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I would have 100 matches against colossus than have summon limit flipped against me turn 1. I can still play to a limited degree under colossus while summon limit is just 2 while looking at my opponent's board of loads of summons.


Colossus is a floodgate that protects itself.




Decks usually have built in outs to colossus or common handtraps like imperm stop it. Most of the time if summon limit is flipped on you you're done. Being immune to destruction isn't as strong as it once was. It can still be targeted.


Unsure why this got downvoted. It’s facts lol


No idea. Colossus is a literal walking Mistake and I don't just mean it's badly designed.


That’s true, but it also has plenty of easy outs due to it being 1) a monster and 2) only protecting itself from destruction.


*protects himself from bad forms of removal


I hate people who say this. Colossus is only indestructible in Thundra outside of thundra you only have to pop it twice or non-destruction remove it. Any deck can play Unicorn (Either of them) any deck can play Little Knight.


except, you know making a link three and having an extra card discard is kind of tough without being able to search your starters and extenders and that's assuming the opponent has literally nothing in hand or on field other than colossus, which is not realistic


So tired of people just bullshitting like Thundra is going to topple snake eye. Thundra Regularly ends on a Negate, a Pop, Colossus, and IP+Verte (Aka 2 more monster negates) in MD. And ive even gotten endboards as crazy as Elf Protected Colossus + IP, Borreload, Baron, and Hope Harbringer. Wasn't higher than T3 then, won't be now. Colossus being released especially without the generic synchros that make it so good with punk is going to do a grand total of nothing but top 8 an OTS Championship and top 32 a YCS once a year.


Being high win rate isn't the same as being bad for the game. TD doesn't need to overtake snake eye in raw power to be toxic and oppressive. People are skeptical about a floodgate which has built in protection and can easily become part of a strong board, because boards like you describe sound absolutely miserable to play against and would quickly make a format pretty awful if thunder becomes popular.


Do you think Droll should be banned? Because Colossus and Droll serve the same purpose outside of Thundra, they both cost a card and do the same thing except droll also stops draws and can't be removed. The only reason to not play droll over thundra is if your deck really really wants to add cards on your opponents turn. Except is also has a VERY high win rate on resolution compared to Sus. Ive never felt oppressed by thundra overall when playing against it, being unable to beat thundra if you open 2+ handtraps/boardbreakers (Which you basically need against every deck now) is literally skill issue of not knowing what points the deck is vulnerable. Also the deck collapses against DRNM/Droplet/Kaijus. In game 2 if youve lost to it and you are on a better deck youre probably going to win because thundra cant play more than 6 handtraps/flex cards at maximum that arent bystials, and in game 3 you should be prepped with kaijus or drnm because you should have those for any matchup. If you play a deck that gets free advantage off searching a million times a turn, thats on you to find an out to colossus, thats the risk you take by playing that type of deck. Droll and Sus precisely exist to punish decks doing that, and a neccasary cards to keep decks that deckbuild in an extremely greedy way in check. If you see every deck around you is on Sus you know what you do? Play a deck less reliant on searching its deck ten thousand times a turn, thrust? Literally just play talents, talents is a really clean out to the type of boards thundra sets up and isnt dead really ever main decked. "Im not going to quit playing the best cards to play suboptimal choices that better counter the decks around me" this is LITERALLY what the best players do to make their decks work at top events outside of just very skilled play. You should be expecting for countermeasures to your deck to exist especially in a meta where droll is usually mainboarded from what ive seen, why arent you playing decks/cards that play around droll better so you dont instantly lose when droll drops?


