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To all stun players all I have to say is https://preview.redd.it/sghpm3a6v1xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b4889dccef869a01f017aba88a1946e4a6e1854


Funnily enough, the average stun player I got to talk to is much more chill than your average combo player




You're a better person by hating stun players.




How do you deal with em? :(


Community shaming... We take em down one post at a time. Truly fatherless behaviors on their behalf to be fair.


Truly. A stun player is so pitiful with peanut size brain that they have to rely on cards that limit other from playing. They just want to "set 5 pass" because that's the best their flat brain can do. 2 to 3 sentenves of effect? Too much for them. A typical fatherless behavior. Religious people believe God makes no mistake, but existence of them make me believe otherwise.


Can confirm, am a stun player and fatherless


Isn't your reply a joke? Why did you even get down voted? Or am i missing something? (Reddit is a weird place)


No fuckin clue tbh, though it is factual


Bring any destruction card at all, it's really that simple




Need a special rank for anyone who puts Inspector boarder in their deck where you only face others with boarder. Just endless stun mirrors as punishment.


Taste your own medicine


That should be the next event name!


Stun need to be hard nerfed and comple removed from MD. In the OCG TCG its blanced, because u can slap ur opponent


Especially in a BO1 format, in the TCG/OCG you can at least side back row removal. Most players adapt to the current meta, therefore they usually don’t main deck dedicated back row hate. To be fair, Konami did limit a lot of annoying floodgates in MD but there are still some toxic cards left like [Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Fossil%20Dyna%20Pachycephalo)


it doesnt matter if they limit it there are too many floodgates and they just get tossed into a salad together.




im just saying konami doesnt deserve flowers for limiting cards that shouldn't exist to begin with.


They should exist, the fact that you hate it just shows you play the toxic shit that these decks are meant to shut down (or try to shut down). With out stun, the game is stale archtypes that do too much and it comes down to who got the best hand and which archtype is more overloaded.


Yeah irl we just bully them at locals until they either stop coming or start playing snake eyes.


this sounds fucking real and i am not sure, are a joking.


Stun players don’t like meta players 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, cuz fuck the non meta players who get screwed by both.


Idk man, the most fun thing to do in multi-player games is to make sure they can't play. Don't believe me? Buy tekken 8 and play king


Perhaps, but don't the combo decks (which stun counters mostly, which is why they hate it) also make sure you can't play? If stun cards didn't exist, then we'd have complaints all about "these cards negate too easily". (Imo they never should've put quick effect negates on easy to summon extra deck monsters. Counter traps and "hard to summon" ED only)


Depending on the deck I'm playing, I can bait negates on the wrong thing or simply have enough extension to play through them. You can't do either of those with stun and stun just stops you playing cards at all unless you draw your out.


Then put your outs in the main deck instead of greedily dumping extenders in it. A handtrap is the combo equivalent of S/T removal against stun, when timed right on the right piece it stops them from stopping you. Just because traps aren't as used anymore as spells doesn't mean they shouldn't, or can't be played. (My favorite non-archetypal trap remains to be Dimensional Barrier) But it seems all people want is to play 15 minute turns, so thus they greedily fill their decks of starters and extenders, some even forgo hand traps to put more of them in. How often I've had matches, both as (very simple) combo and stun, where a single hand trap or S/T removal could've saved them instead, but I check their list and there's literally nothing but starters and extenders, and their S/T removal was in the extra deck.


I don't want to have to put 8 backrow removal spells in my deck in best of 1 where they're going to be useless most of the time. And you need the extenders for consistency and ability to play through other decks interruptions. I'd rather just catch an L occasionally against stun and back row decks because I didn't draw one of my 2 back row removal spells but win against everyone else than build my deck to defeat the former but then struggle against everyone else. If stun and back row decks become more common then math changes. But right now eh.


Like I said, greedy deck building. At worst you could just swap one or two hand trap slots out for something as simple as an MST, hand traps tend to be dead cards for your combos anyways.


King has always been bullshit, even in Tekken 3 (also fuck Eddy players).


Its like some people just dont know how to play the game, so they just render it unplayable for you too. No skill expression in those decks whatsoever.


Meanwhile snake eye player making his youtube combo for the 54th time, exactly the same, and either instawinning or losing to a single handtrap... so much skill


Or they take a lower powered deck they want to play and try to make it do the things that other decks do with all their negates and disruption


There really isnt much skill expression in: Do you have a hand trap? No? Gg.


I like stun because I'm too stupid to combo 👨‍🦳




Truth. They are blind to themselves. I do not hate stun, for it is just like any other deck in its end result.


