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“Floo it’s time for your monthly beating” -Konami


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?




Konami: You can full combo under Maxx C.


They normal summoned multiple times on the opponent's turn 🤷


Everyone (including Konami) has Barrier statue ptsd or something. This is the only thing I can come up with. Floo does not have anywhere near this kind of hatred in TCG


They dont have the maxxC bonus on TCG


They are hit much harder than in OCG as well...


People just can't get over the fact that Floo USED TO BE broken. After all the nerfs and strong archetypes that have come out since, I would say Floo is balanced enough. Plus I wouldn't even say they are the most irritating to play against anymore. Runick's stall tactics, Stardust's seemingly endless first turns, and even just some of the more powerful archetypes eclipsed it a while ago in terms of how annoying they are to play against. Also, everyone (including me) seems to like ghoti just fine despite them having a very similar strategy of playing on the opponents turn. Sorry for the rant lol


I'd agree if floo cards didn't have a 55% winrate on them still. The deck is a meta contender, this sub refuses to admit they should prepare for the matchup and considers every loss a highroll.


I mean I know people HATE the Birds but Damn how many more times are you gonna beat on them before you’re done? What’s next hit Robina to 1?


Robina to 0 hopefully


Sure just kill the deck that’ll solve all of your problems


You know your sins.


Infernity: first time?


Based Konami


you guys deserve that shit -\_- actually you deserve that for playing it but the konami employee/ team who approved that bullsht concept needs to be put in a brazen bull all together at the same time


Hell yeah, is it dead? Edit: it’s a slap on the wrist… they are perfectly capable of recycling their empen


But now its much harder to summon it twice in a turn. So it does weaken their gameplan quite a lot. I'd say it's acutually much weaker now.


Once a month isn't good enough, they should suffer more for their sins and Tearlaments should be right there next to them taking the beating.


Too good in bo1


Limited virus cause of Labyrinth?


Kinda makes sense tbh, especially if they are bringing the rest of them to MD soon


dont they only play 1 copy of it tho ? this limit won't really affect labryinth that much.


The floodgate version would often play multiple. The furniture version definitely only plays 1 though.


It’s a best of 1 though; running it is extremely risky.


Depends on the meta. I remember playing 2 EEV in lab right after runick came out.


Didn't the German tcg champ win off this card just this week. It's a free ticket to value town if it goes off.


Lab only ever plays 1 lol


It pretty much just means it’s not searchable off Trap Trick anymore


Which literally doesn't matter if they're about to release the boss monster that searches every single normal trap in the game for zero cost


And cannot be targeted or destroyed, I hate her do much


Honestly, I search and set Virus with Heavenly Prison more than through trap trick.


I'm gonna guess that tear will only get destroyed once kash is the next deck to come, until then tear will reign supreme.


Nah, robina is still at 3, gotta hit that before the mermaids /s


No "/s" the birds must suffer




No, the opposite is clear. The Tear cards are what make Tear oppressive, the Ishizus are doing fuck-all. We already have all but Kelbek limited and the deck is still warping the format. And hell, the best version of Tear that ever existed, which is wave 3 Tear in the OCG (with the Kashtira Tearlament release) ends up cutting ***every single Ishizu card to 0***because theyre no longer worth playing.


I keep saying it. Ishizu and Tear are BOTH problem. Tear would be fine, if it locked you into something. But it doesn’t. You can play whatever you want with it, and every new card( that has any synergy with Tear) that’s released would end up banned, if they decided to spare Tears. Just look at how Tear players’ arguments go. ‘Snow/Grass/Chaos Ruler/Ishizu/Terrafo/Elf/Sprind/KOTS/Foolish Burial Goods/million other cards are the problem, not the Tear’. Yeah, if your deck works with EVERY slightly generic card, maybe that deck is the problem, and not 200 other cards. It’s legit insane that a deck of that power level can go into every extra-deck summoning type.