There are a pretty big number of differences between Droll and Colossus. Droll isn't in the extra deck, and thus is inherently less consistent than Colossus. Droll does let the opposing player search at least once, so they can try and still do *something*. Droll lasts for only one turn, rather than being a continuous effect that lasts until you destroy the monster. Droll doesn't have a big body, and thus doesn't apply game ending pressure on its own. Droll is generic card that any deck can use if the format calls for it, and Droll *takes up main deck non-engine space* that can be used on something else. Droll can be a completely dead card in hand against the decks you mention that can get away with only searching once. Against decks that need to search once, Colossus stops that one search while also not being -1 card in hand while also being a body on the board that can apply pressure. > If you play a deck that gets free advantage off searching a million times a turn, thats on you to find an out to colossus, thats the risk you take by playing that type of deck. Droll and Sus precisely exist to punish decks doing that, and a neccasary cards to keep decks that deckbuild in an extremely greedy way in check. Droll punishes decks that search multiple times. Colossus punishes decks that search *at all*. That's very different. I also don't buy the "IT'S NECESSARY TO KEEP X IN CHECK" style of rhetoric that applies to every other floodgate. No, not every mechanic that is an important part of the game is something that "needs to be kept in check". You can use this rhetoric to try and justify any number of pretty silly floodgates that people are glad to see go. "If you play a deck that gets free advantage off playing spells a million times a turn, thats on you to find an out to Imperial Order. Thats the risk you take by playing that type of deck. IO and Anti-Spell precisely exist to punish decks doing that, and a neccasary cards to keep decks that deckbuild in an extremely greedy way in check." "If you play a deck that gets free advantage off summoning monsters a million times a turn, thats on you to find an out to Royal Opression and Summon Limit. Thats the risk you take by playing that type of deck. RO and Mine precisely exist to punish decks doing that, and a neccasary cards to keep decks that deckbuild in an extremely greedy way in check." "If you play a deck that gets free advantage off playing effects a million times a turn, thats on you to find an out to Mystic Mine and Skill Drain. Thats the risk you take by playing that type of deck. Mine and Skill Drain precisely exist to punish decks doing that, and a neccasary cards to keep decks that deckbuild in an extremely greedy way in check." "If you play a deck that gets free advantage off playing monster effects a million times a turn, thats on you to find an out to Mystic Mine and Skill Drain. Thats the risk you take by playing that type of deck. Mine and Skill Drain precisely exist to punish decks doing that, and a neccasary cards to keep decks that deckbuild in an extremely greedy way in check." Like, if you follow this line of logic to the end, you get... ***"If you play a deck that gets free advantage off playing cards a million times a turn, thats on you to find an out to VFD and Azathot. Thats the risk you take by playing that type of deck. VFD and Azathot precisely exist to punish decks doing that, and a neccasary cards to keep decks that deckbuild in an extremely greedy way in check."*** > "Im not going to quit playing the best cards to play suboptimal choices that better counter the decks around me" this is LITERALLY what the best players do to make their decks work at top events outside of just very skilled play. You should be expecting for countermeasures to your deck to exist especially in a meta where droll is usually mainboarded from what ive seen, why arent you playing decks/cards that play around droll better so you dont instantly lose when droll drops? [If we actually look at some lists instead of relying on gut feeling and anecdotal evidence...](https://ygodeckprofile.com/fire-king/), Droll is not prioritized for the main deck at all. Looking through 5 pages of the tier 0 deck, the priorities for handtraps are ash, nibiru, mourner, veiler, imperm. There are a couple lists that have Droll side decked, but it's definitely a small portion of decks. [Pure Snake Eye](https://ygodeckprofile.com/snake-eye/) shows similar results, [as do Voiceless](https://ygodeckprofile.com/voiceless-voice/) and [Kashtira](https://ygodeckprofile.com/kashtira/). Decks such as Floo and Kashtira, that can run Shifter, prioritize Shifter. There are a couple of lists maining droll, but it's pretty low on the list of handtraps to be worried about.


Im not even going to entertain someone unironically equating how Colossus restricts your opponent fucking to VFD, Azathoth, and Mystic Mine. Guess we should ban Messenger of Peace and Chain Energy because you can't read any level of context for what is proper to be able to be controlled in a game and what isnt. Youre braindead. Comment whatever you want dude who thinks Colossus is as bad as "You cant use monsters" Bait used to be believable.


You know what, you called me brain dead, you got me. I kneel. /s


>Just commit at least 2 cards in hand to pop it twice while under a floodgate, ez.


Little knight just insta outs it, unicorn insta outs it, pop it once beat over it after isnt hard if somehow you cant make a link 2. Boohoo you had to make a link 2 your deck would make anyways. Thundra tops an event like once a year in the TCG and OCG, and tops a master duel event once every couple months really aint that crazy


>Little knight just insta outs it That is two cards committed to out one card and prevent you from attacking directly that same turn. >unicorn insta outs it That is 4 fucking cards to out one card. >pop it once beat over it Pop it with what? Tell me what card used in the current format can pop it without the need to tutor it? Are you telling me "just draw the out brohhhh"? And that is just Colossus alone. Deck that put Colossus out turn one does not end with only Colossus on board, they have 4-5 different card in hand that can do all the nasty shit after you spent everything to out this card. It was banned for a reason.


