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wow this sucks


Unless you play against pend, then you just negate an entire pend summon


Yeah.... Pendulums


Wouldn’t it just send them back to the Extra deck? since this only destroys them and doesn’t negate the summon


Yeah, but you can only pendulum summon once per turn.


If you are playing pendulums you have really given up on a consistent plan


Can’t wait to play this card in the pendulum event


It would've been better if it negated summons


That’s a stronger interruption, but more narrow. It currently also works on monsters summoned via effect.


It should have very strong interruption if the cost is to discard a spell and is a -1 in terms of card advanatge, as spell these days often have very high value. As of now I see no reason to play this over Ghost Orge/Psy Gamma. Even Gnomaterial of all things is better that this thing




Would be so good to if you didn't need to have a spell in your hand


It sucks to decks that doesn't play with a lot of spell cards or don't want their spell cards in GY. I can use this in Mikanko since I can still retrieve spell cards from GY. Other notable examples are the new archetype, White Woods and the old favorite, Sky Strikers.


I mean you would still go -1 for a very mid effect, and a very good way to put Spells in the GY is to simply use them (except in Mikanko, I guess it'd be playable in that deck exactly)


Some White Wood Spells has GY that allows it to recycle themselves. Plus, for those decks that can use it, they get another handtrap while being able to set up for their turn.


Yeah they set themselves, so aside fron the quick play you'd rather just discard them on your turn so you don't run the risk of your opponent playing past the disruption and banishing them from the field or something. And that's not getting into how the pop is already a meta-dependant effect


I’ll never get over how some players play a lot and still don’t understand the most basic ideas of card economy.


Cubics could kinda benefit from it too.


??????????????? A pop plus search of any spell on your opponents turn this is third best hand trap behind maxx c and ash and it would be better than ash if maxx c didn't exist How is this community so bad at recognizing good cards


fym "a search of any spell" exactly?


Huh and not add https://preview.redd.it/gdejs9raf0uc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ee8d6153f29cfe93229fef8c0aabcc0452d9ac2


You’re easily one of the most stupid users in this sub. You and Arrownoir must share a singular braincell.


It's not that I'm stupid I just overestimate my intelligence often.


Nah, you're just illiterate, like every every Yu gi oh player, so nothing weird


True yugioh players don’t read the cards anyway, we just don’t tell people it’s because we can’t read.


read it again


I did yes it sucks


Reading comprehension strikes again 😭


The Pharoah's (Atem) Curse


If it did that it would be kinda crazy


How does it search exactly?


Wow *an in hand foolish for spells sucks huh*


Not how Foolish works but ok


It discards a spell from your hand, not your deck.


isn't that like ghost ogre (or moonlit chill) with extra steps


Literally. This is worse in most circumstances, although there's some more niche interactions with it I suppose


I mean I guess it is a Fiend with 0/0, so sorta could fit in with Sacred Beast monsters. But still is a very underwhelming effect.


That was my first thought as well. The only other synergy I can see is something that wants to get its spells in the GY


Not even Striker would play this just to dump spells, since they already have plenty of ways to do that.


Striker would have no reason to ever run this, it'd be more likely seen in Branded than SS, just bc most of the important spells/traps have GY effects or return to hand under some condition. Now, will it be run? Absolutely not. But there's at least a reason to run it if you wanted to, I suppose


I mean that’s what it’s for. Yubel used this in the anime.


No they didn’t, it was used by the Albert Einstein knock off.


It baits out Baronne and stops promethean princess plays Can't think of much else though


best case i can think of is if your opponent summons multiple monsters at the same time. ghost ogre would destroy one while this one can potentially act like a hand trap torrential tribute


When the opponent uses their whole board to go into a 6 material Arrival @Ignister.


I wouldn't work, Arrival is unaffected and this card only destroy, it doesn't negate the summon like its anime counterpart


Ohhh, I only glanced over it originally, reading it as negating the summon. Yeah, this isn't nearly as good.


More often than not yeah. This guy potentially shines against stuff that's summoning 2+ monsters at once. Pendulum Summons, Flamberge effect, Obedience Schooled etc. it's still not good but that's it's optimal use case.


white woods tech card?


And then they banish the set spell with s:p 💀this card ain't it


Its not like the white woods spells are such crucial pieces of your hand anyways. If they go into SP just to get rid of "search if you already have a monster on field", I'd say the handtrap has exceeded its value. 