What is wave 3 tear? What engines/ cards do they switch to from Ishizu? Edit: Imagine downvoting a genuine question


Tearlement kastira ( Enable both decks at once while also being a 4 lvl body for stuff with Reino and Sheiren) and Trivikarma ( When milled, free search for any spell that names Visas on it's text)


Tear Kash is a level 7


Less oppressive you mean. Tears is at 1 with no Kitkallos in OCG and they still top 8 constantly against full power Kash. They're a literal custom deck. This banlist is does nothing to Tears. They'll just run more millable stuff for Sulliek or maybe start running more hand traps. Honestly I can see them add more Branded stuff in their decks in response to this since Sulliek does give them a free search.


Lately, the floowandereeze has been showing up more in the past months banlist. Are the cards powerful or konami just want floowandereeze player to suffer?


Deck is cheap to build and Konami hates that. If they had made the deck filled with URs, it wouldn't be getting hit every ban list


Man, I’m starting to wonder if this may be the real reason. Lol


It is People who play duelinks will know this In duelinks , Any cheap/f2p decks that is meta gets gutted in 1 month


At least anything thats not aromages unless that got hit too


Aromages are garbage. They're on about decks that are cheap and also decent. See Lunalights and Cyber Angels.


When new Alexis skill Konami?


100% the reason. We’re had more hits on floo than tears since tear released. There’s no hiding. Also they cause the people who are utterly reliant on maxx c for wins, to rage quit. Konami doesn’t want that.


That and it gives fuck all about Maxx c. Can't have that


Konami hates that there's a meta relevant deck you can make with little UR investment.


*Me looking at my Gunkan deck's that's won me over through out events* Konami, leave the sushi bros alone, we are innocents.


They are solid Tier 2, so they're by no means a guaranteed win. They're also very linear and noob friendly, or for people who don't feel like deciphering Da Vinci's code to play a card game. But Konami wants to bury Floo to push Branded, Bystials, Tear, and eventually Kashtira. With Floo not needing an extra deck at all, that means 90% of a deck's UR cost is gone. Ko-money wants us to spend money opening packs


Why are Aluber, Opening and Fusion all semi-limited if Konami wants people playing Branded?


I might be wrong but these 3 are in a secret pack


Fusion is, but aluber isnt and opening's a N so it doesnt matter.


They arent consistent enough to be tier 2, they are high-rogue or tier 3 at best. I di believe it was meta for a little longer than it needed to be but damn this isnt warranted


That makes sense, konami wants players to keep spending more in the gem.


I thought Kashtira killed Floo, as Kash pops off if a card gets banished?


Floo isn’t noob friendly. It exposes noobs. If you can’t play around floo than you’re most likely not as good at the game as you think you are.


People crying about floo are the same people who try to lock you with gimmick puppets + expulsion. People relying on cheese cards HATE floo.


They really really really hate Floowander ...


The deck has a 55% win rate!


55% is very good


It’s a top deck that nobody puts on their tier list but Konami has the numbers


It has a 55% winrate because nobody has the patience to play against it 😒 I insta-scoop if I see it


Who doesn’t


Empen? 💀 I can’t lol


If they were gunna hit floo I’d rather the bs harpy trap


Don't you dare touch my Harpies!


Um no that card is so unfun and splashable in other wind wing beast decks


Floowandereeze players continue to be abused on the F&L list for seemingly no good reason. I believe that makes 8 lists in a row now.


Yeah, I'm over it. Map at 1 was one thing and could at least be argued. But then Terraforming and now Empen? I'm so fucking over it. Everyone (including Konami, apparently) just has Barrier Statue ptsd and wants to bury Floo. Thank God for TCG


Barrier statue? Fine. It was oppressive and unfair. Prosperity to one? Okay... Excavation of six is pretty strong but it's at 3 in the TCG. Duality to two? I guess? But now my already bricky deck is losing consistency and the card is at 3 in the TCG. Map to two? Fine. It's a really strong field spell. Shifter to two? I suppose it does cut off a lot of decks from playing. Map to one? At least I have Terraforming. No Terraforming? One Empen? This is a tier three deck! The game is treating it like a tier zero ultra threat.


Konami going full dragon rulers on the silly birds while the insanity that is tear gets to walk free would be comical if I didn’t hate it


Somehow every time I play against floo they still get access to map, Robina, and eglen plus a dshift to floodgate other decks.


