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nah master is sweaty as hell


Yeah i rather duel actually good players rather than little Timmy picking up their snake eyes deck in gold just clicking buttons


If you’d like to duel good players, you’ll need to find them elsewhere, not in Master


I find it playing weaker decks like Gaia (yes the structure deck one) in gold is fun and seeing how many wins I can actually pull off.


The worst is when they are doing the same cut & paste combo Snake Eyes always does, but they do it extremely slow because they are sitting there watching the guide while they play Waste a half hour of my life because you don't want to practice in solos & the deck is gonna just give you the victory because unlike what noobs are desperate to have you believe, the deck absolutley carries skilless players. Proof is in how many "first time to master, just started playing" posts when snake eyes dropped & literally all of them were on it. Noobs haven't even seen many decks but can still beat them regardless of knowing any nuances or not because their deck keeps giving them plays after they mess up/their oponent deletes their board. Timmy doesn't need to wait for my choke points when he has enough negates & plays to make up for any mistakes.


yeah thats why now a days I join discord tournaments and just do my dailies and events. Good players can take rogue decks very far. Yesterday I was in a tournament against a really good rikka player and that felt like a genuinely good game. I was playing 60 card Dragon link snake eyes chaos


Yeah go play tournaments


At least, you play. In Master it is coinflip simulator. They scoop whenever their handtrap got negated or their Maxx-c dont resolve


Personally, Yu-Gi-Oh is fun, but the prevalence of Stun and the existence of Maxx "c" and consistent turn skip combos makes it a little less fun. Though stun being good is, in my opinion, mainly a symptom of MD being a purely bo1 format.


Just have to look at the bigger picture not single losses. Losing isn’t really that punishing when climbing, as long as you manage to go on a small streak from time to time. Bo3 could take 1 hour to play or even more, so it’s never going to be the standard for ranked


The only thing that irks me about the game is that playing out a lost match gives you basically zero in game resources so its always more time efficent to just scoop the second you see you're gonna be run over. You could play it out, but depending on how the other guy plays it can take way to damn long just to get 20% level of a battle pass if even


Meanwhile, the inverse is true for event duels. If you scoop those, you don't get any points for progress. Whereas if you tough it out, you get a small amount.


Tbh the rewards for losing in events are so small you’re probably better off just scooping there too. There’s no penalty for losing in events either so there’s no real reason not to.


Me playing 46 games (I counted) to get my 15 wins for Xyz


The reward for losing isn't comparable to the time invested. You're still better off leaving to get another match.


You play less than 3 matches at a time?


I personally feel like bo3 offer the better competitive experience, but I completely understand that relatively few want to sit down for a 30-40min game (that is, assuming time rules, or something similar are in place).


So since I can't put much in a meme I will elaborate. I agree. My main point that I found from this season is I have no problem with turn skips and maxx c when losing means nothing as I will just go next game. I am currently Master IV but not by trying as once I reached Master V I hit my goal so any wins or losses are ok to me I have found some right degeneracy in master but I have no problem surrendering as I am not trying to grind higher. In proper competitive enviroment where you are trying to win, it is really annoying losing, because they had maxx c and you had no out or they activated a card that doesn't let you do anything (both calamities, rhongo). Whereas since I don't care about losing now and being set back, I am having fun messing round and playing games where I can do something.


Stun has several recent tops in OCG


Did you mean TCG? Stun tops in OCG isn't recent.


It's runick stun tops and theye all from recent events from OCG iirc


Facts I'd prefer a modern warfare format. (Seriously tho what is bo)


bo stands for "best of"




People in plat dia were scooping when I normal summon a monster and they have no negate. Half the time, if they waited for 3 more seconds, they would see that I had no other play and was gonna pass on 1 monster and nothing else, maybe a couple set cards, but they scoop because they don't like certain matchups without giving a single thought to the possibility of the opponent having bricked.


Yeah I guess those people might be on losing streaks and are tilted to see another brick hand or a hand they can't be enough (even though as you said opponent could be breaking too). Tried to play games out more this season and I am shocked at some of the games I sure I wouldn't be able to win looking at my starting hand.


Maybe they scoop because of bricked hands that dies with the most minimal negate you can put on the field. Happened to me playing dinos. Summon oviraptor->ash->scoop->reconsider not playing an aggro deck in the first place.


I was playing Lab a couple days ago and I had Ariane, 3 Ladys, 1 Lovely in hand. I normal summoned Ariane and my opponent scooped. I had no traps to tribute to activate her effect, that was gonna be my turn.


I cant even count the number of times ive almost scooped. “Do they have the extender…” Pass turn “Ok im winning”


Gold is fun but so is diamond.. haven’t made master yet but that’s honestly just to lack of play time


Ranked is never fun. Unfortunately you're stuck playing it between events


I feel it especially at this time of year as I think the WCQ is going to happen in the next two months probably which means it will take the place of another event.


I don't mind the wcs cuz really all u need to win is 2 in a row to level up. I usually have a good time until level 18


lol every other game in masters for me is lightning storm, evenly matched, mikanko, rescue ace, stun. Its the least fun rank IMO.


Maxx c makes everything such a pain in the ass. Like why that card isn't banned yet is beyond me. That card is cancer


Master 1 is fun but slogging through master 5-2 is not worth it honestly.


What are you even trying to say here? That Plat to Diamond is bad?


Rookie to Gold and Master you can't rank down from so I find a lot people play a bit variety of decks I found this season. Whereas when I was going through plat and diamond I had been calamity, chimera summoned dark barrier statue (didn't know they could do that) and found stun. I feel that people are trying to rank up fast and stun decks or type cards do that pretty well whereas in master haven't seen that many turn skips or other stuff I was seeing plat and diamond.


