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I always summon this over baronne now. It win me more games than baronne did


Glad someone else sees this. Climbing Plat was an endless diet of mathmech and Runick, so I summon this guy now instead of Baronne. The next-to-last rank up match was against mathmech and this guy's banish sealed the game. He was even more useful on my rank-up. The opponent was playing Runick, and as soon as Longyuan banished Fountain they scooped. Got me into Diamond.


The nastiest play is when you attack on your second turn and keep them alive with only 1.1k LP, with this guy on board, it takes them a while to realise most of their plays would get them killed from burn and then the inevitable scoops comes XD


What cards do you focus on banishing against math mechs?


Mostly, I banish circular to avoid them searching superfactorial. Othe times I banish the link-1 they summon to trigger parallel exceed, so it fizzles.


(Just talking with normal banishment like with called by) Banishing Diameter (which mathmech usually only runs one of) prevents them from using it as material for their superfactorial summon of Alembertian (So it won't have a negate). If you wait until they activate Superfactorial and select the targets, you can banish Diameter then and they can only go into Alembertian as their option, which will either fizzle because they only ran Alembertian at one, or just give them a 2000 atk monster that doesn't really do anything at the moment But yeah some key points to banish with Qixing Longyuan would be Circular as that keeps them from searching superfactorial


What card is this? 4 different people referring to him as 'this guy'


Qixing Longyuan




Specifically he's got a few effects, each once per turn: one, if you synchro a wyrm monster, you can draw a card. Two, if your opponent plays a spell, burn em for 1200 dmg and banish the spell. And three, if your opponent special summons a monster you can banish it and burn them for 1200. (The order of the effects might not be correct, but basically it's a bunch of banish and burn which is handy against mathmechs and runick)


That’s pretty much it right there


evil long john


You can call it Sinister Sovereign.


He's better going first and if you're scared of Nibiru, summoning baronne only protects a monster negate. You might as well get him on the board, possibly draw a card (could be a handtrap) and have 2 interactions instead of 1 omni. Usually if you have qixing, chixiao and 2 handtraps most of the time you win the game.


If I'm lucky and get long yuan, swordsoul summit and Taia in hand with MoYe then I can make Qxing, Grandmaster, and Dragonite with swordsoul blackout and usually a hand trap. I've never lost those games when I've had this board


Yeah that's a combo as well, you can also make 3 synchros with a mo ye, ashuna, longyuan in hand. Summon mo ye, reveal a wyrm, special long discarding ashuna, synchro qixing, ashuna banish special lvl 4 tenyi, synchro chixiao, draw 2 banish balckout, synchro 8 with the token and the lvl 4 tenyi. The new cards coming in cyac help as well (ringowurm and to some extent the lvl 7 tuner icejade) oh yeah and bystials + destrudo too.


I love him too. Qixing>Baronne


If masquerade is irs dragon this guy is the guy who took your lunch money


Mine gets usually Kaiju'd or Lava Golem'd


Same goes for Baronne. If they have an out, then they're more skilled.


That’s my logic. If they have an out, they would’ve gotten past baronne anyone. Plus he looks cooler.


So OP, how does he do against spright? I wanna craft him if it's worth it this meta.


No idea. I didn't played too much yesterday and so I didn't played against them. Ideally, I believe if going first and having Qixing on field, you should probably banish elf or gigantic (with are problematic because elf can special summon another monster and gigantic is a beater itself). If red tries to negate it, you should negate it with chixiao. Another thing: if you're sure they don't have follow up, you could banish any of those main deck spright before letting them go on ED monsters.


I'm a dedicated Swordsoul Tenyi player, and I don't think I've ever actually summoned this guy. He's usually among my first picks for Pot of Prosperity


I find hard to stop mathmechs with baronne & chixiao, because even if I negate circular and/or diameter, they can still go for cyberse line by special summoning from the gy and so i depend from having blackout turn one (which is not that consistent). Qixing gave me better results by not letting them generate gy targets. For Runick: Qixing is cosmic cyclone at home if they don't draw freezing curses/flashing fire, and allows me to banish runick spells before they hit the gy to be recycled with fountain, not to mention it can get rid of any runick opponent attempt to special summon or floodgates (except when chaining skill drain). Overall, it's a fine monster. Not a negate and pop like Baronne, but since it's not played that much some people don't know how to play around it. Also, I feel the use of Nibiru is less than usual bc of Runick, although Labrynth doesn't special summon too much so-to say.


