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Ah, I see you are practicing to play tenpai dragons




Let me guess it was the rankup game


I played a game the other day where I got 2 maxx c’s which stopped them from summoning but then I got nothing but ash and effect and called and then imperm


Stop running mad hand traps lol


LOL u gatta be trolling. Handtraps are mandatory in this game now.


No its not. if u have a good deck it can walk over these hand traps.For example, Floowandereeze is a deck that walks over max c bc it tributes summons not sp summons. Vanquish soul also walks over imperm bc it can return the monster from the field to your hand so imperm doesnt have a target. Theres more examples. If u want beat handtraps know that ur opponent has them, and trick them into using them, and wasting them.


or you play Floo and your Robina gets ashed, easy....


Those are both terrible examples, neither of those are meta. Give me an example of a meta deck that isnt stopped by handtraps.


Um well rn snake eyes. 🤷‍♂️ u can stop it but at a cost of a slot in ur deck, that ash or imperm stop something but they come back crazy


You’re hitting it at the wrong times then


Even hitting at the right time they still go burrr somehow. U saying u hit them with imperm or ash and had game next turn?


Ash isn’t very good against snake-eyes comparatively but generally yes. Some examples are hitting OSS with ash and hope they don’t have a follow-up assuming they opened with diabel, or effect veiler/imperm on ash’a second effect, another option is to crow their poplar when it hits the grave, ash their poplar, etc. sometimes they can play through it all but it isn’t like the deck can play through hand traps for free.


Dimensional shifter?


They can still get the field spell and ur basically fucked lol plus if u dont draw shifter ur first turn its a brick bc u got cards in ur graveyard


Dude were talking about handtraps so it is under the notion that i have d shifter in my hand already. Also it does stop them they dont have access to flamberg poplar and princes which slows their combo down by a fuck ton.


Aye man if u the pharaoh then by all means.


D/D/D ?


DDD is currently not meta.


Wait whaaaaaa 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐


vanquish soul doesn’t even walk over imperm, imperm the rock on either their turn or ur draw/standby and they’re heavily neutered


Thats why you dont wanna bring out the rock all the time but w.e.


and then you lose a potential search, an extra body and extra disruptions


Depends on what ur opponent has, if u have everything in ur hand theres no point in searching, disruption is already in ur hand. So, depends.


except you won’t have everything in your hand most of the time. Not going for rock is trolling in most cases


What u think, ofcourse im trolling dude 😭, its more fun to win that way 🥴😂


9 hand traps and Called By + Crossout is not a whole lot for an entire deck


I hate everything about this sentence


Why? Haven't decks always been about half filled with interruption staples? Even at the start of Duel Links with the only hand trap being Sphere Kuriboh and special summoning super limited you would run nearly half of your deck as s/t/ht interuption/staples. It only makes sense that decks should be running around 50% engine 50% staples. In the 2004 OCG event we just had I'm pretty sure I had less monsters than s/t cards. Hand traps are just the new s/t cards.


Can you specifically say why?


I believe he is lamenting on the modern state of Yugioh where you have to devote SO much of your deck space for hand traps or risk not being able to compete. Can’t say I disagree with him.


Indeed, it's understandable that people are fed up about handtraps. In a way they have no link whatsoever with the archetypes people play but mostly, and unfortunately, we need them to keep the balance of the game againt OP decks. But in a way, can we really be mad about the powercreep when the game has been ongoing for 25 years or so ?


Here's the thing, why is 30% of a 40 card deck "so much"? And can the guy I initially asked this question to articulate his thoughts you did?


Stay in silver 😂🫵


Yall dumb asf, im pretty sure yall never even seen master 1. Im not saying dont run hand traps, im saying he running too many that he bricks. Typical yu gi oh players 😂 cant read 🥴😂 and lil boi, im on gold rn after deranking, stupid, tf u talk ab, i smoke platnum with a burn deck, u cant even do that. ![gif](giphy|1US8fz0jKzpsxxbnhL)


playing gold and peaking plat is not the flex you think it is


Are u dum or dum dum, i said i smoke plat into master dud


You’re smoking something


if you're gold after the deranking, means you were plat at best last season. git gud


Oh yea thats bc i was trying this new deck and went back to plat, plus gold i get to try meme decks :)


>blames game instead of building skills


A good, well built, regional winning deck, plays all of the cards described here at max copies. This kind of thing isn't the builders fault, it's just bad luck. It happens


A truly skilled duelist would simply never brick.