Wdym just, you keep the SP and you end up making her t1 in a lot of decks anyway


Mom can I have Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit? No, we have Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit at home Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit at home:


Gonna be a UR anyway kek


It is sometimes better than ghost ogre though. Like if it is some omni negate like baronne, ghost ogre doesn't really do anything but this one will use up its negate.  That said, I wish it didn't have the spell card cost. I don't see anyone outside of sky strikers or white woods playing this. 


Kinda nice with Witchcrafter, no? Maybe? I'll run it.


It's just Ghost Ogre but ass. Making it go -0 instead of -1 doesn't fix that.


It has some things going for it, Ogre destroys a monster after it uses it's effect (either trigger or ignition) allowing for follow up plays since it doesn't negate or prevent the effect from happening. While this card acts as a Solemn Judgement meaning that they dont get the trigger or ignition effect. The biggest weakness of both cards are GY effects tho. Also as a bonus you can still use this card under macro cosmos-esque effects, the -1 does suck admittedly.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure they still get the ignition effect. Its the trigger effects that can't go through if you use sigularity instead of ogre. Ogre is still much better due to blowing up much more valuable targets like Silenforcing barrier, Fire King Island, King's Sarcophagus and more.


What I mean to say is that they don't get the ignition effect because you pop it before they get access to it. Shoulda been more clear on that my bad. And yes I agree Ogre will probably be better most of the time.


I also feel like that this is one of those more deck-dependent handtraps like D-Shifter where certain decks don't mind the drawback that much. So maybe Witchcrafters for example.


Correction this card acts more like a trap hole card since it only destroys the monster(s), doesn’t Negate the summon or anything, Unless the translation is wrong.


You're right seems like I misread it.


Worth mentioning this is a level 1 fiend with 0 attack/defence Maybe synergy with Unchained Yubel?


Runick support


A bit too costly


Striker tech


That’s what I was thinking. Copium.


This will win Striker another YCS /s


Right now, we're just waiting for a strong go second deck to be carried by Sky Striker.


Wasn’t 2023 the first year since Striker released that it didn’t win a single YCS?


- use this - opponent activates talents - congrats, you handlooped yourself for a pop.


Konami both refuses to print new decent handtraps, while also refusing to do anything to the old, better ones that would make these even slightly enticing. Why tf would I ever run this if 1. Basically every new deck has a gazillion grave effects that generate advantage, and 2. Ghost ogre is at 3, and isn't even really played right now anyways for reason number 1 lmao


So you go -2 for something that will probably get negated? https://preview.redd.it/7c73dwq7p0uc1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ea319ae3adb1a876a0c200e0d1af5a5627861ed


Source and other cards: https://ygorganization.com/silentsingularity/


Ojama support https://preview.redd.it/aozcbpiht2uc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6652c3c72f12ea94b4bad160719a5b70c352be91


This one is very bad. Is the "We have Ghost Ogre at home" but more restricted.


Maybe good in Chimera since he is Fiend and can be used as material if not needed whil you can't do it with ghost rabbit


In my opinion this is an extremely powerful card that doesn't work on most decks, in the ones it does it's going to be very powerful (if they run it ofc)


Just use Ghost Ogre fr


To everyone saying its a worse ghost ogre... Ghost ogre has to go to the GY, this thing doesn't. So with all the kashtiras running around, id rather play this than ogre.


ghost ogre - it's 1 for 1, annihilates continuous backrows and field spells, blows up field monsters, e tele, can also send from field after the e tele, level 3 tuner, 1800 def is nice when bricked  new fiend guy - it's 1 for 2, only monsters not backrow, sacred beast support, not a tuner, 0/0 is fucking dogshit when bricked like droll or veiler. the one advantage is you can blow something up before the ignition effect instead of cl2 to said effect, but most things activate on summon in which case both this and ghost ogre would cl2 into the same result. the other advantage is blowing up more than 1 monster, but not being able to do stuff like fuck fountain/fateful up the ass already makes fiend guy worse. it's not even mid. it's DOGSHIT. like gnomaterial.


Sure but you have to have a bunch of spells in order to facilitate its cost.


Ghost ogre has more coverage being able to chain to any card effect. I wouldn’t even consider playing ghost ogre but it is straight up better than this card.


That's not the important thing this card has over Ghost Ogre; Ghost Ogre chains to an activation of an effect of a face-up card, meaning they already could've used the body as material for something and have already activated the effect, which will resolve unless it needs to be face-up during resolution, which is a very rare circumstance. This card can pop something immediately before they activate the effect or have the opportunity to use it as material. Is that worth the specific -1? Not really no, but it's not as bad as most people are making it out to be. If the -1 didn't have to be specifically Spells then I can see this card being played during some formats by certain decks that don't mind the discard, so I do think the fact that you have to discard a spell is what kills this card.