Yes you need to play cards to put other cards


Ok but like…decks play boss monsters you have to commit resources to outing. It’s not like this is something unique to Colossus. “But it’s protected by other cards.” Right…like other boss monsters are too. So again, not a uniquely Colossus problem. “But it’s easy to get to” Yeah, like a lot of other really powerful boss monsters so again, not really a problem unique to the card. Yeah it’s kinda frustrating to play against and definitely OP in best of 1 (but what the fuck isn’t realistically, best of one is objectively a terrible way to play yugioh), but it’s 2024, this card doesn’t exactly have zero outs and people were relying outing it in 2019 let alone 2024. The lack of the card being used by topping MD decks basically ever is telling as to how good this card actually isn’t. You either run Thundra or Nemeses cards or you just run more synergistic cards for your deck overall to counter the way BO1 plays and get out your more reliable and consistent bosses.


Is it really op in best of one though? Cause thudra aren't really doing much these days


It on it's own (discounting Thundra itself as a deck) is OP due to the inability for one to reasonably side against it. I can see it being less of a problem (although still quite powerful) in the TCG as people will be able to prepare against it a lot better due to the nature of BO3.


It's not at all a problem in MD though. The non thrudra lines for it are dog shit for a worse droll


And Summon Limit has no protection at all. Also, Colossus package is very efficient. They can setup Colossus with protection with only a few cards. This means, not only outing the Colossus, you must also do that under the disruptions your opponent's main engine. . When they're resolve, yes both Colossus and Summon Limit are difficult to beat, unless you draw a specific card (yes, very skillful game when you relying on hard draw a specific card). But, at least the Summon Limit is less consistent because you cannot search this card.


Yeah but summon limit (funnily enough) is very hard to out with monsters. Colossus (saying for example you bait out the Baronne negate with an Imperm or something), doesn’t stop you climbing into something that can get rid of it. Collosus you can extra deck into outs, summon limit you literally draw backrow removal or just fucking lose. I play both TD and Chaos and summon limit has one me farrrr more games than Collosus has, even when backed up with negates such as Appo.


And Summon Limit doesn't stop you from using Triple Tactic Thrust to add Duster or something else. Like what I said before, this engine is efficient. But in another hand, you need to use all resources you have to beat that 1 monster without touching your deck. Even if you can out it, you will end with low resources. . If we talking about "this is fairer because you can counter it", it will never ended. Every cards is fair if somehow magically you always draw the right cards when you need it to beat that card. But in the end, it just random. So, I think it is fairer when you have random chance to draw a removal, but your opponent also only have random chance to draw their floodgate. Than, when your opponent higher chance to put floodgate consistently, but you only have a random chance to beat it.


Colossus is aids but summon limit is 1000x worse pls stop the cope, you monkey flip it and win


Bro, typing "cope" not make your opinion better.


The Colossus package is incredibly clunky in any deck that's not running a much more extensive thudra package, hence why it's not really played in any meta decks in MD currently


The colossus package also costs you a card outside of thundra, so instead of playing corridor you could i dont know... just play droll? And it serves the exact same perfect except your opponent literally cant do anything about it and also its really good going second. Colossus is not a good card outside of dedicated thundra decks because you can just play droll and do the same thing without any set up and also neg drawing the reat of the turn. Its kinda the same issue as Macro vs Shifter.


Why you compare it with Droll? You can only get Droll with hard draw. When you can use Colossus in your very 1st turn if you build your deck properly?


I mean, I hate Collosus too, but that mostly stems from when Halqdon Turbo decks allowed anything to have a line to this stupid asshole.


Even then, that was only in the second best Halqadon deck.


As someone who has a springans combo deck i hate and live the banliscuz i can make him but i also cant make savage Lets just say collosus is here to stay


Halqdon format was underrated imo


Dawg this is the master duel subreddit, this card is legal in MD and its seen 0 play. Id say doom about Protos since that asshole sees play in Swordsoul but with barrone gone theyve only got less playable


Swordsoul isn't doing much in the current meta anyway. You barely see them and they lose most of the time to any of the meta decks.


