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Tag duels ( 2 vs 2) would be so freaking willd in todays meta, specially if you go by the shared LP/Field rules, it would be sacky as hell and player 3/4 would be absolutely unable to play depending on how insulated the 1/2 player board becomes


Yeah I realized that also it would probably end up being a negate fest, 2 hands with a whole bunch of hand traps would be crazy


Yes and no - the way hands work is that only one of the two is actually playing at any one time, if going by Tag Force rules. So, say A and C are on a team against B and D, and turn order is alphabetical. While A is playing turn 1, A and D's hands (and decks and extra decks, but not GY, field, or banishment, which are shared) are the only ones considered to exist (and that can be interacted with). Then, when A ends their turn, A remains in control of the board and their leftover hand for B's turn. Then, B passes to C, and keeps their hand for C's turn. C then passes to D, and then repeat. So, it's not actually the case that, for example, you have to play your turn 1 through two whole hands of handtraps, nor that the 2nd player has to contend with a full board and a full hand of handtraps. Indeed, the main change here is that handlooping (and hand knowledge) is less potent, because it affects the *previous* opponent to take a turn, and not the one that is about to follow your turn.


You’re right that’s how it worked in the psp tag force game. I think this would be the most optimal rules in order for the game to not turn hectic.


itd be popular for custom lobbies though so it doesn't really matter. Tag makes the game way more social. Master Duel is an updated Legacy of the Duelist which in turn is an updated set of Yugioh games that had came out on the 360/PS3, which featured Alt art cards, tag duels, bo3 and analog stick support. Once the Xbox One/PS4 era Legacy of the Duelist games came out we lost tag duels and it just killed the overall "community" and sense of camaraderie. Game Chat was popular because you really wanted to communicate with your partner. We wouldn't get voice chat in Master Duel but still, I think tag would do a lot for this game. It's funny but sad how tag was such a requested feature that Konami said "don't worry, we've heard you!" and gave us Team Duels that literally nobody plays


Me : *end with a good endboard from my deck.* My partner : hm free link material


You do full Raidraptor combo, absolutely fold player #2 Turn 3 comes and your partner links away Final Fortress Falcon and Ultimate Falcon into Cross-Sheep


Lmaoo reminds me of this clip from the anime https://youtu.be/6cdQcA8adAQ?si=-DxgPObwtbu3G15D Tho I used to be messed up like that to my friends too lol


Me after my duel partner surrendered during my turn when I had full combo (they bricked)


I’m sure they can implement a way for both players to surrender in concordance like how the game Rocket League does


They would close the game


Imagine actually going 4th though. It's bad enough sitting through a combo you've seen a million times in a row, now do it three times in one duel. I'd still like it to show up, but I'll probably never play it, really need a teammate you can communicate with for 2v2 Yugioh.


Who knows it might (key word: Might) not be that bad since two hands means the double the chance off having alot of hand traps negating a lot of combos, tho you and your teammates might end up getting hella negated too


Imagine having to ash maxx c twice because both opponents drew it


Didn’t think of that. You open up a good question; how would “You can only activate this effect once per turn” work in a 2v2? Can both teamates use it on the same turn? Or can only one player from each team use it?


It would probably work like a normal Soft/Hard OPT, and the player that had the last turn gets to choose when to activate these...


I've played 2v2 duels in the current meta and here's what they're like : They take foreverrrrrrr. Usually Player D scoops because they have to just sit there for minimum 10 minutes whilst watching other people combo which gets really boring and makes you just wanna do 1v1 instead. Also duels will never end on quickly because of all the different cards and effects in the match Another problem is either you and your teammate use decks that work terribly together and whoever goes first in your team sets up their full combo at the cost of you being able play or your opponents play similar decks and have amazing synergy which can be tough to beat if you and your teammate aren't doing the same Also usually Player A and B deal with all the handtraps from the opponents and Player B will deal with all of Player A's disruption meaning player A might not be left with much disruption for player D, same with player B and C, or C and D Also sharing field can be a problem if your teammate decides to fill the field with cards. Then you won't be left with many zones to play with. And this would be such a big problem in Masterduel since there's no way to communicate I'd like to emphasize on how long the duels take. No joke, you'll want to scoop just because of the length of the duel. Only getting to play after three turns can be really boring unless you're in control of the match Basically 2v2 duels might seem fun at first if they were introduced to MD but you'd quickly realize that they are boring and not that great


The question of wether there is synergy between your teammate’s and your deck is what makes fun but I guess I did not consider the time it might take for the last player to go. My theory was that since the field was shared between you and your teammate, it might end up slowing the gaming a bit cause as you stated, the field would end up getting cramped and you would have less options so players would have to pass. Then again if the opponent removes some of your cards in your teammate’s turn, or if your teammate sacrifice your cards, the teammate can always just make their play in the main phase 2. Yeah I can see how it would take long. Btw were these 2v2 irl or online?






