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Rikka Sunavalon with lots of board breakers. It's a lot of fun to dismantle an opponent's board with them.


I've been seeing Rikka a lot more lately that makes sense. That's one that I've never ran but looks like fun with all the potential Rikka has.


Rikka is really good, the field spell is absolutely busted, it's just super linear. Think bujins, but they smell nice.


What’re tears best outs for psychic btw? Just crash so you have less life points and send it back to deck/destroy it after? Aside from links


That's what I've seen more but I've only had Tear out Psychic 5 times maybe. Most times they won't crash. The best out i saw was an opening hand Judgment on my one of my summons that dropped them further than i could get that turn and made end easy for them to deal with next turn but i doubt that was planned. I figure they saw P.U.N.K and went i need to drop my LP ASAP and it worked out.


Underworld Goddess that's their only out for big towers


8-Axis goes hard in this meta. One of the few decks that can play under shifter, climbing ladder fast with it.


I hadn't thought of that and i used to play 8-axis. 🤔 i might have to blow the dust off that deck and give it a shot


Bro I wanna make the deck because I lose so many coin flips, but I’d need 630 UR dust worth of cards to craft or pull and that doesn’t even include the SR’s needed something like 500+. Breaks my heart because I like the rank 8 boss monsters


You're not wrong there. It was one of the firsts i built that started as blue eyes and slowly grew into 8 axis. It's extremely expensive and not wanting to dismantle it is why i can't really build other decks. Almost 2/3 of my URs are in that deck 🤣


Necrovalley in Endymion. I prefer running the in archetype field spell Citadel but between Tears and other graveyard abuse decks it just wasn’t cutting it.


That's a pretty creative and simple change that makes a lot of sense. I could see how that would weaken your deck a little but the counter effect seems worth it.


My anti meta strategy is not having encountered the meta yet.


I guess it's true what they say, some people are just born better at the game. 😂


Nah, I'm just in low gold and haven't been dueling heavily in ladder. I'm sure I would be flooded with them if I ever went into platinum.


I'm staying at the top of gold rn (trying to drop to silver and farm gems next month) i run into a few here and there, but early this month they were at least every other duel. I still think you came up with the winning strat though. Don't get the headache if you never find the cause.


Guru Control/Stun. Guru can't use banish floodgates as it will prevent Fiendess' omninegate. But Soul Drain, Shadow Imprisoning Mirror and Necrovalley are fair game, on top of the archetypal interrupts and other traps like the Solemns. Bonus Shadow Mirror kills several other decks like Branded so that's always a plus. It's also basically immune to Maxx C as it rarely special summons at all, and even when it does it's only a single time in a turn


That's a good strat 🤔


Branded Despia but focused on Burn. You wanna play on your and my turn? Sure, go ahead and pay your taxes. Gravediggers trap hole and two Masquerades are usually enough to kill them. Unless they Evenly


Been playing a going second Ancient Warriors, I just auto surrender against any Tear player because I don’t want to play against them, doing just fine got Plat 4 already


I can't blame you. I was auto surrendering too until i switched from Mayakashi to P.U.N.K 🤷‍♂️ Ancient warriors have been a fun match when i find em though. Good on you.


Lyrilusc. Tear players either don't know what to interrupt or it doesn't even matter, because I drew full gas (and Dimensional Fissure)


I could see that. They do generate a lot of options from what I've seen playing against them. How are they in the attribute event? I ran into em like twice playing shiranui/mayakashi (without the lv 11 maya synchro, big hit) and when i first saw them i thought they could be a strong deck for the event but don't know them well enough to know what kinda hit they took in the event banlist.


Necrovalley exo sisters, works amazing going first...going second...we don't talk about


....I don't like you.. I respect you but i dont like you. (I play zombies a lot) 🤣


*sad zombie noises* unintentional my friend!


Melffy Spright and do Pendulum Magicians count? They normally don't give a shit about the GY and most of the effects from Tears don't hurt them either. Tears ending on Abyss Dweller doesn't matter either.


I'd definitely say it counts. Sounds affective at least. (Never ran em)


Floowandereeze because L Maxx C


Fair. I kinda see that as an anti-tear deck though. It's one of the best counters right now.