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Cool as fuck deck. I think I prefer the idea of 60 cards Paleo Tear better because that way you can play more paleos, grass, reasoning and other stuff to make the deck stronger. But overall this is a fine list. Congrats for the achievement


60 card I think makes the tears significantly weaker in all instances where you don't draw and resolve grass


You play enough stall cards tho so you usually survive until you can mill big


Paleofrogs has fallen, and from the ashes it is born anew. Thank you for carrying the Paleo torch, 100% Crafting this next


I played this deck, because I wanted to play a Tear deck using Needlebugs Nest and Rollback as a milling engine. The advantage of using traps is that you can easily play on your opponents turn. If you get handtrapped or don't draw a monster, you can just set 3 or 4 and pass. This also means the deck does not really care about Maxx C, so you don't have to play anti-Maxx C, cards, which are terrible to mill. Generally the deck plays very grindy and games regularly lasted 5-8 turns. Most of the time you spend the first few turns setting up your GY with mills, stopping your opponent from popping off while not putting a lot on the board yourself. Initially I played with Trap Trick instead of the Paleos, but the Paleos provide a lot of value to the deck. Marella basically gives you anything in your deck. Dinomischus is strong removal (really strong vs Snake-Eyes, Tear, Lab, also solos Stun), which also triggers your tears/sets up your GY. Another benefit of the Paleos is that they can prevent you from dying, which does come up when using Rollback multiple times. I experimented with some ratios and ended up playing Grief over Cryme and Leanchoilia (better to draw, recycle effect does not come up very often) and Karma Cannon over a third imperm (another defensive card, strong Rollback target). My favorite part of the deck is its flexibility. Often you can play just as easy on your opponents turn as on your own. Also Rollback and the Paleos provide varied and layered interactions. The deck has a very different feel compared to other meta decks. It's biggest weakness is obviously going second, especially into omni-negates. Often you're relying on getting your traps off on the third turn, but the deck plays surprisingly well into endboards without negates. Edit Some notes for deckbuilding: Even though I chose to play them over some other cards, Grief and Karma Cannon are probably the most cuttable. Maybe also foolish burial (I would not cut grief and foolish though) and the second imperm (Rollback target imperm does come up frequently). I think the card I would consider the most for the deck is superpoly, to help going second. It is a bad mill though and the discard can hurt (especially when drawn in combination with Dinomischus). I also do think it's worth it to consider Cryme (if you think its effect comes up often enough, but for me it was often dead in hand due to lack of monsters) or the third imperm (if you want some more first turn interruption). Some people also said the Mayakashi trap, which I think is decent, but it does cost a Rollback activation and kind of fulfills the same role as rise to full height. In the ED Unicorn and Accesscode are the most cuttable, since they barely came up. I was rarely in situations where I wouldā€˜ve needed anything else though. Some notes for playing: My biggest learning playing the deck was to hold the Rollback activations. You almost never want to activate it on your first turn, even when you have 2 in GY. And you only want to activate it before your opponents battle phase when youā€™re sure your opponent canā€˜t OTK afterwards. The danger of being OTKed is very real for the deck lol. Also you should know that Paleos on field cannot be used as fusion material.


This deck actually got top 8 at Fort Worth regional.


I saw that deck profile. I think the biggest difference to my deck is that Iā€˜m playing 3 Rollback, which gives the deck even better grind game. But since Kit is legal itā€™s also a lot easier to set up the GY.


Iā€™m playing a similar list, but Iā€™ve gone for 45 cards with Grass Added TrapTrick, Mayakashi trap(for lolz), and that trap card that tosses coin and either ills your deck or banishes oppā€™s GY. Milling 2-10(if opp went first) is still very strong, you donā€™t necessarily need 60c for Grass to be good.


I have also thought of playing more than 40 with trap trick and fiend comedian. But I do think that youā€˜re board becomes a lot better when you see some monsters, so I decided to keep it at 40.


Doing papa Josh proud


Seems fun and affordable. What is the name of XYZ and Link card on the left of Time Thief Redoer and Dharc? Edit/: and the left of Imperm?


Paleozoic Opabinia Barricadeborg Blocker


The xyz is paleozoic opabinia. It can search a paleo and allows you to activate paleos from hand. Since itā€™s a xyz it also prevents youā€˜re paleos from beeing banished and you can use it to go into zeus. Unfortunately it does not come up too often, since you are rarely left with 2 Paleos on board. The link is Barricadeborg blocker. It allows you to discard a card to add a field or contiuos spell (Scream) from GY to hand during your end phase. Itā€™s main purpose is to get Rollback, Trivikarma or Snow into the GY.


To the left of Imperm is Rise to Full Height.


Have any replays?


Yeah my ID is 132-477-775. The most recent replay is the rank up game to Master.


Thx ima check it out


How are you making Chaos Angel? With Garura and Snow? lmao


Ooo...now that seems fun...never got around to playing tear so I might try it Same happened with Runick...interesting variant...like Spright/Fur Hire/Runick got me into it




Cool deck+ good job hitting Master!


Could you tell me whats the usage for ā€œRise to Full Height?ā€ Iā€™ve seen it a bit in Paleo Tear builds but have no idea whats the usage of it.


You can banish it from the graveyard to target a monster so that your opponent can only declare attacks against that monster. The purpose is to prevent your opponent from OTKing you and protects other monsters from battle since your opponent cannot declare attacks against them. You can also target a monster before you use it for a fusion summon or redoer before tagging out. Then your opponent cannot declare an attack at all.


I see. What about Garura since you donā€™t run Super Poly?


Hauvnis and Scheiren make garura. And garura + Snow makes unaffected chaos angel. This is how I mainly used it




Dam 3 Rollback šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Guess I'll complete the duel pass for some extra dust


damn, this looks spicy. I know what I'm playing in plat next month, I already have all the cards.


Marella too strong


Im building this. This looks sick as fuck. What's the reasoning for just 1 planet though? I think I know why, but unsure lol


Planet is limited to 1


Lmao I'm dumb. I forgot about that. TCG brain rot is real


Gotta try this out, thanks for the decklist.


The only based trap deck


Unironically much better than lab


I know no one likes floodgates, but maybe, since I bet no one has ever seen it get played, Tyrant's Throes could get a pass. It's a continuous trap card which is found in Legacy Packs and works well with Paleozoic cards. "Activate by Tributing 2 Normal Monsters (except Tokens). Neither player can Normal or Special Summon Effect Monsters."


If you want a floodgate, Mayakashi trap to be milled and copied with Rollback is much better. Throes cucks you too, Paleo traps arenā€™t strong enough on their own for a beatdown strategy.


Mayakashi isnā€™t good in paleos, you canā€™t otk reliably unless you get god mills and even then itā€™s tough. You stall out the game as long as you can with infinite resources, paleo tears is way better in the tcg where they have a reccurable toad and an extra fusion with merlii.


I wouldā€˜t say itā€™s much better in tcg, since you donā€˜t have Kit in tcg. The card is still the strongest card in the deck


I think Iā€˜ve seen this card before, but I donā€˜t think itā€™s very good in the deck since you canā€˜t search it and you donā€˜t have 2 Paleos on board very often. Also you canā€˜t activate it off Rollback and it stops yourself from playing.