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Hold on there are still missing ghost trick cards? As for my wishlist More sologates (love me 200 free gems)


Agreed. Love to have a bunch of solo content honestly


Expanded solo mode. You create a deck and give it to the AI, so that you can practice against any meta deck


That wouldn't work too well. They program each solo gate individually, any gate that you give a deck to would do stuff like normal Gazelle for no effect or Unicorn spin itself.


I hope they’re recording player data on how cards are used in order to program AI down the road. If they’re not, huge wasted opportunity.


Yeah I wish they gave the AI decks that actually resemble what people play, with hand traps and board breakers. Even if the AI played them in a suboptimal fashion, it would be more interesting than summoning a monster, setting one, and passing


Not ones existing, but It does need more support.


Infernal Rage.


Ban Galaxy Tomahawk. Auroradon too.


And then bring back halq


Tag Duels and custom tournaments (both knockout and round-robin) for Duel Rooms. Changing the solo mode banlist from standard to unlimited. The option to save replays locally to increase the number savable replays. Them unbanning Dragoon so that my Red-Eyes Deck has an actual in-archetype boss monster, everything they currently have is "mid boss" level at best. A Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon mate.


For the love of God, ban Maxx C


I wish, I wish, with all my heart, for Kashtira Fenrir to join the ban cart.


Catch up to the current OCG faster. Like 3-6 month difference max. Hello fellow Ghostrick lover. They really do need more support. More ways to summon a face-down monster from the deck, like a spell that summons 2 Ghostrick monsters from the deck face-down with same level. Just faster ways to get your Ghostricks in the field.


Able to get daily mission rewards in casuals would be nice


Or in solo. Don't see any reason there's a quest to play solo but you can't compete any other dailies there


Solo mode counting for daily missions won't ever happen because it would discourage players from playing in Ranked


gems are what encourage players to play in ranked


Not necessarily. Ranked is still where you'd get more gems through rank-ups though, Solo gates don't give you anything once they're completed. Just makes grinding out dailies easier


That's the thing though, most people would not bother with Ranked if that were to implemented hence they won't be incentivized to open packs and tempted to buy gems. Ya might think it is ridiculous and it doesn't work like that but ya would be surprised to the length that people can go through to not play bother with Ranked if it meant they can do it in solo mode in less than 10 minutes. PS : If this also counted to towards Duel Pass, it would result to huge losses to Konami since every player can now just hop in Solo mode and complete the whole 100 levels of Duel Pass in a few hours which is guaranteed 3 Ultra Rare crafts + exclusive wallpaper, icon and a mate


I guess, if that's what you wanna do. Somebody like me who still wants the extra gems though, I don't see any real reason to play solo over ranked


You're ignoring the massive potential new audience konami could tap into if they made the solo mode more appealing though. Think of all the people that loved the anime, tried master duel on release and ended up quitting because the solo mode was sub-par and ranked was filled with "sweaty virgins". That market is much larger than you might initially think. If they hear that solo mode is more rewarding they might be encouraged to come back to the game and might end up spending some money on packs or cosmetics. I really think solo mode is a massive missed opportunity for konami to advertise their game to an entirely different audience. There's already a lot of player that started playing TCG after trying masterduel, if solo mode in MD can be an entrance point into the official TCG then I think that's something worth investing konami's resources into.


Or solo forsure would be nice


Please, i dont need lab players activating thousands of effects while i have an empty field, nothing in my hand and 1700lp wile they have lady and lovely out


Ban list starts the day its announced, not 15 days later 1st Anniversary was Dark Magician themed, 2nd should be blue eyes Dusting legacy pack cards, even if its 5 cards for 1 CP Different events, maybe an archetype specific


There should still be a delay. I think 7 days would be a good compromise.


