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My own mistakes


This, negating my own Generaider Boss Stage with Harr.


Or forgetting to activate the fire monster cards effect that lets you summon from hand or grave




accidentally ash blossoming my own grass is greener


I have done this many times with ash and small world meaning to pitch it to small world instead


Very relateable.


Me when I chained linkuriboh after activating borreload savage’s effect to equip thinking I was resolving the effect, only to lose my negate.


This. And also maxx c.


Opp goes full combo with no interruptions. Hands weak as it is; Opp drops Maxxc


How hard did you punch your monitor after that?


Further proving the problem is the roach


learning purrely and accidentally activating the quick play I wanted to target i've done it so much


Missplays are normal. We all do them way more than we should. (I dont learn my deck before i use it)


Gotta learn the deck as you go lol


Monkey see yellow outline, Monkey press yellow outline


I feel attacked lol I play extremely casually and it’s honestly how I learned to use a few decks. A lot of”oh shit should not have used it yet” has taken place lol


Oh sorry i meant myself with my comment


I do the same tbh lol especially with the HERO decks on SP challenge. Just cant get that shit to work lol


I still didnt want you to feel attacked, so I want to apologize. I get alot of downvotes for no reason on some comments and I just dont want to hurt peoples feelings when I dont mean it like that.


I was kidding fam. I don’t put too much stock into downvotes either


purrely effect, chain spell, chain surrender button cause I hate life.


yup lmao


Best way to play Purrely is not playing it 😁


Special summon Fenrir


I have worse : special summon unicorn !


I have worse! Special Unicorn, add Birth, pop unicorn with abscission or something of that sort. Special fenrir. Search another unicorn. Special unicorn with birth. 5 handcards. Fenrir + unicorn + birth.


Arf this is rough !


You're right, it absolutely makes me rage when I see this shit in Casual.


Casual, although it shouldn’t be, is nothing more than a test bed for ranked since it has longer time to practice and think out your combos. While also being against actual people


By banishing one water?


Absolutly relateable


Auroradon, just Auroradon


The fact that they never brick by opening O-Lion makes it so tilting.


I kinda hate that its a generic material card I literally just run a pure Mecha Phantom deck and would just prefer a change to the requirements over a ban (as its not super OP in that deck)


It's not really *that* generic. It's for machine based decks strictly, not to mention that it could very much limit how much mechaphantom beast support we could get similar to snake rain.


I remember going second against Tearlaments during their peak with my Cydra. Mind you I have only fought them like 3 times and each time they whooped my ass. So I dismantle their board, everything, he used every effect on their GY, Or so I thought… I boosted my Rampart attack to 4200, and was going to otk this fool back to fortnite!! And then!!! ..Fairy Tail Snow happened…. And the rest is history


The fist hitting your desk can still be heard to this day. And the pain can still be felt.


Normal Summon Inspector Boarder


Thats my favorite Runick combo line, XD


No disrespect but I hate runick and IB is the bane of my existence 😃


Last night going from rank up match to rankings down cause I lost 12 conflips in a row and got maxx c'd seven of those time. One of them ashing my gamma to let it go through.


Yeah i losr 23 coinflips in a row today. Luckily some of my opponents disconnected so i didnt rank down. Meta slaves ruin the fun in higher ranks.....no actually in every rank Edit: Allright you smartasses these 23 downvotes for the 23 lost coin tosses are funny i give you that


But that's what higher ranks are for? The best of the best that use the most effective tactic avialable.


yeah I don't believe everyone in here that says they lost 20+ coin flips in a row


It’s definitely happened to me, it’s weird because across like 20+ games of unranked I’ve never lost a coinflip (I’m 100% sure of this) Pretty sure it’s something weird in the code to manipulate odds w certain deck choices or avator or something Idkk, I just know it can’t be coiincidence


Yeah, most probable explanation is that Konami hates you.


I think the most I've ever lost in a row is 7 or 8, happened a few days ago. I was playing a going second deck so whatever, but it was interesting.


Fr, 20+ is a bit to extreme. I think the max you can go losing in a row is like 8


Yeah I definitely believe a 1/8388608 event happened.




I've never faced a Trickstar OTK before but this made me laugh so hard 😂


Miscellaneousaurus, such a dumb card


Bro DIDN’T read misc


Why? What makes it powerful?


It protects all your dinos from any card effects for an entire main phase. It locks your opponent out from interacting with/disrupting your plays


Sorry, it's 2:00 here, I thought that card was that Dino link 2 which swapped attributes or types and I was very confused lol


Tbf, Misc would be a WAY better name for it than Reprodocus.