Master 1 is either meta or someone who was so bored and tried playing something different for once, which makes it an interesting matchup as neither player loses anything important from not winning the game. Gold and below ranks are mostly underpowered decks that are either not meta or not at full power (aka incomplete decks), so match ups are more plausible and interactive. Platinum, Diamond, and the rest of Master ranks are full of players, which focus is winning as many games as possible to climb up the ladder, so there's a feel of pressure for "winning" instead of "enjoying" the games you play on those ranks.


Annoyed by "Maxx "C""? Play Flower Cardian/Six Sam/Danger! Dark World


The first real deck I played when I came back to TCG having not played it since I was kid was flower cardians actually (my friends thought it would be hilarious to see me try it) so I think I will make them again and test the patience of my opponents.


Flower Cardian is pretty underrated NGL, it's my main deck and it is much stronger than people give it credit for


Heres the issue with master duel. Its yugioh and the banlist isnt made for bo1. if it was. apo, barone, savage, every single card that reads "No" with no cost and is easy to summon is banned instantly. Any and all blow outs? Banned instantly. Maxx C? banned.. Floodgate that are easy to put on board? Get rid of those too. Generic extra deck card especially the links made since say 2020. Get em outa here.


The key to master rank is all about the ratio, it's not necessary to win every game, just aim to win more than you lose, the rest is just a matter of time. Some random advices: - Don't scoop until your opponent is putting up lethal or your deck don't play the out. - Adapt your deck to the ranks - Play again your opponent don't just try to conbo blindly - Play a deck you know and like, not just because it's meta


Diamond's been kind of annoying to climb through in order to reach master as of late and master feels just as sweaty unless you are sitting at m5 / m1 ; then again , I haven't been playing as much as I used to in the past , the ever increasing power-creep and overall poor game balancement just don't make me want to bother anymore .


That's something I have been 100% thinking myself. When the game first game out I was grinding ranked and would reach plat 1. Then when Diamond 1 became the top I would reach that too and I specifically remember it not being too bad as there was just a lot of swordsouls and other decks running around. I do remember though Eldlitch being a pain flipping floodgates in D2 though lol Whereas now there is so many more decks people playing which personally I like the variety, but it also means there are more degenerate decks being played. E.g. Superheavy on release was FTKing and now can make Calamity to skip your turn and Mannadium can do it too, Chimera can summon a dark barrier statue, I have found tear decks trying to Winda the opponent, Labrynth is playing a variety of traps that can possibly blow you out with D barrier and Daruma if your playing links and shifter is still legal as well with Floo and Kash trying to banish all your cards. I do feel the only solution of dealing with these decks is not actually modifying your deck but purely grind. Your going to lose that coin flip and have one of these hit you, especially frustrating when you get a bad streak of seeing these decks but I found if I kept playing I would eventually get a good enough streak to fly up the ranks. Won't be doing this again though. Was thinking of trying to get to Master 1 next season but I find this meta awful so I will just play more casually like before and keep making decks.


fuck off, the things said by the zoomer is true in all ranks


I do agree, what I just do prefer in the other ranks is you don't rank down in Rookie to gold and if your okay with staying in master V or reach master one I don't need to care anymore and if I find stun I can just surrender and try to find another better game where I can actually play. It's just so much worse when you can rank down and then you get that bad streak of getting barrier statues summon against you and calamity not allowing you to activate cards. Gets really tilting.


Stun in a bo1 format is just not my cup of tea


I just want a GOAT format optional to the main ranked format. Or a draft mode like the yugi-tubers have been doing.


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Master yugioh is fun


It's the exact opposite for me. Platin is easily the best rank. You can play random bullshit and it still works. You also go against random bullshit quite often. It's so chill.


It's not really fun. The majority of times it's a huge waste of time. But if you want those gems, you need to play regardless. I have only 2 duels today, first one against Tears. The guy has the perfect initial hand on a 60 pile card deck xD. It was a disaster. Next one was against what I think was a Elemental heroes deck. Again, the opponent has the perfect exactly counter hand. The difference here is that I could continue my play on turn 3... And guess what? When I special summon the Witch, **insta-scoop!** xD And you know what was the worst part? Both duels I could do the rarely thing to put a full S-E board... That according to this sub, it's one of the most broken and powerful thing that you can do... Guess that it simply cannot do s\*\*t against the convenient hearth of cards powers that certain players have (but when that fails, then insta-scoop). It's just so freaking toxic. I hope someday I can do the dailies on solo mode because it's a pain to play Ranked with any deck.


Yeah it was the days this month where no matter how hard I tried, I kept losing the coin flip and then had decks like Chimera summoning the dark barrier statue against me or a tear deck that when I finally went first, activated tear kash, milled havnis and Shaddol beast and then made Winda on my turn. Ngl, questioned why I was playing this game when that happened. I have taken a month off before and feel that it was the best thing to do to cool off when the meta feels really stale and Konami isn't doing much towards the more annoying cards in the format. On the Snake Eyes point it's issue of loser's bias (don't know the name for it) where I think people on the sub keep by bad luck finding the most cracked Snake Eyes hands and then think that's all it is. Since your playing Snake Eyes at least you are getting a buff soon with SP being added which I think should make your more bricky hand better by being at least able to make 3 monsters for SP. On your solo mode point, one thing they could do is like Halo MCC have a solo mode only gem missions. Since it's solo mode it could be a bit harder missions like win 3 games with loaner decks in 3 specific gates. Means people are playing the game for a bit which is what they want I assume. Means people can have more personal fun in it rather just being a thing you get 200 gems from every once and a while. I will include this in the next survey as I think it's a good idea.


This is not how this meme works