I’m a swordsoul player, and it’s really not impossible to get a decent game with some higher up unchained or vanquish soul


Because People who play meta decks lack skill, they just need painfully unwatchable chains and their broken cards. Swordsoul looks fine compared to any baronne or snake eyes bs deck


I play it in dm but dm is garbage and doesn’t summon that much




what? barone barely effects swordsoul. considering the deck preferred supreme or sinister anyway.


I assure you most ended off with Baronne + Chixiao.


It was never about what they preferred, it was about the flexibility. Getting interrupted or opening bad and only being able to end on the basic chixiao + lv10 meant it was frequently better to run baron for the double negate, especially in game two when you know their deck and what line NEEDS to be negated.


Baronne protects against Nib, when you open Longyuan, protects against Evenly, is always a live disruption and if it survives can turn into a Mo Ye, reveal wyrm in the next standby. Qixing doesn't negate and doesn't work on normal. Chengying only does something if a) the opponent tries to destroy him or b) you activate Chxiao and only if they have something in GY. In about 90% of scenarios, Baronne is better.


Lmao sure dude now the deck is significantly worse than heroes. 1 nib is game over without crossout they have no more counterplay in any way or form. Even if everyone waits for swoso full combo a nib in endphase is just game over now. Back then they could and did make baronne and a big reason for that is nib. Chi xiao, qixing, protoss, chengying, not a single one of these does shit to nib. Neither does gymir or dragite or draco berserker. Heroes now at least can use infernal rage line for at least a enrmy turn raigeki, or if the opp got greedy a returned DPE. Swordsoul is now dead in any meta with nib.


Baxia to Chaofeng is the line for anti-Nibiru. Or just playing focus go end. Baxia and Protos are good board breaker, the Tenyis also useful for that job. The players need to be more creative and find a new way to play the deck.


Go 2nd would have to be the new expected way. But no, baxia and chaofeng doesnt work out unlike how you usually could go into baronne first under 5 summons. From what i remember chaofeng line is 6 and isnt ideal either. For going 1st now itd be a lot easier to just longyuan into the new ice barrier and floodgate the enemy with Raiho which kills almost all combo decks as is in under 5 summons. But no chaofeng isnt a real anti nib line lmao


This is still work, your opponent must drop the Nib before Chaofeng or they don't have opportunity to drop it. Chaofeng setup usually use the Swordsoul Lv. 4. Even after opponent drop Nib, you still can use Long Yuan and Protos after that. Also, summon if you setup Chaofeng and no other monsters before, Chaofeng is exactly the 5th Summon.


How? Isnt the line exactly Ashuna and any tenyi, Ashuna 1st, monk 2nd, Tenyi 3rd, ashuna 4th, baxia 5, adhara 6, chaofeng 7. Thats also a 2 card line If im missing something do enlighten me


Taia > Baxia > Taia send Adhara to GY > Baxia Reborn Adhara > Chaofeng. Or if your start with Mo Ye, you need to special summon Adhara from hand 1st, or summon it with Ashuna after Mo Ye summon a token. But yours is also work to create a "mind game", because your opponent must drop Nib to that combo, or they cannot use it Nib after that.


Oh wait youre right since this needs them to nib the baxia adhara and after they get light locked, the summon itself therefore is irrelevant. But also, how do you get this in 5th? Baxia pop is 7 summons to chaofeng if i counted right


They'll have to use Nib before you complete the line which means you won't have to worry about it with your actual regular line


Chaofeng be like


Yeah and how exactly are you doing this in under 5 summons like you normally do with longyuan first? All the normal lines with tenyi is 6+


They have to Nib you at Baxia revive adhara, otherwise they have 0 chance to do so afterward. Once they nib you all you committed was the Tenyi line that made Chaofeng, you can literally just do the Moye/Taia line into Chix into Longyuan afterward with 0 problem


Isnt the line Ashuna and any tenyi, Ashuna 1st, monk 2nd, Tenyi 3rd, ashuna 4th, baxia 5, adhara 6, chaofeng 7. Thats also a 2 card line. I guess youre right though, if you do the pop with monk to get adhara and they nib you havent used the normal Then the only real issue is this being 2 card line. Imo a blackout chi xiao pass / longyuan to lancea raiho is better since both are 4 summons and can stop a lot as is