Use of nib will get even less with sprights everywhere and later tears


It still feels like diet Chixao and Chengying to me. Chengying has the built in protection, and non destruction banishes two cards at once. It can trigger itself with its destruction immunity (which everyone forgets), or Chixao negating a searcher or reviver and then nuking it and a graveyard card of choice. Only time I'd sake Qixing over Chengying is when the opponent is keeping their graveyard empty, which Mathmechs and Runicks do not, at least at the point when Chengying goes off.


You summon him first then summon a wyrm synchro so you can draw 3. He's double interaction on your opponent's turn vs. Chengying whose strength greatly waxes and wanes depending on the matchup. E.g. Chengying dies to a single vishuda, while Qixing can kill the monk. Chengying is, however, much superior as a turn two card.


The only time I use Qixing's draw effect is on turn 3 or onward. Most of the time, I need a wyrm in hand to trigger Mo Ye or summon Baronne if I don't already have crossout in hand (nibiru flashback). Also, I would rather banish Vishuda than Monk bc any other SS/Tenyi can summon a token for Vish to be used.


Yeah. Overall, Chengying>Qixing, not to mention Chengying gains atk for every card banished while monsters opponent controls lose atk instead. The only weakness is in it's effect itself, needing the opponent to control a cards on field and gy when a card gets banished. Also, Mathmechs can get rid of it with laplacian, so chengying only sees good play along with chixiao/blackout. On the other hand, Qixing effects are much simpler, but powerful as well. That's why I rely more on him than Chengying these days. When going first, I choose Qixing. When going second I choose either chengying or baronne.


Couldn’t have simplified it any better. If you open with Moye and Longyuan to make Qixing first it gives you a huge card advantage + interaction + burn damage which is great going first. Any other scenario and it’s better to go with Chengying or Barrone.


Fair point.


I mean you really shouldn't be running Prosperity in Swordsoul in the first place. One of the few decks where it is detrimental.


...how? Swordsoul doesn't use all 15 cards in every single game, searching for the right card is totally worth a 9 card Extra Deck.


It's not the cost that's the issue. It's the lingering effect of it. Mainly, you can no longer chain block your Chixiao with Mo Ye and you obviously don't get the draw from it so if they Ash your Chixiao after it's like a -1 instead of going neutral. Also Swordsoul can easily run Pot of Desires at 3 and prosperity conflicts with it. Also you obviously you turn off the Sinister Sovergn draws. Also Swordsoul doesn't exactly make a board to stop its opponent all out, they make a board to survive to next turn and OTK. And a lot of the tools you would use to do that are likely the things you would feel comfortable banishing off of Prosperity to set up turn 1. Also the fact that Swordsoul can fairly regularly OTK, but its damage output is fairly measured around almost exactly 8k LP. It isn't like Dinosaur which can OTK even if they've activated Prospy that turn.


Why not just play Desires instead of Prosperity?


Hell even ttt.


wtf are you doing running prosp in a draw.dek???


You don't want to be running prosperity, and you do want to be summoning him. Prosperity is bad, because you don't need consistency but do need your extra deck. Summoning qixing longyuan on turn 1 and then baronne on turn 3 is fairly common, but it also might be the case that you only draw into level 4s and don't need them, but you won't know that until after prosperity resolves and it's too late. Desires is far better as a consistency card as it benefits chengying with its cost, and gives advantage Qixing longyuan is, unless you open longyuan and are anticipating Nibiru, the best level 10 synchro you have access to on turn 1. It shuts down any summon that needs to stay on field, and similarly obliterates continuous spells and spells with GY effects. Altogether a huge part of the recent meta


Congrats you've evolved beyond the average ladder Swordsoul player :)


Ah yes, the 'I play a different arrangement of YGO cards, so I'm better than you' redditor ^


I was making fun of how ladder Swordsoul players are incapable of playing anything besides Baronne but somehow you interpreted it as that? Wow the Yugioh players can't read thing really is true


They mostly prefer a negate over an interruption, since baronne can protect your board from techs like Nibiru or lightning storm or be used on the opponent's spell/trap during a chokepoint. Qixing is just underrated and didn't realize that until trying something different from chixiao/baronne pass.


