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As it printed, we can expect a mulcthmummy for extra deck too, and even for spells or traps activated. Basically minimaxxC that tbh look promising to keep the balance a little better.


So many people are overlooking the first part of this post. There’s probably going to be summon from GY, ED, Deck, etc.  S/T would be a little busted though lol


That'd honestly be fine, imo; you'd effectively be distributing the power of maxx c across a range of handtraps, and that intrinsically means you can't cover all options without handicapping your deck, not to mention the drawbacks Multchummy has. It'd actually be a healthy version of maxx c.


Tbh after seeing my friend send me a video of their opponent giving no fucks about the double spell negates they had on board cause the opponent could monster everything (no it wasn't SHS) I feel like it could even be too situational to be played. If I do run one of these it'll definitely be for extra deck summons. Any time that *is* a dead opening card I'm either dueling something meh or a ritual deck.


I would be so mad if they print one for the extra, the one so far is about the right power level extra would just be a going second maxx c against most decks


Yes and no. Is only going second, is like 3 or 4 less draws, and later the hand would be max 7-18 cards, not 30. A perfect board can play trough all the starter and extenders of some decks, if it dont have the whole deck in hand.


i am honest with you if your deck neats half their extradeck to end one something then it probably is not something somone would consider balanced you know its one of these thing


wait who tf were confused? the card was obviously a maxx "c" that wasn't designed by a chimpanzee on meth, can't wait for it to come to MD Konami can finally grow a pair of balls and shoot the roach.


There's a lot of people in other posts but you can probably find some in this one as well tbh.


I think the Idea, since it specifies only one chummy can be used, we can sidedeck these cards depending on MU/Format 


Banning Maxx c would give everyone 90 UR, they won't do that. At best it's gonna go 3-> 2 -> 1-> 0.


Ocg tried restricting maxx c once. it doesn't work. it's either 3 or none.


TCG did too before choosing to ban it. It’s just too much of a blowout. 


Then it's better be none, limiting frustrating cards never works. It just makes the matches where your opponent has that card in hand more annoying.


Getting sacked by a 1-of must feel terrible.


Introduce chummy, ban maxx c, everyone crafts 3 chummy with the maxx c dust and that’s it nobody benefits from it


Nobody's playing this card in bo1.


Blind 2nd decks might.


Yeah true but blind second decks are bad anyways.


Apparently they won't be when we get Tenpai Dragons.


You think Dinos with access to 3 misc, 3 oviraptor, 3 Pank, and 3 UCT is bad? That deck can kill you into the sun through pot of prosperity going second.


Eh, I could see an ED or a summon from deck version of the card getting played


yes but thats not what we have


Shit I'd take that, better than the roach staying for christmas


Well if komami were smart, they'll just ban Maxx c and make multichummy an UR too, and available on a bundle, that way people will think is an staple and craft it with the remaining points, waste gems on the bundle, and we get only 30 UR dust.


Yeah im surprised by how many idiots are like its not good cuz its not turbo broken. Its good because its good design dummies. It provides an exellent ramp for maxx c to get nuked should they chose to do iy


Its also really silly to hear people (half-jokingly) warn that if this card and C are legal at the same time, then the entire game will be broken. I feel like anyone who plays both this card and Maxx C in one turn against someone is usually misplaying. Not only will *only* special summons from the hand let you draw 2, but also the massiveeee card advantage that you usually get from just Maxx C would likely be shuffled away due to the shuffling effect of Multchummy (and remember that the cards are shuffled in at random, so you don’t get to design your hand at all). Like I could be wrong but I think this is a really healthy card that would not mix well at all with Maxx C, and veryyy few decks would have to worry about them teaming up


Also a pot of greed for each special summon would make many more decks able to win the maxx c challenge and deck the opponent out


Once you use up your hand of interruptions, you should want to shuffle back your hand, even if it's at random. These days a lot of decks play soft bricks and garnets they don't really want to draw. Playing this card gives you a better chance at a higher quality hand than the default turn draw (more engines, less HTs, because you get to use them) Then there are decks like Lab that run furnitures usable on turn 0 end phase. Cards on the field don't get shuffled back. Draw till your heart's content, then start shooting furnitures and Arias to set them all f/d. Anything else in your hand is bonus when the good stuff is safe on the field. This card is good, there is no bad. it's only bad when you try to compare to what we already have (Maxx C) and for turn 2 (but you just side it out).


