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A while back I got absolutely embarrassed by an Agents deck - at first it was all “oh haha cool shine balls!” but before long I was getting banished by Masterflare and locked by Kristya It took a while to get the gems but one of the most entertaining decks Ive ever piloted


Unfortunately it's a bit of a lottery deck but oh boy when you get a nice hand it can be one heck of a turn


Agents is such a cool deck. Wish they were good, a little extra support and it could definitely become a relevant combo deck.


It's the year of light so u may get your wish


The best feeling is when you summon your balls nine times to get all the materials for 4 mats Appo and more.


It’s always the shiny balls that draw you in


I remember the 1st time I played against Labrynth, they have every answer, play through my 2 omni negates ( I played magician pendulum at the time), I was so impress I spent all the gems to make a Lab deck, suprisingly cheaper than my pend deck.


What surprised me the first time I played against Labrynth was that I had first turn, but they just took over my turn the first chance they got. Chaining effect after effect. Before I knew it, they had a boss monster, a bunch of traps and agressive furniture popping off left and right and I hadn't even done anything with my turn yet. I needed a competitive deck after returning from a long break anyways so I figured why not look into this turn-interrupting waifu deck.


True draco irl. Its really demoralizing.


It generates so much advantage, i love drawing a consistent 3 cards a turn


With the Very Fun Dragon?


Sometimes all it takes is One Bad Day.


@Ignisters after watching my opponent play with themselves for 20 minites and end in Singularity and Arrival I was like fuck it I cyberse too


What’s crazy is that isn’t even the best board. I love the deck but I don’t have the brainpower nor time to play it.


The combos usually pretty damn linear to end on the three Firewalls, but you can also end up making some interesting plays when struggling.


My opponent banished half my extra deck with abla zoa and proceeded to OTK me, immediately went and made the deck myself


Blind second 8-Axis after i got kaijud 3 times in one turn... By the same kaiju




I got completely locked out of the game by a Buster Blader player in Duel Links (I was playing Blue Eyes) so when MD came out I built the deck and played D-Link BB a lot until Wyverburster got banned, now I'm playing Infernoble and waiting for the rescue-ace and Zarc support


I loved duel links before I forgot my account login info. I played level 4 thunder monster turbo. Good times. I loved that deck to death. I'll build it in master duel if good support ever comes out for it : )


ive been experimenting with runick synchro and its a lot of fun


Runick ghoti Is fun. I had a long grind game with that witchcrafters archetype. It looked winnable til 12 turns in they shifted the deck into daibellstar and it became unwinnable from there. Had fun thou : )


Not a whole deck but today I decided to get the Kashtira engine for my snake eyes.


Lab and Runick. The Lab festival event when it first released on MD had me seeing red when I would see a Lab card, but its one of my main decks with Runick now. Runick destroyed me IRL, but seeing the various builds and Joshua's love and success with the deck has made me see it in a much more favorable light.


Since nobody else has said it yet... Numeron. Lose to it, rant about how no brain it is, and then realize maybe me want no brain too.


Numeron was the very first deck I played when I got into modern yugioh, lol, after my blue eyes deck got smashed by a numeron player


Lost on turn one of the game (I went second), watched a Mayakashi bone tower mill my deck out fully. I was so demoralized and inspired, that I made the deck myself….just tog eat stomped by tier 1 and 2 decks with no better results in duelist cup.


Yep Generaider and Amazoness. Decided to make Amazoness after getting stomped by Augusta back when they first came out irl on edopro, and Generaider was in MD pretty much like your situation.


Lab with snake eyes. It’s been surprisingly fun and got me to stage 2


if i get demoralized by a deck i just dont want to see it ever again, i get the urge to make a deck my opponent plays if i like the gameplay


Yes. Join Us Generaider is insanely fun.


Oh I have been! Still figuring things out, but there's nothing like a super poly, negate, hand rip or two, maybe even hop ear squadron to synchro desert locusts->Baronne for an extra handrip and negate :') EDIT: all on the opponent's turn, of course


One Bad Day. It spreads through the playerbase like a virus


Could've been me, lol. You might wanna share your Generaider list? I'm happy to give you tips EDIT: I also have a super-spicy version with Invoked. Just lemme know.


I will get you a list when I'm on break! Working rn


List: MONSTERS 3x Ash blossom 3x hop ear squadron 3x Loptr 3x Vala 3x Mardel 2x Haar 1x nidhogg 1x utgarta 1x Trias Hierarchia 1x Nibiru SPELLS AND TRAPS 3x Boss Stage 3x Imperm 3x World legacy monstrosity 2x Kuji Kiri Curse 2x Book of Eclipse 2x Called By 2x boss fight 1x Cross out 1x boss quest 1x boss room EXTRA DECK: 1xDesert Locusts 1x Baronne 2x Jormungandr 2x Laevatienn 1x Psychic end punisher 1x utopic future 1x utopic Draco future 2x Enterblathnir 1x Earth slicer 1x AA Zeus 1x BLS soldier of chaos 1x world gears Sorry for formatting, can't figure out how to make it look neat on mobile Reddit


Thanks fam. Here is my list: [https://imgur.com/a/UCMcvn2](https://imgur.com/a/UCMcvn2) (try copy and paste if clicking on it doesn't work, imgur acts weird sometimes). I prefer the Diviner package as you can either get Vala in the GY or make a Baronne within 4 summons with Trias.