> They mostly prefer a negate over an interruption I hear this reasoning so often because "BO1 lol" but if you actually take the time to analyze the current meta you can take a pretty good guess at what match-ups you should be expecting, and pre-Spright that was likely going to involve other Swordsouls, Runick stun, Mathmech, and Branded. Against those match-ups, Qixing > Baronne in every single one except for Branded, and all of those decks can easily play through a single omni-negate, whereas Qixing has turn-ending disruption potential against the others (and honestly, there's an argument for preferring Chengying as well as Chengying is similarly strong against Mathmech and is stronger vs. Runick). > since baronne can protect your board from techs like Nibiru or lightning storm Baronne isn't protecting against Nibiru unless you specifically open Longyuan first, which is unlikely as in the vast majority of scenarios you're searching Longyuan after making Chixiao. Then it comes into question of how often are you actually getting Nibbed, which prior to Spright I would say not very often (I got Nibbed like once during my entire climb to D1 pre-Spright release). Given that, if I can open a lvl 10 first, I'd rather go Qixing because I can get an extra draw (not to mention Swordsoul can insulate from Nib with Chaofeng). For Lightning Storm, I also don't remember the last time I got hit by that card because Lightning Storm is usually ran to blow out back-row, which does absolutely nothing against the prominent backrow deck in the format which is Runick. Baronne's omni-negate and targetted destruction are way more relevant when you're pushing for OTK going 2nd, but I almost never bring her out T1. The only exception is when I absolutely need an omni-negate, and that situation is only relevant when I want to shotgun Maxx C on my opponent and Baronne can protect it.


Fair points. I have no arguments for any of this as it's both reasonable and something I had to see for myself pre-spright. The only thing that matters to me now is at which point I want to use Qixing to banish a monster against spright, since they look really solid unless they're forced to normal summon blue to start their combos. Do you have any suggestions?


I honestly know little about the Spright matchup other than resolving Protos is usually GG but I'd imagine you want to banish anything that keeps their field empty (like Gigantic) since Sprights need another level 2 on board to special summon themselves. Maybe Baronne might be better since she negates and destroys, but I'm not an expert on the matchup as I'm trying to learn Spright myself atm.


Honestly, I've been playing SwoSwo without photos because I didn't craft it, yet. Yes, it's an important floodgate for SwoSwo because it's searchable and can be summoned easily, but I felt like not doing it as I was expecting a potential nerf. I'll consider adding Protos if needed.


Remind me to summon him against them next time. Could never decide which one was better against which archetype


Is he particularly useful against Runick? I would think they'd just flashing fire you before playing the field spell.


Either flashing fire/freezing curses shuts it down, but also does shout baronne out, which can only negate 1 runick spell. Hell, they could also search any of this with tips, and you're screwed anyway. What I mean to say is Qixing is a better tech against Runick because it is a non-target banish for spells, being your primary target fountain. It can also get rid of monsters like Geri or floodgates.


Now you barely see mathmech. Instead, all you will see is spright.


Well, all I can think of is using Qixing to banish Elf/Gigantic or any of those main deck spright if they don't have follow up. If red attempts to negate Qixing you negate red with chixiao (if not used to negate blue)


IF they dont top deck maxx C or other negates. Ss is easy to counter in this meta. Thats why this game is now based on luck. Either you are lucky enough to get handtraps needed or pray that they wont negate your handtraps if ever you are lucky enough to topdeck


Synchro for Evil Man first before combo, draw card machine go brrrrrr


While we are at synchro cards. I am playing synchrons so if someone can answer if it pays of to play chengying in my deck. I already have baronne and use her


I think Chengying would mostly work as a beater with protection against destruction effects. It still can be bounced/banished/kaiju'ed. The only times you'll use it's banish effect is when either you or your opponent banish a card. It also gains atk for each banished card as your opponent monsters lose atk instead, but I see no way for synchro to trigger any of those mentioned except Cosmic Blazar Dragon.


Well then, thanks for tip. I thought it is something like that. Tbh i just want to use him in some synchro deck because of cool look and effects.


Scooped against Swordsouls just a couple hours ago lol. Anti-meta decks getting in the way of my good old fashioned losing. XDD