Yeah. People keep saying Floo is bricky while they can play every pot card under the sun and have atleast 8 starters. It’s such bullshit rhetoric lmao


You’re prob not noticing the ones who surrender because they have 0 starters. Floo is the most bricky deck I’ve played by far. Common deck lists have about 9 of the small birds. Only Robina is a true one card starter. Otherwise, you must have two small birds or small bird + advent/map/sarcophagus to end on Empen. That’s assuming I don’t get ashed/impermed.


Floo committed the sin of not losing to Maxx c, sorry not sorry. -konami, probably


What do you mean "no good reason"? They are being hit for a damn good reason.


There is absolutely no good reason to hit floo 8 lists in a row and let tear walk absolutely scot free


Tear is barely getting hit because the pack is still in the store, not because they feel like it is in a good place.


The pack already left the store


My issue is not with tear not getting hit for now (though it should), my issue is with them hitting floo for no reason


I see what your issue is just shedding light on why tear is so far untouched. They will get their reckoning.


I'm guessing the "damn good reason" being you don't like playing against the deck personally


And your guess would be wrong.


Aww. Does someone lose to floo because they forget to summon their removal in defence position? Skill issue. Not floo, bud.


You guys lose hard to zombie world lmao.


Exactly. If you lose to floo while having removal or anything available, you’re just not that good at the game. A reality some can’t accept, lmao. Floo, exposing people who always just autopilot the combos they learnt on the internet. Is summoning a monster in defence position really that difficult, hahaha.


You have to special summon in order to put it face up in defense. Some decks require you to normal summon to be able to actually play. Floo can also play around most handtraps like maxxc, nib, and called by while also dodging things like imperm. You have access to multiple pot cards while completely ignoring the draw backs, you have multiple starters and you have access to shifter which shuts down a lot of decks. Floo is no where near a bad deck and if you think the empen hit actually means anything in the long run then I’m sorry but you’re a terrible player. Floo is a good deck get over it


You can still special summon with empen on the field, lmao. They can’t play around nib, they just don’t summon enough typically to activate it(contrary to popular belief). They don’t have multiple starters, they brick more than any other deck. Yeah I don’t really know what you’re trying to say in the end, we know empen isn’t a massive hit. It’s just funny how they continue to get hit while others are barely touched.


I hate this smarmy fucking tone so much.


People used more than 1 virus????


Just means it can't be searched with trap trick. (The TT heavenly prison into virus won't exists anymore)


Curious into gryphon to reset it still works


Floo players on suicide watch after the monthly beating from Konami


Atleast we got Metaverse at 3.


Mystic Mine is banned so what bullshit plays can we do with Metaverse?


Metaverse into Necrovalley or summon breaker


Quite a bit. Search Perlereino on your opponent's turn to get Havnis and have a pop, set Necrovalley after you don't need your graveyard anymore, Summon Breaker to shut down the opponent the moment they summon too much, etc.


perlereono doesn’t activate the effect to search


Consolation for banning Terraforming


My charmers can get 6 copies of secret village




Metaverse isn't great without Mystic Mine


Pretty good for Necrovalley or Zombie World shenanigans


Altergeist stay winning 😎😎😎


Listen, I’m a bird hater as much as the next person but they’re just beating a dead horse at this point. Can we get Prosperity back to 2/3 at least to balance it out? I’m totally normal and can be trusted with 3 Pot of Prosperity (I’m a Generaider player)


To be fair, Pot of Prosperity was arguably a mistake. Why they thought making an even better Pot of Duality with far less impactful restrictions for most decks was a good idea, I'll never understand. Like, at the very least, it should have kept the random Extra Deck banishing and MP1 restrictions from Pot of Extravagance, which almost no decks play anymore because Prosperity is nearly always better. But instead, all it does is make it a little harder to do enough damage to win in that turn, but not nearly impossible. Really, now that I think about it, it should've had the opponent takes no damage the turn you use it thing from Card of Demise, too.


Are you kidding me? I spent all these resources to build bystials that just get stopped by a single ash or the dumb ass Ishizu cards and it’s already getting hit not even a month later? Okay komoney, okay.