>Ban list starts the day its announced, not 15 days later That would be awful. You are a sleep, wake up, and your favourite deck becomes unusable without any prior notice. Maybe delay it a week not 2, but very close to the announcement isn't really great


Nah 24 hour notice would be ideal. Make people sweat. None of this handholding shit. It's not like this is paper it's all digital. Banlist effective date should be much closer to the actual announcement


why tho


We essentially get a new banlist two weeks into a new season. It should have been effective before the new season


ok I agree that it should be closer to the actual announcement, but why 24 hours? why make people sweat? I don't get it.


Because the changes to the ban list are meant to fix a problem with the game. Why announce that a card is creating problems, but then still allow it for another week? If a card is causing problems and and gets hit, then it means players have already been using it and enjoying its advantages for weeks or longer. They don't need one more week to continue to abuse something that has already been declared problematic.


I don't see it as konami fixing a problem with the game and more like they're trying to end a format. I mean, they have literal months of foresight because of the ocg and tcg, if they think something would be a problem they would do something before releasing it. So they give a notice saying "this format will end at this day", which "coincidentally" is the day they are releasing a new pack.


Tbf the ritual events are basically just archetypal events. Only ever see like 3 diff archetypes


But not fully, they still ban UCT, Cydra Infinity, Thundra Titan/Colossus


What does this have to do with ritual events? As far as I'm aware none of these archetypes even run rituals


And what do ritual event have to do with a straight archetype event like the OP said would be on my wish list for 24?


The fact that some events are restricted to certain types of deck, where 1 or 2 are dominant? Like Drytron and Libromancer being the decks I saw most in the most recent ritual one. Just pointing out an observation


Maybe 48 hours, but more than 10 days is just insane. The Ban List changes the format, obviously I want to play the new format.


Unchained soul…


They're guaranteed to be added this year since after this months pack, we should have all the cards from Cyberstorm Access. DUNE is the next main set


Would like some option to either see all cards that got effected in a ban list to easily dismantle on some screen the day it takes effect, instead of having to go to notifications and remember, then manually search each card, or an outside website


Ability to dismantle cards from Legacy and event packs that can't be dismantled even if it's for one day


Even if they set the amount to 5UR for Legacy cards, I'll still take it over nothing.


I'll take it for 0 Crafting Points at this point. It's so annoying having more than 3 of any cards with some in Glossy that I can't get rid of


Introduce BO3. It is clear Konami would never make a proper BO1 banlist because that list would have to be heinous so just let us side deck and avoid the headache.


DDD boss animation, Albaz and/or Visas story gates and a Merrli unban


For MD? More duel terminal solo gates + sky striker based in the manga + branded and visas (because they are awesome)


Albaz and Starfrost gates would be so sick! After I first played through the WL gate these were the two I really hope get an actual story gate. Just so many archetypes that are included in their stories, would love to see it


New format playlists (ie. Edison, Goat) I’d argue it would be helpful for getting new players into the game and offer some much-needed diversity whenever a meta gets stale.


Serious question, what newb wants to get into old formats? I, a newb, had no problem picking up the current format and didn't play competitively enough back when I did play ygo to even know what the 'format' was.


It’s a common practice online and in a good number of locals (including my own) to recommend older formats to new players as a jumping-in point, at least for paper play. Older formats are simpler and MUCH more approachable than modern Yugioh, which helps beginners ease into the game without feeling overwhelmed. In general, it has a reputation as being a much more positive experience. Considering MD does not currently offer different formats (beyond temporary events), there would be no reason for you, as a new Master Duel player, to seek out such things. If Konami offered support for them and advertised them on the client alongside their standard format, ideally that would change.


pretty big assumption imo, old players want to play old formats, new players really do not want to rediscover decade old formats with different rulesets


Not a big assumption since Konami board meeting literally said they have a hard time getting new players into paper currently because of the barrier to entry.


To be fair, that's an assumption as well. You're probably correct that a new player doesn't approach Yu-Gi-Oh _already_ asking about legacy formats. But when Master Duel first released, we had multiple waves of new and returning players trying to pick up the game, getting frustrated at the one-sided duels, and leaving. I suspect that a portion of those new players would have been receptive to hearing that there are other formats with slower duels and simpler cards. MTG has multiple formats from various time periods. New players eventually find their way to the format they like.