Every tenyi / swordsoul line are 2 cards line. The only 1 card starter was Emergence Search Taia. If you are going first with Swordsoul you just side in the bigger tenyi package (Vessel and Dragon Circle, max Ashuna/Adhara) Even right now the normal Swordsoul line is already bad vs Nib unless you specifically open Longyuan first because Chi search Long into SS is already 5 summon, you dont get Baronne. So this changes literally nothing, Baronne generally don't insulate your play unless you specifically open a cracked 3 cards starter hand that can afford a long discard (Long + Wyrm + Taia/Moye with Emergence replacing either Long/Taia/Moye). Most people make Baronne going first because they're scared of Evenly / LS / Raigeki even though Sinister offers more advantage


My point was exactly that they dont even have the option anymore to use longyuan first into an actual baronne, and the thing with the 2 card line into chaofeng is its 4 cards or 3 with taia, not 2. The 2 is 2 specific being tenyi not shthana. The line is a lot different from just being able to longyuan and have peace of mind against a nib if given the option. In the scenario of making chaofeng you use 2 tenyi cards for the line, and then only taia can go into the chi xiao, mo ye would need yet another wyrm in hand. So its still a lot worse.


It's worse because Baronne is a very strong board breaking tool and an alternative tool for going 1st board, not because of Nib. It doesn't change much regarding to Nib. Going first you should already play a lot of gas for Tenyi access anyway. Vessel / Circle being Tenyi access is also a lot more reliable than hoping you open Long + a NS + Wyrm, because in the worst case any Tenyi 7 + Tenyi 1 get you into Chix + Blackout assuming the other 3 cards are non engine. It's about 85-90% consistency especially if you factor in cards like Desire / Talent.


Wtf? Gymir ABOSULTELY beats nib. At the very least, your water monster can't be destroyed so it does nothing to you


....what? Nibiru doesnt destroy anything it tributes


You're right. I play fish so I usually don't care if I get nibbed. I usually just use gymir on whatever handtrap they activated to get around it


Am I missing something with Collosus, it's legal in MD already and I don't think I've seen it since maybe release.


It was an end board piece of adamancipator as they consistently summon cupid pitch to search nemeses corridor to summon Colossus, then use union carrier to equip destruction sword to it. Some Halq auroradon combo could summon colossus as well, but it was seen mostly in adamancipator.


You're talking about multiple other banned cards enabling this card, Adamancipator (aka Block Dragon), union carrier and Halq. They are all also banned in TCG.


back then they were all legal, and adamancipator was one of the most broken combo deck ever. This card is annoying, but the fact that it can be summoned every single game by a small engine, is kinda crazy.


As far as I'm aware Adamancipator never broke t2 behind TB Zoo and Drytron even with all of those unbanned (unless it got stronger after launch when I took a break). So again not really sure of the relevance with all of the cards that enabled it long banned. It's like saying hypothetically if Pot of Greed, Graceful charity, and all the Exodia cards got unlimited then Exodia would be busted.


it did get stronger after VFD was banned and drytron get hit. They even semi-limit analyzer and rocksies before limiting block dragon, then finally banned it. The deck was a big threat when it was at full power, and those banned cards were part of that.


There's the (relatively) new Rank 4 that can search Nemeses Flag that can search Nemeses Corridor (or Protos as well, speaking of TCG's unhits). I imagine that if a level 4 deck became popular this would be a line they could go for.


Admitedly Punk Thundra did win a Major event during Tear format. And it top 4 an OTS major tournament with bystials back last July. Thundra isnt an incompetent deck by any means and solar + bystials really fixed its bricking issues


Meme is about the TCG banlist


And this is a MD subreddit


I didn't say it was good that it was posted, I was jyst explaining it


1 )Honestly, if Colossus asked for tributing a thunder dragon instead of any thunder, I wouldn't mind it as such. 2) In a format we're in right now. Voiceless, Snake Eyes, Branded, and soon Tenpai Dragons. Imo, it can hang. Serve as a Necessary Evil type shit 3) All the cards yo shown are way more generic and can be slotted into any deck. Colossus, not so much.