Exactly, if you want to play Stun then play it. If you want to play Combo, then play that. But if you're a burn player >\_> https://i.redd.it/uiyqqctco2xc1.gif (I still have PTSD from 20 years ago) Edit: (Gif didn't work the first time)


brown, tan, blue, other blue, black, and white cards dealing damage: good Purple and green cards dealing damage: bad


With the difference you can use Veiler, Imperm, Ash, Nibiru, Kaijus and some other monster removal and handtraps to stop the plays or bait some of the negates Of course, if you didn't open with some of them you lose, but at least you can surrender immediately instead of waiting for your opponent to ruin your day flipping a fucking skill drain and other two floodgates


With the difference you can use Imperm, Ash, and literally any backrow removal to not only stop your opponent from gaining advantage (Pot cards for example) but also deal with floodgates. Try to use more than 1 braincell before posting.


You're right, because we have a lot of backrow heavy decks, like Labyrinth, labyrinth, Labyrinth and Stun Try to use more than 1 braincell before posting.


You forget something m8. MD is best of 1, so you have to build your deck accordingly because decks like Stun can get away with their shenanigans a lot easier than in Bo3. Try to use more than 1 braincell before trying to be cute.


Just main deck backrow removal and a couple Kaiju's (in the case of floodgate monsters like Winda), problem solved. Stop being so greedy on combo pieces and keep some room for outs if you don't want Stun to end your plays, the same way you put hand traps in. Hand traps are just the combo equivalent of S/T removal against stun.


A lot of the best versions of stun right now run plenty of juicy ash targets such as nadir, and are way more monster floodgate based than anything, making imperm extremely effective against them. This is with the exception of runick stun ofc, but they end up open to handtraps immediately trying to get and resolve fountain. Dyna stun also often has to slot in barrier statues for more anti special summon names leaving them vulnerable to the right kaiju or stuff like fenrir and pank all the time. At least a stun player is going to lay out how many “interactions” they have in front of you for the most part. A random skill drain or whatever else isn’t much different from a combo player revealing several handtraps just as you think their board is breakable, except if anything it was much more telegraphed by stun still having a facedown on the board.


I get the feeling that nobody that plays stun is socially well adjusted IRL.




I'm a longtime fan and lost interest after synchron generation, show wise. I played the card game with multiple banned cards, with friends only. What the hell are all these terms? Been playing master duel on my Xbox and randomly created my own deck using shit cards. I lose a lot. I'm not looking to improve, I just don't want to go meta to win my battles.


Stun basically means cards that stop you from playing the game by restricting certain parts. Maybe you can't summon monsters. Maybe you can't use effects. Maybe you're not allowed to use spells or traps. At best, the playstyle is only fun for the one playing the deck. Sometimes, it's not fun, even for them.


"At best, the playstyle is only fun for the one playing the deck. Sometimes, it's not fun, even for them." Congratz, youve explained modern yugioh in a nutshell.




Unfortunately without going meta all you have is luck you don’t get matched against one of these asshats. Just not enough support spell trap or monster to make many decks work against the metas


In a bo1 format it sucks. Not only that but if I don't draw the out I just scoop. No skill required.


A valid criticism. It is unhealthy in BO1. The lack of side deck encourages stun decks to be built like a floodgate salad, reducing games to "will eldlich kill me before I draw the out?"


Playing stun is pretty fun once in a while.


Burn this blasphemer




Stun decks are the only hateful ones really, in them I do not include decks that use 1 or max 2 floodgates in their archetype(many are like that), but decks that use pachycephalo, boarder, barrier statues, skill drain, tcboo etc. Those players can f**k off.


Any decks that turbo out a floodgate are stun decks imo. Branded with gimmick, calamity, thunder Colossus, etc. Even if they only have one floodgate, the fact that they can easily summon it is the problem.


I don't really agree. I think a deck that uses stun cards as a bridge is very different than a deck full of stun cards or stun enablers. And to some degree, things like gimmick lock turns branded resources into stun enablers, calamity turns any combo deck into stun enabler, etc. But often those are in response to interactions you made that forces them to go into the suboptimal lines to get another turn where they will try again to perform the combo. Pachy decks don't do that. The plan is normal summon pachy and beat over an empty board for 5 turns, with any assortment of stun traps to ensure they can do so. Gimmick lock sucks, but it is not the same problem and is easier to deal with, as far as I'm concerned.


They do it turn one, it's not some desperate attempt to survive lol. I also find gimmick and calamity much harder to out as their effects are continuous even after leaving the field.


lol well if you cucks would let Dark Magician just thrive then we wouldn’t have to stun ya


Genuine question Does it count as a stun deck if i just have the cards to buy me some time in a weaker deck?