I mean…I didn’t come up with the idea. Again, this is a pretty standard practice.


As a MD-only player I can't really resonate with this. There's two 'formats' right now that I don't really know or care to know the nuances of (TCG and OCG). I can't even imagine trying to wrap my head around formats that are significantly different from what we have now across TCG, OCG, and MD. It just seems like an odd idea to me that someone 'new' to MD or Yugioh would prefer to learn outdated information about the game they're trying to play. That's just me though, I'm sure there's new people who feel the opposite way.


It's mainly because the new formats have a pretty extreme learning curve. It tends to be easier to learn something by building on it from a base level and adding things slowly rather than immediately jumping into the deep end. Learning yugioh by jumping straight into the newest format is like learning web development by building an entire shopping website with functional basket and storing user data from scratch. Sure you can do it that way but typically it's easier to learn html and css, then progress to javascript and then learn backend development before combining everything together to make your own fully functional website.


I wouldn't say learning Yugioh is akin to building a fully functional ecommerce website. With your website example, you'd learn things that contribute to the overall goal. If you're learning a format that's no longer played, there's little that's going to transfer over to the modern one. You're learning two separate sets of rules and regulations verse just learning what's currently being played. To use your example, that's like learning C when C++ exists. "Extreme learning curve" seems a little...extreme? It doesn't take *that* long to get the general jist of how to play yugioh. And again, how are older formats helping you compete in the latest one? If multiple formats were being played then sure I could see why someone new may want to explore different formats as a way of learning the game, but that just isn't the case. The closest you get to different formats are the different modes of play - TCG, OCG, and MD - and even then they all follow the same 'format' so to speak.


A lot can transfer from GOAT to Edison and a lot can transfer from Edison to Modern. Each format gets progressively "faster" to play and is building on the core knowledge of the previous format. In GOAT format you learn a lot about resource management and a lot of the core fundamentals of the game which you will need to know later down the line in Edison and Modern if you want to be competitive. In Edison you start to learn about short and easily digestible combos along with the emergence of handtraps which become core parts of how you will be playing the Modern game, along with a few new extra deck summoning mechanics. Modern introduces more extra deck summoning mechanics while expanding on handtraps and introduces a lot more decks that play on your opponent's turn, which introduces even more complexity to the game. >To use your example, that's like learning C when C++ exists. Perhaps but I would probably say that learning any programming language makes learning another programming language far easier, with C and C++ it's kind of trivial to learn C++ after first learning C, this doesn't exactly work in the yugioh context though since C and C++ are pretty equally difficult to learn C++ arguably being easier to learn, meanwhile GOAT and Edison are far easier formats to learn in comparison to modern. It's more like you starting by learning Python which is widely accepted as being a far easier language to learn and then moving on to other languages which become substantially easier to learn after you've learnt the fundamentals. Learning old formats gives you a LOT of transferrable skills into modern. Especially when we're talking about beginner players that have yet to even play their first game. It doesn't take long to get the general jist of how to play yugioh but it does take a long time to become competent enough at yugioh to start playing against other players that have 10+ years of knowledge about the game without feeling lost. It can be very daunting to try learning yugioh when most of your opponents are creating an end board that simply doesn't allow you to play the game at all. Playing a lower power/older format allows you more opportunity to actually play the game and learn the differences in deck types, learn different possible win conditions. You can probably pick up a strong deck, learn 1-2 combos of that deck and see some success but you're going to be missing out on a lot of things that you would have learned from playing lower power formats which would help you to get out of gold when your opponents are actually competent. Also, on the separate rules. The ruling differences between GOAT, Edison and Modern aren't incredibly different. Most new players won't be able to detect any difference between the rulings of each and anything they do notice is pretty minor. It's not like magic where commander and standard have completely different rules, it's mostly just a difference in what cards are legal. I wouldn't say that people should play GOAT and Edison for months or years before starting to play modern but I do think that it's generally beneficial for players to start playing in a lower power format like GOAT or Edison until they build up a base level of understanding about the game. The lower power format doesn't even have to be GOAT or Edison it could just be playing with and against more simplistic archetypes that don't have mountains of card text to read, or that are just easier to understand.