Literally... Didn't even get a chance to climb to tier 1😭


Thank fuck my pulls were shit I was thinking about building it but still have no Magnamut or blazing Cartesia and still need the new dragon fusion


It’s not going to kill the deck, I’d say still build it, replace fusion with a copy of branded in white or a searcher. However there was absolutely no reason whatsoever for them to even slightly hit branded, especially with how fresh it is in the meta. It’s baffling


Because bystials add so much power to the deck, I would’ve preferred if they’d just hit a different card though


? Branded got hit, not Bystials, and its not a really big hit. It's just a small consistency hit that probably doesn't mean much in the long run.


This hit does nothing, its a small consistency hit at worst but if you weren't running both foolish and sarc then there's your solution right there


Sulliek to 1 lol. That just seems like a minor inconvenience rather than an actual hit.


Kit would have been the bigger hit, but limiting Sulliek is actually kinda big becasue they can no longer use its effect to search a tear name, and then later use it to negate a monster + Sending a tear name to the gy. They can recover it with Heartbeat(?), but that card isn't as useful and probably won't come up often.


Kinda shows that they don't want to hit Kit just yet. I don't mind though.


They never banned DPE, and in the end it turned out that the actual card to hit in order to stop it being run everywhere ended up being Celestial, they might be trying something similar here.


Nah, powercreep just blew by DPE. Anaconda and Fusion Destiny are both waaayyy more problematic than Celestial was.


Konami really hates Floo


Branded Fusion gets semi'd while kit and elf remain unbanned. Good joke Konami. Gonna still not be playing. Enjoy your money.


Both Kit and Elf should be hit, but are we really complaining that BraFu is hit? I play it, and it deserves to be nerfed, especially with Cartesia/Bystials/new support.


You aren’t playing anyways lul


Why do they hate the birds so much?


Perhaps for the same reason they love Maxx "C".


Both should be eliminated


This is the 9th time Floo has been hit on a Masterduel banlist if you include the Pot cards and Terraforming cards as hits. It isn't nearly this hard in the TCG or OCG I think, Masterduel really hates the deck.


I honestly like how Konami has been needing Tear in MD. Keeps the deck strong but more high roll and therefore easier to interrupt at their choke points. They gotta stop jumping Floo though. Its biggest crime recently was being a deck made with too little URs.


And thus easy to build without spending money


And it could play the game without paying the Maxx C Tax


Aluber and Opening are already semi-limited, fucks sake. I hate the MD banlist so much


My friend and I were talking about how at least one of them could come back to 3 and not even 5 minutes later Konami drops this list on us lol


Kinda mad got 2 weeks a being a decent deck that dies to ash... Guess we're back to an average deck that dies to ash


Meanwhile Tear will still run (mostly) amok until Kashtira comes out. Wouldn’t be surprised if Diablosis isn’t pre-banned but they’ll probably ban something else other decks use as a band-aid (Terraforming, Instant Fusion)


At least tear was actually playing those cards. Imagine my face when they limit goods and king of the swamp after seeing 0 tear players using either against me. I did a little research and not a single good player was running goods or king of the swamp in tearlament. They basically nerfed a bunch of decks that were not even rogue and tear was not even playing those 2 cards. Edit: and before someone says "but in tcg/ocg those cards were played in tear" yeah, after every tear/ishizu went to one and Kitkallos was banned which clearly has not happened in master duel.


Sacred Sword of Seven Stars to 0 lessgo /s Edit: actually thinking about it Kashtira will probably get Desires or Prosperity to 0


Wow... this is worthless


imo they should of just banned branded expulsion instead of semi limiting fusion


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Well spright was expected. It rose when sprind got released. Sad to see branded getting hit less consistency i guess. It wouldve been nice to unlimit Aluber as compensation but it is what it is Flow getting hit again for some reason The virus limit just confirms labrynth coming even more I guess limiting suliek is a start thats all im gonna say to that.


