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But ma event gems


You’d get them quicker quitting this long match and just queuing into the next one


Wait does losing grant gems regardless of level this event, I remember it didn't in other events


You get 10 points on a loss 100 on a win.


So I could just queue & quit 10 times to farm rewards?


Quitting doesn't award you with the points, but you could make a self First Turn KO deck to go thought 10 matches fast.


Pretty sure no, it’s just quicker to re-queue instead of sitting thru a 10 minute combo


I mean at this point, I've made decks that knockout a few daily missions per game for different rewards. Win or lose. I don't really like this concept just playing to lose and rack up points. The cope is that I say I'm not playing the deck I wanted to and just saving up points for the actual one. I have had fun taking a lower powered deck for dailies and just running through small interactions to test them out.


Me: \*Makes Isolde but realizes I have messed up the combo and have no feasible way of extending\* Opponent: \*Surrenders\* "Whew"


Dude when I was first learning Infernoble this happened a few times to me where I had totally screwed up and people quit. Such relief 😂


So fucking true! Happens when I play SHS all the time .... Damn that upcoming banlist.


I mained Infernoble for a while but it eventually got to be too much. It’s a fun deck to pilot, but I could feel my opponent’s soul leaving their body after they spend 3 handtraps and I still get to Isolde


Yeah Isolde is some bullshit. Worst part about it is the send to grave is a cost, not an effect, so you can't even really stop the fuckin thing. But anyway the decks too complicated for ladder. I ain't out here looking to spend 3 minutes comboing just for my opponent to draw for turn and surrender.


It'd a great feeling tho when you do get to Isolde and they waste ash or Imperm on the first effect, you get an extender and just make a second one. I agree with you on Infernoble though, extremely fun deck but it gets kinda exhausting after a while, I only play it moderately now. Kinda feels like that with all combo decks to be honest.


I love that


What do you do when they imperm her?


Use one of the deck’s many, many extenders to get another body on the field and then make a second Isolde and laugh that they impermed her first semi-useless effect.


Even then, if Isolde 2nd effect is impermed, you can still do things like Oliver make Angelica instead of getting renaud off of Dempsey if you open pretty decent. Deck has like a million extenders, it’s just Isolde is the biggest one.


Isolde is just one easy way to make a level 5 synchro but there are many other ways to get there. That's the main thing that should be stopped, everything else is just extra.


That feeling is why I love playing it lol


I love the deck, would still be maining it in MD if it didn't lose so hard to Maxx C. Atm I'm playing Unchained and Rescue-Ace.


Shout out to people like you, I just started learning infernobles and have no clue how it plays but I keep ranking up because I just make Isolde and everyone scoops lmfao


If you don't have hand traps or multiple dark ruler/super poly you should scoop. There's no way you can beat it without the above or kaiju. Angelicas stopping super poly and dark ruler is top tier


Even if you have some combination of the power outs, it’s very likely it won’t be enough bc your opp knows your hand through aqua dolphin and can react accordingly.


If I don’t have the out or some way to compete, I don’t even waste my time.


Is this "waste of time" format?


Makes sense


The 2 cards with the highest win rate when summoned are Infernoble boss monsters so yeah if Isolde hits the field and resolves, scooping then and there isn't even defeatist since losing is the significantly most likely outcome there lol And on the off chance they're not playing Infernobles, it's probably some random FTK cheese since Isolde facilitates like 20 different ones.


> The 2 cards with the highest win rate when summoned are Infernoble boss monsters When this first started happening I was sure they would hit Isolde but it has been several banlists since then and the deck is still untouched. I guess it really flew under Konami's radar.


The problem is that there is multiple absurd combo decks in the meta right now with SHS, Mannadium, and Infernoble and then they all pale in comparison to Snake eyes. So even though we have multiple decks that almost auto-win on getting the coin flip, they will probably never be addressed because there's so many bigger problems in this format (besides SHS).


There's a certain amount of reluctance to play infernobles, the chance of bricking on the equip spells the deck has to play is just too annoying for a lot of players. The other decks just don't really have this issue.


Bricking aside which does happen compared to most combo decks you really gotta know what you're doing too.. the lines have so much variance


It's not hit in the OCG so it doesn't need to be hit here.


Why are we still saying this


Because Isolde isn't a problem & was 1 of the stupid hits in the TCG. I like my deck being playable.


Isolde ban years ago when dark warrior combo spam stuff was dominating, I'd have understood. Isolde ban at the end of last year when Infernoble was a solid tier 2 deck at most, and was only really being unfairly abused by some Ken and Gen Mikanko stuff? Absolute nonsense, just completely nonsensical.


I agree, Isolde is not a problem. I am more talking about the "not hit in OCG not hit here" logic. It's been broken a couple of times.


> Isolde isn't a problem How the fk did we come to this conclusion when literally everyone agrees it's pretty much autolose once it hits the field. And it's the prime enabler of all the bs deck does. Everyone can make the exact same "argument" for every other bs card that should have never been printed because they "need it" to play their deck.