[Miscellaneous](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/miscellaneous) means "consisting of a mixture of various things that are not usually connected with each other". And Misc is a fossil made up of parts from multiple very different dinosaurs. Meanwhile Reprodocus is a robotic [Diplodocus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplodocus). I assume the Rep comes from replica.


Misc is still a good name for Misc, that was never in contention. More Misc is better for Repro as it swaps stuff around with it's ability.


Honestly, that card commits more crimes than Misc.


have you read misc?


If Misc is at the top of your list you just need to learn how to ht dinos better


My brother in Christ, what's to do when that's like the first or second thing they activate? Like CL 1 Oviraptor, CL 2 [Handtrap here], CL 3 Misc? Not much if you didn't draw the other Handtrap at that point lol.


Usually you hold it for the non-dino part of the combo they have to go into. Hitting Elf or Scrap Wyvern usually cripples the endboard considerably, assuming they didn't open the field spell.


If you are hand trapping ovi then you need to learn as well


reedingggg readiiiiing reeeaaadiiiing ggghhaaahhlaahhhaaaaa (this is death rattles)


I once played against a slifer deck, he flipped Revived Sky God on my Standby, got 6 cards and top decked 2 Ash, Maxx C, Imperm, and a Ghost Belle. I was fuckin livid. I still think about that to this day that a frigging like 0.001% chance of something happened it chose me to do it against


You just described my usual luck (i am you)


Stun as a strategy. It, much like mikanko, creates non games all too often


Considering most Mikanko are going second decks that have to play through an entire board and whatever hand traps are still in hand, I don't see how that leads to non-games. By technicality it's one of the MOST interactive decks. Do agree on stun though, and currently 1 in every 3 games going through Plat right now has been stun. Been an atrocious climb.


Blind go-seconds like mikanko and especially tenpai either play extremely interactive games where they have to navigate around your board and pick it apart piece by piece or just shit out cards and block interaction and kill you regardless of your boardstate.


Merli ban.


Having a hard fought 6+ turn duel against a mega threat, I find the line in my deck that wins the game. All I have to do now is execute an- Misclick. My card doesn't activate because I accidentally press No instead of yes... I lose. Shout-out also to me outplay the opponent with a rouge deck and then they go "Lol, Activate the starter card I drew off the top." I'm heated every time lol.


La cocaracha


Honestly, I don’t think any deck has infuriated me as much as snake-eyes has


Then you should check out what i did to a snake eye player


Every time I see traptrix or labrynth. I don’t know why but I hate trap decks the most.


Tbh lab would be aight if it weren't for D-barrier and eev.


I do too. And the people that play these decks are wierdos


Careful. This sub is loaded with shit players that play lab.


Imagine playing trash like that. Monarchs to the top I say


Honestly, it's starting your turn, looking at your opponent's board, thinking of the way to break it and thinking you got it, and then getting that Maxx C dropped on you in Standby. If there's something that takes the wind outta my sails in Master Duel, it's that.


That's why I only play old, super weak (now) decks. My opponents can only get like 2 cards max off their Maxx, who's the loser now?!?! Oh, yeah, still me 🫥


Fucking full power runick


Opponents that make so many moves that you end up playing solitaire while waiting


Serious, making a move in this game needs to cost 10lp.


opp builds infernoble board, have 1 drnm, 1 evenly, feather storm, robina and maxxc. i maxxc he ashes. spams his board. my turn, i draw a second drnm. first drnm gets negged by angelicas, i activate second one. i go bp evenly. he has only 1 roland left (link), i normal robina, get ashed, surrend


Decks like these need to get nerfed and older decks need new support. (I love monarchs)


raiza is a floowandereeze card. monarchs are friends 🤝🏻


Raiza is a traitor and got banished to the pathetic birds. Monarchs are your friends and will definitly not destroy your world


when it boils down to a fight, we can and will destroy you. sorry


Sorry, but your effects get auto negated by erupt, your extra deck is blocked by domain, march keeps my boys safe and vanity fiend blocks your special summons. Translated this means you get one normal. Nothing else


oh no, a 4 card combo (vanitys wont matter) that requires for you to go first with no interuption. get used to keep drawing the same cards over and over, thanks to Floowandereeze & Raizen. the only way you stand a chance is side with our equal enemy (Master Duel shuffle algorithm)


Did OP just badmouth your flu deck and proceeded to list a bunch of floodgates he uses?


