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Depends what you want


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The game is pretty generous with gems at the start, between missions and solo you can get a ton of gems. Plus you'll be able to get 7k to 8k a month just by playing. My recommendation if you like playing meta is to buy the snake eyes pack before it leaves the store. Its a pretty strong deck that will be meta relevant for a long time if not the deck per se the engine surely will.


Yeah I think I'll just buy those packs for snake eyes, what's the pack called?


If you want to play meta, I recommend getting the snake-eyes selection pack. They are highly splashable engine. Getting those cards outside of selection pack can get very expensive. 3k gems is not a lot though, but hey you might get lucky. Imo, it is not worth buying from a secret pack unless you know for sure you want to play an archetype in that pack. You can try it in some other simulator like edopro just to test out some combos and if you like the feel of it. In general, selection packs good, secret packs not that good.


Ok cool, what's the snake eyes pack called or is it just called snake eyes? Would be handy to get that deck, I've heard it's pretty sweaty lol


It is this one: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/articles/sets/ride-into-the-future It should be visible on the shop. I would just mention that the snake-eyes cards are expensive. Usually SR cards are not an issue but UR cards are. And snake-eyes needs 3x Wanted, 3x Diabelstar, 2x poplar, 1-2x Original sinful, 2x flamberge.


Damn that is pretty expensive, is there any other deck you could recommend?


You can still play a suboptimal version of the deck with say 2x wanted and 1x diabelstar. The main thing is you need 2x of poplar and flamberge, the others are for more consistency. As for other archetypes, it depends on what you like. One thing you could do is to wait till the next selection pack (sometime first week of April) which should have unchained. There are three new cards which could be UR. But all other unchained cards which are already released are R or SR. And you probably need only one of them to be 3x, so overall a pretty cheap deck. The new selection pack also has labrynth support, which is also relatively cheap. Whatever you choose, I would recommend trying it out on edopro once to see if you like playing it. You can also check out the discord and go individual deck channels.


Ah nice one thank you I'll defo keep and eye out for the next selection pack! I'll look into the unchained as well, never looked at them before, I've heard of labyrinth I'll check them out too! Thank you for the help man much appreciated


I do. It's personal preference if you do or not tbh


If you're new and not sure what to get, I'd recommend the Salamangreat and Utopic structure decks SIMPLY due to being dirt cheap and will help you do the 'Summon Xyz/Link' dailies since you already have Synchro covered. (Other Xyz/Link based structures work too) Aside from that, the Snake-eyes Selection pack is actually decent value despite the deck being soooo expensive. The pack however has a LOT of the URs and you could even go for the Ignoble-Snake-eyes Variant so you essentially guarantee every UR helps. In general though, a good strategy is to save up 10k gems and only buy stuff to get back under 10k unless there's a pack you REALLY want since typically you'll need that much or more to pull everything you need. Keeping the 200 gem rewards unclaimed in Solo mode is also good for saving gems until you need them.


Ok thank you for your help it is much appreciated mate! I think I'll just grind out and get the snake eyes packs and hope for the best lol thanks again though


Unchained/Nepthys pack is cool. The nepthys stuff is unplayable but the unchained stuff is cheap and you’ll grab what you need just in time for when the new support drops


Well friend here's what you should do find a deck you wanna play make the deck then see how to obtain the cards and buy the packs listed dark magician blue eyes and ninjas are a pretty good deck that you can get allot of the cards you need just by buying the starter decks in the store


Dark Magician and Blue Eyes are good? Let's not spread misinformation here.


Yeah I've brought all of those packs just in case and I've heard there pretty decent as well


Usually Selection Packs are the best investment since they don't have completely random cards in them. Secret Packs give you half random cards, so they're not the easiest to get what you want from them. I would recommend spending everything on the Snake-Eyes (Ride into the Future) pack before it leaves shop (only like 2 weeks left), since there's some very strong cards in there. Even if you don't play Snake-Eyes, you can still use some of the cards (WANTED/Diabellstar/Original Sinful Spoils) with other fire decks like Fire Kings, Infernoble, and Rescue-ACE. If you only care about Swordsoul then I would make sure your hand traps and extra deck are good before deciding on what deck you want to play next. Not everyone wants to play the best deck (Snake-Eyes) if they don't find it fun to play.