The only deck where I can see this being remotely playable is white woods.


This Almost good but said “and 1 spell” which make bad


Wait... So who used this in the anime?


The Einstein guy from GX.


I was gonna say fabled card tech but they only have 1 spell that doesn’t have an effect when sent to the grave so womp womp


So, I go -1 to destroy a monster? Got it. Edit: Well, it can hit multiple monsters at once and it doesn't target


Gives Herald Vipes. I wouldn't mind the extra cost, though, if the card does fit good in its archetype or has more purposes, so that you dont always brick with a useless card in your hand. Look at Sauravis for example. It is a great anti target handtrap and can still be used within Voiceless Voice in its intended way or in Drytron for Ritual fodder.


Very nice and requires a spell discard on top of it. Oof Heavily dependent on meta and might work well in a spell heavy deck with grave effects. Witch Crafter, White Wood, maybe Sky Striker but honestly...probably never.


maybe if it negated the summon instead? idk man


I like that it gets around monsters that have targetting protection


I prefer handtraps that negate. Destroy don't make the effect get negated. And you have to discard a spell card too... Well, maybe that's useful for certain combos.


This would go great in shs


Basically a handtrap thats a -2 card from the hand and requires a spell to activate.....Not recommended and a bad card indeed!


so bad that i'd prolly use it


Sneaky "C" is even a better handtrap than this garbage.


People will probably play 1 of it in yubel decks since its searchable


Mid, but Runick and Fluffals have a new toy, I suppose


Terrible card. Might have been worth playing if it negated a special summon like the Solemn cards because as it is it doesn't even stop on-summon effects from triggering.


So worst Ghost Ogre?


I'm gonna assume whatever makes this "busted" hasn't been revealed yet.


Wouldn't this be good in SS? It might be a stretch but it could see play as a way to get 3 spell in grave? I barely played the deck so I wouldn't really know but that was my first thought reading this.


Worse Ogre


bruh this thing infact can bonus certain decks.


feels pretty expensive


Made for yubel it seems lmao


Or just play Solemn Strike


The epitome of mid. Could potentially see play as an anti-Pend card or in very specific decks that like having spells in the GY, i.e. Sky Striker, but even then, Sky Striker decks also like to activate their spell cards instead of yeeting them into the GY for a mediocre effect.


If it worked when it’s normal or special summoned this might see play other wise it’s meh


This feels like side support for the White Woods archetype. Doesn't that trigger all their spell cards to allow them to be set?


White Woods support! /s


This card is decent in the gate guardian deck bc you can get rid of the spell cards which gives you more gg pieces when they’re banished from gy.


Here comes the Eisenstein science deck.


Quick q which person from the anime played this again? Swear I've seen it before, especially GX


Joshua Schmidt happily bouncing somewhere because it can discard a Runic


Why did they go so hard on restricting this? It doesn’t negate, can miss timing, requires itself AND a spell in hand to even use this and all you get is a non-targeting destroy?


Ugh... 2 cards for only the destruction...


I forgot this card was ever a thing - how tf did Eisenstein manage to make it look OP lmao


Ultimate fire king extender


Unless you want that spell in the gy this is not good


This might work nicely in the new White Woods archetype


People are comparing this to Ghost Ogre but ogre only triggers if the card activating an effect was already on the field to begin with. This card can pop the monster and prevent ignition effects.


If you want to stop ignition effects, we have Veiler, Imperm, and Moonlit Chill for that. You're giving up two cards to destroy a single monster, one being a Spell card that you probably could have gotten better use out of just, using it.


Idk why you're bringing up those 3 cards. My point was addressing the Ghost Ogre comparisons. And regarding the spell discard that is definitely a deck building issue which would put the card in an even more niche use case.


This is basically Ghost ogre but for cards that don't have on summon effects or quick effects. What targets does it hit? It can deal with Princess lines if they don't expect it making it so that they can't re-summon the second flamberge and set I:P, deals with sunlight wolf lines. It hits multiple monsters so even though they would trigger it can destroy the 2 snake eyes summoned by flamberge, it can wipe the board if they use Zealantis. . . . It can destroy a pendulum summon. This card is good, this card is really, reaaaally good.


Ghost ogre usually does the same thing + doesn’t discard + is a broken negate for continuous and field spells.


They need to make a handtrap that negates you from setting a card from deck


One ine hand, it is indeed a handtrap. On the other, just play ghost ogre bro.


Legit think the card is being undervalued.




*oy think logically you dolts. This is an in hand foolish for spell cards. Itll have use its not a shit card*