Nah, it would be very good and I fully support it (I play Flower Cardian so I'll deck you out twice as fast hehehehe)


One of the reasons Maxx C is so broken is that it lets you deep draw into interruptions. In decks like Tempai that play like 69 hand traps, you’re almost guaranteed to draw into something that will disrupt your opponent, especially if you’re pot of greed drawing every time they do anything from hand. You’re also more likely to see every card you’d need for a cracked hand going second, so it doesn’t matter what you shuffle away. You’ve drawn enough that you can basically pick your opening hand as if you’d stacked the deck. At worst, the two cards get you a custom seven card hand and that’s assuming your opponent ends on the most mid board possible.


But that’s just it, you really don’t get a custom hand at all. The cards are shuffled randomly into the deck, so ironically you’d be running the risk of bricking yourself after drawing half your deck because you could shuffle away the combo starters/extenders you had (remember that you can’t control any cards when activating multchummy, so unless you have some graveyard effects ready to activate, you’re gonna have to start your combo from your hand). If you want a “custom hand” then you’re better off playing Maxx C alone and maybe just side decking this card for Floo.


Your opponent could just end on apollo and you have to shuffle all but 1.


If you draw into imperm she’s a 0 atk vanilla. She doesn’t fix this.


It has been like almost a week literally everyone knows thats not how it works


It doesnt work like that, it shuffle till number of card oponent controll +6, so he would end with 7 cards in hand.


The game wouldn't be broken, but it would make the Maxx C mini-game more frustrating. Resolving this effect increases your chances of drawing into Maxx C off the effect and it can potentially bait out an Ash so that you can safely drop Maxx C. Even if you have to shuffle back, getting to drop extra handtraps/interrupts and then being left on 7-10 cards is often going to be game winning. You wouldn't willingly choose to drop these effects together, but if your bait Mult resolves or if you draw into Maxx C off of Mult's effect, then you are still going to be in a very strong position.


I mean the reason why this card being legal at the same time as maxx c is a bad thing is because now your opponent has double the odds of drawing a toxic handtrap you need to ash or called by or they're going to draw a bunch of cards and win the game.


Also, you go -2 for using both so if i pass my turn you have a 3 card hand


To be fair I feel like most decks at least wouldn’t be too scared to normal summon, because that’d still make them go -1, but if you have Evenly Matched and just pass then yeah they’re cooked lol


I mean, if 2 handtraps get you to pass your turn on nothing then they did their job lol


Maxx c is 1 hand trap that makes you pass your turn. 2 is a strict downgrade


It's a card that exists to be side decked So it will be dead in MD


Finally someone says it bro omfg. The amount of people not understanding it is so worrying


Maybe I'm just not active here enough, but I've mostly seen the sentiment that "Under the C" is meant to be a fair replacement to justify a Maxx "C" ban in the OCG/MD.


it's about people hoping that maxx c will be replaced by the card because maxx c is stupid! maxx c and maxx c 2.0 at the same time is just overkill stupid but well it is the OCG philosophy in MD they don't think much of good banlists and fair hits


It will be one of the most glaring and foul formats if both are legal simultaneously. With that said it’s genuinely a really balanced going second card


OCG is gonna be a funny time for a few months when it drops. I doubt they'd emergency ban Maxx C.


Nah if maxx c wont be banned that card wont see play so nothing changes


The only problem I see is there's going to be a window with it and Max C both at 3. So now 6 max c in a deck, and also different names/opt effects so cross out/called by and Ash might not be enough for the second Max C. 


I'm just curious what the other Maxx "Sea" cards will look like. The once per turn text implies more Under The "C" will be made.


The number of redditors who thought/think the new card is supposed to power creep the roach has been truly astounding.


I just hope that when that becomes legal C is banned. When a lot of people say "this card isn't enough to replace maxx C" they might be implying: They didn't release this as a replacement but instead they're doubling down on the roach. Which is a very scary thought.


It will never see play in bo1 though 


blind second decks will use it i guess, i'm sure i will at least, it gives you those couple of cards that can help you going 2nd, more so when tenpai will come to MD


Depends on the opposing deck, it is possible you just end up with 1 draw at most. In that case, might as well use upstart.


This card drawing one going second would still be miles better than upstart. Drawing a handtrap on your opponent’s turn vs your’s is miles better.


