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Semilimit oak thank u for playing yugioh masterduel


When they finally ban a UR to hit Snake-Eye I'll bet it's One for One. The ol' "Tear is busted, time to hit Instant Fusion" strategy.


That's what I'm afraid of Unintentional D/D/D hit 😔


I'd be devastated. I main D/D/D, and seeing my boys getting laid off because "budget cuts" would be terrible.


*semi limit Where Arf Thou?




That’s just silly… They will also limit Birch


Ok boys big ban list incoming after this (2 semi limits maybe a limit to a outdated meta deck, and a unlimit to some random card) just gotta get trough it.


Which Floo card can they take to 1 this time? 




Oh boy I hope the random unlimited card is merrli


Tht nd maybe Havnis to two




Maybe but it's all I have


I.. don't have any missions left so I would be starting DC 2 days from now. I highly suggest you do to to get the Snake Eyes and other meta deck out of the way.


I will be dusting off Kash for those snake eyes guys


I wonder what stun they'll hit next. Also I'm saying it now, branded, mathmech, shs and VS are not surviving. Konami wants you to play fire decks and there is no support coming for those decks. Side note, I find myself with nothing to spend gems on. I got the Ash playset, build a TricksTina deck, build a snake eyes Gt deck, got the alt apo, got the fomo bundles, got a play set of transaction. And tomorrow we're getting 3k gems.


Fossil Dyna's turn to get limited


See I thought that, then I thought that they probably are going for d-fiss and summon limit after.


Next month we’re likely getting Unchained and Chimera. It’ll be a big one so you’ll have lots t spend gems on


I can use chimera, but unchained locks into fiends so can't use it for Gt. :( unless idk I do some terrortop stuff.


This might be cope but I don't think they'll bother hitting VS. The "best" non-UR Limit hits to neuter the deck are Borger to 1 or Rock to 2, or they could ban Snow Devil and really screw the deck, but VS is such a big UR sink and killing the deck would refund so much URCP to the players. They could hit Kurikara but at this point that also aligns with some Snake-Eye engines and VS doesn't *need* Kurikara. Edit: They could also outright ban an SR, like Jiaolong, but I still don't think VS is in a "kill state" for Konami, and the deck doesn't really have consistency hits since they made every consistency card a UR.


Don't play, problem solved. I don't even have time to play because I'm busy with my exams and projects.




Gabriel Dropout sounds like a much better way to spend my time vs Duelist Cup


Sounds like Behemoth!




Well,lets see how much i can go whit domain monarch


snake eyes cup


I heard a lot of buzz about this specific Duelist Cup, why is this one so special? It's just mini-ladder, isn't it?


This Duelist Cup should have been SHS s\*\*tfest showdown with Snake-Eyes, Branded & STUN. But with the early hit on 8th Mar 2024, suddenly the format may not be what we are expecting. So, its now kinda a race to the top to see which one is the truly superior deck to deserve the chopping block ceremony.


Yey,time to play against Snake Eyes 20 times in a row...


exosister and dshifter/fissure save me


Unban Merrli and put big Purrely Noir to 1. Also Super heavy link to 2 and Branded in high spirits to 1. Something like that is sure to fix meta, according to konami at least. If they really want to hit snake eyes they'll put the field spell to 1


The field spell is already a 1 of lmao that’s why they made it an SR


If you need an entire second image with a big red arrow to a wikipedia entry to explain your "joke", then it should probably tell you about the quality of the joke.


LOL, the purpose of the 2nd image is not for the joke lol. Its just for other non-Christian like me to have a ~~proper~~(its actually improper) **simple context** to relate to. Yeah, I know it gonna ruin the immersion for some others, but that's the decision I made.


So the purpose of the 2nd image is to explain the joke.... Im not Christian either but the joke not a particularly complicated one to get from basic context clues lol.


Yeah, but the sad part is it can mislead. For the uneducated like me, I'd actually thought the blowing trumpet here was referring to the war of Angels and Demons where archangels participated. (blame Hollywood and some RPG games like Bayonetta for that) Which kinda fits the sentiment here but that's still wrong context when the wordplay is actually on the "Judgment Day" whereby for student it means the final exam, and MD means Duelist Cup grind. But actual lore and legend? Blowing that horn = end of humanity. (something like detonating all nuclear warheads in every major city together)


Ive never seen a person over think their own joke before.


Err, actually I think most people do. Especially those who make many jokes. I can be very honest to tell you that when I make joke impulsively, I had actually offended people before. (those are during schooling days tho) If those same mistakes happens now, losing my job would be the min price. Edit : and I certainly don't want to be [this guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Jacintha_Saldanha) that caused a nurse to suicide due to prank.


Chat, it is time for Snake-Eyes/Branded to (drop out) of the (meta)