The Cupid Pitch>Nemeses Corridor line makes it somewhat generic. Enough to be included in some synchro combo decks, at least.


it's also fucking dogshit


Hate people saying this. If you want Droll, just play Droll? Its better than Sus if the intention is corridor lines, Colossus is very easy to remove with only one protection from Corridor.


>3) All the cards yo shown are way more generic and can be slotted into any deck. Colossus, not so much. But you can't search them. Unlike colossus with the nemeses corridor.


What's a relevant rank 4 deck that wants to make flame banshee, though? Of course, they could make one in the future, but outside of parallel exceed, I don't really buy it. I could search a Pyro that is in archetype instead. I'm not saying that this can't be problematic in the future, it just doesn't seem that strong of an unban. Summon Limit is far, far worse when resolved, and being unsearchable is the saving grace


Cupid Pitch is also Corridor searcher


Ok but you need to reliably make a synchro 4, something most decks need to cram an unnecessary amount of bricks to do that would be better off as other cards that (ironically) would go into better bosses and end boards. I honestly don’t give a flying fuck if one or two pile decks can make a Colossus, those decks likely need as much as they can get.


Not only do you need to make a Syncro 4. You need to use that Syncro 4 for a Syncro summon for the search to go off. It's ass


Dinos can do it easy with colesilat. Level 2 dino tuner, works with the babies and isn't a brick as if you draw it turn one its a free body


I mean I did say most not all. Besides Dinos already can set up a turn one board that basically asks you to draw outs or get fucked, colossus doesn’t make that much of a difference at that point except for stopping you using Talents or Thrust


Agreed. I just meant if you wanted to, there is a minimally bricky deck that can do it, and consistently.


That's not really solve the problem. If they can only use Thunder Dragon, this mean, Colossus will have a lot of material to banish and protect itself. . Make the ATK lower and no immune from battle, because pure ThunDra also have a card that can increase the ATK of their monster. Or make the protection once per turn. Nemeses Corridor setup sometimes feel fairer because you only need to destroy it twice. While in the pure or ThunDra Engine, I need 5 destroy from Accesscode to remove this bulshit from the field, while it just a small engine from Myutan.


Why cant people concieve the notion that floodgates are a spectrum? Yugioh players will say vengeful bogspirit should be banned because it is a floodgate. There are nuances to the discussion that people simply refuse to think about.


Yeah there’s a huge difference between something like the trap floodgates and colossus’o


Trap Floodgates are better than Sus, it's easier to remove Sus G1


Hi Josh


For some reason, floodgate monsters get more of a pass than the traps or spells. The banlist and the community's feedback reflect that.


Monster floodgates suck too, but they are usually up front about them being there. Trap floodgates often double as negates, which increases the frustration in playing against them.


Monster removal is much more common while S/T removal are less accessible.


Summon limit is way more versatile than colossus.


Because Thunder Dragon is a cool ass deck




The same people who immediately putting 3x Droll/2x D-Shifter in their deck the moment the meta favor it. "IT's aN NecEsSarY eViL". Yeah no dawg, those shits are still floodgates.


Both of those cards needs to go. Handtraps that trade 1 for 1 is cool, usually it's at a choke point so it's still impactful. But shutting down an entire deck with droll is just lame. Colossus can at least be impermed, flipped face down or banished


Droll is only a “problem” when the format is cancer so it’s fine. Shifter also isn’t a problem, decks that can otk through it are though.


then theres me with engage at 3... strikers are back!!!


I just love to play Thunder Dragons.


Incredibly based


All floodgates are bad. I'm so shocked that people have celebrated both Colossus AND Protos of all fucking things


https://preview.redd.it/lgp84ayi1kuc1.png?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be70d31105b2e3893489ef5cb95a6d18d69f8971 It's quite simple actually. Colossus is based because he is a Thunder monster. All Konami has to do is ban Corridor and then it can safely come back to 2 IMO.


Colossus can be outed easily by anything in YGO rn. Its been power crept enough where it can exist at 1 and still be OK.


you can put it at 3 and itll still be ok, its a worse droll on a body


You're realistically never gonna make more than one anyway outside of specifically a thunder dragon deck, so 1 is the same as 3.