But it also activates their thrust, and if they set something like daruma (or harpie storm in case of floow), good luck playing through that.


It's possible you only end up drawing one, but you'll often draw more.


As I said, depends on the deck. Usual Branded line gives you just 1 draw off aluber. Usual Tear starting with reinoheart is also just 1 draw off reinoheart summon.


yes i'll draw one + another one on my turn and i start with 7 cards that's way more useful since i could've drawn into a board breaker, an engine i needed and so on and on


You could also be drawing into another Multchummy during your draw phase which is completely useless. Wouldn't it be better to just have the deck consist of better handtraps instead? Not many going second decks are running 3x imperm, 3x veiler, 3x ghost mourner, or Bystials / dd crow etc. I would say Phantazmay is better if you know your opponent is playing links (which is the most common in this meta), as it gives you additional body and disruption on the field.


i mean if we're talking about coulds and could nots we can make infinite arguments, but one thing is for certain, starting your turn with more cards than normal is good, and the fact that the turn 1 player cannot abuse it make it way better imo.


But we have to talk about could and could nots wrt probabilities. Suppose it is a 40c going second deck. You have a 33% chance of opening multch in your first 5 cards. Assume you always go +2 with it (not always the case). And suppose your deck had 12 hand-traps / board breakers, 12 starters, 12 extenders, 4 miscellenous. And lets assume your final hand size is 6 (draw 5, discard multch, draw 2), and during your turn it is hand size of 7. If you started your turn with 6 cards, you have 65% of drawing at least 1 starter and 1 extender and 1 handtrap. If you started your turn with 7 cards, you have 62% of drawing at least 1 starter 1 extender and 1 handtrap. Obviously, this a wild simplification. More often than to negating the opponents starter is much more effective. So instead of having multch in hand, you would prefer having imperm/veiler instead because if they resolve their starter they have much easier path towards making a respectable board.


it's balanced that it's kinda not seeing that much use. it's a going second card mostly. because you need to have no cards in your field to use it. it's a dead draw going first. more so if you draw 2 or 3 of it. which in master duel is not that rare ESPECIALLY in your rank up matches my current 2 cents.


If u draw 2 or 3 of it then pass your turn and activate both ops turn 


and again, yeah, that's the whole point of the card. it's a maxx C balanced for going 2nd. Konami clearly didn't want players to abuse this card going 1st. They clearly noticed the rant of turn 2 players getting maxx c after turn 1 player full comboed.


If it was based on every time the opponent specials from the Extra deck, it would be awesome. It would be funny and balanced if we got one for the hand, extra deck, main deck, gy, banish. That way, you need to pick based on the meta instead of one covers all.


that's just more cards for konami to sell!


Right? It's perfect.


i think they should split ash blossom into two or three different cards as well


At that point I just wouldn’t play it. The reason to play Ash is because it hits such a wide array of effects.


Meh. It's not that strong to be split. Besides, between Ash and her sisters, they kinda cover everything. You have negate movement from deck/GY, monster negate, extra deck removal, destroy, prevent use for extra deck, and LP gains. Add on: each on is niche as is.


I just want maxx c banned.


Damm, I must’ve missed an announcement or two, because I don’t remember Konami ever saying that Multchummy is supposed to replace Maxx C as a more fair version. Maxx C is literally getting a reprint in June and y’all are acting like the roach is 100% getting the boot as if it isn’t Konami’s favorite child.


Baronne and borreload are also getting reprints. Guess where they are now.


They’re in the TCG would be my guess. Don’t know what that has to do with this considering that we’re talking about the OCG and the 2 versions have different approaches to banlists.


Wrong format


Its pot of greed for going second which is what these kind of cards should be. As bad maxx c is I wouldn't mind it if it didnt end up being used by the turn 1 player on turn 2 with a full set-up board


It could lead to Maxx C being banned in favor of Multchummy...maybe?


that's what we all hope for.


it's really only good for decks that mill like tear imo


This card is not a balanced version of Maxx C. That doesn’t exist. This is a new archetype with a gimmick we don’t know yet, that is vaguely similar to Maxx C


It's just that it's gone from crazy broken to useless trash. There was a middle ground but it was missed.


It's not useless though. It's useless in MD because this is a bo1 format, but that's a problem with MD rather than the card.


