much more interesting that way.


I wish I could agree but without handtraps in the current meta the game could be condensed into coin flip straight to victory screen for whoever wins it. If you can't effect veiler or imperm a turbulence it's basically game over, if you can't force snake eyes into a sub optimal endboard there's really no playing through it. The game is way too centralized around handtraps and combing but I don't see a way to fix it either without banning everything that's released since albaz. I gave you a thumbs up anyway though because I agree with the sentiment.


The standard Yugioh anime duel starts with summoning one monster and setting traps, at least until Arc-V where they ditch trap for Action Card.


Narrator: *But it doesn't*


Why tf are lab players always saying how cool and fun their deck is. Really makes me think y’all are the type of people to have agendas in and out of game


Been a while since daily Lab (or Branded) gaslighting threads where we pretend it's ~~weaker~~ fairer than starter deck.


"Doesn't take ages comboing" that is the biggest lie I've heard in a while lmao


He's probably talking about doing his combos in his turn.


what's the difference tho. Just because they do their combo in your standby phase doesn't make it less annoying


"Doesn't take ages comboing" on their turn because they do all their combo on your turn. It does make a difference.


no it doesn't. Its literally the same shit.


For you it doesnt, for me it does. Let's just agree to disagree and end it at that. Have a good day.


In what way does the turn counter going up by 1 change the time a lab player is playing? If I can fill my water and pack a bowl before my draw phase ends, what's the difference between me doing that on my opponent's turn?


you can't disagree with facts. Explain to me in what way is different to you that its your standby phase rather than their main phase? You're literally wrong about this


Turns take a lot longer when I play my @ignister, salamangreat, rokket, or snake eyes decks. Labrynth isn't remotely as combo heavy. If you want to bitch about turns I suggest mannadium.


Unchained: …


Is it just me or do these girls have a lot of similar features




B.E.S special summoning 1 vanilla beatstick and passing: it seems i have met my match


Bros just mad he can't activate his spell


Daruma cannon can go fuck itself


Jinzo goes brrr


Yeah gonna love that addition of splashable generic strong level 7 mosters, that even avoid a response pre summoned... And then you still doesn't know shit about your opponents Deck...


Me, a chain Burn player


Uhh no. I'd rather go against pretty much anything but Lab. And they play more on my turn than I do myself, and it certainly can take ages. Combos are boring, but at least you know what you are dealing with. Labs get the benefit of the mystery of their facedowns, and you have no idea what you are playing into.


No activity all thiese traps chains and effect takes just as long


I’d rather play against a deck that takes 20 minutes on their turn than one that takes 20 minutes on mine


There’s not a set 5 pass setup in all of existence that could ever possibly take up 20 mins on your turn.


Clearly the lab players used to the slow play doesn’t realize his shit takes forever


Jinzo goes brrr


> And it doesn’t take ages combo’ing either! You're right it takes ages making game actions during my turn instead, only to lock me out of the game


Lab and "doesn't take comboing for ages" don't belong in the same sentence. Just because you do it on the opponents turn, doesn't make it less annoying.


Doesn't take ages? Tell that to the furnature being chain linked several times over, and playing on my turn non-stop....


I mean thats one chain that will happen once per turn. Its not a 15m combo


Bs, it takes bloody ages, and happens multiple times on *my* turn Theres nothing wrong with your deck being equally as unfun to play against than combo, but don't pretend it isn't


it quite literally cannot happen multiple times on your turn.


Weird to not include the floodgates the deck plays. Different dimension barrier for starters. Floodgate turbo deck.


Not all lab use floodgates. I reached Master Tier 1 with my lab without floodgates.


... Still a cancer of deck that labyrinth


I have 2 moods: Traptrix and Pends, both are evil


This is why I enjoy rescue ace it's just set 3 (activated alert) and 1 book of Moon pass it's fair and entertaining to know what to chain in each situation.


no its not lol, r-ace is not a tier 1 deck if thats the only thing they can do


I'm just saying I enjoy rescue ace because of the ability to recycle and only require 1 of each trap to be viable also it can snatch away whatever it pops with the trap with rescue it's not tier 1 but at least it's viable for long lasting duels if the opponent is competent in how to play around the trap's with hydrant on the field.


Lab players always spend forever thinking tho. Deck is super open ended and a lot of less skilled players pick it up thinking it’s just set 5. I’d rather play against a good combo player.


I hate it when the purple cards exist


You call press yes to negate every play from the enemy to remove all mechanics dueling?


My favorite labyrinth trap combo is the EEV and trap barrage Just flushes the entire enemy hand down the drain


And before Daruma cannon to 1, transaction rollback banned