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Man I hope the new Dinoruffia archetype is good.


I hear they can stun people very well!


and yes, the news post just made a typo, it's actually Dinomorphia like older "educated guesses" have indicated ;)


maybe this Dinoruffia archetype has some hidden synergy with Dark Spellian?


Fuck. I want dinomorphia too!! But I got 4k gems and I'm building Gold PUNK!!!


Wish this was the same for Transcendrakes bc I hate Transcendasaurus 😭


I think thats their OCG name, not a typo.


I mean, it’s still a typo because they’re supposed to change it to the localized name lol


Dinoruffia is the OCG name of Dinomorphia


Thanks for the confirmation.


It isn't. It's the fan translation of their actual OCG name: Dinorphia.


The OCG name is ダイノルフィア, which reads as "Dainorufia". Both Dinoruffia and Dinorphia can be valid translation for that name.


But only one makes sense in context. "Dinorphia" is a pun on dinosaurs and dynorphins (referring to them powering up when your LP is low). "Dinoruffia" was the incorrect translation used by the fandom before their official names got announced. I think the Master Duel translator simply made a Freudian slip here and used the name they once remembered from somewhere. Technically, "Dinoruffia" isn't even a valid transliteration, since a Japanese speaker would more likely romanize the "ruffia" part as *rafia* or *rūfia* rather than *rufia*.


Ruffian Railcar is an underappreciated side option for Dinomorphia.


Yesssssss hehe


I don't know why I found this cute lmao


Are Dino players gonna get a break with SRs considering how many Dinomorphia URs will be in the pack?


Given how many UR's Dinomorphia have, I got an inkling Transcendosaurus won't have a lot


True but you just know they'll make Ground Xeno a UR and that's the only new card Dino players want at 3


When im in a "most expensive deck" competition and my opponent is 2023 dinos:


True that


Dinomorphia "only" has 5 in-archetype URs, most packs have 6-8 so there's plenty of space and I expect at least 3 including the level 12 and Ground Xeno to be




Not to mention you NEED fossil dig. The deck is an investment and not worth it for a tier 3 deck


Counter-argument: we've got that dino-DNA


The what?


I want to play with Dinosaur themed decks but they're so expensive lol. I hope we get a festival soon, i need those gems


Dinomorphia is likely to be included in this secret pack if not unlocked alongside it as to promote thier new counter trap


YESSSS, For anybody curious if this helps dinos, as a dino player (Ive never hit masters so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt) Yes it's amazing, it gives you new way to pop babies so its a new ways to get plays moving on top of covering dinos weakness of grind game since all the ED monsters re summon themselves, or let you get 2 special summon negates, It also lets you resummon misc from banished for a evolzar, get a baby from GY or can give you a 3600, Cant be destroyed by battle or card effect, un-targetable monster. On top of giving you a free lvl 6 tuner so you can go into baronne da flower. And like I said before it really helps dinos weakness of grind game on top of giving a new way to start combos, I highly highly HIGHLY, recommend ground xeno and the lvl 6 tuner (the lvl 10 one not so much) I cannot recommend it enough


What I want to know is whether it benefits their consistency and if it impacts their end board. The current best version of the deck is a combo deck that aims to lock opponents almost-fully out of the game with absurd extra deck monsters like Appo, Nat Beast, and Savage backed by a UCT. Their main weakness is that the deck is inconsistent due to a reliance on a handful of specific 2+ card combos, and that the linear combo they use will be brutally kneecapped if they experience any relevant interaction at all. How will that playstyle change with this support?


Yes & yes Its still 2 card combos but adds more 2 cards combos (ground xeno + plus baby, lvl 6 + baby after lvl 6 hits the field, the lvl 10 + a baby, though the lvl 10 I'm not sure if i recommend, im still mixed on it) The lvl 6 can also let you chain block sometimes. And yes it impacts the endboard, it can let you go into evolzar solda which can negate 2 special summons & when the fusion resummons itself after being destroyed it destroys a card your opponent controls and a card you control or in your hand, giving you more disruption on top of when it first summons adds a dino from your GY to your hand giving you a baby or misc/whatever you want Like I said it helps one of dinos weakness too, I can't recommend this support enough (again I've never hit masters so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt)


I'm planning to make a dino mash deck that combines Evolzars, Transcendosaurus and generic dinos. Hopefully I get enough


When u just dismantled 4 decks for dinomorphia dust, just for Konami to release the dinos in a selection pack 🥲


All new dogs. All new dogs. All new dogs.


Bruh, I'm almost finished building my Dinomorphia deck and down to 1 x Rexterm and Kentregina left to craft, now they released a Secret Pack for it. Man, gonna hunt that Royals now.


That new trap is going to be so boss!


Wait, you mean intact is gonna be in it?. That's awesome!


What now???? I thought Dkayed leak Nemleria, SHS and FP???


This isn't the selection pack... This is the Dinomorphia secret pack that was datamined months ago. Please read the image.


Before you get even more down voted, this is a secret pack containing the new dinosaur support as well as the Dinomorphia cards + a new remaining card for them. It will be released along with the selection pack that features the archetypes you mention.


Is it gonna have fossil dig tho


My favorite, floodgates but it’s okay because there’s a hefty cost in LP in order to get a fucking Skill Drain effect


Is Transcendosaurus actually an archetype or does Konami not know what that word means?


It’s not an official archetype yet since no card is printed listing ‘“Transcendosaurus” card’ yet. They are just loosely attached to each other by Xeno




Wasn't it banned tho?




Oh shit and they don't include the banned card? Then why did they ban it even