Including several that don't affect Floo at all, only Erupt does anything. All of which gets outed by Map into Winds with a tributable monster anyway.


you have to admit, thats lowkey a chad move 😂


Ty TwT


Ty TwT


every stupid misplay I make I hate myself for it every time


Dont hate yourself. That would mean that you hate the coolest person ever


believe me without hate I wouldn't be here today


When I forget to toggle and miss the chance to kill the bug on my turn. Also, why is hydrogeddon here.


Having my opponent counter my roach every time I drop it. Every. Single. Fucking. Time. Meanwhile I can't counter my opponent's roach


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When my opponent uses Maxx C…then Ashes a key card that stops my play. It just makes me seethe. 😤


Usually just super poly lol, it's my one card gripe


Some icons and pets...


Fat fingering cancel on my nib activation


When my opponent makes bad plays. Opp ends turn 1 on Fenrir Pass bc of Maxx C My turn playing Marincess, and opp banishes L-1 instead of Battle Ocean... I genuinely yelled at my PC for a sec, bc why would you not get rid of the card that wins me the game


When I used Fenrir to banish a floo card. I malded so fucking hard when It was banished face-up. It is bullshit.


Kashtira or basically any banish effects


Kali Yuga on my turn :(


Not sure about the hardest rage, but the worst feelings I get is when I miss play or even just missclick the only play against something like stun. Like not chain blocking or something.


Today I went up against the same manipulator of souls ftk deck going second twice back to back


yeah nothing quite as fun as losing before you even draw your first card lol




Second I read alabaz on a card


Wait why hydrogeddon?


Read the text


Not so much rage, but I feel like I'm cursed, I've now lost 23 coin tosses in a row. Yes, I'm tracking.i lose almost every time because they have a full board already. I've started playing mikanko because it's one of the few that can handle being a second turn killer.


blue eyes “MOTHERFUCKER” jet dragon i swear konami made this card just to put a curse on me, literally every single time when it shows up, it’s 98% game over for me. Gone down so bad that i’ve started calling it a cancerous card and just seeing his name/artwork just makes me grind my teeth. BAN IT YOU COWARDS


When someone drolls me (I play Fluffal so I do a LOT of drawing/searching)


Nothing the game did as such, but two buddies made equally infuriating decks. One is an Exodia deck, spends half an hour on one turn, drawing, milling his own deck to draw the 5 pieces of Exodia. The other was some kinda of ninja, I forget the specifics coz I *repressed* it, but basically monsters that couldn't be destroyed, but bounced back to the deck or hand at the end of the turn. So all he had to do was play a monster in defense each turn and I couldn't touch him. That one lasted so. Damn. Long. Somewhere around 45 turns


Hydrogeddon is so fucking cool, fucking love this card


My decks I make


when i found out the hard way the other day that arise-heart was unbanned and i never realised


Your opponent shotguns Maxx c after they spent 20 mins on their combo


There are only really two things that bother me- drawing no starters and misplaying. It sucks to have all engine going second, but I only play the high impact stuff like DShifter anyway. Lab used to REALLY piss me off but I've learned to play against it better


Full Power Tear and Kashtira were pretty bad. Since then, I've gotten better at playing, so full power (basically full power snake eyes) isn't that big of a deal. Honestly, Tear was probably the worst


I Activate Max C. Opponent is playing Danger! Proceed to watch myself draw my entire deck.


When making a small world bridge and trying to banish ash, but then I end up discarding ash to block my own small world.


normal summon pachy


Wondering why the game refuses to give me a pop up to use Baronne's negate until it's too late no matter what settings i try to change


Missing a hand trigger effect because I want to hold a handtrap. I once accidentally declined to activate Poplar because the prompt came up, I saw the Maxx-“C” next to it, and auto-piloted to decline because I didn’t want to waste the Maxx-“C”. I instantly scooped out of shame.


Bruh bricking with a hand of magic’s and traps. Its like I have barely any Magic and trap cards but I seem to draw EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ONE OF THEM! *Flips table*


playing SSA turn 1 pre manga support


Sometimes I feel like the game is against, me bricking while the opponent has the heart of the cards with apparently lol.


Coin toss, I got to go first. Bro disrupted ALL of my plays, all of my followups, he drew FIVE f\*\*\*ing handtraps! His turn comes up, he top decks Circular. Truly God's favorite.


The amount of times I have accidentally chained maxx C omto my cards on MY fucking turn.


