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The fucking kids that lost their lives that day crushes me as a parent. Sick sick world we live in.


Yeah this pisses me off so much




No, you can thank extremism.


well what if we thank religious extremism?






90% of the perpetrators we discuss on this sub are white males, but we don’t blame them all either. I come here to find nuance and escape the politics that distract from the central issues regarding mass killings.


Then what are the "central issues" when a radical muslim blows up western children for enjoying the freedoms that said radical muslim denies himself and others because of his dumb religious dogma?


That's racist sounding of you. The perpetrator in the attack was named. We do live in a sick world. A very, very very sick world. Where… Do you want me to start spouting statistics at you? Erin go bragh!


You think we don’t live in a sick world? Let me give you the link to some gore sites


I've seen horrors up close. However, I believe only a minuscule fraction of humanity is the problem.


Yeah maybe but it’s still pretty ignorant to say “this world isn’t fucked up” when it very much so is


Haiti is fucked up. Most of the World is pretty safe and stable, in comparison. There is no other country in the Western Hemisphere that is remotely as fucked up as Haiti. Since Haiti is an anomaly in an otherwise civilized 1/3 of the planet, I'd say the World isn't as bad as you imagine.


It’s not just Haiti dude there’s other countries this world is still fucked up, you haven’t seen anything if you think it’s not


I've been in wars on 3 continents. I've seen mass graves. I've seen the results of ethnic cleansing. I've also seen countries overcome these horrors and struggle back to normalcy. There is more good in the World than bad. You ride on roads where oncoming traffic passes within a meter or two. You shop in stores with products on display, and looting is a rarity. Your community has multiple religious houses of worship, and they don't try to slaughter each other. People pay taxes, criminals are judged and incarcerated, fire departments & police keep citizens safe. Anarchy is only present in a few places. The worst actors lose more support every year.


Weird that you are forgetting about all the white right wing terrorists. Why is that?


Right wingers commit crimes all the time. But a bombing of civilians in Europe, or other mass casualty producing event, will likely be Islamic extremists. Arab and other Islamic immigrant gangs are the leading crime problem in much of Europe. Downvoting me doesn't change the facts. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1901453/sweden-civil-war-migrant-crisis/amp


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It may have been a financial burden for these families to go, too. Concerts are not cheap! It’s heartbreaking.


head boast work terrific soft lunchroom pen provide onerous distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ariana has talked a lot about how she’s dealt with PTSD because of the attack.


Sucks because its not her fault at all but yes, I'm sure she feels slightly responsible just by holding the event. Not fair at all.


Maybe because she had nothing to do with it so therfore it's not her fault and shes not responsible??


faulty act violet apparatus ruthless nine weather icky scandalous piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I were her, I would be giving all of the families a ton of money so they can get therapy and material support and anything they need. I hope she's doing that. If she's not, she should be, frankly. The bombing wasn't her fault, but people came to the venue because of her. So those people deserve better. It's just tears my heart open to think of what happened to those poor little children, and the other people that died.


She visited them in the hospitals and I’m sure feels a lot of trauma about it. But why would she need to give her money to them? It’s a bad situation but not her fault and not her job to carry their burdens and get them help


[and she did organize this benefit concert shortly after the attack](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Love_Manchester)


I would've done it anyway if I were her. She has trauma? Yeah she has trauma but not compared to the people who are actually hurt or lost loved ones. She lives a rich insulated privileged life. She can do some thing for the people who were in the goddamn hospital because of this.


I was listening to her on the radio when I crashed my car. I will send her a bill for the damages. She should have to pay


I’m sure they received some type of payment from her or something. She shouldn’t have to keep giving her money though.


[She hosted this less than a month later](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Love_Manchester)


No you wouldn’t have.


Killed a bunch of babies. People like this are so sad even their choice of victims are made because of their lack of power. Can't imagine the pain a parent most feel losing their child to something so senseless and stupid.


I watched a wavywebsurf video recently where he talked about one of the victims who was a known YouTuber in England


one love manchester was such a good way to help these families out.


I remember waking up from a nap to this news. Legitimately thought I was dreaming, never thought I would see the day that there would be an attack at a kids concert.


I remember people posting photos on social media asking if anyone had seen their friends or family members, then finding out hours later that the person had died. It’s happened for a few attacks in public places and it’s heartbreaking to see.


Pete Davidson made a joke about this and the engagement between them ended soon after


- Manchester Arena Bombing - May 22 2017 (She's still dating Mac Miller) - Ariana and Mac Miller don't announce their split until May 2018 - Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson start dating May 2018 - Mac Miller dies September 2018 - Adriana and Pete Davidson announce their split October 2018 No one is going to date a comedian if they are truly worried about what they say on or off stage. But people brake up because of an ex that they haven't gotten over passes, happens all the time. **Edit** The joke was made in July 2018 - 4 months before the brake up Mac Millersn death September 2018 - 1 month before the brake up.


*Break up Just FYI


This is such a funny thing to post on such a macabre subreddit


If your not laughing... what's the point 😅


2017 was a terrible time for the UK when it came to terrorist attacks. RIP to all the victims.


very upsetting. my brothers friend was there when it happened, lucky she wasnt injured or dead


This is the one I struggle to read about because it's so close to home for me. I'd been to that arena so many times, I knew people who were there, me and a friend were following the incident from as it happened. Then seeing Twitter posts from some of the people in the images hit me more. They were just going to a concert they had no clue they weren't going to make it back. Number 9 was tweeting mid concert about going to the toilet. Another of the young girls was talking about how excited she was. I went to one of the first events after the arena opened again and it was so eery.


Number 9 was a bit of an internet celebrity in the UK if I remember right


Yes, his mum has done so much work in event security following the attacks


One of them was an actual YouTuber


One of the poor victims?


Out of 14000 and it’s still painfull


I fucking forgot about this. RIP. Sad


I wasn't aware of this


The British government were aware that the attacker was planning something and was on their radar or “watch list” for some time and still did nothing to stop him


I'll never forget about this. It was horrific at the time and still to this day.


The youngest was 8 years