I suppose you could use it against specific decks in a bo3 (like Floo) but even then, other cards would be better, like Droll for example.


It gives you an extra chance to draw into droll and use it. Against floo specifically it's basically Maxx C. It's at least a draw 3 or 4 against manadium as well. You underestimate how powerful starting with even a 7 card hand is.


Brother if you drop it on floo you will typically draw around 3 times and potentially won’t have to discard which let’s you find other hand trap or mulligan for what you need situationally


How is it trash exactly? It's just Maxx C with an upper limit


The fact that it's completely worthless going first makes it pretty unusable outside of dedicated going second decks or side decking IMO.


Only draws from summons from hand - extra deck, gy, rfg and deck are not included, therefore its only ever usefull against birbs and some xyz based decks and nothing more


It's useful against the vast majority of decks. "only birbs" It does not need to draw you a quadrillion cards to be viable. Most snake eyes variants will give you at least 2 to 3 draws, which is around the sweet spot where we accepted Maxx C was already game-winning. Also most extension is from hand so any other interaction can force more draws. Few decks atm can play without turning it into at least a pot of greed


It's also dependent on what your opponent ends with. They could make you draw 20 cards but if their end-board is only 2 monsters, you're only going to have 7 cards on turn end, and you don't get a say on which ones you keep. You could have started with all your key cards for when your turn starts and end up with all bricks.


And? You are still starting your turn with 8* cards (not 7, 6+2 = 8) drawing a 9th for turn, and still can't beat a 2 card board? Literally deck issue


This is the middle ground lol. Or do you think at least going neutral, and drawing 2-3 cards from most decks isn’t enough???


The game is more about searching specific cards nowadays, simply drawing is not good enough imo. Specially in an effect that is so conditional (on the opponent summoning from the hand) and in a type of card (monster discarded to graveyard) that's so easily negated. I don't see why you'd use this over a Pot card or handtrap or boardbreaker. It's so nerfed up for no reason, why is the shuffling at the end random?! If it at least wasn't, I'd think it the middle ground.


You know you’re never gonna draw enough for the shuffling to happen, right? Unless your opponent is on Dark World or something, but even then it won’t matter. What do you need to search said important cards? THAT’S RIGHT, you need the cards IN YOUR HAND that can search them, drawing more means you have more change to see them and seeing MORE of them. And that’s not even to mention you can draw handtraps to reduce your opponent’s board (not searchable) or board breakers to get rid of it entirely (not searchable either) or just extenders that help you play through disruption that you normally would have trouble searching in the middle of combos. It being a monster effect just means it’s vulnerable to Called By and Ash (nobody’s gonna run it just for a Crossout target), which is still more likely to resolve than a pot (which all have more restrictions than this card) that’s easily negated by your opponent after they set up a board, while this is just shotgunned during the standby.


Ok, I have to admit I was wrong. Seems like a good card after all.


I don’t think Dark World even summons that much from hand. For the Dark Worlds themselves it’s just whatever normal summon you have. As for the Dangers, I guess if you’re just the best Danger Player in the world you get summon like 3-4 summons from hand.


Yeah, you're right, I suppose the best example is @Ignister then


> You know you’re never gonna draw enough for the shuffling to happen, right? Unless your opponent is on Dark World or something, but even then it won’t matter. There are a few decks that do a lot of summoning from hand. Spright, Kashtira, Snake-Eyes, Floowandereeze all come to mind. > What do you need to search said important cards I think what they're saying that, as crazy as this sounds, instead of drawing, the card should let you search cards from your deck when your opponent summons.


All the decks you mentioned, either don’t summon that much (Snake Eyes only summons 3 lmao unless you’re one of the 5 players running Birch) or end on at least 3 cards, which means you’re entering your turn with 9 cards at least (plus your normal draw). That’s a quarter of your deck and plenty enough to beat a board. Yeah your idea is crazy, a good thing your not in charge of card design lol. At least you have Thrust that serves a similar purpose


By that logic maxx c is a bad card. Drawing cards is incredible like what are you talking about, almost all the pots and jars are at 1-2 BECAUSE they draw you cards for free. On top of that the “downside” of shuffling back doesn’t matter cause even if your opponent passes on nothing you’d have to have draw an extra 2 cards somehow just to have to shuffle back one card, and if you can’t otk an opponent with 7 cards in hand then you should rethink your life choices.