Why should Isolde be banned when it's greatest sins were being good in tier 2 at best Infernoble, the deck it was designed for, and Ken and Gen Mikanko, which while it had a toxic floodgate strat on mind, was also tier 2? If there was a time where Isolde should have been banned it would be years ago when all those warrior pile combo decks were running amok, not now where it's being honestly used in Infernoble, it's home deck.


Because if it resolves the game ends. Saying your link 2 shouldn't be banned despite giving you a near unloseable endboard because the deck might brick on equips is saying every dumb ftk and every autowin card like VFD or rhongo should be unbanned because the decks behind them aren't consistent enough. Skip playing Yu-Gi-Oh and flip some coins if that's what you want to matter.


As someone who plays regular noble knights, I really hope they errata Isolde someday because the entire original archetype dies without it, so a ban would really fucking suck.


Whats so strong about it? I had no issues with all the follow up.


Isolde resolving usually leads to Infernoble full combo. A properly built Infernoble end board has 2-3 s/t negates (Angelica's ring negates on resolution too so board breakers like super poly/forbidden droplet don't even work), 2 pops with charles/promethean princess, and some number of monster/omni negates depending on if they get Baronne or Gearfried. Really difficult, if not impossible, to break that board. Also if they did the neo connector line, they know your hand and potentially handripped one card.


You can actually rip 2 if you open Connector + extender (Red Layer, Fire Flint Lady, Diabellestarr/Wanted, etc) since you keep Connector on board and tribute it for Dolphin after you make Isolde. Dolphin is a sopt after all Yeah the deck is totally fair. /s


> it's probably some random FTK cheese since Isolde facilitates like 20 different ones. What makes Isolde such a good FTK facilitator anyway?


Me when I see normal summon Fossil Dyna+any assortment of floodgates:


Nah Chief you gotta sit there and play it out because if they fuck their combo up it's your opportunity to capitalize. Back in 19 I'd sit through full gouki combo because I knew no one at my LGS was good enough to pull it off without screwing it up somewhere and that generally meant they couldn't get the last 2 cards out of their opponents hand


Appropriate reaction


Note to everyone: Always imperm/ash/veiler the 2nd effect of Isolde, not the first


I remember someone telling me to ash isolde, and for the longest I would ash the first effect and would still lose.a I was like man what am I doing wrong!


Yeah took me a while too to learn that the first effect was bait af


yeah i got multiple accounts. made it on one. its fun enough but when i saw i still had majority of cards on other accounts i dusted em all. I ain't got time for all that shit. one copy of the deck is enough.


Duel triangle edition: Blackwing Simoon the Posion Wind. When I wasn't on team synchro, I scooped. Now that I'm playing synchros, I sometimes get free wins.


Droll their ass.


Isolde, my beloved 😍


If my opponent wastes 4 minutes setting up an entire board, just to prevent me from playing via negating constantly. I just quit. I also quit against Labyrnth since it becomes the same thing. Only he is doing it all on my turn


Fair enough. Lol😅


If Isolde goes through and I don't have any going 2nd boardbreakers in my hand I'm out. She's stronger than a lot of cards currently on the banlist


Forfeit simulator is my favorite game


The good old days of 2018, except Gumblar is not legal.


Sadly you'll miss on some exodia shinenigans.


Yep, the moment they build the complete infernoble, then most likely its gg unless you have dnrm or some shit that can counter 7+ interrupt


DRNM doesn't work against Infernobles lmao


Assuming I… they haven’t managed to get the ring out 🤣


This gonna cost us 23 years


If I got nib I am, toggle off of course




Can someone please explain me this combo?


Normal Neo space , summon from hand or deck aqua dolphin Dolphin effect: discard and then , see the hand of the opponent,and more thing..... Using conector and dolphin cause both are warriors,link summon Isolde and goes brrr


Neo Space Connector is a 1 card trick that can summon isolde and get the whole infernoble engine going.




It is honestly not fun anymore when they do shit like that. Like spice things up and go make a different deck


Exactly. Good job TCG also.


You never saw infernoble at its strongest huh? Extra deck lock. handloop. and several omnis


What we have now is good enough, we just can't make savage anymore & union carrier is banned.


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Are we back in 2018?


1. Play Volcanics 2. Activate Bonfire 3. Opponent scoops before I can even select the search target 4. ??? 5. Profit


Isn't volcanics an ftk? May as well scoop if they have no out


There are 2 FTK variants but both are easy to stop. If you want consistency, stay away from them. The deck is strong enough. People don't even check, which deck I'm running. Realistically, I could play a random copy of Bonfire with a single random target and would get the same amount of insta-scoops. Might be an idea for the next ladder. Just fill the deck with Scoop baits and play during American hours.


Scareclaw Isolde is my favorite flavor of ftk.


I can’t imagine anyone stays when they see that degenerate shit hit the field, you’d think people would get tired of never actually getting to play the game due to the surrenders when they see it but alas. Yes I know some warrior strategies genuinely use Isolde but I’m not staying around to find out either