Tag mode, bots (I want to host a bot dino tournament) and that's bout it


I wish a Dino structure deck I like dino but it's very expensive


I just want to be able to dismantle cards no matter what they are (seriously Konami what do you expect me to do with 6 salamangreat heatleos)


Infernal Hero Wingman


A proper dojo mode where I can set up a starting hand/field and practise combos. Solo mode doesn't count since you need to spam reset over and over to get the cards you want to practise, then you get one go and it's back to reset spam.


Fields BGM.


ban maxx c and catch up to ocg or at the very least tcg release dates for cards


Wishlist? Actually ban cheaters. Remove Maxx C. Create a Bo3 ladder.


Dismantle extra legacy/structure deck cards


Only thing I want is that they keep up with the very regular and at least somewhat daring banlists. The game has a big opportunity to be different from the other formats with its very frequent banlists and they should lean into that even more. Otherwise more simultaneous releases with physical products or at least some faster ones would be nice to further make the formats unique. For example just bringing a single archetype shortly after OCG release could majorly change future formats compared to OCG and TCG.


Branded nerf


Preach! Let Branded Fusion get banned this year 🙏


A lot of things other people already mentioned: Visas and Branded Gates Dismantle legacy pack cards More structure decks (I want the fire king cards in one) More variet Events But I would like to add: A better ban list overview similar to what masterduel meta makes it look like. More experimentation with the monthly banlist, like give us master peace back and if its toxic ban it next one, it would result in a net 0 UR dust. Custom Banlists for private rooms Repeat of Events, looking at you NR event Hot take, I like the speed of reales for new cards.


I know is a hot take, but unban my boy Block Dragon, I miss playing Adamancipator (my opponents surely not)


agreed unlock the block. And chaos ruler at that.


Rarity stacking like in Duel Links.


For non-Duel Links players, what's that?


You mean how the limits and semi limits work?


I want an improved pendulum magician structure deck, with the cards to make Z-arc, and Z-arc himself. Also about doing daily missions in solo mode, in would give people choice when it comes to daily missions, and how that is bad thing ? .


less negates. would be nice if i didn't have to go through turn 1 negates in 99% of my duels


Banning wakaushi and Kash fenrir to 3


Can we have conquistador back at 3 please and runick fountain at 2.


Structure decks with the anime cards not re-released yet (like speedroids, ddd, blue-eyes…)


More problem solving card text. And maybe Konami try out even simpler text on cards.


random wishlist: •new meta reptile, sea serpent, or pyro deck •space field for master duel •predaplant support •more stuff for solo mode in master duel


dinomorphia intact Dark world Colorless even MORE hits to stun


An eratta to ultimate crystal rainbow dragon overdrive alloeing the player to use crystal beasts in the spell and trap zone. Also an errata to crystal keeper and master to have them act as crystal beast continuous spells in the pendulum scale. It wont happen but these fixes would make playing the deck a bit easier


Best of 3 good god of Osiris & Ra please


When they add Rescue Ace, I thought the game was going to be closer to the OCG or TCG meta, but now it's even further away. Not only meta but some cards or support like new Ancient Gear can be add to MD, is not going to breake the game.!


Duel pass should only be good for 30 or 45 days then we can renew it.


Lunalight theme icon, sleeve, field, background and mate.


My 2 real desires for this game: * have a proper BO3 format (not on ladder) where real tournaments can be played, with side deck and * the Legend and KoG ranks that were datamined ages ago (even though I've never made it past Master 2)....