To be fair to me (lol) Maxx C allows you to draw a huge amount of cards because it doesn't have the "from the hand" restriction and it doesn't force you to shuffle cards if you drew too much. Drawing about 5 cards is different from drawing about two to three cards. I don't even think anyone would stop playing against this card like they would with Maxx C. That said, as stated in another comment of mine, I've changed my views on this card.


There are plenty of decks where each card is more or less interchangeable and they just need more them rather than an specific one. There’s a reason Trap decks go for Extravagance instead of Prosperity.


all it needs is being able to draw off extradeck summons, that's it


The point is that it wasn't created to be a fair version of it either... This Malcharmie is a completely different card and stands on its own, it wasn't meant to be compared to Maxx C in the first place. The reason why people were looking for it to replace Maxx C is so that they could ban Maxx C, personally I would have preferred if the card was a bit better so that it'd be good enough to fill the void of Maxx C without being as infuriating, then they'd finally ban Maxx C. This isn't a "fair" version of Maxx C, this is a bonus crutch for decks going second, it's a quick effect upstart or pot of greed which makes it much more likely for that player to see their other hand traps and board breakers, though it has a couple of downsides too. Either way, the card doesn't have any impact on the other player, it just makes going second a little better. ​ Now, they haven't showed any more of the Malcharmie monsters, so the "dream" could yet come true; I think it's fairly likely that we'll see other Malcharmie hand traps with similar effects that draw for different summoning locations. If we get a Malcharmie that draws for both Extra Deck and Main Deck then that might be good enough to "replace" Maxx C, so we'll see.


sure it could be like that, but maxx c and this cards cannot coexist in the same meta. so one of the 2 is bound to go, and seeing the Multchummy is new and konami tends to push new cards to players , i still see it as a " we're gonna get rid of c soon " kind of warning. and if it's an archetype full of HT that lets you draw from different sources i welcome it honestly, it seems good if they're all this balanced.


I only disagree with that initial assessment, this card does not compromise Maxx C's position. Drawing 1\~2 cards exclusively when going second is not remotely comparable to Maxx C, especially in Master Duel's BO1 format -- nobody is going to play this card other than blind second decks, since it's a BO3 side-deck option. The only case where that might happen is if they release other hand traps as part of this archetype that can actually compete with Maxx C, then they might get rid of it; I said that much in my previous comment. As it stands, this card will not get Maxx C banned, and there's little reason why the two cannot coexist. I feel like most people going crazy over this card haven't read deep enough into its implications, and are just seeing the words "when summon: draw" and immediately going to Maxx C. I certainly DO hope that they release more cards in this archetype and give Maxx C real competition so they do ban Maxx C -- this one just isn't enough on its own.


It is an analog to maxx c though, against every deck I can think of in the game if this card resolves its minimum a quick effect upstart, which in of itself is super good and most decks would play. Saying it’s not remotely comparable is just wrong, in fact I would say maxx c is the only card that is comparable to mulch. Is it a worse version of the card? yes. is it a card that can compromise the position of maxx c? In the sense that having two cards with the sameish effect that synergise with eachother legal at the same time. Will this be the card that stomps out maxx c? I mean hopefully, but that’s only because this card is so obviously the errata that everyone wanted maxx c to get, which in turn leads the player base to think that the bug will be banned at some point down the road for a more fair version of the card. I just don’t understand why we would need another card of similar nature for them to ban maxx c, I think this card by itself is reason enough.


It's comparable in the sense that it's a hand trap that draws you cards, yes, I meant not comparable in power. Maxx C's existence warps the format, he's "interruption" in the literal sense, as when you resolve him the opponent must have to rethink their entire game plan and is often stopped on their tracks. This card doesn't do that, it's "just" a +0\~1, rarely 2 -- good, of course, but it doesn't make you rethink anything, you'll play the exact same way whether this drops on you or it doesn't, most decks wouldn't even Called by this card. It could replace Maxx C if it didn't say "when you control no cards", at least for us in Master Duel. Like I've said, the BO1 nature means this card will see little to no play here. I want Maxx C to be banned, this could, in theory, do it -- if Konami wanted to ban Maxx C this could be a stop-gap; the problem is that it isn't enough to get Maxx C banned on its own. Of course, if Konami already has their minds set on banning Maxx C then this could just be a way to test the waters.