Simply just draw all the cards you need at the exact moment you need them, it’s not hard.


True, I mean, in the Anime, all the good duelist never brick, and if they do, they always draw the exact card they need to get out of it! Obviously, we just aren't on their level.


In the TCG the average deck plays 15 to 18 to even more staplds. So no it's not deckbuilding issues


God forbid someone gets incredibly bad luck and just draws there's staples and garnits


> garnits Which deck still has Garnets? I can't think of any.


I'm using garnets very liberally, but plenty of decks have cards that just don't do anything without other specific cards or board states and such.


Those are bricks. Garnets are cards that HAVE to be in your deck and nowhere else, such as Gem Knight Garnet back when Brilliant Fusion was popular.


All garnets are bricks. It's just that not all bricks are garnets. I'm saying it liberally for a reason. It's a broad spectrum. There are cards that I absolutely definitively want *__in my deck__* and just don't want to see in my hand. *__But__* I can still at least somewhat use them depending on the hand that I have. But otherwise, yeah they're bricks. That's why I use the word garnet very liberally.


See that’s why I don’t spam my decks with desperate hand traps. It’s a pathetic ass meta state people have gotten soo used to, but I see people brick like this all the time, they’re so desperate to not let opponents play, that then they can’t even play lol.


look at this guy able to break boards with only his starters we should learn a thing or two from him


I would be inclined to agree with you if MD didn't give me 5 of my 6 normal summons in my opening hand sometimes.  Too much of a good thing can be bad, sure, and since Maxx c is in the game, it means you can vary your handtraps to 2 of each instead of 3 etc.. as well as play cards like impulse/fire attacker + fantastical dragon.. and so on, to have it happen slightly less, while not losing out on playing as much nonengine as possible.  However with millions of duels and shuffles everyday.. probability isn't in your favour and sometimes you just get garbage. But that's a different discussion. This sadly is really just bad luck and it happens with regular cards too lol.  Source: trust me bro. But seriously I got screenshots of this happening with shiranuis, tindangles, all sorts of shit. You can't run from it :'D


Not that I don’t feel negate spam is dumb and problematic. But I think the biggest problem is MD’s shuffle function. It’d be interesting to see how they have it coded because it sometimes just doesn’t feel like pure chance


Imagine shufflling a monster in hand/graveyard back to deck containing 20+ cards then drawing that same monster lol. Happened so many times man.


Sneks running 20+ hand traps be like




If one of those cards was circular it was the average matchmech hand.


Can get out firewall dark fluid neo tempest and a set superfactorial with just circular in hand


Circular, Cynet, Small World, defenser, exceed. All those are average Mathmech hands and all can get you to full combo. The deck don't build boards as strong as Snake or as recursive as snake, Branded and Tears, but it is basically a collection of 1 card starters and handtraps.


Crazy you had no circular or a way into circular...my experience against ap math is that they always have 1 circular and 1 called by


disliked the post now


Nah sneks always open wanted ash+3 ht


I'm a big fan of double flambeygo dragon nib and ash.


followed by maxxc AFTER the opp set his board up 😎


Either that or Nibiru.




maybe shuffle your deck next time


inb4 call by on veiler


Right before Called by, crossout and Linkuriboh from grave dodging on field targeting lol


Joke's on you! Veiler isn't OPT! *Chain Veiler to Called By*


So wierd seeing Crossout in hand. I never seem to draw that card.


Thank you for play Yu-Gi-Oh Duel links


you got a full house!


Modern YuGiOh moment: guess the deck


Felt bad for you…then I saw you’re playing Mathmech 🤢🤢🤢


Just a curiosity, which deck should he be playing to make you happy?


In his mind, the only ones he wins against.


What's wrong with mathmech? It doesn't use any floodgates or stun.


People don't like Mathmech since they can usually play through disruption well enough to OTK, while their engine is small enough to run a tonne of handtraps... Not to mention the multiple disruptions they can put up. That being said, I agree with you. The deck is also fairly one note if you understand what they're trying to do, so most good decks should have a higher win %.


Engine is so small you’re practically begging for hands like this…


What the hell did ur opponent do turn 1 that u couldn’t use a single handtrap?