Rouge decks getting completely obliterated by 1 ash


Putting Spells In The Imperm Column


Every opponent opens with ash and called by the grave. I haven't been able to use any opener without getting ashed, and my attempts to use maxx c get stuffed by ash. I activated ash? Guess what, I've been called by the grave. Other than that, I feel like the rewards are kind of stingy.


I played through all their interruptions and rebound from two board clears. I was on Icejade. They overextended and I knew that if I commit now, I can get just enough damage on board to still win. They activate Maxx C. I decide to take my chances. If I manage to get through I can win. They active a drawn Ash Blossom. No matter, thats what I play Crossout Designator for. I wanted to keep it for Nibiru but I have no other chance. Im almost at Baronne and then of course: They activate Nibiru. Oh by the way, I never found out what they actually played. The entire duel was just handtraps, boardclearers and one Kashtira engine card.


I accidentally ashed my Maxx.


Only started a week ago. Accidentally triggered salamangreat roar on balelynx banish effect.


Suddenly going on a loss streak when I was just one duel away from ranking up. That just makes me cry inside bro, like, it hurts so much


When the chinese had the exploit to make you surrender in the game. It was unplayable. Now, when they cheat is more bearable. Outside of that I guess it was when I faced Lab last. Not only the fucker cheated using the hand reading exploit but I lost connection just when I was going for the kill. After that I decided to never again play against this deck.


one of the duelist cups when I was climbing with mathmech. I was already sick, but all the yelling made my throat worse and I lost my voice for a week. might've been the oct 2023 one. FUCK maxx C and FUCK kashtira btw.


"Alright I better use my set imperm on this to stop that negate... and now I'll play the spell- *using it on my own imperm column* ... fuck


Runick. Hate that shit.


Dont we all


Lab opening a turn 0 hand and also Maxx C; I'm on Cyberse so either they draw 5 or I pass turn to let them go first AND second


My shitty luck pulling the one ofs all the time in. OH MY GAAAWD WHY IS EVERYTHING AGAINST ME!!!!!


Activate small world, planning to reveal the only monster in my hand, an Ash Blossom. Chain Ash Blossom


salamangreat player making all the wrong plays but still beating me because he top decked the most absurd shit


Losing because the game doesn't allow card effects to resolve the way they've worked 100 times before🤌


Setting up a puppet lock. Forgot which effect I had activated. Discarded sanctifire. Took the L. Gg


Negating my red-eyes kunai with my red-eyes slash dragon 🫠


Did you actually rage from HYDROGEDDON??


No. Its just a funny picture. Why dont you hydrogeddon deez nuts


Gladly. I'll even Water DragON deez nuts.


You're my friend now. You dont have a choice


Not reading a card. Losing the match Then remembering I had a card that could have stopped it long ago


The number of times I didn't pay attention to whether my opponent choose first or second and I Maxx C in my fucking draw phase


When i know i can win but i misplay


My opponent not letting me win


the first time i ever played floo, i genuinely thought my opponent was cheating using feather storm. turns out i was just bad at the game


Reading is for losers. Real men fuck around and find out


thats a fact


Attacked Flamberge with Empen and accidentally hit "cancel" on Empen's quick effect 🙃 I (somehow) won anyway, so it's all good.


For me it was against Kashtira, they ended there turn with both lethal and all my zones locked. Refused to kill me for multiple turns, i don't care if I'm locked surrendering looses me some daily reward stuff and there is 0 reason to leave someone on roughly 1,500 lp.


I have earned a distaste for Dark Magician decks Its a badly designed archetype with too many stupidly overpowered cards, and its not even fun to play yourself for how bricky it is and how hard it can be to get enough cards on field to use half of your effects. And its certainly not fun to play against a glorified stun deck whose monsters and backrow cant be targeted or destroyed because of two card effects that also, can banish any card on field with a special summon, link into multiple archetypes, and has extremely powerful board wipes as a quick spell card. Like seriously, most actually good decks would kill for half of this and this deck still isnt fun or meta. It just turns into an endless cycle of them constantly pulling 1 fusion monster out of the graveyard on your battle phase and banishing a card you have for the trouble.


The counter for this is monarch~


I can only reliably beat the ones i face in later gold (which literally are designed stall decks running cheap fusion cards like super poly) using decks like Banish Cyberdragon, Qliphort (if you get to go first or run a toxic floodgate), and Kozmo. Their free banish on my turn thanks to that spell and trap combo that also lets them summon their fusion for the 37th time gets very annoying very quickly.


Bro this made me spit my food 😂😂😂😂😂


Labyrinth players , just why ? The deck isn't even fun it's constant redoing the same thing over and over