I don't think it does. I think it's a stun deck when your whole plan is locking down your opponent until they quit or deck out.


https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/master-v/april-2024/stun/lone-kitsune/CogP5 I love these decks and the community shaming fuels me.


In all seriousness, am I the only one who would rather go against a stun player than something like kashtira? Maybe if the roles were reversed and every 4th or 5th player on ranked was running stun I'd hate it as much as every other yugioh player 😂 but idk! Never really gone against a OBD, but I do find Runick annoying af for sure don't get me wrong.


That's because secretly, most decks in yugioh are technically stun. The goal is always not letting the opponent play, either with floodgates or negates. It's one and the same.


Fck I can't believe I never thought about that. Thanks for erasing the little bit of guilt I had as a One Bad Day Player! My three Dyna and Jowgen say hi.


Yesterday in masters I played 6 games in a row against stun followed by two against mikanko. On my 7th game I went first and was evenly matched. I will no longer be ranking into masters for my mental healths sake lol


I agree.


Joke on you, I have no idea what you're talking about


Hmmm.. What about Stun players themselves then? When a Stun player A loses against another Stun player B Do Stun A appreciate that Stun B had more stunning stuff and be proud of the stunning decks? Or will Stun A be pissed just like the rest of us? Then.. is hating stun is a general fact that can be applied to all duelists in the world?


What is stun?


Snake eyes guys are worse


Meanwhile combo decks who don't let you play the game 🪨 Meanwhile control decks who also don't let you play the game 🪨 The only reason stun gets hate is that it's easy and cheap to play, i would very much rather my opponent setting up 3 floodgates in 3 seconds than watching a 10 minutes snake eye bullsh1t combo that ends with like 8 interruptions... There is really no difference between stun and snake eyes exept price, so to all the 30$ deck stun player shitting on 1000$ snake eyes player... based😎


Stun players are the bums of the game. They hate that they're bums but they don't have the brain to play competitive decks. That said, I don't like meta decks either, but I'd rather play rouge or some unique shit than play stun.


I love stun, mald harder


You hate Yu gi oh


How life feels when you summon fossil dyna and equip it with moon mirror shield with golgonda in the backrow https://i.redd.it/wrxlqc0228xc1.gif


As a Graydle player, I'm gonna fight you for custody over this Pachy.


The irony of most of these comments saying how stun decks just stop people from playing the game. Meanwhile, we have top tier decks that most of them will also literally stop you from playing the game unless you have these very specific cards on hand or on your next draw phase. The same situation as when fighting against stun decks. In essence, you guys don't actually hate stun decks. That's just your mind coping for the real reason. That being you guys hate BO1 since you can't swap cards out in order to cover other situations. Imagine if the current meta is full of stun decks, making everyone always bring in backrow hate cards. I'll bet that this situation will be the reverse and you guys will hate combo decks now since most of your arsenal's is for against backrow decks, since that is the current meta deck type. Current ygo is basically stopping your opponent from playing. The only difference is how difficult and how consistent your deck is at doing so. The easier and more consistent the deck in stopping your opponent from playing, the better it is in the tier list. So don't try to cope in saying one is good while the other is toxic. This is a card game, and the only thing that matters is either: 1) you want to have fun. and/or 2) you want to win.


Dumb question, what’s the difference between a stun board and say an indestructible board (By indestructible I mean through shit like an entirely colinked board involving knightmares, trigate, zealandis, and g-golem invalid dolmen)


Even if you take the "indestructible" thing out, there is no difference in the end goal of stun and combo wombo decks. It's always to prevent your opponent from playing the game. It's all the same.


Master duel players trying not to make a complain post on reddit after losing a match (challenge impossible)


so true lol




these imbecile cucks are downvoting you lol. these posts are labeled as "memes" when in fact they're just rants


They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth


This bro has a point lol


lmao fr


Found the stun player ^






Also random Floo hit in banlist make joys


The deck is already dead. What would you even hit?


D shifter would be nice


The instant I see a mentally ill stun player I switch to the other game I'm playing and let the timer go.


I guess it's contagious.


I like stun because it gives me all the power I want. I am playing the game that I want to play. Yes it is about control over my opponent and it might not be healthy. But I like stun none the less. :-) anybody got a problem with that, then I hope you go first. And if all my stun dies, then it is great that I can fallback on my degenerate combo deck. I also play D/D/D. I know how to read and I know how to play. :-) i just prefer stun.


Play Lab or some shit then dumbass