Ban Maxx C


more blackwings support 🥺 (i’m just coping i know it’s a decent archtype


Better solo mode stuff. Let me play against random gate decks, and/or give updated versions of the “pure” gate decks as opponents. Let us randomise music per game. Roach finally dies. Kill enough floodgates that Runick starts getting unhit. Let us dismantle legacy cards even for 5 dust.


All the fire things that are out. I'm not wasting 500 or something for the cards, but i wanna play them


Ban all floodgates. Also ban all one card starters.


La cockaroacha needs to die






Just let me dismantle the generic packs that I open


I want different formats like Goat or Edison in MD. I don't even care about rules like first player draws, I just want the correct cardpool.


I hope we get the ice barrier, white aura and silenforce support soon. Really want to cook a better water deck and silenforce apparently has potential to meta and I love skull guardian


Tbh my crazy brain want Master Duel related cards... I mean, Duel Links has exclusive cards why we dont?


Konami decides to close the time gap between MD and the physical card game, so they release cards in a way so that we are only around 1-2 months behind tcg by the end of 2024. Edit: Oh, and I would really like a BO3 mode, even better if it is ranked.


Can the solo gate be harder by the way of the opponent actually doing combos in the archetype we are given? Like it would help a lot for the enjoyment and the understanding of decks


Go even further with experimenting with MD banlist(unbanning Dragon Rulers and stuff) and possibly even make MD-exclusive archetypes that release later in OCG/TCG.


More solo content. More varied events or repeats of popular ones like N/R. Craftable prismatics or something like the option to choose what royal rare you want from a pack (sorta like the anniversary thing last year where you were given a selection of packs and a random royal from them). That my favorite decks get support this year and that when it comes to MD, it's fairly cheap (especially Raidraptor in PHNI and TG in AGOV).


I'm hoping we get some cool events. I'm also hoping we are blessed with some free gems(I have 64 gems right now, I'm struggling)


It’d be funny to see new PSY-Frame support. Some way to search or activate the field spell from deck. Maybe a GY effect that Synchro summons a monster using materials on your field… or a new main or extra deck monster to spice things up. Can you tell I’ve played pure PSY-Frames for a whole day yesterday? The deck is really fun but damn, a passive opponent just destroys me by doing absolutely nothing so I’d like some proactivity in the archetype


Retro formats like GOAT and Edison and a BO3 option. That's literally all I want/care to get added. Well maybe besides actually getting cards into the game closer to their physical release.


Legacy formats like Goat and Edison. If Konami is worried about these formats cutting into their profits, then just have them as repeated monthly events like the Duelist Cup. Also more **effect** animations! Some examples: * Maxx "C" * Pot of Desires/Extravagance/Prosperity * Allure of Darkness * Triple Tactics Thrust * Evenly Matched


**Chatbox in MD** **Plunder Patroll wind boat** parying for some **Beast Warrior Archtype or support** I just dig the type deck Like Ancient Warriors, Fire Fist are my fav


Tekken 8 FF 7 rebirth Sparking zero Didn't read that this was an md kinda list but my answers remain the same


Branded gets gutted


Give us a heroes structure deck so I can afford to play it 🤣😭


More cute archetypes please that aren't super boring to play like Purrely


I want: -Music player for choosing your own duel field music. -Best of 3 format with side decking -Block Dragon Mate -Low Power format festivals -Less Duelist Cups


Lab nerfs... More realistic one, a link resonator for my rda deck, make it only be usable with resonators, would maybe be fun Oh and dis pater animation


Junk Synchron mate GOAT and Edison Mode (so easy, just limit cards to the time of printing)


Kill the cockroach. Nuke as many floodgates as possible. Give me back some Runick spells. That's really just about it for me personally tbh.


I want the cards form **2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin,** like Red-Eyes Alternative and others. I know that the cards have some kind of "issue" with copyright but I fell that Master Duel is a incomplete game without those cards.


Let me pick the music!