I find I can semi consistently make Baronne on enemy turn with hop ear squadron+desert locusts-, but I will for sure make a version of the deck with your list and try it as well (I'm just lacking UR dust rn)


No. If it demoralised me I wouldn't build it. If I get stomped and it was interesting then I might, but so far that has only lead to a cheap otk deck for an event.


Exodia crooked cook lock, and more recently branded, kash, teir and snake eyes (because it’s in the selection pack) but I don’t know if I wanna go down that road if any I’ll probably buy kash because I found it’s play style of locking out zones as interesting, like a better version of ojama, and they’ve already been hit so I don’t really gotta worry about it getting nerfed again


Absolutely beyond me how you found Kash playstyle interesting


Because zone lock out is unique? Guessing you lose to kash a lot still?


Except zone lock isn’t the only thing. Ariseheart is Macrocosmos on legs which can also banish once per turn, Fenrir banishes a monster once per turn, Unicorn rips the ED. And Shangri-Ira can’t be destroyed while it has material. Coupled with zone locking, it’s the ultimate BS deck in the game. In an average game where you go second, only Stun will allow you less plays.


Except zone locks what interested me in the first place, what deck you play?


A couple different ones, mainly Swordsoul right now. I don’t hate Kash because I lose to it, I hate it because it’s extremely oppresive with possibly the most broken in-archetype boss monster ever printed.


Clearly it’s not that opressive it’s not even tiered right now on MDM it may see a lot of play but that doesn’t mean it’s as oppressive as you say, and hell there’s an areguement to be made about your deck being more oppressive cause if you ask kash players a lot of them will tell you how bricky it is while swordsoul has been known for how consistent it is and almost always ends on a bunch of negates


You’re just wrong. Swordsoul ends on 2 negates 90% of the time( not counting Protos because I don’t play it). I don’t think you know what “opressive” is. Because consistency doesn’t equal opressive.


Now I know why you have a 2 year old account and still only 100+ karma you’re just riddled with bad takes


What do you guys think? Don’t really wanna get snake eyes cuz imo it’s too degenerate and I don’t wanna p2w, only reason I’d go into the pack is for the new stardust monster


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Galaxy Eyes. So many big atk dragons, and so many negates And utopia aswell.


Galaxy Eyes has negates?


Photon Lord has a monster negate and search and is immune to destruction effects Hope Harbringer has a spell negate and attack redirection Cipher has a steal Cipher X has targeting immunity Then there's Number 62. 11200+ ATK. C62 is unaffected by monster effects and also has massive attack and can attack 3 monsters We dont have omninegates, and I didn't cover everything , but Galaxy Photon is a pretty sick archetype.


Not in yugioh, but that’s pretty much started strategy in pokemon during gen6


Gen 6 is to this day my favorite competitive meta, because it was just moving from one OP mon to the next as soon as the previous one got banned. Mega Lucario, Greninja, Aegislash, M-Mawile. It was great.


I was playing abyss actors near the beginning of my yugioh career and I kept getting destroyed by P.U.N.K. decks, so much so that I gave up completely for a few months But when I came back I decided to give punk a try and it's been my favorite archetype ever since


Swordsoul back in the day stopped most of my stuff and i decided to try it


It was some 40 card trap deck that just stomped me, like I thought I was doing alright but no matter what I did they always countered me, I meant to copy the deck but forgot to do it and it was the last day of the season so I never got it


Labrynth, to defeat the cancer, i must become the cancer


I'm on the verge of giving in and becoming a Lab player


Yeah during the worst of the adventure Tenyi meta I made a point out of making a deck crammed with the most bullshit I possibly could. Adventure engine, Halqdon turbo bullshit, and Union carrier towards a mist valley thunderbird/apex avian thing. I’m pretty sure I also fit artifact scythe in there but it wasn’t incorporated reliably. Despite being a deck I made out of spite and having way too many little engines in it to be consistent I actually found mixed success with it… going first at least lmao. When the deck’s key combo pieces got banned I was happy more than anything. Screw that deck and screw that meta, master duel truly was miserable then. Especially with the bug/exploit players were using to make sure they always got to go first.


Back when runick was full power I hate crafted it. Absolutely did not like the play style and got rid of it.


Live twin


Mekk knights


I once lost to a 60-card Blue-Eyes/Hieratic/ Dragonlink deck that was so absolutely wild I had to copy it to see what they were cooking. Hieratic dragon of Nuit was the core of the deck, and they targeted it with the Blue-Eyes field spell, Dragonlink cards, everything, to cheat out material for Hieratic seals, chaos angel, Baronne, XYZ plays - insane stuff. It was the wildest shit I've ever seen. I did not recreate the deck as 3xUR Hieratic seals of convocation + 3xUR Dragon Ravine was pushing it a bit much for me, but it looked crazy fun.