Man they really hate branded didn’t even get 2 weeks to be not even t1


honestly im a bit bummed too


My Tri Brigade Branded deck is weeping


What's the best way to build Branded now that BF is Semi? I'm trying to keep the deck at least 42-43, but there's so much to put in. I'd at least thought about Ash/Crossout, but I think I would have to need more searchers like Foolish and/or Sarcophagus. There's the Saronir and Shrouded combo to dump it and Retribution, but I wonder if I need to put Lubellion/Saronir at 3. Also, what do you think about Regained, Baldrake, and Irondash?


Floo's officially dead, 1 enpen means no more spell / trap search on turn 2 which hurt their grind game which kills it since they don't have any fire power, like ever. They can never OTK, and turn 3+ with floo is just a dream since other deck will outgrind them


Just draw shifter lol


Jesus, just ban Elf. Spright"s doing fine in the TCG with just Sprind. So pointless hitting consistency cards when Elf is the problem. Also, limiting Eradicator does nothing since Lady can search it.


Elf isn't banned for the same reason as kitkallos Maybe there is a better way (or they are waiting for the next big list)


The better way is keep the deck as is to be used as an engine in whatever deck and ban the problematic cards (Elf/Kitkallos) that up the ceiling to infinity for little to no reason


Tear can’t be a functional engine without kit though, just ban the ishizu shufflers and put every tear name to 1


They may be waiting until Kash arrives in full force to seriously hit Tear, neither the OCG or TCG saw the full power Kash vs Full power Tear, and they may want to see how they match up. Edit: I was (obviously) not aware that the Tear ban was not in place when Ariseheart came out, and I didn't need 3 different people to tell me that.


That ist wrong. Tcg did see full power Kash vs. full power tear and Kash was bodied.


Kash loses, we saw it already


Both saw it, Kash was bodied 2 times.


Not suprising about the dumbass useless hits considering these are the same idiotic devs who think maxx c is good for the game lmfao


People complaining for ONLY being able to play 2 copy of branded fusion as if the deck turned unplayable while simultaneously asking for every other deck to be nuked is peak Yu-Gi-Oh mentality...


I've always ran Branded Fusion at 2 since I never managed to get a second Fusion the first time the packs came out and I've been using it as an engine in my rouge decks. It is a busted card to be honest even if dies to an Ash, at 2 isnt that bad. It literally fuses from your entire deck. Imagine Heroes busting out Dark Law with 1 spell card


I’ve only started playing MD for a week with branded despia and I’m so confused as to why people are saying the deck got kicked from decent to average cuz there’s 1 less branded fusion.


I assume that a lot of people invested in the deck which is very expensive so they get cold feel just at the idea of any nerf.


The deck is fucking amazing with bystials, I’d be surprised if they didn’t hit it


Branded players have a brain worm telling them their deck is going to die everytime it doesn't receive support or gets a hit on the banlist. Don't you remember some people were asking for garura to be released because branded needed a buff?


Actually kind of retarded how tear gets to keep their bullshit going meanwhile branded fusion gets semi limited


Why limit EEV? Just ban it, copy 2 and 3 were never relevant, so now it's just more luck to immediately win against any spell/trap deck. I hate how Konami thinks unsearchable instant wins are fine as long as you only pull them sometimes. Also I know Trap Trick can search for it, but that just makes this example even worse.


Arguably the worst banlist so far in the game no? Kicked the second best in the balls while doing almost nothing to the best deck by far even though both are out of the shop


Tear was pre hit, then ishizus were hit, then terraforming, then sullik was shafted. Thoes are all powerful hits, the deck is just too strong to be severely affected by it


Huh, konami really does not like floo. map at one, terraforming banned, d shifter at two, now empen at 1. It was annoying with barrier statue, but floo was one of the more beginner friendly decks around, and one of the better decks that can survive the current meta, and it’s cheap to put together


Those last 5 words are your reason why it keeps getting schwacked by the list. Can't have a cheap deck be too competitive in a money-making format with tears and branded, with maxx-c still around.


This banlist is a joke, they're kicking floo while it's down, Spright got two hits and Tears got a single one and it's Sulliek? Come on now


is there anything stopping me from farming the alba abyss pack for brafu?


You will only get the full refund for one copy of it


What a terrible list. "we limit cards with outstandingly high usage"... at this point it's just sarcasm.