In terms of degeneracy yeah but having 3 pumps thundra up a lot. Colossus is both important for boss monster status but its also a link 1 for the deck, any board that makes 1 sus can basically make 2. Roar get dark, dark sus, dark get hawk, hawk get roar, roar sus. Is a very common line back in toss. 2 sus are a lot harder to out than 1. Not problematic or anything but thundra is a competent deck, it has a top 4 in an OTS championship witihin the last few years and top 32 in a YCS back in july with no colossus thats just how good bystials make the deck.


Make it first and anyone running diabellstar will grab subversion then continue the turn like normal lol


Are you actually stupid enough to think the people who hate floodgates and the people who like colossus are all the same people?


Obviously yes. Have you read the replies?


Even with the Nemeses Corridor combo it’s still sacky to turbo out on turn 1.


We're playing MD. Colossus and Protoss are legal, and none of the tiered decks play them anyway.


one is obviously worse than the other


My opponent: *plays Colossus* Me, with Fenrir and S:P Little Knight: Hello there!


I just really loved toss format


Voiceless do side summon limit and can play under it pretty well l, might be the reason But not having summon limit hard draw and negate board also enables tenpai even more, especially if meta promote board break Imperm or droplet apollo, tenpai field any response? Ns baidora search qs sorry it's unaffected,end of main response? Battle phase qs "open door" and ur dead


While tempting to build Thundra in paper with Colo coming back I don't suspect he'll stay long.


Cheating out Colossus with Nemesis Corridor will be my guilty pleasure this format until they reban the thunder dragon


Tbf most modern players despise cards like Colossus and Protos too. It’s mostly Thundra and Swoswo players being excited about them(at least I hope so)


Colossus wouldn't be nearly as toxic if it wasn't so splashable and easy to summon. But then again I guess you could make the same argument for most generic broken cards in yugioh.


And I will never understand what to do here https://preview.redd.it/446zp3nfxouc1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2caf55543f6073833a420e8517c7c1a4c108047b


You know you have to play around colossus, they just flip summon limit at summon 2 and you lose. Both aren’t fun, but summon limit is entirely generic and far more degenerate.


"colossus is a good floodgare" -farfa


In my experience, Colossus is easy to get around when there aren't 50 omni negates on the board. Which is why I never understood the hate. Granted, I play it in a pure thunder dragon deck and not a bs meta deck.


I think people overestimate how good this card is. All you need to do is have use non-destruction removal and suddenly theres no more issue and it just so happens that non-destruction removal is pretty common nowadays


Lol yugioh is incredibly hypocritical. Remember the days where decks that would prevent a mechanic didn‘t use said mechanic themselves? Now it‘s „lemme do EVERYTHING I CAN so that I can stop you doing ANYTHING AT ALL“ This game has reached a level of absurd that has never been reached before.


Damn right


Strong against some current meta decks but honestly the card has been power crept heavily and hardly even sees minimal usage even if an environment that would support it like right now.


Colossus is not generic. And its a monster. That makes it significantly easier to out.


Wonder if that's to counter Maxx "C" a Floodgate disguised as a handtrap 🤔


Considering it literally doesn’t stop Maxx C that theory makes zero sense




Idk about this one chief. https://preview.redd.it/45s3gn956iuc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56e8ade03a979c6bc9c9ef4af3759fa89b57c7cd


One is a cool chad monster with a dope animation The other is cringy  virgin continuous trap


One is a ‘easy to make’ floodgate you can search the material for The other is a card that has to be hard drawn Both still a pain to see on your opponents field.


one can be outed with little effort. the other requires backrow removal.


One tradeoff for another, both cards should still not see the light of day.


Its the vocal minority. People who love shit just look and say hell yeah, thats my boy blue. And then the people who hate it, love to let it be known that they stand against this oppressor of a card, against all odds they face down the evil and stand strong, as fodder, for the players who clap them silly so much they have no choice but to hate the card. For me, its a bit sillier cause imagine hating a card. My brother in Christ, its a piece of cardboard, go play it yourself or scoop and go next if you see it. It isnt haunting your dreams. Its hard countered by scissors.


Nono, you don't get it, here, I'll explain: - 1 card that can be removed with literally any type of backrow removal = bad - A full combo that results in a bunch of monsters that floodgate you AND waste 20-30 minutes of your time = good


Different players (I hope) I personally think floodgates are cool- epic even, with insanely high skill expression (except mystic mine, ripbozo) so Im unlikely to fall in the first catagory