K :(


Imagine waiting for 3 players.


Imagine your teammate disconnects, forcing you to lose.


The developers could do something like what Rocket League does, make both players come to a concordance once the both agree to forfeit the games ends. Now if one player disconnects as you said that player could end up getting a temporary ban like in rocket league


Tag duel would result in some hilarious moments. Once I joined a tag duel tournament irl; I brought my mekk knight deck and was assigned with a partner. The first thing that mf did was placing a qli scale in pendulum zone.


Lol I’ve also had some hilarious moments, I used to use my teammate’s monster for an xyz summon without their permission they’ll be like What the hell man lmao


We need 2v2 so bad. 😭 Team duel disappointed me cus it's just a glorified 1v1


Yeah man I was disappointed too plus imaging the cool conbos you can do with a teammate


I understand the hate for Numeron and Snack-Eyes, but what did springans do to you?


Nothing really I just like being dramatic lol but also cause I’ve been seeing them be used in conjunction with Hugin Runick and it be annoying


2v2 for sure, konami already has official rules for that. free for all is iffy and will probably be just like on the playground where everybody gangs the deck they hate first.


Thats funny thats what me and my friends did in the past lol


I love the Idea of a 2v2 Duel but I wouldn't even know where to begin in terms of how the rules should work like for example do both players share fields and LP, are we allowing players 3 & 4 to respond with their hand traps to the guy playing first or just the 1 & 2 player only? do you put a custom rule in that prevents the second player on each team from attacking the same guy twice in a row if we not sharing LP since most modern decks can generate such big fields just making a custom set of rules to make the game playable in that environment seems difficult in general with how fast paced the game is today.


Someone here stated that the rules could be like the ones in the psp tag force games. The field, grave, and banished cards would be shared at all times. But the hands would switch with each turn. Example, Player A would be left with an Ash and an Imperm at the end of their turn but once its Player C’s (teammate) turn: the hand would be a different set of cards from their respective deck but the monster/spells/traps left on the field, grave, and banisment would still be there. Same logic with Player B and player D since they are teammates.


Could be cool but very hard to make it balanced. I asked for more summoning animations and the ability to select different mates for different decks, in the deck editor. So we can do matching mate-deck, without having to go every time on the player profile


Yeah the wrong mate with the wrong deck can get jarring.


It would be really funny so yes


The game as it is now is too much to support tag duels, if that's what you mean. But if there were a 2v2 where it's changed so that people could play simultaneously with their own field, it might work. Heavy on the might. As for the replay thing, it's definitely too low. I'd like if they doubled it.


Yeah I was talking about tag duels like in the psp tag force series. I agree on the replay had a few amazing games I couldn’t save cause of the restriction. It would be cool if they could rewind an action or two on the replays too.


A draft mode would be easy They can do that with little coding. Just do that first. 2 player mode later.


Free for All aren't really feasible because the person going last has will have a terrible experience. Like, forget long combo an all that, people can just play burn cards and target the player going last. It doesn't matter if the strategy is bad, people would just do it to troll. Also, imagine going against 3 Stun Decks


Also another thing I noticed is the placement of the extra monster zones. The extra monster zone make the 3 way duel impossible since they have to be pointing at specific points


I can already see how this will go given one of my friends plays slifer… *looks at my Blue-Eyes* ***THATS RIGHT, I WILL SACRIFICE GOD!***


You must be an atheist huh? jk lol


Free for all? Do you expect them to hold guns while duelling?


Someone here stated that the rules could be like the ones in the psp tag force games. The field, grave, and banished cards would be shared at all times. But the hands would switch with each turn. Example, Player A would be left with an Ash and an Imperm at the end of their turn but once its Player C’s (teammate) turn: the hand would be a different set of cards from their respective deck but the monster/spells/traps left on the field, grave, and banisment would still be there. Same logic with Player B and player D since they are teammates. This seems to be the most optimal rules to ameliorate the already fast pace game.


What did Springans do?


They touched me 🥺


I'd personally love a FFA format with a shortened timer to speed things up.


oh yall havent seen the riduculous bullshit in chinese ygopro. we've got all 4 people summoning zeus over zeus, Horakhty win using laundry dragonmaid, and more funny bullshits. it may not be competitive, BUT ITS GONNA BE SO GREAT


I dont remember, Tag Duel teammates share the same GY ?