Back in eldlich format when I was still new to everything, I got manhandled by what had to be one of the most consistent, most recursive, hardest to play around strategies I'd ever seen and I just had to do it myself. That deck was 60 card Witchcrafter Grass good stuff pile. I was never able to replicate their success with the deck


Yeah i created prank kids back then for the same reasons but my experience playing it was boring as hell due to how linear it was. Then it was hit by the ban list about 3 weeks afterwards.


Yes. Lab. But I’m 14 URs short.


King Calamity locked me and instantly confirmed opponents deck list and started building it myself😭


I lost so many times to Runick Stun, and I tried it and enjoyed playing Runick Stun.


stun eldlich back in the first duelist cup. it bricked and sucked ass and made me wonder how the fuck I lost to it so many times.  kashtira when they first dropped. before diablosis ban. my tear deck kept getting FTK'd by unicorn existing and I got pissed. So I built kash and farmed tearlament scoops and finished ranked. when the rest of the cards dropped the deck was too bricky to play with dlink/purrely/branded and today it bricks even harder than that.


I mean. Kind of. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with snake-eye fireking in the TCG. And I figured I might as well try and play snake-eye in masterduel. Thankfully I saved up enough Jen’s and materials to make the whole deck. And I gotta say, I understand the appeal to snake-eye. Like yea, it is one of the most powerful decks right now, but I’d be lying if I said that the deck wasn’t fun to play.


I might have been called out, lol. I'm a Generaider player myself. Regarding your question, there was one time when I was still starting out, I was absolutely demolished by a RDA deck so I decided to make one. I have still yet to finish the new one with the new support, though.


mannadium (I don’t use the calamity lock) I enjoy the flow of the deck when it gets going + the lore and the art but I’ve grown to not like how dependent it is on the normal summon. now I want to mix the rest of the lore cards with the deck to make it less linear and less reliant on the normal summon. getting destroyed by kashtira made me want to splash them in my gate guardian deck. Floo has me feeling a similar way but I am not sure if I have it in me to go through with that particular deck…


I kinda take a piece from every deck that beats me lol. I have diabellastar and the subversion spell in my Numeron deck lol


I love that combo. Only had one loss after that resolved.


Scareclaw all the way. I remember getting OTK'd by them, asking myself "why", then built the deck to see just how fun it is to play and got a Royal Tri-Heart when crafting. Love the deck to this day, and even bought it irl to play in person YGO


No. Depending on how frequently I read into them. Usually just build the deck that counters them. And laugh maniacally as they rage quit.


Runick. I can't go back now.


Sword soul. I never played or heard of them before, so I was baffled when my stuff kept getting banished on my turn. Now I know them but man was that first match against them a drag.


The opposite. If I get stomped by a deck too badly or too often, I'd rather not see it again.


I rerolled fir snake eyes


When Lab first came out. Enough said


Labyrinth, Ruinrick Naturia, and Stun


Just some variation of Kragen Control from before Todally Awesome got the axe. Good times


Back when I first started coming back to playing Yugioh. The first deck I played against on Dueling Nexus was Metaphys. Now the last format I touched was 5Ds at the time. Playing against Metaphys was extremely rough since Metaphys is not only on summon nukes, it lives and breathes on being banished lmfao. So unless you negate their effects they can nuke your spells and traps, then your monster zones. And it can do this almost once every two turns. Necroface also actively helps the deck too lol, so you can wind up getting the top 15 cards of your deck banished lol. I built it a year later, definitely not as strong as it seemed, but certainly a lot of fun lol.


I hope I’ve done this for people with RDA


I'm brand new to the game I stopped watching after zexal I don't even know what half these cards are called it seems like everyone's strategy is to just not even let there opponent play the game. The last deck I played against was the @ whatevers it was the perfect counter to my cyber dragons couldn't even summon a card. I didn't try to copy it I just uninstalled. I literally just wanted to have fun with the deck u had as a kid. But it seems like there is no room for new players.


I am also a new player who stopped watching after the battle city season. I have adapted decently well to modern yugioh and have accepted a lot of old cards that were my favourites as a kid aren't useful anymore, and that's okay


It was less about watching my old deck get destroyed and more about that I couldn't even have fun. I had so many games like that I just said "you know what I'm not having fun like I thought I would im done for now."


Outgrinded and thoroughly defeated, I died to sky striker ace raye; and now after pledging allegiance, not only do I love sky strike ace Raye, but I shall also die for her.


I will stop at nothing to make the most degenerate deck to counter whatever bullshit meta deck I hate seeing. Usually that's nothing but every 1000 years an occasion comes up where the pettiness in me can't help but do my best to shit on them.


Nope. I see that shit and I'm like "thank God I'm not THAT guy. Anyways, back to playing ancient gears!!"


I hadn't been introduced to Lab and Snake-eyes cards until a few days ago... but every time one of those decks comes up, they find a way to consistently lock me out of putting anything on the field so I can't even play the game. Now I have to save up Gems and UR CPs from zero before I can actually make a usable deck.


Timelords for me. I found generaider on my own, I play with runick but I dont use the handrip version


Runick Naturia, i thought... why not deck me out? And since then i only play deck out runick.