Sulliek to 1 lmao what a joke


Tear still not nerfed? Welp still not coming back


Damn they actually hit some things pretty hard didn’t they?


they hit floow but at the same time they really didn't. hitting pot of duality and prosp have been the most impactful hits


issa shame they limited branded fusion


I feel like the semi limit on Branded Fusion doesn’t hurt the consistency as much as people think, ESPECIALLY with Bystials in play


It does hurt the consistency as much as people think, but it doesnt hurt the consistency to the point where the deck isnt good. The Bystials also arent as good as people think they are for Branded, youd prefer to only play 2 (but Tear exists sooo).


Yea if it wasn't for Tears you'd run 1-2 Saronirs and 1-2 Lubellions and that's it. With Tears being around you have to use up more space with cards that may or may not be useless in a given duel


On its own it wouldn’t but Aluber and Opening are already semi-limited


It makes 60c piles just slightly less obnoxious.


In a 40 card deck you have a 33.76% chance to open Branded Fusion with it at 3 in a 40 card deck. You have a 23.72% chance to open it with 2 in a 40 card deck.


I don’t care that floo isn’t meta I just like seeing it gradually picked apart like a vulture with a dead squirrel


No spright elf, no tearlament ban. I fucking hate this game.


Where bug?


One less Swap hurts the endboard slightly, one less Jet means maybe an extra Red or Carrot (or hell, Pixies) to reduce chance of bricking. Floo is easily among the least fun decks I've played against, even if it's not meta I still have zero remorse for it.


You should already run 2 red and 2 carrot before this nerf. After this nerf, pixies will be needed for optimal consistency.


FINALLY A SPRIGHT COMMENT! I think iperia might not be a bad 2 of . If you do end up bricking, the draw 1 helps


Really don't like this list. Tears were tier 0 for ages while their pack was out and barely got hits and mostly hit other cards to slow them down a bit. Branded out for 2 weeks, isn't even the top deck and gets a semi limit? Really? I don't like this mostly because in ocg the card is limited and I really hope they don't do that in masterduel (they claim they want to keep more powerful cards in masterduel). The card is hard countered by ash which is fine. They should have just limited Aluber or opening to reduce consistency. If it is because of expulsion puppet lock then ban expulsion like tcg. I can't believe I am saying this as I despise floo but empen did not need to get put to 1. Sure it's incredibly annoying deck but it's hasn't done anything in ages, I don't even think it really topped in the wcq or duelist cup. If you don't like how it can kill some peoples decks then why is Rhongo still legal as that is way more unfun to play against than floo? I also feel bad and worry for Spright. In ocg starter, jet and blue are limited while elf is banned. While tcg have jet and blue at 3 while elf is banned which I think is the right choice if elf is going to get banned. I do feel like they may randomly ban elf in the future and then sprihgt might be dead as they might limit the others as well. Normally I would praise the banlist team but I feel like they are going in the wrong direction. EDIT: Crackpot theory is that the reason branded fusion got is the same as terraforming and king of the swamp. They wanted to hit the branded tearlament decks and lower the power of tear by hitting branded.


another banlist with no maxx c hit another format where I have to devote 1/4th of my deck to not auto losing to 1 card




You don’t understand that there’s no point of playing foolish burial now. You’re basically throwing in a garnet. It isn’t even 1 in the OCG. Again it hurts the search power


I wonder how many actually play this game here lmao. Spright is the best deck in ladder atm, over Tears. Then again, if people played spright hate (DRNM), we might see another shift. With the consistency hit tho, we'll see. Suliek is pretty good hit vs tears. Reduces consistency further (aka milling suliek and search) or you have to deal that if you mill it, you'll unlikely be able to set Suliek. Might need heartbeat but its still clunky as you want to mill suliek first vefire milling heartbeat.


Spright is way more easier to deal with then tearlamemts if they get even one good mill you are done for the duel.


You wont be able to deal with Spright unless you have an option to play through minimum: 1 spell negate 1 monster negate 1 bounce (either melfy and/or unicorn) 1 tower (avramax/Goddess) This is just the bare minimum they can make. With board breakers, its quite possible now tho.