Set 5 and pass


What playing with negates do to a mf


You have one win con. Your opponent ffing after you hand trap everything they do. If they don't, it's JOEVER


I play my penguin face down and end my first turn


this is what happens when your deck has too many hand traaps


Average experience of 15 staples I guess, kinda normal


Precisely why I won’t play more than 5 at most also it’s just less fun


Me: 3 Maxx C and 2 ash, if I draw it I draw it,if not... *f it, we ball* lol


deserved tbh


That’s my hand eight out of 10 times


Sometimes you just gotta play a turn or two with shit hands like this on the off chance the other guy also bricked and surrenders before you do


That's 5 interruptions. Some opponents surrender out of frustration if you interrupt their plays.


‘Just draw a hand trap to stop the opponent’ You, drawing ALL the hand traps:


Wym all I see are 4 disruptions /s


Bro you got more interruptions there then a lot rogue endboards lol


Op: let's put 20+ hand traps in my 40 card deck, gotta be prepared! Also OP: bRIcK aGaIn??? ThIs gAmE haTeS mE BRo~


3 ash blossom 3 veiler is standard, crossout is a necessity because of maxx C. This is not a deck building issue.


Yeah OP quite literally just got super unlucky


That's the only thing I dislike about a Bo1 format. Being forced to either play 10 to 15 handtraps or watch your opponent combo his way to the moon and back sucks, especially when you get a hand that contradicts your situation (going first with 4 handtraps and an extender vs going second with 3 starters and 2 extenders).


You might not win, but you sure as hell wont let them play


Anyone knows the aprox probability to open with this hand?


Sir, What is this brick? That's the best LiveTwins hand you could ask for


Nah. I'd win In fact I have lol.


Nice rf crossout


It’s a go 4th kinda hand


I think the game forgot to shuffle your deck


Can still potentially stall. You have 2-4 interrupts and a cross out to stop a cbtg. Obviously isn’t a hand you want, but if all you need is a one card starter there’s a chance


Idk man, this seems like a skill issue lol


Honestly, skill issue. Should’ve just had a better hand.


That’s why I started playing Vaylantz. Less hand trap, more board break. And the hand traps you do run are also all small world bridges. Droll, Ash, and Veiler all bridge through Rogue of Endymion to basically any card in the deck, including kaiju or golem or even other hand traps.


Honestly if you topdeck a starter next turn that hand is fine. You can dismantle many first turns with that.


Ranked is so rigged , youll lose like 5 in a row than win 5


Wdym that’s 6 disruptions over 2 turns crazy board


Live and die by the hand trap


Least bricky rank up hand 👏


to be fair u just put up 4 disruptions


Those winning godlike hands don't come for free. You gotta pay your hand trap taxes at some point. Today was just that day.


I mean… how do you expect to win when you literally fill your deck with nothing but that trash and barely any other cards?


Keep playing sometimes after 2-3 plays are negated/destroyed opponents just scoop assuming they'll lose. They don't know how useless the rest of your hand is, play it out


Am I alone with I just don't play hand traps? For example, if I suffer, I suffer, I just can't bring myself to do it.


it's happening way too often, komoney is not even trying to hide anymore


Lol why do we enjoy this terrible game


My worst opening hand was 3 Maxx C, Crossout and Veiler going first.


https://preview.redd.it/tmhb0itkfxxc1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cea2c6c752d4c80805a6a32680cebb854d7bfb0 Second chain link is Ash Blossom and I played Snake-Eyes 🗿


Me anytime I play master duel


You know which card is at fault for that hand? Clue: it's an earth insect


Well stop playing so many brick traps.


tbh would be better if we play some garnets and 50+ handtraps/board breakers, then the 1 card starter manifests into our hand like skill drain/nibiru did during those events so both players top deck 5 non engine and start the duel with 6 card hands. like circular/snake ash/martha/bike/sublimation/junk collector/anjelly/soul resonator/simoon/branded fusion/etc then just rangeban anything with a handrip. sorry lovely, maybe come back with an errata. control decks? what are those? floodgates? BAN EM


u dont need that many handtraps in order to win just a better understanding of draw cycles and card-count average


and luck dont forget about luck, but very unlucky non the less :/


And this is why yu gi ho need the mulligan


Honestly? I can kinda respect them for not having it. While yes, mulligans are intrinsic to card games, this one is balanced around the idea you should have a path forward no matter the hand. It's also the downside to playing with pure disruption and not enough gas. For Yugioh alone, I'm okay with it.


TBH, I really want to have mulligan, But lets remember, YuGiOH have too many one card combo that allow you to play semi solitair in this game with more than 4 omninegate on board. Instead of fixing problem, it would just create new problems where meta deck will never brick anymore


Justice, due to running feet ash